Previous Golden Guard - Tumblr Posts

"Why does Darius look so sad here"
Darius and the previous Golden Guard, my discord friends named him Chase
Definitely gonna draw more of Chase soon

The previous Golden Guard CHASE
Me and some friends made him on discord, love him with all my heart

My grimwalker oc Remus
He's an absolute nerd with big bro energy
Also Agathas old friend :)
He was the golden guard just before Belos became emperor

An AU where Hunter's last name really is Bloodwilliams. He is the son of the previous golden gard and a witch/vampire/bat-demon. I decided that the Bloodwilliams have a tradition with having gems as middle names.
I've seen other people calling the previous golden guard Orion, and in this AU, he changed his last name and took his wife's because no one wants the same last name as Belos. He also uses a magic sword instead of a staff, just bacause I wanted to draw a sword.
I love the thought that child witches have to grow into their ears :)

Me and my sister were talking about different possible crossovers with owl house and tried a FMAB crossover AU. Part 1.
Hunter Wittebane: He lived with his dad, Caleb, and his older brother William (former golden guard- nickname Flapjack). After their father was killed, William went to study at the military academy in the capital and became good friends with Darius and Eberwolf, while Hunter studied under a rogue Witch/Alchemist named Eda Clawthorne. After trying to revive their father, Hunter lost his arm and leg, and placed his older brother's soul in a wood cardinal (their father was a woodcarver). He later came in contact with Darius and now work under his command. Darius is also his guardian since William is a bird. Hunter also has a crush on his childhood friend and mechanic Willow Park.
In this AU Darius has Roy Mustangs role as Hunters guardian and commanding officer. His subordinates are his Lt. Eberwolf, Raine and the rest of the B.A.T.s. A childhood friend of Darius is Perry Porter (Maes Hughes) who always brag about his son Augustus Porter.
Briggs (the Knee) is ruled by general Lilith Clawthorn and her second in command Steve. Mostly because Gwen Clawthorne is badass, Lilith was the coven head of the emperors coven and she punched Belos in the face.
The homunculus are ruled by Belos. He is the Emperor, like King Bradley, and met the collector (dwarf in the bottle) and got powers from him 400 years ago, like Hoenheim. He holds the power of pride. The other homunculi are Kikimora as greed (because she is greedy), hand-dragon as gluttony (because it tried to eat Hunter) , younger Terra snapdragon as Lust (because she is evil and nobody else fit.) Adrian as sloth (bacause he direct other to do stuff for him and will rather sit and watch), Vee as envy (bacause she is envious of Luz and can shapeshift) and last is warden Wrath (because his name and he turn into a giant monster).
Luz was adopted by Eda after Hunter left, and became her newest apprentice. Eda lives in the owl house with Hooty and King.
The Blight siblings are the group from Xing, because Odalia wants them to be royalty and the xing group compete for the throne of Xing.
I drew Hunter and Willow, while my sister drew Kiki and hand-dragon.
What if?
so I've been thinking; what if instead of Kikimora taking King to the Collector-tablet, she took him to the old statue of the previus golden guard. Since all the other guards ended up there, he should've too. She explain the grimwalkers and so on, and then innstructs King how to awaken him with titans blood. Since the guard is a grimmwalker and therefore part stonesleeper, he should be ok after being petrified. Then they will catch him up with whats been happening, and it will be a little confusing for him, but it will be really emotional. Then when Belos tries to kill everyone else, insted of the collector stopping him, its just a really angry grimmwalker yelling "fuck you, Philip!!!" and then they have an epic magic fight. Darius said he was one of the strongest witches he had known or something so… anyway. He kicks Philips ass, then they do something to stop the draining spell. Something smart. Probably with the help of Hunter since he helpted fix the portal-door and know a lot about wild and forbidden magic. He is supposedly a genius. They also have King with titan blood. They manage to stop it somehow, and Darius and the previus golden guard reunite and adopt Hunter. Hunter fix the portal, he has done so before, and everyone lives happely ever after.
Grimwalker lore theory.
What if grimwalkers actually are an early experiment on recreating titans or creating a vessel for the Titan. Grimwalkers have powerful lungs from the stonesleepers and could probably roar similar to how King does. Stonesleepers is also creatures that evolved early on on the titan and maybe that makes them more powerful since the titan probably had more magic at that time. They also have the ability to hibernate and turn into stone. this is an ability that I think titans also have since they can turn into islands after they "dies" . The heart in Belos throneroom is still beating som maybe the titan is still alive in some way.
Grimwalkers are also immune to the effects of the boiling sea due to their selkiedomus skin, something the titans also are since the apparntly walked around and lived in it.
Grimwalkers are made out of palistromwood that can create "life". All the life on the boiling isles were "born" from the titans corpse. palistrom is also really rare and is blue - titans blood is also blue - maybe palistrom only grow over places with titansblood, so that means that grimwalkers have titans blood in them. They also emphasize the eyes of the grimwalkers. They are red/pink just like Kings.
Grimwalker theory:
What if Grimwalkers originally are a type of spectral dog/wolf demon or a type of shapeshifters like the basilisks. That's why they have so many books about them. Belos may have been able to create fake ones, but they have to have excisted as a species at some point for them to be extinct and have legends about them. There simply can't be an entire species that exist only with galderstones as hearts. there aren't enough of them (they are super rare).

a grim = a dog/wolf/shapeshifter
walker = person/ someone who walks on two legs?
Hunter loves wolves
conclusion: Grimwalker = werewolves or wolfwalkers .(wiki)
(maybe a conection to titans since King looks like a small black dog )

Has anyone else noticed that grimwalkers seem to be common knowledge on the boiling isles? There a multiple books about them in Hexside, also everyone seems to already know what they are whenever someone says Hunter is a grimwalker. No one stops and asks what a grimwalker is except for Luz and Hunter.
Are grimwalkers part of history class or something because we know they are supposedly extinct. Maybe there are scary stories about them or they are creatures from legends/fairytales from the Boiling isles. Like how we humans have monsters/faries/demons, they have their own versions. it's not like it's forbidden knowledge or else Hunter wouldn't have found that many books about them in Hexside.

Maybe babysitting a selkidomus it’s not good for your back

New reference for Butcher
i’m so happy, tomorrow im going to see Dana in Pixelatl :D