Indie Vtuber - Tumblr Posts
So Mineru's construct is not helpful against a Molduga...
I was quickly going through my fuse items (most powerful first) and I accidentally selected Dinraal's claw... Makes sense that the range would be so big.
I was supposed to meet Sidon near the beam in this lake for getting to the water temple but I just glided off a cliff instead of following the path around and went past him.

This weekend's schedule!
Friday - Tears of the Kingdom: Going to do a stable quest, some more shrines to increase my hearts and maybe some side quests.
Saturday - Playing Suika Game for the first time and then playing Animal Crossing with Honeychama for her birthday!
Sunday - continuing Tears of the Kingdom
All at 9pm EDT (8pm EST, Daylight savings ends on Sunday)
Watch here:

Got the watermelon/pumpkin (I prefer the Halloween music)
Also check out this nice line up:

I'm Back!
Just one Tears of the Kingdom stream this weekend!
I'm going to try and track down the rest of the bargainer statues just to make sure I haven't missed any before going back to look for more clothes.

i waited months for this cranberry white chocolate cake.

happ holidays

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ahhh not a single blessed thought happening behind them eyes. living the dream in New York City

trying to not be spooked about arting on stream again ~ drawing some fall themed art