PinacoHenchy - Tumblr Posts
I always like the idea of other religion's afterlives existing as sort of parallel universes.
Like imagine a portal opening over Pentagram City and instead of angels flowing out of that, it's dragon longboats.
"We have come to claim this land for Odin!"
hazbin hotel is tricky with religious stuff because it's a universe that plays fast and loose with a heavily modified version of christianity that is Real and True, so it doesn't really attempt to tackle or address other religions -- which i think is totally fair, because it would be too difficult to reconcile that sort of thing with the worldbuilding while ensuring the premise stays coherent. still, i would be curious about how different religious folks try to reconcile going to hell in the hazbin universe because it's an interesting thought experiment. what would you do if you went to another religion's hell, but it isn't even exactly how they believed it was going to be? i actually think there's a lot of flexibility in hazbin's strategic avoidance of mentioning g-d (and the heavy editing of the eden story) because it leaves some wiggle room for the possibility of accommodating the reality of this particular iteration of hell into different theological systems without betraying one's core beliefs
We also can't dismiss the fact that Lucifer is the original Sin. Temptation personified. In every way shape and form that may take. This gets overlooked a LOT in any discussions regarding Lucifer.
I've not seen many depictions of playing around with that. But think about what we could do with it. Lucifer knows he has appeal (not necessarily sexual, either!) and he could just be playing into that for his own means. Because think about it: he could just take whatever he wants by force. He is the devil. The King of Hell. But being the trickster (and seraphim angel) that he is, it would be so much more appealing to him to play into this particular talent of his and manipulate the people around him that way. This, incidentally would also appeal to his ego.
He is the Sin of Pride, after all....
In any radioapple context there are so many delicious ways one could play around with that. Imagine Lucifer going to Alastor being all like 'I know what you want' and hamming it up in exactly the right ways that trigger all of the Sassmaster's buttons in ways he didn't even know possible. Being the biggest tease in history and then going: "Oh what did you think I was going to do? I can tell you thought of something else...." I don't know why but that is hilarious to me.
On a sidenote: I personally also like the idea that Lucifer finds that playing the 'damsel in distress' is a fun roleplay that he hasn't been able to indulge in for the sheer fact that he has been in a position of power for so long (it has to be made clear that it's not his modus operandii, however, otherwise it loses it's appeal to me entirely.) I am also personally favourable to an Alastor that finds that 'being the prey' in this context is exciting to him. Because roleplay this way is inherently more safe to him than in any other context. Being hunted by a powerful being like this is only interesting to him if it makes him the sole focus of attention of said powerful being... I don't know if that makes sense, lol. It's also just one of the million ways any relationship dynamic between two powerful entities could be played out. (I guess I just like switches a lot?)
Even writing this my brain has concocted about three different variations of this exact dynamic that are all about equally as appealing.....somebody slap my hands away from the keyboard....
Excuse my ramblings but it's been on my mind a lot.
My biggest pet peeve considered Lucifer aside from what you already mentioned is when I read a fic or look at art and can't see in character wearing his face an old man that he is (who's not human and never was human to begin with) who lived thousands of years and older than humanity. And who clearly had a long sex life with his wife (and who knows maybe not only with her, I find it hard to believe that you can live for so long and never show interest in other people) so definitely not gonna act like an inexperienced virgin.
I love my boi Alastor, but I doubt there's anything he could do, sex wise, that's going to surprise Lucifer. That guys has been having sex since way, way, way before Al was even born, and I think his and Lilith's sex life was wild and kinky as fuck.
Technically speaking, Lucifer is the most sexually experienced person in Hell barring, perhaps, Asmodeus. Top, bottom, or switch, Lucifer knows what he's doing.
Thinking about how the Hotel crew, aka. the main cast, could possibly stay together.
I am on the fence whether it is a good idea to "redeem" any of them into Heaven...
For one, it feels "wrong" somehow to establish all the characters, getting to know them and investing time into their lives and relationships, seeing them grow only to "get rid of them" via redemption. It doesn't sit right with me somehow (maybe I'm just a bit clingy) Redemption in this context doesn't feel like the end goal, either, if I'm honest.
From what we have seen from Heaven, it might be peaceful (some would call it boring, even) but there is also that classism undertone ("please leave your Brimstone off the floor"/"their love is vile and blasphemous"->not meant homophobic, I think she meant angel+demon=blasphemous. but that's just me). There are other things that rub me the wrong way about what we have seen of Heaven but all in all it just doesn't seem like a very nice place to be - With Hell at least you KNOW what you're getting into but with Heaven it somehow seems way more dystopic than Hell has ever been depicted.
Back to the main cast, having any of them get to Heaven feels like if in Star Trek a character gets promoted and they are getting a different post. They are technically still part of the world but we don't get to see/partake in their lives anymore. That estrangement wouldn't feel very cathartic in my eyes. I want to SEE them having a good time after their hardship. And better yet, I want to see them having a good time after hardship WITH THEIR FOUND FAMILY.
Think about this for a second: You are in Hell, your life is shitty and you get to a place where the people are nice to you. You don't need to fear being stabbed in the back for once. The hand that feeds you doesn't also hold a knife that is ready to twist once you turn your back. These people become your friends. For the first time in your un-life you feel like you reached a place. A home. You don't need to be afraid anymore. You can stop running. Then you redeem yourself only to be fucking alone in Heaven again.
I don't know about any of you, but only thinking about that makes my heart ache. -> Just speaking for the main cast here because of course relationships will be different if the Hotel was at full capacity.
There is also the fact that the Hotel, if it is meant to be a mainstay of the redemption system, needs people to run it. It can never be only Charlie and Vaggie in the long run. And I don't mean just staffing it with Imps and calling it a day. I mean Sinners that can help others. Also investing in a real therapist would probably be a good idea but that's a different story, lol.
So here's what I'm thinking: I think it would be nice if the main cast were to end up just running the Hotel. Since we don't know how the whole system between Heaven and Hell really works, we can only guess. I think the system needs changing and eventually will reach some form of equilibrium where human souls can redeem themselves to Heaven or fall to Hell. As a continuous cycle. (Right now it is more like a one-way ticket to eventual annihilation of souls)
What about Angel, then? What if he becomes free of his contract? He is not currently "staff" a the Hotel. He is just full on resident. Well I think there is something to be said about the Hotel needing someone who can do stuff like physical therapy. I can totally see Angel doing poledancing lessons and doing some proper trust- or teambuilding exercises by way of sports.
He is also a soon-to-be ex-junkie who can probably impart some wisdom to people who may be in similar situations. People with a lot of life experience are usually really good teachers. And Angel has been in Hell for a long time by this point.
That is, once he himself goes through more character development. It's been set up in season 1 already.
I think a lot of characters are set up to go through a lot of delicious character development in the coming seasons and I'm all here for it.
Another little thing posted today

Sweet nothings. A lot of sweet nothings.
Erika IS Charlie at this point.
I am rabid for more content.
So let's recap: We have Amir saying he recorded a song that was going to be an absolute bop. He could not stop humming it for two days. Now we have Erika kinda insinuating the same thing, saying that people will be dancing to this and also kinda hinting at Kimiko being in it as well....
It's either two different songs, an ensemble number or an Alastor and Niffty duett...... Either way season2 can't come soon enough!
It's one of those super rare "ear reactions" from Alastor that get me about this scene. That only happens when he is especially emotional about something. Just remember that the most Vox got was a slight turn backwards of the ears. And here Alastor has them tilted forwards. The whole gesture is mocking contempt and I'm CHOMPING at the bit to know what it is about.
(EDIT: Had to rewatch 'Stayed Gone' to confirm, but Alastor DOES tilt his ears forward for Vox as well. In the same gesture of contempt he displays with Adam)
Of course, common theory would be that Lilith is the connecting element here.
But who knows?
All I can think of is: There has to be something to this line specifically. It is framed so dramatically and delivered with such gusto and emphasis that it HAS to be something specific that Alastor is referring to here. He knows something about Adam that the audience doesn't and as always with Alastor, he weaponises other's insecurities (or at least tries to) with his words.

I am so normal about this!
Thinking about how language in Hell would work. With so many different nationalities and so many timeperiods clashing on each other, there have to be entire Sinnerpopulations that simply can't understand each other. Zestial, just to name one example, is very hard to understand if you're not already familiar with this speech pattern. And he isn't even speaking a different language.
Except....maybe they can.
I was recently musing (ha!), yet again, about how Hell is a musical and you can apparently just pull other people into your song. It's been demonstrated by Charlie in episode 1 and Lucifer in episode 5 that they can apparently just pull unwitting bystanders into their musical numbers. We could argue that it also works if you are willing and able to join into a song as demonstrated in episode 2.
So since my imagination is already running wild: I imagine that the person initiating a song leads a song in a language they speak and everyone joining in will automatically understand the lyrics and is able to sing along. The magic lasts for as long as the song lasts (since we can think of musical numbers as single spells and the magic that overrides the confusio linguarum lasts for as long as the spell does).
Think about Team Alastor would be just happy to perform songs in different languages as a trio. When being asked what the songs are about, Alastor and Niffty will refer to Husk if it is a song in russian, for example. Or Niffty will answer when it's a song in japanese.
"What do you mean? I don't speak russian. But HE does. I simply join in and perform along as the piece requires."
Lucifer's visible confusion about how Sinners are so chaotic, they found a way to circumnavigate that whole "Babel" debacle, is just the cherry on top.
The thought came to me while listening to a few tracks of the absolutely delightful Band Otava Yo

Thanks @soot-and-salt for tagging me!'s very firmly NOT Wednesday anymore, oops! Real life has been way too busy.
Anyways... in terms of writing I am still agonizing over chapter two of "Day-to-day in Hell, and other woes" ...chapter 3 is pretty fleshed out but damn we need that part in-between, don't we?
This is the start of chapter two:
“Oh this is going to be great!” Charlie was pointing at the screen of her phone. “Look! The Brimstone district is even going to host a private market fair with pyrotechnic shows! We can all go there after the party at the hotel!” Charlie looked into her girlfriend’s face, up from where her head was in Vaggie’s lap. Vaggie looked down at her with a soft expression playing around her mouth. “Get it? Because Brimstone is hellfire-proof. Haha!” Charlie’s awkward laughter was interrupted when Vaggie slowly leaned down towards her. “I see something else that’s hot like fire, babe.” Vaggie leaned in for a kiss. Her hair was tickling around Charlie’s face and she took in the scent. Fresh and sweet with something like an exotic fruity scent just tickling the edges of her perception. Charlie inhaled deeply. She was getting lost in the embrace and she felt herself getting greedy. Vaggie. The acrid smell of something burning met her nostrils. It was prickling at the back of her throat. Her ears were filled with high pitched screeching. Charlie jolted awake as a rush of memories flooded into her mind.
In terms of art I have way too many spinning plates at the moment....and it's all my fault 💀
Here, have a few sketches! (This is only a tasting... because I'm deranged....)

Hmmm soo... let's see how creative I can be in the future!
No pressure for anyone I like to share the love ❤ @elleinmotion @cryptidbytes @grownupchangeling
I'm not just safe.
I am

Thanks for the tag!
No pressure tag: @soot-and-salt @grownupchangeling @pennedinblood @spoondrifts @aska234
the og post was way too long so I'm making a new one
thanks for the tag @lombolica !! :D
You're stuck in a room with the last character in your gallery how safe are you

very safe
the worst thing that could happen is him being clumsy, so I think I'm alright (unless monsters find him I guess)
tagging (no pressure): @flaretheidiot @lemonic-whimssyy @wibbly-wobbly-blog @cryptidanathema @virtualunease @aurlworthfightingfor @angrysheep @sugarplumanderson @time-travelling-chaos @fateisnotafactor @monstrousmaws @sinfulauthor @idkaguyorsomething @vampireopossum and anyone who wants to do this!
Guy just walked in with a shirt that said “I don’t question my wife’s choices because I’m one of them” and frankly I’m obsessed
Fibre crafts are 50% soothing repetitive action and 50% "God Fucking Damnit"
Love the fact that he was writing about the Star Trek fandom in particular. This was written just around the time of the "golden era" of Star Trek.
The Next Generation got released in 1987, Deep Space Nine ran until 1999 and Voyager ran until 2001
->I am personally in favour of including the oft-maligned ENT (Enterprise) into it, which ran until 2005
Oddly fitting how a lot of what is known as fandom and fanfiction has been codified because a good number of women in the 60s and 70s started writing fanfiction and doing transformative work of Star Trek.
Makes me wonder if it was "just" Star Trek or if it was also other franchises.... Then again... The absolutely vast number of penny dreadfuls could probably be counted as transformative work of some older fictional text and mythological stories (popular tropes were always things like "the businessman" "the cowboy" "the mysterious castle owner how turns out to be a literal monster" etc etc.)
Star Trek was probably just the first major fandom surrounding an original visual work of fiction.
Fascinating stuff. I love history.

It is (WIP) Wednesday

Now that it actually IS wednesday again, I decided to do it properly this time.
New week new projects I somehow ended up taking on. I don't know what is wrong with me...

So I got roped into writing a very interesting concept...

"Nobody can write MediaBelleWings without offending everybody including yourself"
....Well... my hubris will be my downfall. I might have bitten off a little bit more than i can chew with this one.
But we will see. I have not seen that Poly pairing before and I'll be damned if I don't at least try to write something for it.
No tags this time, I am on my hands and knees, baring the burden of shame all by myself. That boulder will get rolled up that mountain somehow!
Is My Blue Your Blue? A visual perception test that judges what you call blue and green and compares it with others’ results. I am “bluer than 68% of the population.” Now do red/pink, red/orange, and blue/purple!
“How’s your WIP going?”

"Have you made any progress?”

“How close are you to being done?”

WIP Wednesday

Oh boi... is it that time of the week again?
So much stuff. So little time!

Things are happening!

Safe to say there is a TON more stuff. This is just the newest on the pile
It's fine...
*sweats profusely*
I need to finish something here sometime. Oh well! I'll manage

Being a sex-positive personally-sex-repulsed ace is weird cuz like reading about sex? Awesome. Writing about sex? Not much more intolerable than writing about anything else. Sex is good. Sex is normal. Sex is only as important as you let/want it to be. Kinks are natural expressions of sexuality. Sexual purity is a scam. Bodies are nothing to be ashamed of. Sex work is no more exploitative than any other kind of labor. If you touch me I will throw up on you.

I was tagged by the awesome @pennedinblood (thank you so much ❤❤)
The going has been a little slow on my projects but a few things have been done here and there.
Daily we add to the pile of matchsticks and duct tape so it may one day become a house (or finished fic. or fanart. or all of the above)

A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Some writing, some rendering, some lineart and a funny sketch of vox getting.... welll... you'll have to wait and see, don't you? 😈
*cracks knuckles* WHELP! Let's keep the train running!
I choose @soot-and-salt @cryptidbytes @grownupchangeling as my next victi... EEEHHRR.... I MEAN... VOLUNTEERS.
You are hereby voluntold to share your progress with the class! MWHAHAHA (Seriously, though. No pressure!!! Love you guys ❤)
the fanfiction in my head is soooo good wish you guys could see this
with how much this site loves its writer ask games, im astounded ive never seen one for artists, soooo
1. what medium do you use most (if applicable, what software)?
2. most popular piece?
3. your favorite piece(s)?
4. piece you wish got more love?
5. how would you describe your art style?
6. favorite thing to draw?
7. easiest thing for you to draw?
8. thing you struggle to draw?
9. whats something you always come back to when drawing?
10. how do you deal with artblock?
11. do you listen to anything while drawing?
12. describe your process while drawing
13. talk about a wip you like!
14. whats your favorite thing about drawing?
15. least favorite thing about drawing?
16. how do you motivate yourself to draw?
17. what is something youre confident about in your art?
18. something you feel like you need to work on?
19. where do you find inspiration?
20. is your workspace, digital or not, organized (not neat, organized)?
21. what do you think your artstyle would taste like?
22. do you have a favorite color palette to work with?
23. how many artstyles can you work in confidently?
24. whats a compliment about your art that has always stuck with you?
25. what size canvas/paper do you use?
26. what do you physically draw with (pencil and paper, tablet, etc)?
27. do you ever have multiple wips going at once?
28. whats a piece you would like to redraw at some point?
29. do you use a lot of references while drawing?
30. whats something youre proud of about your artstyle?
31. which fandom have you drawn the most for?
32. have you done a lot of collabs?
33. have you taken a lot of classes for art?
34. whats something you still like from your old art?
35. if you had one piece of advice to give your younger artist self, what would it be?
(remember to give the person you reblog from an ask!!)