Please SIGN IT - Tumblr Posts
Please please PLEASE sign this petition! It's free!!!
You probably already herd about it, but this bill means that parents will have the right to restrict the information acces of minors, making it far more difficult for queer youth to find a place they belong or otherwise identify abuse (this applies for all minors)
In the case of this law passing, the internet will most likely be changed forever, and for the worse.
This isn’t OK
There hasn’t been nearly enough awareness on this, but there has been a huge spike in hate crimes against the Asian community during the pandemic, and that’s seriously messed up. Never under any circumstance is it alright to hate someone for their race, and Asians are NOT responsible for the pandemic.
Even if one of the conspiracy theories somehow came out to be true and the pandemic was somehow purposefully engineered, that would be the fault of those few select persons- definitely not their entire race. We’re all suffering through this pandemic TOGETHER, and we need to support one another, NOT go around looking for someone to point a finger at. It’s horrific that anyone could reason that these kinds of acts are in any way justifiable, and it’s not okay that this has been going on.
Lot’s of love to any of you folks reading this. Stay strong and keep trooping, you amazing humans!
Pixar has also released two of their short films on YouTube to show support, and I’d definitely recommend checking them out if you haven’t seen them(maybe bring a few tissues, though)! If anyone’s curious, their titles are “Float” and “Wind”.