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Hello my friend; For my first request, I wanted to see if you could do a headcanon with the Attack on Titan with a black s/o or my Oc Leah but with a cosmic universal spiritual power(she’s younger than Eren and she's 5'2) and She has the power of the Zodiac Sign Taurus (Since her birthday is April 23rd and she is younger than Eren by a few months) which is known as earth, give life and death with the power of Emotion Empowerment and Spiritual Gateways/Tears(she can open portals to different places) with glowing stars/ balls of light (which can channel their emotions into powers) and a variety of magical powers such as Flight, Telekinesis, Force fields, Teleporting, and Telepathy, Creation of Shooting Star Showers, Levitation, Gravity Manipulation, Hologram-Like Projections.❤️😊❤️😊
Attack on Titan ~Characters with a black reader with cosmic goddess powers~
Manga/anime: Attack on Titan
Warnings: spoilers of all the manga
I wrote as if the reader was your OC, I hope you don't mind!
Eren probably has an interest in you, after all, you both have supernatural powers. He really likes your manners, especially your thoughtfulness towards those you care about. He has a crush on you and, the more the years pass, the more he will love you. When he's stuck in Marley, he'll always be thinking of you, praying that you're okay; when he's locked up in the Survey Corps prison and you come to talk to him, he'll treat you with indifference, but in his mind he'll apologize to you a thousand times. He'll always think of you, even when Mikasa kills him.
Armin loves your intelligence and your thirst for knowledge. You two talk a lot, especially about your powers and the outside world. What struck him most was your taking care of your loved ones. Every time you take care of him, he blushes a lot and stammers all the time. He probably has a little crush on you, but I think your relationship will become more that of a brother-sister as the years go by.
Since Eren likes you, Mikasa will be like your big sister and, after everyone discovers your powers, she will be your "bodyguard". Does anyone make fun of you about your height or age or your powers? She will look at him with her murderous gaze. You two take care of Armin and Eren together, and you two support and console each other.
Jean is your great friend, even if sometimes he flirts and jokes with you just to make Eren mad. However, he never actually does it seriously. Sometimes you two think about how to get him and Mikasa together, although many times they don't work out. He thinks of you as a little sister, and he'll always try to defend you.
Sasha adores you. When you two are together, you only talk about food; sometimes you compete to see who can eat the greatest number of dishes (these contests often end in a draw and with your superiors angry). She understands you, because she too is sometimes labeled as different because she eats a lot. You, Sasha and Connie are the joke trio in the entire Survey Corps.
Like Sasha, Connie adores you. You two do a lot of stupid things together! Like Sasha, he also understands you: due to some of your attitudes you're often described as stupid, like him, and he won't think twice about defending you from those who have offended you. When Sasha dies, you'll console each other.
Ymir admires you for your strength, but she doesn't like you: since Historia likes you and you has a very lovable nature, she fears you might take her away from her. However, when she understands you and Eren love each other, she'll behave better towards you. When she's about to die, she will entrust Historia to you.
You are Historia's royal advisor and lady-in-waiting, although you also fight in the Survey Corps. She always liked you (not in the romantic sense), but she's adored you even more since you consoled her for Ymir's death. She even calls you Star Princess because of your powers! When she has her baby, she will make you her godmother.
Annie doesn't like your manners. The only thing she appreciates you for is that you never forced her to fight you when you were paired up for close combat matches when you were training. However, when you Eldians ally with Marley's warriors and Magath against Eren, she will appreciate you also for your determination to kill the one you love, and, before boarding the ship, she will ask you to protect Armin.
At first Reiner was only interested in your powers. However, as time goes by he's more and more conflicted: he's become very fond of you, but he knows he must also kidnap you to take you to Marley to study your powers; when the Survey Corps saves you, he'll be both relieved and dejected. When you Eldians ally with the Marleyans against Eren, he'll beg you to forgive him for everything he has done.
Like Reiner, at first Bertholdt was only interested in your powers and he appreciates you too the more time passes. He feels very comfortable talking to you and, in the end, he'll no longer want to kidnap you, but he'll be forced to do so. In fact, when you are their prisoner, he'll take you aside and apologize to you. When he's about to die, he'll beg you to save him.
For your nature you remind Levi Furlan and for your way of acting you remind him of Isabel. He is very overprotective, respectful, affectionate and loving, although he demonstrates these in his own way, for example staying close to you during expeditions. He treats you and will always treat you like his little sister. If you call him "nii-san" (big brother), he might be moved because he'll think of Isabel.
Hange is like your crazy uncle/aunt. Although, actually, when they learned about your powers, they thought you were a titan and wanted to analyze you. They try to help you with your heart murmur, attempting to come up with something that can relieve the pain, and in exchange you help them with his titan experiments. When they die, they will regret they couldn't help you with your problem.
Erwin really likes your mind and how you think, so he's very protective of you, almost like a father. He wanted to make you Commander of the Survey Corps, but when he told you, you refused in favor of Armin. However, you'll always be one of the main points of his plans: for example, he was the one who advised you to become Historia's advisor, in order to act as an intermediary between her and the Corps.
When people see you and Onyankopon, they think you're father and daughter. In fact, they don't even think badly, because he really treats you like a daughter. The first thing that struck him was your skin: he was very surprised you also had dark skin like him; if someone tries to offend you because of this, they'll have to face their wrath. When you kill Eren, he'll ask you to live with him as his daughter.
The first time you and Yelena met, she wasn't surprised about your powers: Eren told her about you, reiterating the fact that no one should have ever hurt you. She talks to you a lot and tells you about Marley, thus becoming almost like a mother or an aunt to you. When you're in Odiha, you'll console her about the failure of Zeke's plan and she will beg you to stop Eren. When you kill Eren, she'll ask you to live with her too.
Niccolò loves your love for his food and he's very surprised that you eat so much without gaining weight or feeling sick. He really enjoys cooking all of Marley's dishes for you and loves it when you teach him the Island ones. When Sasha dies, he'll come to you for comfort. After Eren's death, he'll continue to cook for you.
At first Gabi hated you: for her you were just one of the Devils of Paradis. However, now she adores you since you saved her and Falco from Niccolò's fury and she will try to console you after Eren treats you badly. After Eren dies, she will introduce you to her family and will come to visit you periodically with them.
Unlike Gabi, Falco immediately appreciated you. The first time you met was at the Blouse house: you had gone to visit Sasha's parents and you recognized him and Gabi, but you didn't unmask them. In fact, you asked them how they were and what they were doing there. He almost sees you as his big sister and calls you "nee-san" (big sister). After you kill Eren, he'll come to visit you very often.
Porko doesn't like you, because you're his enemy and because you and the other Eldian soldiers attacked his house. He doesn't know how to react when, after infiltrating Paradis' army, you realize he's a warrior but you don't say anything: he's a mixture of surprise, recognition and anger. He also won't know how to react when you try to save him just before Falco devours him.
From the first time she saw you, Pieck knew you were a special person, but not because of your powers: more because you made Reiner's will waver. Anyway, she didn't like you at first, since you were an enemy. You fought twice, and she admits that you were stronger than her. When you team up together, she will be kind to you, and after you kill Eren, you'll be great friend.
Zeke learnt about you and about your powers from Reiner and Bertholdt. In your first meeting, he was both amazed and softened by your and Eren's relationship, emotions heightened when Eren told him he would abandon the euthanasia plan if anyone hurt you. You'll talk to each other in the Paths for the last time and you and Armin will convince him to let Levi kill him to stop Eren.
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Can please do a Aot characters x Black reader with the ability as goddess madoka powers(her power level is on wiki) and is from modern world please
Attack on Titan ~Characters with a black reader with Madoka's powers~
Manga/anime: Attack on Titan
Warnings: spoilers of all the manga
Some information about the reader:
- Reader is about 1.40 m (about 4'6 feet) tall;
- Some of reader's powers are healing, death, fate and time manipulation, invisibility, reality warping, weapon creation and they can know the past, present and future;
- Reader accidentally teleported themself to the world of AoT and decided to collaborate with the Survey Corp to help and save Eren and the others.
At first Eren was super intrigued by you because of your powers, and he was very flattered you wanted to save him, even if he didn't know what from. He asks you many times to reveal the future to him, but you always refuse; however, this doesn't affect your friendship, which will always remain strong. The last time you'll meet him will be on The Path, where he'll ask you not to change his history.
Armin is super fascinated by your world! He continues to ask you questions about the sea and everything else he saw in his grandfather's book. You spend a lot of time together, in fact he ends up falling in love with you: he always tries to be close to you and help you as much as he can to settle into their world; in addition, he blushes whenever you flirt with him. After Eren's death, you'll travel with Armin as an ambassador between Paradis and Marley, though you'll soon settle into a house in Paradis and live there until your deaths.
At first Mikasa didn't like you: she thought you told a lot of lies and you were an enemy infiltrated to kidnap Eren; furthermore, she was also a little jealous of the attention he gave you. However, after you clarified your true intentions, she started to like you. Nevertheless, your friendship will end when you refuse to bring Eren back to life and she claims to hate you.
First Jean was interested in your powers, then he started to appreciate you, especially after you consoled him due to Marco's death. Yours is one of the strongest friendships of all the ones you have: when you aren't with Armin or Connie and Sasha, you're with him either training (he claims fighting with you is helping him to beat Eren) or telling him about your world.
Sasha and Connie love you! Thanks to your invisibility, you help them to play a lot of jokes. You three are the troublemakers' trio. However, this trio will dissolve after Sasha's death, about which you'll continue to torment yourself for all your life: because of the battle in Liberio, you had wasted all your energy and were unable to heal her. Connie told you over and over again it wasn't your fault, but your feelings of guilt...
Ymir likes you're true to yourself: even if you come from another, much more modern world, you never adapted your behavior, but you behaved as you did in your old world. This is something she greatly appreciates in a person. You two quite early developed a nice friendship, although not too honest, since she never told you her secret (even if she never knew you can see the past and future).
Historia was initially shy about talking to you: in fact, your only interaction was when she asked you not to resurrect her if she died. Now she loves you so much, because you helped her to consider herself more and to abandon her suicidal tendencies. When Ymir died, she came to you for comfort. When she became queen, she asked you to stay beside her in the palace, but you refused, telling her you wanted to stay in the Survey Corps with Armin and the others.
Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt love you a lot and they appreciate you very much. Their appreciation for you began after you chatted one night during the training period: you knew they were Marley's spies, but you never blamed them, indeed you consoled them when they felt lost and destroyed. They became so fond of you they wanted to take you with them to Marley, but they didn't do it, because you didn't want it. After Eren's death, Annie and Reiner will want to spend with you all the time they've missed over the years.
Meeting you is one of the events Levi remembers more and that make him smile the most: when he introduced himself to you, you hugged him tightly and told him you were sorry for what he had been through and he was really strong for having endured everything; afterwards, you even told him Furlan and Isabel would be so proud of him, and he actually almost burst into tears. You two have a great brother-sister relationship, even if it bothers him a little that you already know everything that's going to happen.
When they first met you, Hange wanted to analyze you. However, they soon began to ask for your help with their research and, like Armin, they became very interested in your world: in fact, they insisted so much you join their team, but you refused it to be with your friends; despite this, they never held it against you for it. However, one event will probably stick in your mind forever: they refused to have the eye injury treated, claiming it must be a sign of their inability to react and counterattack a sudden attack.
Erwin sees you as an invaluable resource, both for your powers and the effect you have on enemies and allies. In fact, your protection (always entrusted, coincidentally, to Armin he ships you) and Eren's is at the center of his plans. Although he has accepted you can't reveal the future, shortly before he dies, he'll ask you to tell him what's in Eren's cellar; at his desperate tone, you'll tell him this, and he'll die in peace.
At first Gabi and Falco considered you an enemy, but then you protected them from being beaten and thrown off the airship due to Sasha's death, and they were amazed: Falco had immediately thanked you, surprising everyone on board; Gabi had opened her mouth wide, but no sound had come out of it. They were even more shocked when you invited them to your and Armin's house to find a way to bring them back to Liberio. Thanks to all the time spent together, they now consider you and Armin as big siblings.
Porko and Pieck had thought you were special from Reiner's stories, but, since you met, they're certain of this. The first was shocked when you saved him from Eren's fury during the battle in Liberio; the second was surprised you had cared for Reiner in Shiganshina District and treated him with a kindness that was almost alien to her. Eventually, Pieck will become one of your best friends, especially thanks to your embassies, so much so she'll become the godmother of one of your children.
Like Pieck, Zeke was also impressed by how you took care of Reiner, although you knew he was the enemy and your companions scolded you, and also how he, and subsequently Eren, talked about you. However, except for this meeting, you two had no other interactions, so you always remained an enemy to defeat for him.
Ymir Fritz admires you so much for saving her from King Fritz! She treated you for a long time as if you were her mistress (you took her away from her previous master, so she thought she should serve you), although you had already told her several times not to do this. However, with little difficulty, you managed to get treated like an equal, and you two soon became friends. When she dies, you'll see each other in The Paths.
I truly apologize for not posting sooner. Unfortunately I had problems with my account and wasn't able to log in for about a month. Anyway, I hope you liked it!
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