Pouf - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago
#pouf Love! #SuryaHPMkt2013 #HPMkt #rugs #rug #surya #fashion #style #interiordesign #interiors #rva

#pouf love! #SuryaHPMkt2013 #HPMkt #rugs #rug #surya #fashion #style #interiordesign #interiors #rva #love #texture #pattern

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11 years ago
Need A #pouf Or #pillow? #SuryaHPMkt2013 #HPMkt #rugs #rug #surya #fashion #style #interiordesign #interiors

Need a #pouf or #pillow? #SuryaHPMkt2013 #HPMkt #rugs #rug #surya #fashion #style #interiordesign #interiors #rva #love #texture #pattern

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1 year ago

Bedroom Los Angeles

Bedroom Los Angeles

A large image of a master bedroom in a transitional style with a medium-tone wood floor, no fireplace, and white walls.

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4 years ago

Pouf: So, is this thing between Meurem and Komugi supposed to be a secret?

Pitou: Hardly. The only people who don’t know Meruem loves Komugi are Meruem and Komugi

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4 years ago

if hxh characters had a powerpoint night

kurapika: why what im doing is morally okay

leorio: 10 reasons why i think humor is a normal coping mechanism

gon: why we should never use math again :)

killua: 26 reasons why you should give me a 70% cut of all the chocolate you purchase

hisoka: a comprehensive list of who i wanna fight with my bungee gum and why

illumi: why i'm a good big brother (killua, pay attention mom and dad helped me with this.)

chrollo: is therapy really a necessity? the answer might shock you

feitan: is reading important?

phinks: why i think supreme is the best clothing line

kite: fellas is it gay to chase your mentor around the world for a crumb of validation

pariston: why i'm better than all of you

ging: i left to get a gallon of milk and never came back, heres why

shizuku: i cant be pretty and know math

machi: 15 things you can do before accepting a date with hisoka

pakunoda: 12 reasons why u should adopt a cat and slap phinks (in this order)

shalnark: all of us should have fruity bat phones

bisky; why i listen to meg thee stallion and U should too

milluki: who is hatsune miku and why am i dating her

uvogin: gyms are a scam, here's how i came out shredded as fuck

nobunaga: my hair regimen (phinks please pay attention.)

franklin: why nobunaga should talk way less

genthru: how to be absolutely Godlike in fortnite.

kalluto: what to do if your brother doesnt come back home? join the troupe, hi im kalluto

mummy guy: why im useful to the troupe

mereum: chess. lets talk about it.

pouf: why its homophobic that mereum pays attention to komugi

pitou: why pouf should stop talking

youpi: im hot as fuck and heres why

cheetu: i do not sound like the laffy taffy song guy please.

silva: why my finishing move is sitting on someones face *pic of chrollo looking absolutely terrified*

alluka: 3 reasons why ponies are superior to u and why i need one

cheadle: if murder was legal id kill pariston heres why

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1 year ago
Music Room - Living RoomMid-sized, Open-concept, Mid-century Modern Living Room Idea With A Music Area,

Music Room - Living Room Mid-sized, open-concept, mid-century modern living room idea with a music area, beige walls, a regular fireplace, a tile fireplace, and no television.

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4 years ago

HxH requests!

Requests are open!!

I will only be writing for hxh

Characters I'll write for:

























Chimera ant Reina





I will only write fluff non relationship stuff for underage characters

Who I won't write for:

The main 4





What I will write:






Some angst

Almost anything

What I will not write:

Sad endings

Anything pedophilic, get that shit outta here.

Anything with foot fetish, fat fetish, incest, or bathroom play.

When I say fat fetish I'm not talking about a plus sized reader, I will write that no problem and would love to write that, but I won't write about trying to fatten someone up because of a kink. I understand some people like that and as long as it's consensual, do what you want. I just don't feel comfortable writing for said kink.

If you would like me to write for another character, then go ahead and request it!

Feel free to send more than one request! The more the merrier!

HxH Requests!

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3 years ago

How tall do you think some chimera ants are (couldn't find any answers online so wanted to ask) like cheetu and meleoron. I think they might be at the very least 5'10 and at most 6'6. Idk.

I actually have a few of their heights figured out! I got these as accurate as I could by looking them up or comparing them with other characters' heights. HxH is inconsistent with heights though and didn’t give canon heights to every character and straight-up skipped any heights for the ants. So, keep in mind these may not be entirely correct!

Cheetu: 7′8 believe it or not! 

Leol: 7′9 only a little taller than Cheetu. He probably tries mocking Cheetu about being shorter and Cheetu laughs at him because it’s literally an inch difference.

Flutter: 6′4 and a half. I always thought he was like 5′5 but he’s tall!

Hina: Around 5′10.

Yunju: 8′4 and a half. Holy shit.

Meleoron: 6′0 on the dot!

Pitou: 5′10, same as Hina! I wonder if they would get along?

Pouf: His height was hard to find, but he’s about 7′3!

Youpi: 9′2. Oh hell no. That’s fuckin’ taller than Yunju! How?!?

Meruem: I looked this one up and he’s 5′5. Shorty squad!

Welfin: 6′3 and a half. Roughly average in comparison to the other ants.

Ikalgo: 2′4! President of the shorty club!

Rammot: 7′9, another tall boi!

Palm: She’s 7′1 or 7′2. I really don’t know. Getting a height comparison for her was hard. Gon is 5′1 and is at her lower ribcage next to her. If you put that in mrinitialman height comparison, she’s about 7′3, but we know she’s wearing heels and she’s shorter than Knov, who is shorter than Morel, who is the same height as Pouf. Either way, she’s tall and reminds me of Hachi Shaku Sama. 

Colt: 5′7 and a half. He always mentions the extra half, he’s short as it is compared to the others, he isn’t about to round it down half an inch.

I honestly love finding heights for characters. I get to compare them to my shorty self and laugh at the fact that they could end me with the flick of their wrist.

How Tall Do You Think Some Chimera Ants Are (couldn't Find Any Answers Online So Wanted To Ask) Like

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3 years ago

Valentine's Day with the Chimera Ant Arc Characters

I know it's a bit late, but I didn't get to do this during February.


Like many of the ants, he may or may not know what Valentine's Day is. But considering the amount of manga he reads, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew what it was already. Mostly the day is filled with cuddles. If you aren't a hunter and have a regular job, you probably have to take the day off. He's a morning person, so he might surprise you with some flowers or something. I'll tell you now, you won't be sleeping that night. *wink wink*

Valentine's Day With The Chimera Ant Arc Characters


Valentine's Day is celebrated by sleeping in as long as possible with him. And I don't mean the average sleeping till 12:00, I mean sleeping till the very end of the day, just before the sun sets. He doesn't hate Valentine's day, but it isn't really in his top 10 holidays. He'll still celebrate it with you though, especially if it's important to you. You'll definitely have to tell him about it because he has no idea what it is.

Valentine's Day With The Chimera Ant Arc Characters


Very much has no idea what Valentine's Day is about. Probably got you a card if anything since it's more personal, gave you a hug and went on with his day. He's not exactly a touchy feely guy, and doesn't do holidays for the most part. If you get him something he's probably really awkward if not a tiny bit shy, but it's well hidden under the confused expression he gives you.


She will celebrate anything anytime. She'll even celebrate international squirrel day. She may or may not have a party and invite as many people as possible. Get her a plushie. She loves cute things and she will love that thing to death. Y'all may be partying, but she's very lovey-dovey, she'll latch to you arm a lot or not let go of your hand.


No interest in Valentines day. Not in the slightest. He doesn't know what it is and couldn't care less. He's kind of a dick, so don't expect jack from him. Unless sex is on the celebratory activities list, he ain't interested. The most you can do to celebrate with him without getting laughed at is to say "Happy Valentine's Day." and watch him nod in acknowledgment.

Valentine's Day With The Chimera Ant Arc Characters


He knows what it is. He probably got you something early and then forgot once it was actually Valentine's Day. He's probably shy about giving you your gift and then ends up and awkward mess. He's especially nervous if he ended up forgetting what day it was. Once you calm him down, he'll be fine for the rest of the day. He want's you to know he loves you.

Valentine's Day With The Chimera Ant Arc Characters


They don't know what it is, but once you tell them they'll research a bit more about it. They're officially an expert of all valentine's traditions, history and origins. They give you a card, but they probably don't want anything in return. They have no need for most things, just accept the card and tell them you love them. They're perfectly content with that.

Valentine's Day With The Chimera Ant Arc Characters


Also didn't know about it but you know damn well he's bringing his violin into it. Probably took you to the balcony at night and played for you. He also got you flowers. If you do something for him or get him anything he'll be a blubbering mess. He keeps going on about how wonderful and loving you are, and how he isn't worthy of such love.

Valentine's Day With The Chimera Ant Arc Characters


Also didn't know about it, but it isn't as big a deal to him. He knows it's important to you though and got you a card with something cute written in it. He's embarrassed so please don't read it out loud or anything. He also gives you an "I love you". Just don't make a big deal of it, he doesn't want Meruem or the other guards to think of him as emotional like Pouf. You two probably prefer to just hang out.


He learned about it from his guards. He sees it as not a day to show your love, but as a day to prove your love. He will go all out however he can. He's got a stoic disposition, but he does love you. You are precious to him in more ways than you could imagine, and he will do anything to prove to you that he is worthy of you. If you do the same for him, he's genuinely flattered and a little surprised.

Valentine's Day With The Chimera Ant Arc Characters


Fairly similar to Youpi, but a little more chill with it being a romantic holiday. He doesn't like the super mushy stuff, but he might take you on a date or something. You sleep in and just enjoy the day together. Your date is probably something interactive, he get's bored easily, so Valentine's Day bowling is probably on the list. Or you went to a carnival. If so, he definitely won you a plushie of some sort.


Oh god. I hope you like his weird speeches, cause that's what you're gonna get. I totally see y'all going to the beach at sunset. Probably got you flowers, but he wouldn't get you the standard roses unless that's what you really like. He understands from his whole octopus squid dilemma that people have different tastes. Whatever he says to you in his little monologue will probably make you cry. Of joy.


Not a fan of Valentine's Day. The only thing he likes is maybe the candy and chocolate. So he got you that. He'll most likely steal some from you as well. But he just treats it as any other day. That is until night comes around. He's a horny bastard and Valentine's is the perfect excuse to initiate stuff. If you got him anything he'll be awkward. "Um.. Ok.?." But if you get him some candy he'll get very excited. And probably more cuddly.

Valentine's Day With The Chimera Ant Arc Characters


If you two can't go on a date, she'll go ballistic. She doesn't care if it's in public or at home as long as you ask her out and put some genuine thought and love into it. She'll be extremely happy and very flustered. As much as she would probably love going out that day, if you made dinner at home and had her favorite movies and a gift that you knew she would like, she'll be so happy she could squeeze you! She of course got you something too, probably a card. And she dressed up really nice.


Didn't know what Valentine's Day was, but when you explained it he started prepping immediately. Planning a date, what to get you, how to ask you out that day.. All that jazz. He might put on a tux or something. I think he'd probably take you dancing. He'd practice a ton beforehand. And if you can't dance, what's more romantic than teaching your loved one? He got you flowers and a card. Please get him something too. He doesn't care what it is, but the fact that you want to give him a token of your love makes him tear up.

Valentine's Day With The Chimera Ant Arc Characters


Took you on a hike somewhere pretty. He might get you a flower, but he's more likely to get you something that you'll remember the trip by. When he loves someone dearly, he doesn't need to give a speech or anything like Ikalgo to convey it. He could say something so casually but you know he means he loves you. You definitely shared a deep kiss before heading back home and relaxing the rest of the night.


Another flower guy. He called you in advance and told you to wear something nice. He showed up gave you your flowers and took you out to eat. He's very charming and great at giving genuine compliments. Ones that apply to you and you only. He doesn't really want a gift but if you get him one anyways he'll be flattered. You will feel so overwhelmed with love that your affection tank is overflowing. He's a gentleman through and through.


The most tsundere one on this list. He's trying so hard to be cool and chill, but failing miserably. You end up eating dinner at home and it turns out cooking together is really fun. He's also very good at making spaghetti. Got you some candy. He debated getting you chocolate but he was worried one of the dogs might get into it. Nothing screams romance like an emergency trip to the vet. He will cry if you get him something. Especially if it's dog themed. He will cherish it for as long as it lasts.

Valentine's Day With The Chimera Ant Arc Characters


He's super nervous. He either made dinner at home and is trying to make it perfect, or took you to the park at night and is praying some weirdo doesn't mess it up. He probably got you something specific that you like or wanted rather than the generic Valentine's gifts. If you get him something, don't give it to him in public. He's already trying not to cry. He just loves you so much. Your night is filled with sweet kisses and a lot of love.


She's got a lot of date fantasies. She'll spend forever trying to pick one before just mixing most of them together for one perfect date! She tells you she's got plans for you two on Valentine's day and not to be late. You end up going out to eat, going shopping, going on a night time stroll and sitting by the fountain in the park. She got you a card and a more personal gift. If you get her something she likes she'll be beaming. She loves Valentine's Day and probably got a new outfit for the date even.

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3 years ago

Height anon here! I was also curious, how old do you think the chimera ants ages are compared to their ages as humans? Sure as chimera ants they are a couple months old but with key elements we can kinda determine their age ranges. Meleoron smokes and mostly around the world the age is 18-21. So meleoron is at least that old. He also gets along with knuckle (knuckles age is unknown but shoot is canon to be 28 so knuckle is around that age so maybe meleoron is about 23-25? Also with how he talks about his relationship with peggy I'd say he is around 23-25. With hina she acts more childish but talks about her form like a teenager so she was probably a very childish teenager at around 16.

This is an interesting one! I really wish we had more canon info about the ants, but until that happens this'll have to do!

Height Anon Here! I Was Also Curious, How Old Do You Think The Chimera Ants Ages Are Compared To Their

Cheetu: 22. Let's be honest, most people in their early twenties aren't too mature, there are exceptions, but he isn't one. He's still very much about wanting to have fun and I could totally picture him at party playing beer pong or somehting. Also the fact that he likes to be flashy and is very confident screams fuck-boy energy.

Leol: 30-40. He's a lot more mature and mellow. I get massive dilf vibes from this man. He strikes me as dilf that's tired of everyone's bullshit.

Flutter: 26. I don't know why. I honestly had a hard time coming up with an age for him. I think of him as being some youngish computer genius honestly.

Hina: 19-22. She's extremely imature and cares a lot about her figure, she reminds me of someone who'd be in a sorority. She also cares about material things over the people in her life. I see her as one of the Heathers or one of the Plastics not gonna lie.

Yunju: 32. No comment, this just makes sense to me.

Meleoron: 25. He's goofy, but not childishly so, it seems more like anxiety to me. Feel like he would have been a theatre kid in highschool. He's very level headed, and smokes so definently an adult in his mid twenties.

Pitou: 22. They're in their early twenties but they're a lot more mature than most people their age.

Pouf: 26. He's also young, but he's a bit wiser when it comes to emotions, and mental state, and the only way to get that good at reading people is with a nen ability and with experience. So he's had plenty of years to do that, and to master the violin.

Youpi: 25-30. I think he's young as well, but it's hard to figure out exactly how old I think he is. His chillness and personality and akin to Meleoron, but he doesn't look like he's in his early 20's. He looks more like Phinks, who I'd guess is late 20's to 30. Y'alls guess is as good as mine here.

Meruem: 22. He's still young, but not irresponsible and impulsive like Cheetu. Meruem, like Flutter, strikes me as a genius but with something akin to a god complex. He's still imature in that he always wants to be right, and things must go his way or he gets irritated. But he's better at planning and goodd at keeping his cool when needed.

Welfin: 25. Still young and likes to party, but he isn't in his early 20's. He's wise when it comes to certain things and I don't think his intense mistrust is indicative of being childish, but more of having been betrayed in some way or have a dissorder.

Ikalgo: 36. Not old yet, but certainly not in his early 20's anymore. This guy is super wise and really strikes me as being the emotional dad friend.

Rammot: 24. Just a gut feeling on this one. He's certainly not very mature, but not at all a teenager. The number 24 just sorta fit.

Palm: 29. I don't know why, but I just really feel like she is.

Colt: 27. I know before he before he was eaten he was like 8, but as an ant I just don't think he's still that age. Think of it like a past life. Just because you died at the age of 5 in your past life and have memories of it, does not mean that now in your current life you are still 5. It was a different life, and in the one you have now, you continue to age. Colt is very level-headed, mature, and clear minded. He's good at decision making. He acts and looks like an adult, I'm pretty sure he is one.

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2 years ago
Living Room - Contemporary Living RoomAn Illustration Of A Medium-sized, Contemporary Open-concept Living

Living Room - Contemporary Living Room An illustration of a medium-sized, contemporary open-concept living area with a bar, colorful walls, and a wall-mounted television.

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2 years ago
Living Room - LibraryInspiration For A Large, Open, Eclectic Living Room Renovation With White Walls,

Living Room - Library Inspiration for a large, open, eclectic living room renovation with white walls, a stone fireplace, a regular fireplace, and no television.

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2 years ago
Bedroom Los AngelesA Large Image Of A Master Bedroom In A Transitional Style With A Medium-tone Wood

Bedroom Los Angeles A large image of a master bedroom in a transitional style with a medium-tone wood floor, no fireplace, and white walls.

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