Queer Erasure - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


This. All of this.

because this issue is much bigger than that 144p videoā€¦

first, shout out to the cishets who get it, and to the queers who honor their identity, authenticity and the queer/queer-friendly spaces theyā€™ve helped build (even if just on the internet!) šŸŒˆ

let me also preface: had that 15-second clip undeniably shown JKā€™s face in 4K, i wouldnā€™t even be writing this post. though AI exists and is creepy af, i would simply bite my tongue and anticipate the fact that he and JM may not be/have been an item. because while i root for JM and JK as a couple with rainbow bells on, iā€™m not about to drink no TKK-tainted kool-aid to satisfy some kind of personal, selfish fixation.

ok. i'm just gonna say it:

i think some people in the Jikook fandom are homophobic (or harbor internalized homophobia, if theyā€™re queer) and donā€™t even realize it.

the people who jumped to the ā€œgirlfriendā€ conclusion donā€™t live a material queer reality, and favored a random 144p, grainy-ass clip of shady origins of so-called ā€œJKā€ with an unknown woman during (surprise!) his 3D promo, over a whole-ass decade of JK and JM doing couple-y things all caught in 4K! šŸŒˆ (not to mention their families of origin and tattoo artist who openly support them).

and i notice how quick some people believed - since a woman was in the clip - that this unknown, possibly staged "relationship" must be more ā€œvalidā€ than the one JK seems to be in with an achillean who just wrote him a whole-ass love letter in song, and flew from literally the ends of the earth just to see him on Silver Day.

itā€™s giving heteronormativity, heterosexism and homophobia.

but today, that man really said ā€œainā€™t no girlfriendā€ with his whole chest because he ā€œdonā€™t need oneā€! (itā€™s the classic gay go-to response for me. šŸ’…)

as for the polyamory/non-monog option: like i said in my last post, Jeon ā€œVictoria Justiceā€ Jungkook ainā€™t having it, iā€™m sorry.

even if JK and JM werenā€™t dating, why was the girlfriend option the go-to default? why couldn't she be a platonic friend? or a relative? but 15 seconds of grainy footage of Bootleg JK setting up The Real JK (or some poor, unsuspecting Asian man in an Asian country minding his business) was all it took, huh?

speaking as someone who lives a VERY REAL QUEER MATERIAL REALITY (as in, my wife and i are both sapphic and are ā€œreadā€ in society as 2 women whose connection people at first sight canā€™t quite figure out šŸ’€), and who has been deeeeeeeply harmed by homophobia and lesbophobia over and over again, this whole situation stings.

~ do you know how many times my own partner has been assumed to be my roommate, my very platonic friend, a stranger who i don't even knowā€¦ anyone but the person i lie down with at night, anyone but the person i shower with kisses after work, anyone but the person i engage deep, meaningful conversation with and crack dirty jokes with at the dinner table?

~ do you know how many times weā€™ve gotten separate checks by default at the restaurant because the server just assumed weā€™re not a couple?

~ do you know how many times people - sometimes, even other queer people! - have tried to push cishet men into my sapphic safe spaces when i donā€™t want them there because their presence with their combined identity at the top of the social (gender-sexual orientation) food chain makes me feel uncomfortable?!

trust me - this is not an exhaustive list.

the same queer people who cry ā€œqUeEr eRaSuReā€ (which, valid because queer erasure is real - i'm pointing out the hypocrisy here) are the same ones who were hella quick to dismiss 10 years of a relationship between 2 achilleans filled with a kind of love that - if shown between a man and a woman - would undeniably be called ā€œromanticā€ out the gate.

so which is it?

are you honoring (your) queerness? or are you falling back on internalized homophobia? because if it's the latter, i say this with love: please work that sh!t out. trust me - heteronormativity ainā€™t gonna save you, honey.

and for all the cishets who jumped to the conclusion that JK had a girlfriend: youā€™re a major reason why people like me and other queers suffer so much harm in the name of invalidation and queer erasure. the least you can do is put in the fcking work to make the world a safer place for queer and trans people.

Because This Issue Is Much Bigger Than That 144p Video

and let me emphasize: this is not me "accusing people of being homophobic for simply not believing in Jikookā€ - this is me calling out those who immediately defaulted to 15 seconds of unauthorized, toaster-quality, heteronormative activity over 10 years of queer (achillean) love.

up until literally today, JK has talked non-stop about and has gestured his love in grand ways to JM, and vice versa.

you don't have to support Jikook, but please - take your homophobia and heteronormativity with you on the way out, will ya?

anygays... carry on. ā˜€ļøšŸŒ™

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