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4 years ago

Okay so I am finally fully reading Dany’s chapters for the first time (The other times were only half and snippets) and during Visery’s death scene, this section stuck out to me and I haven’t seen anyone talking about it.

“Distantly, as from far away, Dany heard her handmaid Jhiqui sobbing in fear, pleading that she dared not translate, that the khal would bind her and drag her behind his horse all the way up the Mother of Mountains. She put her arm around the girl. “Don’t be afraid,” she said. “I shall tell him.” 

Can we talk about this for a sec? 

This is a 13/14 year old pregnant girl, who is being held at swordpoint by her abusive drunk brother, who had just been threatened of being taken back and having her unborn child cut out of her by said brother.

and yet, the minute she heard Jhiqui crying and being afraid of what would happen to her if she translated that to Khal Drogo, and the first thing she does is comfort and reassure her, that she would translate Visery’s words herself.

Can you believe that?! That a young girl is being threatened with basically death and yet still finds it within her to worry about someone else’s suffering?!

And some of y’all idiots on here still say that she is destined to go crazy and that she has “always been powerhungry and cruel”???!?!?!!

None of y’all talk to me until a semblance of a brain cell comes crawling back into that empty head of yours.

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4 years ago

Holy fuck, I knew the show whitewashed Jorah but I didn’t realize just how MUCH! He did not learn ANYTHING from his exile/punishment! He still tries to justify slavery and then tries to make Dany give up her morals and stance on slavery! 

And they way he keeps trying to touch her when she has shown multiple times throughout her chapters that she was uncomfortable with him touching her or staring at her breasts! When he kisses her, she pushes him away and tells him he shouldn’t have done that. When he gives his shit explanation, he AIN’T EVEN LOOKING HER IN THE EYE! HE’S STARING AT HER CHEST AGAIN!

He severely crossed a line for her and scared her, to the point where she always has her handmaids or her bloodriders around her in case he tries again and actively avoids him. Smells like red flags to me. 

He’s a jackass through and through. How in the fucking hell did Dumbass and Dick take all that predatory behavior away and made him this sympathetic good character in the show?! RIDDLE ME THAT! They made Dany go “mAd” but made Jorah this good guy white knight? HELL FUCKING NO! I’ve been mad side eyeing those two for a while now but now alarms are ringing in my head.

Fuck that and for the 500th time, FUCK THE SHOW!

Anyways, we’re getting my favorite part. Where Dany finally does what she should’ve done from the get go and deal with those asshole, arrogant slavers.

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4 years ago

“ “The plan was to reveal Prince Aegon only when we reached Queen Daenerys,” Lemore was saying.” Good that you called her by her proper title.

“That was when we believed the girl was coming west. Our dragon queen has burned that plan to ash, and thanks to that fat fool in Pentos, we have grasped the she-dragon by the tail and burned our fingers to the bone.” As she should. Grasp anywhere else that belongs to the she-dragon and she’ll burn the rest of you, Griff.

“Illyrio could not have been expected to know that the girl would choose to remain at Slaver’s Bay.” Dany burning Illyrio’s plans is what we like to see in this house.

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4 years ago

“The first Aegon took Westeros without eunuchs,” said Lysono Maar. “Why shouldn’t the sixth Aegon do the same?” BECAUSE HE HAD DRAGONS, SMARTY PANTS. THAT THING THAT Y’ALL ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WAITING ON DANY FOR! FAEGON DOESN’T HAVE ANY OF THAT. 

Why is Harry the only smart one here?

“ Griff had heard enough of the captain-general’s cowardice. “We will not be alone. Dorne will join us, must join us. Prince Aegon is Elia’s son as well as Rhaegar’s.” What do y’all think will happen when its found out that Faegon is fake? The Dornish will be BEYOND PISSED. This is gonna be good.

“That’s so,” the boy said, “and who is there left in Westeros to oppose us? A woman.”  *Sighs* Faegon is not winning me over in ANY capacity.

“ “The plan was to reveal Prince Aegon only when we reached Queen Daenerys,” Lemore was saying.” Good that you called her by her proper title.

“That was when we believed the girl was coming west. Our dragon queen has burned that plan to ash, and thanks to that fat fool in Pentos, we have grasped the she-dragon by the tail and burned our fingers to the bone.” As she should. Grasp anywhere else that belongs to the she-dragon and she’ll burn the rest of you, Griff.

“Illyrio could not have been expected to know that the girl would choose to remain at Slaver’s Bay.” Dany burning Illyrio’s plans is what we like to see in this house.

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1 year ago

REAL🔥💯If it were the grown ass male characters such as Stannis and Robert Baratheon(bObBy b),Jaime and Tywin Lannister(some of which father children and offspring who are adults)who know right from wrong, then this pathetic degenerate fandom woobify&coddle to the nth degree,they'd be dickriding,dickeating,asslicking,bending over backwards to defend them as usual☠️🗿Not to mention dantis are the same breed praising male Targaryens such as Daemon and Aemond for the same things they vilify,demonize and villainize Dany for token stanning them like stansas with the dead-ladies club for their anti-dany agenda🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Thinking about if Dany was a man fans would’ve loved her and people (in the show and irl) would’ve justified the shit outta her burning King’s Landing

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10 months ago

The way antis just ignore GRRM literally confirming in an interview that slavery in the world he created was based off of the Roman Empire's in which slavery wasn't based off of race,so all kinds of people could be enslaved due to victories in war of the opposing side regardless of skin color like in other areas in the real world throughout history.Not to mention GRRM recognized and acknowledged the casting choices of the slaves in GoT based off of the options of those who auditioned for the cameos in the filming location of foreign country in another continent,Morocco (if I remember correctly),which isn't accurate to the slaves Dany (who is literally a former sex slave to Khal Drogo in spite of being forced into a marriage with him against her will as evident in Dany chapters before the wedding the handmaidens helping her freshen and dress up tell her Khal Drogo is so rich even his slaves wear golden collars while they are closing the golden torque around her neck,which creeps Dany out because she's actually very perceptive btw) frees who vary in background,race,ethnicity,and skin color,meaning white slaves exist too🤦🏾‍♀️

It's a fact that Dany's story is riddled with violence against women of color and that she's the perpetrator in several cases, so mentioning her race is actually necessary (Sansa being white has no bearing on her story because again, she never hurt or killed any woc). Besides burning Mirri, r*ping Irri and torturing the wineseller's daughter, she also slaps Eroeh in the face. She looted one city, destroyed another to gain an army of slaves, took over another one for a trial run at ruling and plans to abandon it to invade and destroy a continent that she (and the thousands of warlords she's bringing with her) has never been to to demand fealty from people who don't want her as their queen. Why don't you at least acknowledge that Dany is written as a villain and that your hatred of Sansa is, by comparison, irrational?

It's ironic that the biggest criticism of how George writes characters of color is that he uses them in service of white characters' arcs and that's exactly what you've decided to do in my inbox. Nothing about liking these characters, wanting to see more of their stories, or wanting better for them. Nothing about wanting to start a conversation about the racism in George's writing. Nope. Just you using these characters of color and their suffering, which you supposedly care about, as props because you feel a "pure", white character is being unfairly hated. I have to laugh. The only "hate" I've given to Sansa is disliking her annoying stans and pointing out how she's written in the books but apparently, that's enough to have you clutching your pearls.

And the thing about racism is that, for Dany to be capable of being racist, it would mean that race HAS to be a factor in their society. That would mean that Sansa, as a white woman, would subsequently benefit from her white identity. Which is why I found that so funny from the first ask you sent. You can't just decide that race is only a factor in a single character's story. I get it though, you haven't actually thought any of this through because your only motivation is to put down Dany and prop up Sansa. This is how I know you don't care at all about racism and you're just copying talking points you've heard instead of thinking for yourself.

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