Quanyin - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Hua Cheng: You dare come here, sniffing around my cabbage patch, to steal my prized cabbage?

Xie Lian: Ah, San Lang...

Hua Cheng: I can't believe it. A mutt at my door, demanding to see my only daughter (Yin Yu), to steal him away, to take him from my home?? From the safety of his cabbage patch??

Xie Lian, laughing: San Lang, leave the poor boy alone.

Quan Yizhen:...

Hua Cheng: What can you offer, boy? What can you bring to this household that my beloved, lovely husband and I can't bring on our own?

Quan Yizhen: Grandchildren.

Xie Lian:...

Hua Cheng:...

Hua Cheng: You make a compelling argument.

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11 months ago

Little Star

By VulpisLunar123



QYZ adopts a baby, and his life changes - a lot…


After a long ongoing feud between the West and East territories, Quan Yizhen answers his last worshipper’s prayer within another village that was left completely destroyed.

Ignoring the warnings from the heavens, he answers a dying mother’s last wish, to save her daughter.


Ming Yue, a girl born from grief and destruction is raised from the god of sun … <3


Reblog this with a fanfic rec for any fandom.


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8 months ago

I’m sure he’d be fine if literally anyone had attempted to explain anything to him at any point!

Something I like to imagine his Shixiong ends up doing when they’re on their way to go and tidy up his territory!

underwaterstrawberries - 🍓Strawberry🍓
underwaterstrawberries - 🍓Strawberry🍓

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7 months ago

Day 8 of @whumperless-whump-event


Prompt: Migraine / Light & Sound Sensitivity / "I can close the curtains..."

Newly ascended quan yizhen is overwhelmed by all of heavens… heavenli-ness, his shixiong comforts him

Fandom: TGCF

Characters: Yin Yu, Quan Yizhen, Jian Yu

“Shixiong…” Yizhen began, trying to get attention on himself because his head has been /hurting/ again, but his Shixiong’s still busy with the group of gods in front of him.

So he was ignored once again, and glared at by Jian Yu. The noise, all those people talking over each other, is making his head hurt worse and he can feel himself get more agitated. Just as he was about to speak again he was pulled inside by the other deputy god to have a ‘little chat’.

With the harsh grab and pull his head is jostled roughly and it makes the pain spike badly. He shuts his eyes and holds his hands over his ears though it barely helps.

“What the hell were you thinking?!” Jian Yu quietly hissed, keeping him in place with a tight grip to his shoulder.

“…What?” He manages to squeeze out of his stiff jaw, genuinely confused and just wanting to be by Shixiong's side again.

When he squints open bis eyes he thinks he sees Jian Yu get angrier but that's normal so he lets his mind wander. He really doesn't like this new place, he doesn't really like new places at all, but Shixiong brought him here so it should be fine!

It's not fine. It's too bright and loud and the people here are worse than those back in their sect. They’re more confusing, all dressed in bright gaudy clothes or excessive armor, all loud trying to vie for attention, and they all crowded him when he was already feeling bad because he lost his Shingxiong so he did what he was trained to. When you’re surrounded by strangers you can’t let them get you!

He doesn't understand why everyone’s making so much noise right now. But it makes him feel much much worse, this entire place makes him feel much worse, but shixiong… Shixiong’s worth it, so he bares with it all, the best he can.

A loud slam and he flinches and tightly closes his eyes as he holds his hands over his ears again. Then when he squits them open and lowers his ears… it’s too bright all the curtains are pulled open and heaven’s light pours in, not to mention the bright aura of light coming from Jian Yu. To avoid hurting more he closes his eyes and keeps his ears covered.

“-do you know how much shit you’ve put yin yu th- oh my gods! You're not even listening!” He thinks he hears Jian Yu yell but he can’t be sure over all the hurt and static in his head.

Then suddenly a hand is grabbing his wrists and he acts on instinct trying to head butt the attacker. Luckily for Jian Yu, he managed to dodge, quickly letting go of Yizhen before yelling again. This time he really didn't hear whatever Jian Yu was yelling about because the pain got so, so much worse. But before anything could escalate again.

“Jian Yu that's enough… Let me talk to him," shixiong says and the sound of the other man’s voice is enough to make him snap his head towards the noise, never mind that it made the hurt about ten times worse.

“But Yin Y-“ Jian Yu was cut off by a pat to his shoulder and Yin Yu’s tight smile.

“I got it, please let the gods that came here know we definitely don't harbor any ill will?” Shixiong says he doesn't really get it but by the sound of affirmation that Jian Yu gave he did get it.

Then before he knows it the doors are opening and slamming shut, /loudly/, again. The sound makes him stiffen and push his hands over his ears more.

“…Yizhen,” He hears his Shixiong call, so he looks toward him and smiles the best he can.

“Shixiongg Hurts, bright ‘nd loud!” He quickly lets out as he stares at his Shixiong.

Yin Yu startles at the quick pace of the information shared he understood after a few moments of his ex-disciple, now deputy god, staring at him with those wide expectant eyes.

So Yin Yu sighs and resigns himself to a cuddly and in pain shidi for the next few hours.

“I'll close the curtains, Yizhe-“

“Shidi,” Yizhen interrupted, staring at the older god.

“…Shidi, I'll close the curtains, you go sit or lie on the bed,” his shixiong orders as he turns to close off the curtains.

He makes an affirmative noise and then turns to run around looking for something to lay on. He ends up in the main bedroom, grumbling at the still too bright light, but quickly finds the well crafted bed. As ordered to him he quickly flops in the soft mattress; he winces as the movement rattles his head. He lays face down on the bed for a while before he begins to get restless again.

Thankfully just when he was about to get up and look for Yin Yu, he heard the bedroom door quietly open and click close, then the curtains were pulled shut. He turns his head slightly to see Shixiong sitting on the edge of the bed. The sight allows him to relax a bit more, and then he feels Shixiong’s hands remove his hair tie and run his hands through his hair.

Safe to say Yizhen was completely out cold when Jian Yu returned, yet Yin Yu still was running a hand through his unruly curls.

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7 months ago

Good news! It has been made sadder! 🥲

i had a very sad idea for Quanyin based fic that's basically Yin Yu living out a 'What if' scenario with the memory and knowledge from the current life, but since I haven't actually read what they were like beyond fan works, I'm going to post the idea and let others try their hand at it

Basically, for what ever plot reason, he gets sent back to his childhood in the sect, back to be a disciple and having the expectations of godhood. Everything is the same. But Yizhen isn't picked up from the street.

Yin Yu is cruelly happy at first, but then he starts to notice Yizhen around the town more and more as they both get older. He looks mangier, hungrier, fighting to survive, and like one more rough illness from living on the streets could kill him. Yin Yu wants to help him, offer him food and shelter, but he doesn't or can't, forced to watch this version of events play out. Until one day, Yizhen stops showing up.

Life continues on without him, no one seems to care that the street rat is gone and probably dead, no funeral, no mourners, the only person who seems to care is Yin Yu.

He ascends and gets to see how Heaven is once again. Cruel and uncaring of his efforts, the only people who care about him are the people from his sect (who expect much from him), the people he brought into his court (who don't know him that well), his best friend and right hand man (who bitches and brings his anxiety up more), and his followers (who expect things from him). Its just as bad as last time, but now he can't blame part of his failures on how Yizhen was a natural stealing the spot light and ruining his reputation by fighting those who talked bad about Yin Yu, now he sees how Heaven is with one less buffer. A place full of naturals who usually didn't have to work their way there like he did and gossip almost freely about everyone.

He wants to leave, but there's no Brocade Immortal to trigger the events of him being cast out. How could he justify leaving when so many people depended on him? How could he justify staying when it cost a child his life?

Yin Yu waking up in his room at Ghost City, maybe getting filled in on the situation for whatever happened. Feeling the need to immediately run and check up on Yizhen, but holding himself back because of his duties, then Xie Lian being like 'go, we'll take care of it while you're gone' then him immediately throwing the dice and going to Yizhen's empty palace to see the god, sleeping but alive. honestly, this type of fic feels like it ends with a hug since neither of them are good at communicating. i dont know how a conversation would go between them, but since this is post canon probably, Yizhen is absolutely happy to see Yin Yu 'alive' again and Yin Yu is happy to see him alive as well.

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5 months ago

Happy QuanYin week! Day One: Kids

Another little fic sort of showed up on my doorstep?? Hope you like it!

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

De-aged Yin Yu, newest part of the Closer Now Than Yesterday series. ~4600 words.

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5 months ago
Here's My Piece For Day 3 Of QuanYin Week!

Here's my piece for day 3 of QuanYin Week!

Title: Even vampires long for sunlight Relationship: Quan Yizhen/Yin Yu (Pre-relationship) Prompt: Sun and Moon Summary: Yin Yu has never had to deal with someone like Quan Yizhen. The problem is not that the guy jeopardized Yin Yu's visits to his favorite coffee shop. Not even that he forced Yin Yu to give him his number. No. The problem is that, despite all that, Yin Yu can't help but feel attracted to Quan Yizhen's shine. Also on AO3

Yin Yu had been considering changing coffee shops lately. It’s not that he didn’t like the establishment he currently frequented; on the contrary, he rather liked it. The coffee had great taste, the place was never filled with chatter, and he could sit in a corner, facing the window, with no one minding him. 

At least, that’s how it had been until a few weeks ago. Now, as soon as he took one step inside the building, a thunderous voice would make everyone turn to look at him.

“Yu-ge! Welcome!” 

Yin Yu cringed as he walked to the counter. He was grateful that today there were only a couple of customers.

The curly-haired barista beamed at him. As if he had been waiting all day for Yin Yu to show up. Yin Yu forced a smile back. It probably didn’t look as pleasant. 

“You’re early today, Yu-ge,” the barista, this strange guy named Quan Yizhen noted. 

Yin Yu pressed his lips tightly. He never gave Quan Yizhen permission to call him so casually. Still, he maintained a cool demeanor. “Ah, yes. No lessons this evening.”

“Great! I get to talk more with you today.”

Yin Yu said nothing to that. 

“The usual?” Quan Yizhen asked. His eyes sparkled a ridiculous amount. When Yin Yu looked at them, he immediately felt weary. 

“Yes,” Yin Yu replied, even though ‘the usual’ was a mocha latte he didn't particularly like. He had opted not to correct it so he had to speak less and spend less time in front of this guy. He quickly scanned his phone to pay.

“One mocha latte. Right away!” Quan Yizhen said as he began to prepare the drink.

Yin Yu went to sit at the high bar facing the window—his usual spot. In the crystal's reflection, he could see Quan Yizhen’s blurry figure moving in a rush.

Quan Yizhen was a disconcerting person. Since their first meeting, Yin Yu found him hard to treat. For some reason, this guy had asked, or rather demanded, Yin Yu’s number—at the same time that he kicked Yin Yu out of the shop for absurd reasons—which ended in Yin Yu getting a daily message of trivial stuff he didn’t know how to reply to. 

It’s not that Yin Yu disliked Quan Yizhen. If any, he rather liked him. However, he was confused by the sudden acquaintance. He wouldn’t say they were friends, but they did talk regularly. Quan Yizhen seemed eager to meet with Yin Yu, and yet, their interactions were limited to the coffee shop. The situation made Yin Yu nervous, so he was keeping his guard up.

A coffee cup was set in front of Yin Yu, with a scribbled smiley face on the cup sleeve. Quan Yizhen had his own silly smile plastered on as he sat down on the contiguous stool. 

“Don’t you need to stay at the register?” Yin Yu asked. He didn’t see any other employees in the shop. Quan Yizhen surely couldn’t just leave the place unattended.

“It’s alright while no customer comes up to order.” 

“I was planning to work on my assignments, so…”

“I won’t bother you.”

Yin Yu arched an eyebrow. He took out his tablet and a couple of written notes. “Alright. Just stay quiet,” he said.

Quan Yizhen kept still and quiet for about a minute. Then he began to fiddle with his hands and wiggle his legs. He stared at Yin Yu.

“What’s your assignment about?” he asked.

“I have to write a report.”

“I hate to write reports.”

“I can imagine you do.”

“What is it about?”


“Hm, sounds hard.”

“I also find it hard when there’s someone distracting me.”


The soft ambient music was the only sound for a bit. Only for a bit.

“Isn’t long hair a hassle?” Quan Yizhen asked. He had been looking at Yin Yu’s shoulder-length hair that fell like a curtain around his face.

Yin Yu figured he wouldn’t get any work done here, so he put the tablet aside, willing to amuse Quan Yizhen. 

“It’s alright,” he replied. “What about you? Isn’t curly hair difficult?”

“Yeah, that’s why I keep it short.”

Yin Yu looked at the brown swirls in Quan Yizhen’s head. He wondered if they felt as soft as they looked. 

“Long hair fits you,” Quan Yizhen added. “But it doesn’t let me see your face well.”

“You’re not missing anything.”

“But you have a nice face.”

Yin Yu narrowed his eyes. Even if his face was ‘nice’, Yin Yu dressed in dark colors and kept his black hair loose. He had been told many times he gave off a gloomy aura, only that he didn't care enough to change. After years of living up by everyone’s standards but his own, he’d elected to give less importance to people’s opinions. He lived quietly and comfortably. In the shadows, he was free.

No matter, Yin Yu knew what his face looked like.

“It isn’t convincing when someone like you says it,” Yin Yu scoffed. 

“Someone like me?”

Quan Yizhen was a sunny man in the full meaning of the word. He was charismatic and lively, born to be in the spotlight. The atmosphere became vibrant by his mere presence. For a laid-back person like Yin Yu, he was overwhelming and tiring; yet, Yin Yu couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

“Handsome,” Yin Yu said. “You're obviously the better looking here.”

With a jingle, the door opened and Yin Yu watched the couple of customers leave. They were now alone in the shop.

“You think I’m handsome?” Quan Yizhen asked.

Yin Yu nodded absentmindedly, “of course.” 

It was a fact that Yin Yu wasn’t shy to admit. Not only was Quan Yizhen handsome, something about him was magnetic. His features were full of energy. He was… He was… 

Yin Yu struggled to think of a fitting word. Quan Yizhen didn’t say anything else, focusing on his fidgeting hands. The silence extended, and Yin Yu felt unnerved. He couldn’t understand Quan Yizhen at all. Talking nonstop a moment and falling quiet the next. Yin Yu pretended to read his class’ notes. In reality, he observed the dust that floated about, blinking white with the rays of sun.

“Why do you like to sit here?” Quan Yizhen broke the silence with a change of subject. 

Yin Yu looked up. “What?”

“You always sit here when you come. Is there a reason?”

Yin Yu turned to the window. The image of them both, sitting side by side, was dimly reflected on it. Behind, people were coming and going along the street, ignoring the two people inside the coffee shop. Almost as if they were in their own little independent world.

“When I sit here, it’s like I’m in a time-out from everything. People come and go, but no one minds me. It’s strangely comforting.”

Quan Yizhen pursed his mouth. “So, you like being ignored?”

“No, I just…” Yin Yu didn’t know how to explain it. It sounded weird enough in his head. “I like the change of pace. Everyone is always rushing to some place, but on this side of the window, doesn’t it feel different? I can sit back and fully enjoy my time.”

Quan Yizhen looked towards the street and grinned. “You’re very interesting, Yu-ge. I’ve never thought of it like that.”

“What are you saying? I’m so normal, it’s laughable.”

“Not at all!” Quan Yizhen shook his hands.

Yin Yu couldn’t believe that. It was obvious that if someone was remarkable, that was Quan Yizhen. You could see it at one glance. Even in their reflection, Quan Yizhen was vividly defined, while Yin Yu faded into softness, outshined by the sunlight. They were complete opposites.

“I’m serious, Yu-ge,” Quan Yizhen said. “You’re super interesting. I thought so since we met.”

The first time they met, Yin Yu was confused for a vampiric creature. The nonsense had made him laugh at the time; yet, he realized that he might understand how vampires felt. Because in Quan Yizhen’s presence, Yin Yu felt his throat parched and his face sweaty, as if in any moment he would go down with a heatstroke. As if he would turn into dust if he was exposed too long to Quan Yizhen’s smile.

Sunlight was a death sentence for vampires, but Yin Yu wondered if they longed for the sun despite the danger it represented. If they longed for the scorching rays of light, the same as he longed for the amber gaze of Quan Yizhen. A gaze that burned every part it touched on Yin Yu’s skin.

Facing Quan Yizhen's warm expression was too much for Yin Yu’s poor heart, so he looked away. Without knowing what else to do, he reached for his coffee. At the same time, Quan Yizhen moved his arm to point at something. Their hands bumped. Quan Yizhen jolted and his eyes opened like plates. It was quite an exaggerated reaction. 

Yin Yu huffed and retrieved his hand. “I won’t bite you,” he taunted.

Quan Yizhen relaxed his muscles. He bored his gaze in Yin Yu’s mouth, liquid sun dancing in his eyes. “You can bite me.” 

A shiver ran down Yin Yu’s spine. He tried to find humor in Quan Yizhen’s face, but there was only seriousness. Yin Yu was startled. Quan Yizhen kept staring at him with intensity. You can bite me, he had said. Yin Yu’s gaze couldn’t help but wander to Quan Yizhen’s neck. If Yin Yu were to… would Quan Yizhen…?

The door opened with a jingle, announcing a customer coming in. Yin Yu’s line of thought broke off. The electrifying atmosphere fizzled out, but Yin Yu’s heart was thumping hard against his ribcage and his hands were buzzing with the leftover energy.

It took a minute before Quan Yizhen reluctantly stood up and went to attend to the customer. Yin Yu released a breath and took a sip of his coffee. It was already cold. The sugary liquid left a strong aftertaste in his tongue.

Quan Yizhen's actions puzzled him. They were too contradictory. He was so forward with his words, yet got shy with a bit of touch. He stubbornly offered his views, but also heard Yin Yu’s opinions earnestly. Quan Yizhen had put so much effort to befriend Yin Yu, yet didn’t take any step further. What was the meaning of all that? Yin Yu didn't know how to read him. It’s like they were in different wavelengths. 

Yin Yu looked to the counter and found Quan Yizhen looking back at him. Upon being discovered, Quan Yizhen turned away, but just a few seconds later, he glanced at Yin Yu again. A dangerous idea surged in Yin Yu’s mind.  

Maybe Quan Yizhen was more affected by this strange gravitation between the two than Yin Yu thought. Maybe he was interested in Yin Yu as much as Yin Yu himself was in Quan Yizhen.

No, it couldn’t be. Yin Yu was aware that his own thoughts were in disarray in front of the other man, that his heart was skipping beats at his every kind word. However, that didn’t mean Quan Yizhen felt the same. Yin Yu didn’t expect him to. He didn’t have any appeal to catch the attention of someone like him. However, the way Quan Yizhen kept glancing at him was akin to the tide pulled by the moon's gravity. Like he couldn’t keep himself away from Yin Yu.

As Quan Yizhen finished serving the customer their order, he immediately came back to Yin Yu’s side. As if enchanted by his pale light. Although it was a narcissistic thought, Yin Yu couldn’t help but hope that was the case.

“Sorry, Yu-ge. I had to go take the order.” Quan Yizhen retook his spot.

He put his hand next to Yin Yu’s, close enough to feel its warm but not enough to touch. His gaze was expectant, as if waiting for Yin Yu to bump them accidentally again. Yin Yu almost laughed. Wasn’t this guy kind of cute? 

It occurred to Yin Yu that he probably didn’t need to overthink it. Quan Yizhen’s reactions were truly transparent and meant nothing more than what they appeared. Against his usual skepticism, Yin Yu wanted to believe that the sun was shining on him and it wouldn’t burn him away. 

Yin Yu let his hand slide until their fingers brushed. Quan Yizhen stilled.

“It’s alright,” Yin Yu said. Suddenly, it was easier for him to talk. “I can wait. I like it here.”

At that moment, Quan Yizhen smiled at Yin Yu, his eyes crinkling with fondness into half moons. The sun was gradually turning orange; the light angled in a way that outlined Quan Yizhen’s countenance and made him shimmer with warmth. 

He was dazzling. Yin Yu finally found the word for it. Quan Yizhen’s expression was colored with affection, and Yin Yu couldn’t process that kind of emotion directed at himself. It was so radiant that Yin Yu wondered if it was all a mirage. Quan Yizhen’s hand touching his felt very real, though; that was enough to calm his doubts.

“Isn’t your coffee cold?” Quan Yizhen asked. “I can prepare you a new one. It’s on me.”

“No, it’s fine. To be honest, I don’t really like lattes,” Yin Yu said, his fingers thumping against the table.

Quan Yizhen widened his eyes. “You don’t?”

Yin Yu laughed at his expression. “I prefer black coffee.”

“Then, the usual…?”

“It’s okay to not have an usual drink.” Yin Yu might want to spend the time choosing his order from now on.

Quan Yizhen nodded. “Whatever you want, Yu-ge.”

Yin Yu bit his lip. Those were dangerous words to say to a vampiric man like him. Creatures that thrived in the night would suck every bit of light offered to them, like moths to a flame. If Quan Yizhen offered himself to him like this, how could Yin Yu refuse? He would take everything until he made this sunny boy his.

“I have to get going,” Yin Yu said. He needed to clear his head, before he followed any of his impulses.


“I’ll come back tomorrow.” He stood up and took his cup of cold coffee. “This is my favorite coffee shop, after all.” And if he began to extend his visits, well at least he hoped no one complained about his dark aura again.

Quan Yizhen grinned boyishly. “I’ll be here.”

Yin Yu couldn’t help but smile back. “See you tomorrow, Yizhen.” 

As he walked out of the shop, Yin Yu took a sip of his drink. He thought that once in a while, a mocha latte wasn’t so bad.

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10 months ago

Ask your questions, and I’ll answer. Oh, and if you happen to see Quan yizhen notify me immediately so I can avoid him. Thank you.

Ask Your Questions, And Ill Answer. Oh, And If You Happen To See Quan Yizhen Notify Me Immediately So


-don’t be hateful, any use of racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism, and ableism will result In being blocked

-please don’t send dms to the mod unless you are also a mod,

-please try and stay sfw, suggestive content is aloud but try to not go too far

-please try to only mention the ships that the mod is comfortable with:

quanyin (Quan yizhen x yin yu)

hualian (xie lian x hua cheng) 

qiurong (qi rong x lang qianqiu)

fengqing (feng xin x mu Qing)

peishui (pei Ming x shi wudu)

beefleaf (he xuan x shi qingxuan)

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10 months ago

Hey, just letting you know. I saw Quan Yizhen desend earlier today, and I think he's heading towards Ghost City.

oh gods……thank you for letting me know, now if you’ll excuse me, I need to hide so I can avoid him…..

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7 months ago

kiss, marry, kill: hua cheng, he xuan, quan yizhen

uhh…..well….kiss he xuan…..kill hua chengzhu….and I guess marry….Quan yizhen

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8 months ago

I kind of want to talk about an au I have.

I don’t know how many people are actually in this “fandom” on here, but I’m so it anyway.

So this is all based on OSP’s jttw the west series on yt. And I call him Sandy :3

So basically after the Journey was over, Wukong was like bye and disappear for a while. Not a big deal, right? Yeah, that was until he returned. He went back to his old ways with some improvements.

He didn’t murder anyone unless they attacked him or his monkeys

Is the main one.

Problem though, he basically started acting as a trickster god. He does pranks and trickster god things in Heaven mainly. Nothing that actually causes big problems like he did before, but everyone quickly gets annoyed by him. They all know he can beat their asses, but something has to be done. He can’t just keep this up, he’s not even an actual god! So they make a plan

They can’t kill him, and they can’t imprison him. So what’s the next best option? Seals. A shit ton of seals. Since the journey didn’t work the way it was meant to, maybe a new view on life would.

They basically just seal away his powers and his memories. And he’s turned into a human. Then he’s just dumped on the mortal plane, and they just fucking hope it works. Oh and they put another circlet on him, but it’s only there if he tries to you know over throw heaven again. The only one with any ability to activate it is QuanYin.

So meet Sandy :3 He’s my jttw oc/au

I Kind Of Want To Talk About An Au I Have.
I Kind Of Want To Talk About An Au I Have.
I Kind Of Want To Talk About An Au I Have.
I Kind Of Want To Talk About An Au I Have.

A quick run down of everything from his point of view:

He doesn’t know who he was before waking up. He woke up in the middle of nowhere alone and scared.

He does know lots of things are out to get him for some reason. Lots of demons seem to want him dead, which is terrifying.

He also can’t take this crown off, and it’s really painful when he tries.

He can’t really fight, and he’s fucking scared to anyways. So he usually runs and hides whenever a fight happens.

He’s a ball of anxiety, and is constantly worrying about everything. Like everything. He’s scared of everyone and everything. His anxiety is through the roof.

His eyes are special because they let him his the aura/magic of a person, but it also stops glamorouses from working (not shapeshifting, just glamorouses). He can’t turn it off, no matter how much he wants to.

He’s constantly in his own world. He struggles with focusing on anything and when he does, he gets way too focused on it.

He got Anxiety and ADHD.

He is Sun Wukong, but obviously he is not aware. And as I explained before the heavens ended up putting seals on him. Magic Anthesis basically.

Also he didn’t name himself, some folks he met did. He got his “first name” from the kid, and the other folks gave him his “middle” names. He knew his last name, but that just cause a random note was left that said “Sũn” so he amused that as his name.

He’s happily Genderfluid and AroAce, well Cupioromantic Asexual.

This was a long post, but I wanted to talk about my au/oc. He’s cute and silly, and also a ball of anxiety :3

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