Masterofthearcaneturtles - Realm Of The Arcane Turtles
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Alternate US: National Food
The US broke: WTF happens to Pennsylvania???
Hey y'all! This is an extension of the split US project. There're some areas I'm still trying to refine.
Any help is much appreciated, but please try to only answer questions for areas you're familiar with in some way or another!
It doesn't have to be by much, just something beyond "Pennsylvania should be with New York because they're right next to each other and because of that my brain associates them together."
Any reblogging or sharing is much appreciated!
(Also do Pennsylvanians have something against New Yorkers or something?)
Stellarlune: Linharucarella edit
Originally, the plan was to edit in Dex’s head, but once I saw Maruca and Marella were on the next cover, I couldn’t resist adding our hydrokinetic queen instead.
(thank you, Jason Chan, for the giving me opportunity to procrastinate that ever-growing pile of homework, my professors are going to hate me now)
Linh’s head and the clasps are from the art by Michael Machira Mwangi that goes along with her short.
(the change in Marella’s cape is due to Sophie’s hair not being there to block the bottom, and my indecision over whether to draw the rest of the cape or send it off into the void. Looking at the original picture, I’m leaning towards the void option, but I ain’t got time or patience enough to figure out how to do that, so weird folds it is)
Alternate US