PROPERLY - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago


if it is no trouble, would you consider drawing Scaramouche from Genshin? He's may favorite character and I'd love to seem him in your beautiful style. You don't have to if you don't want to, tho

If It Is No Trouble, Would You Consider Drawing Scaramouche From Genshin? He's May Favorite Character

It’s no trouble at all! Here you go ✌🏽😉

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9 months ago

Hey, the Karlach reaction after Gortash's death is ten times more devastating the second time around. A truly magnificent performance from Samantha Beart, it was so fucking brutal.

I demand a "please just let me help karlach properly" dlc

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9 months ago

When you and your bestie (who convinced half the year you were dating in year 7 because you held hands in maths because her hands were too cold and yours were too hot) get fake married on a website and you set the certificate as your Home Screen but you can justify it by saying “it’s only gay if you make it gay”. We are such good friends :).

Update: she has a boyfriend now and they are such a cute couple (ngl when they first got together I think some of our friends were more invested in their relationship than they were lol)

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2 years ago

Bro my cough's so bad to the point where i can barely say a sentence without coughing or sounding raspy 💀

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