I like to search for Gay sh!t in most hetero moments. I have a problem (ADHD). Indonesian. My English is no good.
233 posts
Killamorrikilla - Killa - Tumblr Blog
if tin can bros ever dropped live and let spy they’d have to give Special Agent Curt Mega a new boyfriend because he deserves happiness but he’d have to be played by Joey Richter because I deserve happiness
I’m cryinggg
i think what a lot of ppl in the saf fandom dont realize is that the lovable, stupid and reckless brute that we see for the majority of saf... isn't who curt was before the fall.
was curt arrogant and careless before? absolutely, and he does do a lot of admittedly stupid things in the glimpse that we get of who he was before owen's "death." but a lot of people tend to write and interpret him as this like, egotistical buffoon who was nowhere near as skilled as owen, or that was constantly putting him and owen's lives on the line and having to get owen to clean up all of his messes. and it always irks me because there's a REASON curt was so confident in himself, why he called himself one of the best spies in the world---because he WAS. he wouldn't be so famed if he hadn't been especially skilled on the field in the first place, and was able to think with a clear mind at times. he couldn't have been piggybacking off his partners work everytime he went out. he was good at what he did, which allowed him to be a little cocky at times.
its important to remember that the curt that we end up getting acquainted with---this asshole who is clearly out of his depth, not thinking logically, and trying to cover it up with false bravado, is curt at his lowest. curt who just got out of a four year break that he spent grieving the lover he essentially killed because he let his flaws get the better of him in order to combat his insecurities (bc someone i follow said that he probably acted that way during a1p1 because he wanted to impress owen and they are SO RIGHT), curt who's desperate to be like the skilled, suave, cool agent that he was before instead of this useless alcoholic mess. to be the agent that would take stupid risks because he knew he could get out of it without consequences. to be the man that owen loved.
his arc is coming to terms with the fact that he can NEVER be that person again, that owen's "death" has irrevocably changed who he is and how he functions. but that that person is still worthwhile, too.
It’s 2024 and I’m not sure if I’m late to introduce my new otp, curtowen.
Celebrate the small win

by Comicname
I’m convinced this guy is undercover IKEA employee, he must be the one that write all of those IKEA instructions.

One thing Helluva Boss is teaching us is that you can't break through somebody's walls by force. You cannot fix somebody else's hurt. You can only be there when they're down. But if they don't want you there, then sometimes you need to let them go.

One thing I appreciate Helluva doing is how it establishes Stolas as a good, sweet person but doesn't excuse his actions.
A lot of people have been saying for some time that Helluva turned Stolas into a sad owl boi, which true, but at the same time it still works as that is who Stolas is at his core. He's depressed, repressed, and is dealing with some shitty stuff at the moment.

HOWEVER, even though he never means to hurt anyone, it doesn't change the fact that he still does. The show in season one held him accountable as a loving father to Octavia, still held him accountable when he unintentionally ignored her discomfort and not wanting to be there.

In the new Music Video it does the same with Blitz. We now know why he pursued Blitz, why he was so comfortable cheating on Stella, and why he was so forward with his dirty talk. But misunderstanding or no, it doesn't change the fact that Stolas still screwed up during his arrangement with Blitz. Even if he didn't mean to and thought it was something they both wanted, it doesn't change the fact that he still took advantage of a power imbalance and ignored the hints that Blitz may not have been as happy as he was.
And the show makes him take accountability for that. It has him address the fact that he was wrong, and that he's going to do everything in his power to make amends. Even if that means never seeing Blitz again.

I think that's such an important lesson in media. That even if you don't realize you hurt someone until it's too late, it doesn't change the fact that you still hurt them. You can be a genuinely good person who means no harm, but if you hurt someone you hurt someone and you need to take responsibility for that.
(Also it must be said that Blitz screws up too. He doesn't comprehend that Stolas can get hurt in any way, so that leads to him thinking he can do whatever he wants with and to Stolas and that Stolas will still be there. He doesn't think he needs to worry about Stolas's feelings which can and will probably cause problems in the future. Also it has to be said that even though Blitz does see Stolas as unreachable and above him, it doesn't change the fact that Blitz too took advantage of a married mans attraction to him in order to steal from him. Also Stolas wasn't Blitz's ONLY option to the human world, it was simply the EASIEST. But Blitz has been being called out by other characters so I think that's why the fandom is easier on him.)

Basically, both Stolas and Blitz are equally as guilty. But I love how Helluva sets them both as sympathetic, caring characters and yet still holds them responsible for their actions.

Images that you would probably not see again @thoughtstherapy

this is so fucking funny wait
Moomintroll, what do you think specifically made Snufkin leave early? Also I don’t think it was really your fault :)

His father's son. But also his mother's.
Prequel answer
the more I report the spam the more spam post coming to me…
I have failed, I have fallen

Surviving in 2022
l art: BomboTimmy l title: _figensezgin
This speech make me cry, this isn’t only about Ukraine-Russia but all war…

“Who can prevent all this from happening? The people. Public figures, journalists, musicians, actors, athletes, scientists, doctors, bloggers, stand-ups, Tiktokers, and more. Ordinary people. Ordinary, simple people. Men, women, old, young, fathers, and most importantly - mothers. I know that my speech will not be aired on Russian television. But the citizens of Russia have to see it. They need to know the truth.”

@sketiana on tumblr // Clementine Von Radics, James // Nicole Homer, Underbelly // unknown // Taylor Swift, You're On Your Own Kid // Speeches for Dr Frankenstein, Margaret Atwood // Anna Akhmatova, tr. by Lenore Mayhew and William Mcnaughton, from Poem Without A Hero and Selected Poems; “In a dream”
Unrequited Love
Unrequited love is one when I feel so close to you
yet you so far from me.
Unrequited love is one when I buy you a flower
which reminds me of you
but it remains a mere piece in your vast collection.
Unrequited love is one when I perceive your smile in the dawn
but you a mere beam of light emitting from the morning sky.
Yes, it is love,
solely felt from me to you and my dear,
How I long to break these chains of emotions holding me
from writing this letter and leaving it on your table
while you read your favourite fable.
How I wish to remain no longer be bounded by these threads of feelings,
by these threads of love
that remain solely felt by me for you.
These threads of unrequited love, my dear.
advice for anyone starting a new job
Do not, under any circumstances, work as hard as you possibly can.
I know, you're enthusiastic because this job is better than your last job, which sucked, but in six months you will not feel this way and you'll have set a standard for yourself that you can't possibly maintain. Pace yourself. Set appropriate expectations. Learn how to say no to things before you're overextended and panicking.
Tell your manager nothing.
If you need to take a sick day, tell them "I need to take a sick day." That's all they need to know.
Don't share your social media.
Some companies will ask you for this. Do not give it to them. Tell them you don't use social media. Make a fake Facebook. But don't give them the opportunity to surveil you any more than they already do (and yes, they do).
Take your breaks.
Breaks are necessary for human beings. You need food, water, and also mental space away from your work. Not taking breaks leads to burnout, and it is also illegal.
Take time off, if you get it.
People love to say stuff like "This place would fall apart without me." What this translates to roughly is, "I'm terrified that if I took time off, management might realize they can get by without me and fire me." Managers try that shit even if you never take time off, mostly because you have identified yourself as someone who will put up with abuse without complaint.
If you don't take your breaks, you're not just hurting yourself-- you're encouraging a culture where other people don't get the breaks they need. Don't be a scab. Don't eat lunch at your desk. Don't contribute to burnout culture.
Know employment law in your area.
Most countries have at least some worker protection laws, and workplaces will break them regularly if they think they can get away with it. If you're in the States, know how to contact OSHA, the Department of Labor, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Organize your workplace.
You don't have to unionize or take industrial action, but connecting with your coworkers is essential. You don't have to like them or even respect them, but you need to be able to work with them. You need to be able to get along and to be willing to stand together if your employer pulls some shit (as they invariably will).
The hashtag make me cried again after the ending

How it starts vs. how it ends (inspired by this post by @yamisnuffles)
This rucking summed up my life
I will be like "I'm fine" and then another fucking event will occur
Imagine Rue singing “Only love could hurt like this”
I’m screamingggg!!!!
Imagine the scene start with Rue after the Hart Hunt !!!!
I’m crying … someone please make fanfics or animation cause I can’t do shit 😭😭😭😭😭