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Herb and Flora Properties

Herb And Flora Properties


Acacia: Exorcism, banishing, money, love, to be burned for alter offering, aiding in psychic powers, meditation, protection                                                                          

Acorn: Strength, money and wealth, protection

Adam and Eve Roots: (TOXIC) Attract love, happiness

Adders Tongue: Healing, divination

African Violet: Protection, promote spirituality

Agaric: (TOXIC) Encourage fertility

Agrimony: Protection, banish negative energy-entities, reverse spells, break hexes, promotes sleep, psychic protection, returns spells to their senders

Ague Root: Protection, break hexes

Alder: Whistles entice the Elemental earth, water magic, strength

Alfalfa: Abundance, prosperity, money, anti-hunger, frugality, providence, place in the kitchen

Alkanet: Repel negativity, attract prosperity, purification All Heal- Mental powers

Allspice: Money, luck, healing, prosperity when burned, courage, magickal power, love, lust

Almond: Prosperity, success in business ventures, money, wisdom, love, anger management

Aloe: Protection, luck, money, repel evil, healing, beauty, success, peace                          

Aloes, Wood: Love, spirituality, money, protection  Althea - protection, psychic power, attract good spirits

Alyssum: Protection, calm anger

Amaranth: Healing, protection, healing heartbreak, invisibility Amber: Healing                                      

Ambergris: Lust, sex Anemone - health, protection, healing

Angelica: Protection, exorcism, remove curses and hexes, healing, visions, wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house, increases life energy bringing warmth of Fire element, wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house                                                                       

Anise: Divination, psychic awareness, joy, dreams, luck, love, enthusiasm, Winter Solstice, entices the spirits to aid in spells

Apple: Love, healing, garden blessing, buried in the garden on Samhain as food for the departing spirits, to be shared with one you love,  immortality, happiness, luck, broken heart, spirit food, the goddess 

Apricot: Love

Arabic Gum: Purification, spirituality, protection

Arbutus: Exorcism, protection    

Arrowroot: Protection

Asafetida: Purification, protection, exorcism

Ash: Prosperity, protection, healing, love, wands, leaves for prophetic dreams, sea rituals, longevity, peace, luck, purification, study, enhances magic, besom

Aspen: Protection, eloquence, anti-theft

Aster: Love                                                                                            

Astragalus: Fortification, Strength

Avens: Exorcism, love, purification, Exorcism, purification, love

Avocado: Beauty, love, lust


Bachelors Buttons: Love

Balm of Gilead: (TOXIC) Love, manifestations, ease a broken heart, protection, healing, love

Bamboo: Protection, luck, break hexes, wishes

Banana: Prosperity, fertility, potency

Banyan: Luck, happiness

Barley: Healing, protection, love

Basil: Exorcism, love, protection, prosperity, wealth, repels negative energy, sympathy, wealth, flying, courage, business, fertility, healing relationships, ensure faithfulness on masses  

Bay: Psychic powers, protection, healing, purification, strength, wish magick, wisdom, good luck, fertility, banish negativity, energy, insight, divination, victory, prosperity, employment, mental power, burn for psychic powers 

Bayberry: Employment

Bean: Love, protection, exorcism, wart charming, reconciliation, potency                                                                  

Beech: Creativity, wishes, fertility, balance mental health

Beet: Love

Belladonna: (TOXIC) Visions, astral protection, divination

Benzoin: Purification, prosperity, astral projection, confidence, protection

Bergamot: Success, money, confidence, protection, prosperity, employment, unwanted advances

Be-Still: (TOXIC) Luck

Betony: Love, healing, burn at Litha for purification, protection; place under pillow to be rid of nightmares; sprinkle around doors to ward off despair, psychic awareness

Birch: Purification, protection, exorcism, cleansing, beauty, catalyst, blessing, health, besom, beginnings

Bistort: Fertility, psychic powers

Bittersweet: (TOXIC) Protection, healing, broken heart

Black Cohosh: Courage, love, protection, potency

Black Hellebore: (TOXIC) Invisibility, exorcism, astral projection

Black pepper: Courage, protection

Black Snakeroot - Love, lust, money

Blackberry: Healing, protection, prosperity, money, pies for Lughnassadh

Blackthorn: Returns evil to it's sender

Bladderwrack: Psychic powers, protection, money, water or sea spells, wind spells, travel,  psychic Clarity

Bleeding Heart: Love

Blessed Thistle: Protection, animal healing, abundance

Bloodroot: (TOXIC) Love, purification, protection

Bluebell: Luck, truth

Blueberry: Protection

Blue Cohosh Root: Courage, balance, protection 

Blue Flag: (TOXIC) Money, wealth, success in business

Bodhi: Wisdom, fertility, protection, meditation

Boneset: Protection, exorcism

Borage: Courage, psychic powers, carry leaves for protection

Bracken: Protection, healing, fertility, prophetic dreams, rune magick

Brazil Nut: Love

Briar: Add to tea for clairvoyant dreams, protection

Briony: (TOXIC) Mage magick, protection, money

Bromeliad: Protection, money

Broom: (TOXIC) Divination, wind spells, purification of the circle, hung indoors for protection

Bryony: (TOXIC) Pleasure, reveal secrets 

Buchu: Prophetic dreams, psychic powers

Buckeye: Luck, divination, money, wealth, prosperity, gambling

Buckthorn: Protection, exorcism, wishes, legal matters

Buckwheat: Protection, money

Burdock: Protection, healing, wards off negativity, purifies, protects (washing floors or dried root on red string around the neck), happy home, clears space & holds the space safe, spirit of north


Cabbage: Luck

Cactus: Protection, chastity

Calamus: (TOXIC) Luck, protection, healing, money, purification

Calendula: Stress management , opening to the 3rd Chakra, helps energy move outward from center of body extending in all directions

Camellia: Prosperity, wealth, luxury

Camphor: (TOXIC) Healing, divination, chastity, past lives, prophetic dreams, purification, psychic awareness, unwanted advances

Caper: Lust, love, potency

Caraway: Protection, lust, healing, mental powers, repel negativity, psychic healing, vitality, energy, magickal power, anti-theft

Cardamon: Lust, love, burned in love spells and in love sachets

Carnation: Protection, strength, healing, altar offering to the goddess, strength

Carob: Protection, health

Carrot: Fertility, lust, vision, the God aspect

Cascara Sagrada: Protection, money, legal matters

Cashew: Prosperity, money, communication

Cassia: Psychic awareness, spirituality

Castor: (TOXIC) Protection, repel negativity

Catnip: Love, beauty, happiness, power, courage, positive cat magik, friendship, joy, anger management, depression management, familiars

Cat Tail: Lust

Cayenne: Exorcism, healing

Cedar: Healing, purification, money, protection, cleansing, courage, stopping sexual harassment, prosperity, aura field and space

Celandine: Joy, protection, happiness, escape, legal matters, depression management

Celery: Lust, psychic powers, mental clarity, concentration, peace

Centaury: Snake removing

Chamomile: Purification, tranquility, money, sleep-rest (tea), love, luck, meditation, prosperity, incense for the God, gambling, hex breaking, legal matters, peace, dreams, dexterity, protection

Chapparal: Fire element rituals, Protection, Spirit of South 

Cherry: Love, divination, burn chips at sabbats, creativity , victory

Chestnut: Love

Chickweed: Love, fidelity

Chicory: Favors, frugality, remove obstacles, invisibility, frigidity, liberation

Chili Pepper: Fidelity, love, break hexes

China Berry: (TOXIC) Luck, change

Chrysanthemum: (TOXIC) Protection

Cilantro: Health

Cinchona: Protection, luck

Cinnamon: Prosperity, success, spirituality, healing, lust, protection, love, psychic powers, passion, power, dreams, strength, astral projection, courage, money, purification, personal empowerment

Cinquefoil: Money, protection, sleep, prophetic dreams, purification, lust, prosperity, divination dreams 

Citron: Healing, eaten to increase psychic powers

Civet: Love, lust, sex

Cloth-of-Gold: Animal communication

Clove: Protection, exorcism, purification, love, money, mental clarity, burn for wealth, wards off negativity, counter spells, cleansing, divination, luck, depression management, psychic awareness, prophetic dreams, happiness, gossip 

Clover: Success, protection, money, exorcism, love, fidelity, consecration, beauty, luck, youth, healing, faeries, prosperity

Club Moss: Protection, power

Coconut: Purification, protection, chastity, Water

Cohosh, Black: Courage, protection, potency, menopause

Coltsfoot: Love, psychic visions, healing, wealth, prosperity

Columbine: Courage, love

Comfrey: (TOXIC) Money, root or leaves for healing, carry for safe travel, protection, stress management, safe Journeys (Worldly or through Meditation) , Winter Solstice 

Copal: Love, purification, exorcism, protection, spirituality, earth element, sets sacred space, allows guides and guidance to come

Coriander: Love, health, healing, protection, longevity

Corn: Divination, protection, luck, money

Cornflower: Psychism

Cornsilk: Water element, stimulates flow

Cotton: Luck, healing, protection

Cowslip: Youth, healing, treasure finding, luck, love, psychic dreams

Crocus: Love, visions, wisdom

Cubeb: Love

Cuckoo-Flower: Love, fertility

Cucumber: Healing, fertility, chastity

Cumin: Exorcism, protection, prevents theft, fidelity, love

Curry: Protection, exorcism

Cyclamen: Fertility, protection, happiness, lust, broken heart

Cypress: Healing, protection, comfort, longevity, peace, sleep, liberation


Daffodil: Love, luck, fertility

Daisy: Love, lust, Luck, depression management, faeries and elves, happiness

Damiana: Divination, love, lust, sex magick, dreams, visions, psychic powers, opens door between worlds

Dandelion Leaf and Root: Purification, divination, wishes, calling spirits

Date Palm: Potency, fertility

Datura: (TOXIC) Protection, sleep, break hexes

Deerstongue: (TOXIC) Lust, psychic powers, gossip management

Devil's Bit: Love, protection, luck, exorcism

Devil's Shoestring: Protection, luck, gambling, power, employment

Dill: Love, lust, seeds draw money, leaves for protection, flowers for love

Dittany of Crete: Manifestations, astral projection

Dock: Money, healing, fertility

Dodder: Love divination, knot magic

Dogbane: Love

Dogwood: Protection, wishes

Dong Quai, Slices: Health, vitality, fire element rituals

Dragons Blood: Power, protection, exorcism, potency, love, courage, fortune, catalyst, magick power, strength, purification, stimulates action of other herbs in incense blend, stimulates movement of energy

Dulse: Harmony, lust

Dutchman's Breeches: Love


Ebony: Protection, power

Echinacea: Strengthening spells, health, strength, wards off negativity or undesirable energies

Edelweiss: Invisibility, bullet-proofing

Elder: (CAUTION: SEEDS ARE POISONOUS, TOXIC)  Money, wishes, theft protection, exorcism, healing, prosperity, sleep, wards negative thoughts when used as wind chimes, blessings, do not burn the wood of elder for it is sacred to Hecate, see fairies in the trees at Litha, flowers used as an alter offering, berries for esbat wine, flowers added to candle spells directed at hecate during the new moon, cleansing, offering

Elderberries: Prosperity, protection, sleep, joy, visions, banishing, energy, ancient wisdom, contactwith elementals, invoke magic

Elderflower: Purifying, healing

Elecampane: Love, protection, psychic powers, anger management

Elm: Protection, love, attracts elves

Endive: Love, lust

Eryngo: Peace, love, lust, traveler's luck

Eucalyptus: (TOXIC) Healing, protection, joy, purification, air element rituals

Euphorbia: (TOXIC) Protection, purification

Eyebright: Joy, psychic powers, mental clarity, mental ability and clarity, visions


False Unicorn Root: Connection to magical realm, contains energy and intention

Fennel: Protection, exorcism, healing, purification, virility, sacred to the God, hung over doors at Litha, strength, courage, money

Fennel Seed: Stimulates movement

Fenugreek: Prosperity, wealth, money, mental powers, clearing

Fern: (TOXIC) Money, wealth, eternal youth, protection, outside for rain, luck, riches, health, exorcism

Feverfew: Protection, wards sickness, wards accidents in traffic

Fig: Divination, fertility, love

Figwort: Protection, health

Fir: Health, prosperity, birth and rebirth 

Flax: Luck, money, protection, purification, beauty, psychic powers, healing, health, initiates flow

Fleabane: Exorcism, protection, chastity

Forget-Me-Not: Mental powers

Foxglove: (CAUTION: POISONOUS, TOXIC) Faeries and elves, lust, grow in garden for protection of the house and yard

Fragrant Bedstraw: Love

Frankincense: Exorcism, purification, protection, spirituality, power, meditation, blessing, concentration, banishing, courage, divination, healing, love, purification, consecration, sets sacred space, sets safe space for guides to come in, spirit of east or north

Fumitory: Money, exorcism

Furz/egorse: Burn at Ostara for protection and as a preparation for any conflict

Fuzzy Weed: Love, hunting


Galangal: Protection, legal matters, lust, health, money, psychic powers, break hexes, energy, strength, courage

Gardenia: Love, peace, healing, spirituality, psychic awareness

Garlic: Protection, healing, health, exorcism, lust sacred to Hecate, flowers for altar offerings, cloves for protection, anti-theft, wishes, relief from nightmares

Gentian: Power, love, break hexes, wishes, theft

Geranium: (TOXIC) Courage, abundance, health, love, protection, fertility

Giant Vetch: Fidelity

Ginger: Love, money, success, power, aphrodisiac, psychic ability, apathy, lust, good health, magickal power, fire element rituals, brings into existence, bringer of the manifestation, 3rd chakra vitality, inner strength, stimulates flow of energy, spirit of south

Ginseng: Longevity, sexual potency, protection, healing, love, lust, wishes, beauty, vitality, fertility, desire, encourages a long lasting affect, strength

Goat's Rue: Healing, health

Goldenrod: Prosperity, money, divination, luck

Goldenseal: Money, healing

Gorse: Protection, money

Gotu Kola: Meditation

Gourd: Protection

Grain: Protection

Grains of Paradise: Love, lust, luck, money, wishes

Grape: Mental clarity, money, fertility, garden magick, happiness

Grass: Psychic powers, protection

Ground Ivy: Divination

Groundsel: Health, healing

Gum Mastic: Magickal power


Hawthorn: Happiness, fertility, powerful wands, protection, chastity, fishing magick, faeries and elves, purification, business, depression management, purity, cleansing

Hawthorne Berries: 4th chakra strength and vitality, love, contentment

Hazel: Luck, fertility, protection, wishes, nuts strung on cord in house or ritual room to invite the help of plant fairies, used for wands, healing, anti-lightning, love, aphrodisiac, wisdom, divination, mental powers, intelligence, inspiration

Heather: Luck, protection, red to start or end an affair, white for protection, purple for spiritual development, use at samhain to invite spirits to visit, rain making, spirituality

'Heliotrope: (TOXIC) Exorcism, prophetic dreams, healing, wealth, invisibility, money, spirituality, prosperity, psychic awareness

Hellebore, Black: (TOXIC) Protection

Hemlock: (TOXIC) Astral projection, diminish libido, power, purification, charging, alignment

Hemp: Healing, love, visions, meditation

Henbane: (TOXIC) Love, luck, divination, invisibility

Henna: Healing, health, love, change, dying material

Hibiscus: Love, lust, divination, 5th Chakra

Hickory: Legal matters

High John the Conqueror: (TOXIC) Strength, confidence, health, love, money, success, happiness, break hexes, increase strength, legal matters, anointing, victory

Holly Thistle: Purification, break hexes

Holly: Protection, luck, dream magic, anti-lightning, balance, dreams, enhances magic, holiness, consecration, beauty 

Honesty: Money, protection

Honeysuckle: Protection, money, psychic powers, confidence, broken heart, luck, happiness, healing, depression management

Hops: Healing, sleep, stress management, opens the channel in and out of the body in relationship with the universe 

Horehound: Exorcism, healing, purification, protection, mental clarity, balance, banishing, opens air element within body & in the world, opens channel for clear communication

Horse Chestnut: (TOXIC) Healing, money

Horseradish: Exorcism, purification

Horsetail: Fertility

Houseleek: Love, luck, protection

Huckleberry: Protection, luck, dream magic, break hexes

Hyacinth: (TOXIC) Business, court cases, sleep, depression management, love, protection, happiness

Hydrangea: Break hexes

Hyssop: Healing, protection, purification, wards negativity, prosperity, money, banishing, dragon energy


Indian Paint Brush: Love

Iris: Purification, wisdom, courage, reincarnation, spirituality, happiness

Irish Moss: Luck, money, protection, opens throat, opens channel for clear communication

Ivy: (TOXIC) Divination, protection, healing, fertility, love, fidelity


Jasmine: Divination, love, money, prophetic dreams, sleep, prosperity, spirituality, visions, confidence, broken heart, astral projection, business, court cases

Jimson Weed: Protect against evil spirits

Job's Tears: Luck, wishes, healing

Joe-Pye Weed: Love, respect

Juniper: Protection, love, exorcism, health, anti-theft, banishing, peace, wishes, aphrodisiacs, sets sacred space, spirit of north


Kava Kava: Lust, protection while traveling, astral projection, visions, luck, visions, protection, love, opens one to receiving guidance and guides

Kelp: Wind spells, psychic powers, protection, connection to divine source through the physical and spiritual, unity, life-force strengthening, spirit of center

Knotweed: Health, binding spells, protection


Lady's Mantle: Love, self control

Lady's Slipper: Protection

Larch: Protection, anti-theft

Larkspur: Protection, health

Lavender: Protection, call in good spirits, love, sleep, longevity, happiness, peace, healing, burn for purification, peace, use in bath for purification, burn at Litha as an offering, psychic awareness, chastity, liberation, menopause, childbirth, grief or loss, youthful vigor, stress management, travel, anger management, attracts elves

Leek: Exorcism, love, protection

Lemon: Purification, love, friendship, longevity, cleansing, healing, peace, success, broken heart, anger management, devotion

Lemon Balm: Love, success, healing, depression management, aphrodisiac, soothe emotional pain after relationship ends

Lemon Verbena: Protection, purification, love, power, beauty, youth, happiness, peace, mental and emotional balance, summer solstice

Lemongrass: Psychic powers, mental clarity, lust, repel snakes

Lettuce: Love divination, sleep, protection, chastity, luck

Licorice: Love, lust, fidelity, aphrodisiac, meditation, harmony

Life-Everlasting: Health, healing, longevity

Lilac: Eorcism, protection, purification, beauty, love, peace, psychic awareness

Lily: Protection, exorcism, repel negativity, truth, break love spells, strength, purification, breaking hexes

Lily of the Valley: (TOXIC) Mental clarity, happiness, insight, depression management, peace

Lime: Healing, love, protection, cleansing, happiness, purification

Linden: Healing, protection, luck, love, sleep, bark for protection, leaves and flowers for immortality, good fortune, youth, attraction, longevity 

Liquid Amber: Protection

Liverwort: Love, protection

Lobelia - (TOXIC) healing, love

Loosestrife: Peace, protection, harmony, purple restores harmony and brings peace

Lotus: Protection, spirituality, love, lock opening, liberation, mental powers

Lovage: Love, attraction, cleansing, purification

Love Seed: Love, friendship

Lucky Hand: Protection, luck, money, travel, employment


Mace: Psychic powers, mental clarity, divination'

Maguey: Lust

Magnolia: Fidelity, past lives, peace, sex, broken heart, beauty, wisdom

Mahogany, Mountain: Anti-lightning 

Maidenhair: Beauty, love

Male Fern: Luck, love

Mallow: Love, protection, exorcism

Mandrake: (TOXIC) potency, exorcism, protection, fertility, money, love, health, protection, catalyst, prosperity, divination, increase psychic powers, aphrodisiacs, cursing enemies, building, banishing, protection in the subconscious, unconscious and underworld,

Maple: Money, longevity, love

Marigold: Prophetic dreams, protection, legal matters, marriage spells, enhanced psychic powers, pick in full sun, business and legal matters, clairvoyant dreams, mixed with water and rubbed on the eyelids to see fairies

Marjoram: Protection, love, happiness, health, money, depression management, prosperity

Marshmallow: Healing, friendship, boundaries, love, protection, strength, emotional balance'

Masterwort: Protection, strength, courage

Mastic: Psychic powers, lust, manifestations, love, magick power

May Apple: (TOXIC) Money, prosperity

Meadow Rue: Love, divination

Meadowsweet: Love, divination, peace, happiness, harmony, 3rd chakra

Mesquite: Healing

Milk Thistle: Creativity, protection, dispel, transformation

Mimosa: Love, protection, prophetic dreams, purification, past lives, visions

Mint: Exorcism, protection, money, lust, healing, travel, alter offering for helpful spirits , love, luck, anger management, dreams, abundance, prosperity, rejuvenation

Mistletoe: (TOXIC) Healing, protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism, hunting, success, catalyst, lust, liberation, sexual potency 

Molukka: Protection

Moonflower: Liberation

Moonwort: Love, money, divination

Morning Glory: (TOXIC) Peace, happiness, depression management

Moss: Luck, money

Motherwort: Balances within, self empowerment, 2nd chakra

Mugwort: Astral projection, strength, psychic powers, protection, prophetic dreams, healing, divination, rub fresh herb on crystal balls and magick mirrors to increase their strength, pick on full moon night, clairvoyance, purification, sex, renewal, fertility, clearing, sleep, visions, opens one to the teachings of the subconscious and unconscious self, 6th and 7th chakras

Mulberry: Protection, strength

Mullein: Exorcism, health, protection, courage, love divination, calling spirits, dreams, opens life energy flow through the body

Musk: Purification, sex

Mustard: Fertility, protection, mental clarity, health, money

Myrrh: Spirituality, purification, protection, healing, exorcism, wards negativity, burn for purification and consecrations, banishing, sets sacred space, ancient wisdom

Myrtle: Peace, money, love, youth, fertility, sleep, healing, prosperity


Narcissus: Peace

Nasturtium: Healing

Neroli: Love

Nettle: Exorcism, protection, healing, lust, abundance, 3rd and 6th chakra, banishing, stress management, gossip management

Niaouli: Protection

Norfolk Island Pine: Protection, anti-hunger

Nutmeg: Protection, money, health, luck, fidelity, break hexes, burn for prosperity, love, psychic awareness, relief from nightmares

Nuts: Fertility, prosperity, love, luck, use for tips on wands, gifts, communication


Oak: Protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luck, the God, wands, burn leaves to purify the atmosphere, acorns draw money, burn wood for good health, acorns draw money, power, balance, prosperity

Oak Moss: Court cases, money, protection 

Oats: Money, offering to the god, stress management

Oleander: (TOXIC) Love

Olive: Healing, peace, fertility, potency, protection, lust, victory, spirituality

Onion: Exorcism, healing, protection, purification, money, prophetic dreams, lust

Orange: Love, divination, luck, money

Orange Bergamot: Prosperity, success, energy, joy, friendship, success, prosperity, psychic awareness, peels for love, incense for good fortune  

Orchid: Love, psychic powers

Oregon Grape: Money, prosperity

Orris: Divination, protection, love, prosperity, money, clairvoyance, sex, psychic awareness


Palmarosa: Hhealing, love

Palm Date: Fertility, potency

Pansy: Love, divination, rain magick, mental powers, strength

Papay: Protection, love, wishes

Papyrus: Protection, wisdom, self-insight

Parosela: Hunting

Parsley: Purification, protection, lust, love, fertility, prosperity

Passion Flower: Peace, sleep, friendships prosperity, increase libido, popularity, anger management, stress management

Patchouli: Money, fertility, lust, break hexes, incense for drawing money, earth, underworld, business, confidence, court cases, love, desire, prosperity, protection, success, sex, enemies

PAU D'ARCO: Fertility, wards off negativity, clears

Pea: Money, love

Peach: Exorcism, love, fertility, wishes, longevity, broken heart, youth

Pear: Love, lust

Pecan: Money, employment, prosperity, dreams, discipline

Pennyroyal: Exorcism, consecration, strength, protection, peace, healing

Peony: Exorcism, protection, purification

Pepper: Exorcism, protection, use in amulets or grow for protection, wards negativity

Peppermint: Purification, sleep, love, healing, psychic powers, divination, money, apathy, exorcism, insight, lust, menopause, clears energy and space

Pepper Tree: Protection, purification, healing

Periwinkle: (TOXIC) Protection, money, love, lust, mental clarity

Persimmon: Healing, luck, changing sex, insight into others

Petitgrain: Protection

Pilot Weed: Protection

Pimento: Love

Pimpernel: Protection, health

Pine: (TOXIC) Protection, exorcism, money, healing, fertility, brush outdoor ritual area with a branch to purify and sanctify, burn for cleansing, needles in money spells, spirituality, gambling, dreams, cleansing, banishing, purification, prosperity, employment, birth, rebirth, strength, life and immortality 

Pineapple: Luck, money, chastity, hospitality, protection

Pipsissewa: Money, calling in good spirits

Pistachio: Breaking love spells

Plantain: Protection, healing, strength, snake repelling

Plum: Protection, love, healing, self-confidence

Plumeria: (TOXIC) Love

Poke: (TOXIC) Courage, break hexes

Pomegranate: Divination, luck, wealth, wishes, fertility

Poplar: Money, astral projection, success

Poppy: Fertility, love, sleep, money, luck, healing, invisibility

Potato: Healing, image magick, astral projection, separation, foundations, earth energy

Prickly Ash: Love

Primrose: Protection, love

Purslane: Protection, love, happiness, luck, sleep


Quassia: Love

Queen of the Meadow: Power, protection

Quince: Protection, love, happiness


Radish: Protection, lust

Ragweed: Courage, faeries and elves

Ragwort: Protection

Raspberry: Healing, visions, protection, love, alleviates labor pains, spirit of center, spring equinox

Rattlesnake Root: Protection, money

Red Clover Blossoms: Abundance, love, money, protection, success, summer solstice

Red Root: Clears energy, dispels

Rhubarb: Health, protection, fidelity

Rice: Protection, money, fertility, rain, blessings, weather magick

Roots: Protection, divination, power

Rose: Beauty, protection, purification, love, psychic powers, healing, divination, peace, luck, courage, catalyst, sex,  sleep, prophetic dreams, anger management, love divination, abundance, attraction, prosperity

Rose Geranium: Protection

Rose Hips: Healing, luck, call in good spirits, abundance, strength, fall equinox ceremony

Rosemary: Exorcism, protection, healing, love, lust, mental clarity, sleep, youth, burn for purification, wards negativity, love, blessing, consecration, cleansing, strength, wishes, dreams, beauty, theft, healing, psychic ability, spirit of south, grow to attract elves, blessing

Rowan: Protection, success, psychic powers, healing, power, wands and amulets for knowledge, incense of leaves and berries for divination, fires to call upon spirits for help, grow for protection of the home, inspiration, wisdom, enhances magic, attracts faeries 

Rue: Exorcism, protection, purification, break hexes, health, mental clarity, healing, blessing, consecration, use in altar oil, love, money and wealth, gossip management 

Rye: Love, fidelity


Saffron: Love, lust, healing, strength, happiness, psychic powers, wind raising, depression management

Sage: Purification, protection, wisdom, longevity, wishes, health, immortality, intuition, divination, luck, prosperity, money, spirituality, menopause, psychic ability, clears, inner guide, longevity, vision

Sagebrush: Exorcism, protection, purification, joy, peace

St. John's Wort: (TOXIC) Exorcism, protection, courage, strength, happiness, health, love divination, burn at Litha to send away negativity, wear for invincibility, willpower, gathered at Litha, power, stress management

Saltpeter: Unwanted advances  

Sandalwood: Protection, exorcism, purification, wishes, healing, spirituality, full moon esbats, wards negativity, spirit offering, luck, sex, banishing, astral projection, business, success, mental powers

Sarsaparilla: Love, money, inner strength, grounding, purification

Sassafras: Money, health, healing

Senna: Love

Serpentaria Root: Love, aphrodisiacs

Sesame: Money, success in business, lust, happiness, gambling

Shallot: Purification

Shamrocks: Faeries and elves

Shepherds Purse: Sleep, depression management, healing

Skullcap: Peace, love, fidelity, stress management, anxiety management

Skunk Cabbage: Good fortune, legal matters, legal matters

Slippery Elm: Halts gossip, aids verbal communication and development, enemies, friendship, ends disputes

Sloe: Exorcism, protection, banish negative energy/entities

Snakeroot: Money, luck, break hexes, love, lust

Snapdragon: Protection, break hexes, exorcism, prophetic dreams, prosperity, gossip management, money and wealth

Solomon's Seal: Love, exorcism, protection, an offering to the elementals for their aid

Sorrel, Wood: Healing, health

Southernwood: Love, lust, protection, faeries and elves

Spanish Moss: Protection

Spearmint: Healing, love, mental clarity

Spiderwort: Love

Spikenard: Health, fidelity, love, luck, strength, wisdom, mental powers

Squill: Protection, money, break hexes, business

Star Anise: Psychic powers, luck, good fortune, spiritual powers

Stephanotis: Lust

Stillengia: Psychic powers

Straw: Luck, attracts fairies, do not burn magik infused straw, it will bring ill-fortune, used as an image to protect an area, image magick, fertility 

Strawberry: Love, luck, joy, broken heart

Sugar Cane: Love, lust, prosperity, sympathy

Sumbul: Psychic powers, love, luck, health

Summer Savory: Mental clarity and strength, mental powers

Sunflower: Wisdom, health, wishes, fertility, happiness, friendship, prosperity

Sweetgrass: Calling in good spirits, bringer of positive energy, clears, seals In, burned after white sage which clears, spirit of east

Sweetpea: Strength, courage, friendship, chastity,  truth, love


Tamarind: Love

Tamarisk: Exorcism, protection

Tangerine: Magickal power

Tansy: Healing, health, longevity

Tea: Strength, courage, prosperity, riches, health

Thistle, Holly: Purification, hex breaking

Thistle, Milk: Exorcism, protection, healing, strength, break hexes, snake enraging

Thyme: Purification, courage, psychic powers, sleep, wards negativity, burn for purification, and healing spells, love, renewal, youth, divination, prophetic dreams, faery folk, romance

Ti: Protection, healing

Toadflax: Protection, break hexes

Toadstool: (TOXIC) Rain making

Tobacco: (TOXIC) Healing, purification, offerings

Tomato: Protection, prosperity, love

Tonka: (TOXIC) Courage, love, money, wishes, luck, friendship, prosperity

Tormentil: Protection, love

Trefoil: Decorate alter, protection, luck, when taking one, leave a bit of ginger or milk poured into the ground as payment to the fairies

Trillium: Love, luck, money

Tuberose: Love, lust, peace, psychic awareness

Tulip: Protection, prosperity, love

Turmeric: Purification (used with sea salt), fortification, strength, clears aggression

Turnip: Protection, endings, banish negativity


Uva Ursa: (TOXIC) Psychic powers


Valerian: Protection, purification, love, sleep, prophetic dreams, peace, sex, friendship, anxiety management, self esteem

Vanilla: Love, lust, mental clarity, money, confidence, attracting people, magickal power, prosperity, success, wishes

Venus Flytrap: Protection, love

Vervain: Sleep, protection, purification, love, money, peace, healing, gather/burn at Litha, altar offering, brings riches, creativity, wards psychic attack, youth, chastity, astral projection, unwanted advances, anger management, prosperity

Vetch, Giant: Fidelity

Vetivert: Love, luck, money, break hexes, wards negativity, anti-theft, exorcism, wishes, peace, protection, prosperity, divination 

Violet: Protection, healing, love, lust, luck, wishes, peace, sleep, insight, visions


Wahoo: (TOXIC) Courage, success, break hexes

Walnut: Health, mental clarity, wishes, infertility, spirituality, travel

Watercress: Healing

Wax Plant: Protection, power

Wheat: Money, fertility, prosperity

White Willow Bark: Healing, blessings, binding, sacred earth connection between human and earth and spirit, protection, spirit of east

Wild Lettuce: Love divination, protection, sleep, opens to the deeper consciousness, attunes to deeper meanings

Wild Plum: Healing

Wild Yam: Fortification, grounding, release, 1st chakra

Willow: Protection, healing, love, burn bark with sandalwood for divination, vitality, energy, ending pain, moon magic, wishing, spirits, death passage, besom, inspiration, pyschic energy 

Wintergreen: Protection, healing, break hexes, strength, good fortune, opens channels

Winter's Bark: Success

Wisteria: Spirituality

Witch Grass: Exorcism, happiness, love, lust

Witch Hazel: Protection, chastity, healing, beauty, unwanted advances

Wolf's Bane: (TOXIC) Protection, invisibility

Wood Betony: Love, purification, protection

Wood Rose: Luck

Wood Sorrel: Healing, health

Woodruff: Protection, money, victory, add to Beltane wine to clear away barriers, success, changes, psychic awareness, prosperity 

Wormwood: (CAUTION: POISONOUS, BURN IN WELL VENTILATED AREA, PREFERABLY OUTDOORS TOXIC) Exorcism, protection, love, psychic powers, calling spirits, protection while traveling, evocation, divination, scrying (stronger when combined with Mugwort) at Samhain, sacred to the moon, good luck, clairvoyance, divination, safety in cars


Yarrow: Hhealing, divination, exorcism, protection, courage, love, psychic powers, happy marriage (wedding bouquet), wards negativity, defense, protection, gather at Litha, happiness, fidelity, broken heart, prophetic dreams, spirit of south, clears, stimulates movement

Yellowdock Root: Clears stuck energy, fortification

Yellow Evening Primrose: Hunting

Yerba Mate: Love, lust, fidelity

Yerba Santa: Protection, healing, psychic powers, beauty, clears channel to divine life force

Yew: (CAUTION: POISONOUS, TOXIC) Yule symbol for death and rebirth, used for dagger handles, raising the dead, psychic awareness, spirits

Ylang Ylang: Insight, love, past lives, peace, sex, visions

Yohimbe: (TOXIC) Love, lust

Yucca: Protection, purification, transmutation

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3 years ago

This is important for essential oil safety when it comes to your pets, loved ones, or the environment. Please watch, it's very important.

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6 months ago

Show You How Much I Care

Show You How Much I Care
Show You How Much I Care
Show You How Much I Care

Lorenzo Berkshire x fem reader

Summary: Little things Lorenzo does to show y/n how much he cares

w/c: 1069

Lorenzo Berkshire, the charming and enigmatic member of the Slytherin crew, had always had a knack for reading people. Yet, when it came to Y/N, a girl who seemed to shine with an inner light, he found himself captivated. Unlike many others at Hogwarts, Y/N was genuine and kind, navigating the social landscape with refreshing authenticity. Lorenzo admired her from afar and, over time, felt a growing desire to show her how much he cared.

The Care Package

One day, after overhearing Y/N mention her struggles with schoolwork, Lorenzo decided to help. He discreetly gathered a selection of books and notes that could aid her studies. Alongside these, he added a few of her favorite snacks—a small detail he had picked up from observing her during meals.

That evening, Y/N returned to her dormitory to find a basket waiting for her. Inside was a note written in Lorenzo's neat handwriting:

"For the times when things get tough. Take care, Y/N. - Enzo"

Y/N felt a warm flush spread across her cheeks as she read the note. She had always seen Lorenzo as the laid-back, cool member of his group, but this thoughtful gesture revealed a depth she hadn't expected. It was a small act, but it showed that he had been paying attention and cared about her well-being.

The Potions Class Incident

During a challenging Potions class, Professor Snape assigned the students a complex potion requiring precise timing and careful handling. Y/N, who generally enjoyed Potions, found herself unusually nervous, fumbling with the ingredients. She glanced at her notes, trying to recall the exact sequence, but her anxiety clouded her memory.

Lorenzo, at the next table, noticed her distress. He watched as she hesitated, holding a vial of powdered unicorn horn uncertainly. Understanding the importance of timing, Lorenzo quietly tapped his quill on the edge of her table, a subtle signal they had developed for moments like this.

Y/N looked over, catching his eye. Lorenzo gave a slight nod, glancing at the clock. She understood and added the powder just as the potion turned the right shade of blue. Lorenzo continued to help subtly, passing her a vial of powdered moonstone when she realized she was running low and mouthing a reminder about the temperature adjustment.

As the class ended, Professor Snape evaluated their potions. He paused at Y/N's cauldron, inspecting the brew with his usual critical eye. "Adequate," he muttered, a rare compliment from him.

Relieved, Y/N turned to Lorenzo as they packed up. "Thank you," she whispered, her eyes filled with gratitude. "I was so nervous."

Lorenzo smiled, a warm, reassuring look in his eyes. "You had it. Just needed a bit of confidence."

Y/N couldn't help but smile back. His quiet support had been comforting, making her feel seen and valued.

The Herbology Lesson

Later, during a particularly tricky Herbology lesson, Y/N struggled with a difficult plant. Lorenzo, who had a surprising knack for Herbology, noticed her frustration and stayed behind after class.

"Need a hand?" he asked, offering a friendly smile.

Surprised, Y/N nodded. Lorenzo patiently guided her through the process, showing her the correct technique. Under his calm guidance, the plant responded, and Y/N felt a wave of relief and accomplishment.

"Thanks, Lorenzo," she said, grateful for his help.

He shrugged modestly. "Anytime. Can't let you struggle alone."

As the days passed, Y/N couldn't help but notice all the little things Lorenzo did for her. He'd save her a seat in the library, offer to carry her books when they were headed in the same direction, and even conjured a small bouquet of flowers during a particularly rough day. These small acts of kindness were so thoughtful and consistent that she found herself wondering why he was doing them. Was it just his nature, or was there something more?

The Astronomy Night

Knowing Y/N's love for the stars, Lorenzo planned a special surprise. One clear night, he invited her for a walk. They ended up at the Astronomy Tower, where he had set up a blanket and a small telescope.

As they lay under the stars, Lorenzo pointed out constellations and shared stories. His effort to create this moment touched Y/N deeply, revealing a thoughtful and caring side she had come to cherish.

"Lorenzo, this is wonderful," Y/N said, moved by his gesture. "Thank you."

He smiled, his eyes reflecting the starlight. "I wanted to do something special for you. You deserve it."

Y/N felt warmth spread through her. She hesitated, then asked the question that had been on her mind. "Why do you do all these things for me, Lorenzo?" she asked softly, turning to look at him directly. "You've been so kind and attentive... it's more than anyone's ever done for me."

Lorenzo paused, his expression thoughtful. He met her gaze, his eyes sincere. "Because you matter to me, Y/N," he began, his voice gentle but firm. "I've seen how kind and genuine you are, and I admire that. I wanted to show you that someone appreciates you for who you are, not just for what you do or what house you're in. And... because I care about you. A lot."

He paused, gathering his thoughts. "I know I'm not the best with words or grand gestures, but I believe in showing my feelings through actions. That's why I wanted to show you how much I care, in my own way. Whether it's helping you in Potions, making sure you have what you need, or just spending time together like this. It's all because I want you to know you're special to me."

Y/N's heart fluttered at his words. There was a sincerity in his voice that made her believe every word. She felt a mix of emotions—surprise, joy, and a deep warmth she couldn't quite describe.

She reached out, taking his hand. "I had no idea," she admitted, her voice soft. "But... I'm glad. I appreciate everything you've done. It means more than you know."

They sat there, hand in hand, under the vast night sky. Lorenzo's quiet, thoughtful actions had finally come to light, revealing the depth of his feelings. It wasn't about grand declarations or dramatic actions; it was about the little things that showed he genuinely cared. And in that moment, under the stars, Y/N realized just how much Lorenzo meant to her, too.

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6 years ago

Magickal Folk Names for Herbs


Having knowledge of herbs and plants (either magically or medicinally) during the Middle Ages, often was reason enough to accuse a woman of being a “witch,” so there is no doubt some of the country folk at the time took these herbal folk names literal.  Chances are, these names were used merely as descriptors to help remember them easier.  Most plants were given names descriptive of their uses and others were given names for something they generally resembled. Spells written by witches in ancient times were often written with such descriptors, which personally i believe to be a form of secret coding.

Here is a small list of “witchy” herb names (most of these are already floating around the community) that you can use in your craft when you create your spells.  This list could be a great addition to any Grimoire and i hope you find them as useful as i do.

Enjoy ~~~  Cannawitch


Aaron’s Rod - Goldenrod or mullein stalk Absinthe - Wormwood Adder’s Fork - Adder’s Tongue Fern or Bistort Adder’s Tongue - Dog’s Tooth Violet (or Adder’s Tongue Fern Ague root - Unicorn root Alison - Sweet Alyssum Angel Food, Archangel - Angelica Angel’s Trumpet - Datura Ass’s Ear - colt’s foot or comfrey Ass’s Foot, Bull’s Foot - colt’s foot Auld Man’s Bells, Old man’s bells - wood hyacinth, Hyacinthoides hispanica

Bad Man’s/Devil’s Oatmeal/Porridge - hemlock Bad Man’s/Devil’s Plaything - Yarrow Bastard - false Dittany Bat flower - tacca Bat’s Wing - Holly leaf Bat’s Wool - moss (which moss?) Bear’s Foot - Lady’s Mantle Bear’s Grape Bearberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bear Paw - ramsons Allium ursinum or the root of male fern Dryopteris Felix-mas Bear weed - Yerba Santa Eriodictyon californicum Beard of a Monk - Chicory Beggar’s Lice - Hound’s tongue Beggar’s Buttons - Burdock Bird’s Eye - Speedwell Veronica officinalis Bird’s Foot - Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum (Also bird’s foot violet and bird’s foot trefoil) Bird’s Nest - carrot, Indian pipe Bishop’s Wort, Bishop’s Elder - Wood betony Stachys betonica Bitter Grass - Ague Root Aletris Farinosa Black Sampson - Echinacea Blazing Star - liatris Blind Eyes - Poppy Blood from a head - Lupine * Blood from a shoulder - Bear’s breech * Blood of a Goose - Sap from a mulberry * Morus nigra Blood of an Eye - Tamarisk gall * (probably the tannin extracted from) Blood of Ares - purslane * Blood of Hephaestus - wormwood * Blood of Hestia - Chamomile * Blood - sap of the elder or bloodwort Bloody butcher - Valerian Bloody Fingers - Foxglove Blue Bottle - Bachelor’s buttons Boy’s Love, Lad’s Love: Southernwood Brain Thief - Mandrake Bone of an Ibis - buckthorn * I am not sure if this is Rhamnus cathartica or sea buckthorn Hippophae spp If I can find a recipe containing this, I will know for sure by comparing its purpose to their very different qualities Bread and Cheese - Hawthorn Bride of the Meadow - meadowsweet Bull’s Blood - beet or horehound Burning bush - false dittany, also a modern name for species of Euonymus Cow’s Horn - Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum Bride of the Sun - calendula Brown Dragon - wake robin Buttons - tansy

Calf’s snout - Snapdragon Candlemas Maiden - snowdrop Candlewick - mullein, the flower stalk Capon’s Tail - valerian Carpenter’s Herb - bugleweed Lycopus europaeus Carpenter’s Square - knotted figwort Carpenter’s weed - Yarrow Cat - catnip Cat’s foot - white balsam, black cohosh, ground ivy Cat’s herb - valerian Chameleon star - bromeliad Cheeses - marsh mallow Chocolate flower - wild geranium (I don’t buy it) Christ’s eye - wild clary Salvia verbenaca Christ’s ladder - centaury Christ’s spear - adder’s tongue fern Ophioglossum vulgatum Church steeple - Agrimony Clear eye - clary sage Cleavers - bedstraw Click - goosegrass Clot - great mullien Cocklebur - Agrimony Cock’s comb - amaranth Colt’s Tail - fleabane Crane’s bill - wild geranium Crow’s foot - wild geranium, or wood anemone bulbous buttercup (verified) Crowdy kit - figwort Cuckoo’s bread - common plantago Cucumber tree - magnolia Cuddy’s lungs - great mullein Crown for a king - wormwood

Dagger flower - blue flag Daphne - bay laurel Dead man’s bells foxglove Death angel - fly agaric Amanita Muscaria Death cap - fly agaric Amanita Muscaria Death flower - Yarrow Death’s Herb - Belladonna Delight of the Eye - rowan Devil Plant - basil Devil’s Apple - Mayapple or Mandrake Devil’s beard - houseleek Devil’s bit - false unicorn root Devil’s cherries Belladonna berries Devil’s plaything - yarrow Devil’s dung - asafoetida Devil’s ear - wakerobin Devil’s eye - henbane or periwinkle Devil’s flower - bachelor’s buttons Devil’s fuge - mistletoe Devil’s guts - dodder Devil’s herb - belladonna Devil’s milk - celandine Devil’s nettle - yarrow Devil’s Shoestring: Various varieties of vibernum, esp Black Haw, cramp bark, hobblebush Dew of the Sea - Rosemary Dog Berry - wild rose hips Dog’s mouth - snap dragon Dog’s tongue - hound’s tongue Dove’s foot - wild geranium Dragon - tarragon Dragon Flower - blue flag (really, wild iris? not an arum or a Antirrhinum?) Dragon wort - bistort Dragon’s blood - calamus

Eagle - ramsons Allium ursinum Earth apple - potato Earth smoke- fumitory Elf’s wort - Elecampane Enchanter’s plant - vervain Englishman’s fruit/ White man’s foot - common plantain Everlasting friendship - goosegrass Eye root - goldenseal

Fairy smoke - Indian pipe Fairy fingers - foxglove Fat from a Head - spurge * Felon herb - Mugwort Five fingers - cinquefoil Fox’s Clote - burdock Frog’s foot - bulbous buttercup From the belly - Earth-apple. * potato?? Did the writers know about potatoes? When was pgm written? From the foot - houseleek * From the loins - chamomile *

Goat’s foot - morning glory Goat’s Horn - Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum God’s hair - hart’s tongue fern Golden’s star - avens Gosling’s wing - goosegrass Graveyard dust - mullein (and sometimes it’s just graveyard dust)

Hag’s taper - mullien stalk Hagthorn - hawthorn Hair of Venus - Maidenhair fern Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed * Hare’s beard - mullein Hawk’s Heart, Old Woman - Wormwood Artemisia absinthium crown or seed head * Hind’s tongue - hart’s tongue fern Holy herb - yerba santa Holy rope - hemp agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum Horse tongue - hart’s tongue fern Hundred eyes - periwinkle

Innocence - bluets

Jacob’s Staff - Great Mullein Joy of the Mountain - Marjoram Jupiter’s Staff - Great Mullein

King’s Crown: Black Haw vibernum Knight’s Milfoil - Yarrow Kronos’ Blood - sap of Cedar *

Lady’s glove - foxglove Lamb’s ears - betony but more likely lamb’s ear Stachys byzantina Lion’s Hair - The extra little roots that stick out of the turnip bulb or the base leaves Brassica rapa * Lion’s tooth - dandelion Little dragon - tarragon Love in idleness - pansy Love Lies Bleeding - amaranth (Not so ancient, a modern ornamental variant) Love Leaves - burdock Love man - goosegrass Love Parsley - lovage Love root - orris root

Maiden’s Ruin - Southernwood Man’s Bile - Turnip Juice * Man’s Health - Ginseng Master of the Woods - Woodruff May Lily - Lily of the Valley May Rose - Black Haw viburnum May - Black Haw viburnum Maypops - Passion Flower Mistress of the Night - Tuberose Mutton Chops - Goosegrass

Nose Bleed - Yarrow

Old Man’s Flannel - Great Mullein Old Man’s Pepper - Yarrow Old-Maid’s-Nightcap - Wild Geranium

Password - primrose Peter’s Staff - Great Mullein Poor Man’s Treacle - Garlic Priest’s Crown - Dandelion leaves

Queen of the Meadow Root - Gravelroot Queen of the Meadow - Meadowsweet Queen of the Night - Vanilla Cactus

Rats and Mice - Hound’s tongue Ram’s horn - valerian Ring a Bells - bluebell Robin run in the grass - goosegrass

Scaldhead - blackberry Seed of Horus - horehound See bright - Clary sage Semen of Ammon - Houseleek * Semen of Ares - Clover * Semen of Helios - White Hellebore * Semen of Hephaistos - Fleabane * Semen of Herakles - arugula * Semen of Hermes - Dill * Seven Year’s Love Yarrow Shameface - Wild Geranium Shepherd’s Heart - Shepherd’s Purse Silver Bells - Black Haw viburnum Snake Root - black cohosh Soapwort - Comfrey or Daisy or maybe Soapwort Sorcerer’s Violet - Periwinkle Sparrow’s Tongue - Knotweed St. John’s Herb - Hemp Agrimony St. John’s Plant - Mugwort Star Flower - Borage Star of the Earth - Avens Starweed - Chickweed Sweethearts - Goosegrass Swine’s Snout - Dandelion leaves

Tail of a Pig - Leopard’s bane * Tanner’s bark - toadflax Tartar root - ginseng Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon - Dill Juice * Thousand weed - yarrow Thunder plant - houseleek Titan’s Blood - Wild Lettuce Lactuca virosa * Torches - mullein flower stalk

Unicorn’s horn - unicorn root or false unicorn root Urine - dandelion or maybe urine

Wax dolls - fumitory Weasel - rue Weasel snout - yellow archangel Winter wood - wild cinnamon Canella alba White - ox eye daisy Witch’s Asprin - white willow bark (this is ancient?) Witch’s brier - wild brier rose hips Wolf claw - club moss Wolf’s foot - bugleweed Wolf’s milk - euphorbia Woodpecker - herbLpeony Worm fern- male fern Dryopteris Felix-mas

Yerba Santa Maria - epazote

Plant Parts/Body Parts

Blood - Sap or juice Eye - The disc of a composite flower, or a seed Foot - Leaf Guts - Roots, stalks, tangly bits Hair - Very stringy roots (sometimes silk or tangly stems) Head - Flower head or seed head Tail - Stem Tongue - Petal, sometimes stigma Toes - leaf or bud Paw - sometimes bud, usually leaf Privates - Seed pod Worm - stringy roots Wool - Moss


A Snake’s Ball of Thread - soapstone * Blood of a Snake - hematite * Crocodile Dung - Soil from Ethiopia * A Physician’s bone - sandstone *

Animal Parts

A Snake’s Head - A leech * Blood of a Hyrax - A rock badger, * small weasel-like/rodent-like (but actually neither) creature native to Africa and the Middle East Blood of a Hamadryas Baboon - Blood of a spotted gecko * Bull’s semen - the egg of a blister beetle * Lion Semen - Human semen * Kronos’ Spice - Pig Milk *

* From Ecloga ex Papyris Magicis: Liber I, V, xxvi

More Sources for verification -

Galen - De succedaneis, Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia, v 19

Paulus Aegineta, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum IX/2 vII

Dioscorides De Materia Medica


Lady Raven


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7 years ago

I've been trying to get into herbology because I love plants and the likes. My only real resource is the internet where I'm not entirely sure if it's accurate and I'm scared to ask my mom, do you have any sites you trust for herbs?

I don’t have sites, per say, but I do have pdf books!! They’re pretty discreet, especially since mine are on google drive! Here’s the link: https://drive.google.com/folder/d/0BwSBug19vyBrfmtad0loYTd1NVV6N01VckNZUm1zY0pERDlRLUlTN2ljY19fam1mQUtXVU0/editYou are free to edit anything, and even add more books!!Also, if anything isn’t answered, I’d he super glad to help you!!!I’m sure feather-set the-darkest-of-lights the-evanescent-dream, oldmotherredcap and swampseer would be glad to help you, too!

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7 months ago

Eucalyptus Correspondences

latin: eucalyptus globules

Eucalyptus Correspondences

properties: protection, purification, money, healing

duality/gender: passive/feminine

elements: air, water

planets: moon, mercury, venus

day of the week: wednesday

astrology signs: pisces, cancer

WARNING: Eucalyptus can not be consumed. Taking 3.5 mL of undiluted oil can be fatal. Even applying too much to the skin and absorbing large amounts is dangerous. (Use it very lightly, dilute it, or use a humidifier.) Signs of eucalyptus poisoning might include stomach pain and burning, dizziness, muscle weakness, small eye pupils, feelings of suffocation, and some others. Eucalyptus changes how many medicines break down in the liver. Eucalyptus should not be applied to the face, especially the nose, of infants and young children. Avoid using it in infants.

Eucalyptus Correspondences

Eucalyptus will: Help with all forms of healing, protect your home, enhance your financial success

The plant: Eucalyptus is native to Australia, Africa, India, and southern Europe. It is a very fast-growing tree with leathery leaves that contain an aromatic oil. When the flowers bud, they’re covered with a cup-like membrane, which drops off when the flowers open. The fruit are also cup-shaped and contain numerous tiny seeds.

Magical properties: The dried flowers make a powerful stuffing for poppets to be used for healing, emotional, spiritual, and physical ailments. Sprinkle the oil around the inside of your home to raise the spiritual vibration and dispel any residual negative energy. If you’re feeling financially strapped, rub the oil on your money to ensure abundance. To ward off illness, hand the dries leaves over your front door. If you sleep with the leaves under your pillow, they will induce sweet dreams and prevent colds.

Medicinal uses: Eucalyptus oil is one of the most powerful antiseptics. It’s also believed to increase cardiac strength. When the oil is added to boiling water, the steam helps break up a chest cold.

Eucalyptus Correspondences


The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Magical Plants, Revised: A Practical Guide to Creating Healing, Protection, and Prosperity Using Plants, Herbs, and Flowers, page 188 https://www.groveandgrotto.com/blogs/articles/magickal-uses-of-eucalyptus https://vayas-witchcraft-and-spiritual.tumblr.com/post/111340109875/herbplant-eucalyptus https://witchygypsymomma.com/2021/01/20/digging-deeper-into-eucalyptus/ https://plentifulearth.com/day-week-magickal-correspondences/

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2 years ago
So I Was Thinking About How Grimwalkers Are Born From The Ground, Then Started To Imagine How They Must
So I Was Thinking About How Grimwalkers Are Born From The Ground, Then Started To Imagine How They Must

So I was thinking about how grimwalkers are born from the ground, then started to imagine how they must have started out small (picture from the book) and Belos probably had to start somewhere. They are basically weird mandrakes. So here is Belos repotting his baby grimwalker-mandrake. Inspired by that scene from Harry Potter.

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2 years ago

The first Asexual must’ve really fucking loved plants.

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9 years ago
I Went To A Pop Up October Witch Shop In My Area . Planning To Go Back With More Money For More Herbs
I Went To A Pop Up October Witch Shop In My Area . Planning To Go Back With More Money For More Herbs

I went to a pop up october witch shop In my area . Planning to go back with more money for more herbs so happy

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