Reign Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

requests are open.

puffy’s prompt + au list.

for the last several weeks i have been stuck in a bit of writer’s block. nothing too severe, but still, i haven’t had much inspiration for fresh, new ideas. so, i decided to put together a small, little list of some misplaced dialogue prompts i have had resting in my google docs for quite a long while now. you can send in 1 - 2 prompts, a character or ship, as well as an AU. i will then write a drabble based on what you give me to work with. however, it could turn out to be longer, it all just depends on how inspired i am by the request. here is the list of fandoms, characters, and ships i write for. 

Dialogue Prompts:

 "Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought you hit puberty already.”

“I'm sick of pretending.” 

“I love you so much. You'll always be more than enough.”

“We’re not together, y’know. Him and I.”

“Why are you so nice to everyone? To me?”

“What are we?”

“I didn't fall for you, you tripped me!” “No. You fell. Almost like that one time over there where you nearly broke your knee cap.” 

“Would it be okay if I told you I love you?” “No.” “Well, too bad, because I do. You’re just going to have to get used to that because it’s a fact of life.”

“We really ought to talk.”

“Me oh my, isn’t that a surprise?”

“I wish I could hate you more than I do.”

“If you've always hated me, why did you bother with saving me?”

“Do you love him?” “I do, but not like you think.”

“You can't because this is wrong, or because this feels right?”

“You kissed me. I kissed you. Felt like chemistry, if you ask me.”

“You’re Scared. It’s okay to be scared, y’know. It’s a natural, human instinct. You are human, right?”

“And you are?”

“Are you an angel? Because -” “Yeah, I am. But keep in mind, so was Lucifer.”

“I love you, love you, love you, love you...” “Please shut up. You’re only drunk.”

“Please don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like there’s a chance you might actually care about me.”

“You trust me, right?” “Not really.” “Good, because I don’t either.”

“Please. Just let me help for once.”

“Open up. I know you’re in there.” “I’m not home.” “They always say that in the movies. Don’t be like the people in the movies.”

“Don’t die on me, please.” “Might actually miss me, huh?” “No. I’d just be out of a home, and it’s the dead of winter.”

 “Don’t ever expect me to take a bullet for you, but if the time ever came, I would definitely let you have the last doughnut.”

 “Don’t let go. Not now, not ever.”

“Promise?” “Promise.”

“I think I might just die without you.” “No. You wouldn’t. You’d survive, and trust me when I say that’s much worse.”

“I love you.” “Prove it.”

 “I couldn’t sleep, and not just because of my insomnia.”

“Just... hold me. Please.”

“You have a cute face. Let’s kiss.”

“Can I kiss you?”

“Let’s go get a slushie.”

“Let’s paint the town red tonight. Just you and I. What do you say?”

“I love you just a little too much.”

“You’re insane.” “Perhaps. But aren’t we all just a little bit manic?”

“I think in another life I’m a cat. I somehow always survive these type of situations.”

“Spin me as fast as you can, and twirl me around until I can’t see. Make me laugh until I can’t breathe.”

“I understand if you don’t want the baby. But I do, and I am, and I will.”

“You make me crazy, but baby, maybe I like the taste of insanity.”

“I love you. More than I ever, truly knew. More than you’ll ever begin to know.”

“Everything I do is all for you.”

“Would it really kill you if we kissed?”

“You changed the game.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m too busy being yours to even bother with anyone else.” “Well, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m too busy ignoring you to even care.”

“It’s simply enough to be in love with you, and even more so to be loved by you.”

“Kissing’s overrated.” 

“I want to be yours. Is that really too much to ask?”

“We found each other. Call it a mere coincidence if you will, but I don’t believe our meeting was just a happy accident.”

“Just say the words, and I’ll be yours.”

“You’re hopeless.” “Nah, I’ve got you. I can at least say I’ve got that going for me.”

“You’re cold, I’m hot. If I didn’t know better, I’d say destiny has a hand in all this.”

“Just stay where you are. I’m on my way, okay?”

“I’ve got my secrets, but oh darling, don’t we all?”

“Ouch. Feelin’ mean today, huh?” “I’m mean everyday, babe. Try and keep up.”

“Read my lips.”

“You can’t scam me into loving you.”

“Sweets, you couldn’t ignore me even if you tried.”

“You know you can talk to me.” “I know.”

“I’m having a bad day.”

“Please shut up. You’re contaminating the air with a toxic amount of stupidity.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s on the house.”

“Can’t you see that I am yours, and you are mine?” “No. People do not belong to people. That’s just not the way it works.”

“Let’s run away, just you and I. We can be the modern day Bonnie and Clyde.”

“I’m going to kill you.” “Too late. Already have.”

“I love you.” “Thanks.”

“Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment, or two?”

“My mistake was falling for you.”

“Being bad feels pretty good, huh?”

“You were the beginning of my ending.”

“And what do you know about love?” “Absolutely nothing at all.”

“I hate you.” “Would it be childish of me to say I hate you more?”

“I don’t believe I ever had one of those.” “One of what?” “A heart.”

“There are many things that I am unsure of. Our friendship, and your mental state included.”

“If you value your life at all, you’ll shut up.” 

“You told me you loved me, but I think I was drunk.”

“My heart told me to come to you, my head told me to stay. Honestly, my head really is a stupid place.”

“Kiss me like you don’t just need me.”

“May I suggest a make out session to help us figure out this little problem of ours?”

List of AUs

Arranged Marriage 

Art Museum


Back in Time (e. g. 1920s, 1950s, etc.)

Beauty & the Beast 

Boarding School/Dark Prep School




Coffee Shop


Con Artists

Cop & Robber 

Domestic Life

Forbidden Romance

Friends Turned Lovers

Friends With Benefits

Gossip Girl

Girl/Boy Next Door

High School

Late Night Grocery Store Run



Modern Day


New Girl/Guy

Nurse & Patient

(Literal) Partners in Crime



Pretend Dating

Pretend Marriage

Pride & Prejudice

Road Trip

Small Town


Summer Job

Reality TV Show

Road Trip 


*I ask you to please not repost this list, just reblog please. I put a lot of time and effort into it. 

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5 years ago


I was inspired by the lovely @padfootagain and her Masterlist. Go check her out! Her fanfictions are amazing.

None of these images belong to me.



Fight with a Snake

Lost and Found Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Sweet Pea




Just a casual affair

Strong and Desirable

An unforeseen rescue

The Seductive Power of an Honest Man


Will Scarlett

Rescue in a Heartbeat



Still Standing



Ale and Dares


Louis Condé

Looking for a man


Five Hargreeves

The Fifth Musketeer



Scary on the Outside but Soft on the Inside


Jamie Fraser

Scot in shining armour

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5 years ago

Looking for a man ~ Louis Condé x reader

Looking For A Man ~ Louis Cond X Reader

Word count: 1,803

Warnings: none

Summary: Queen Mary is playing matchmaker for her friend.

“And what about Lord Condé?”, Mary asked me. I followed her gaze to the young man standing on the other side of the crowded dance floor conversing with Bash. “He is a righteous man after all. Not to mention his nobility and riches”, my queen and friend continued her arguments.

Being the only one of Mary’s ladies who hadn’t married yet, Mary and the other three girls were constantly looking out for a suitable husband for me. But I wasn’t sure whether I was ready yet.

I was yanked out of my thoughts by the Queen of Scots resting her hand on my shoulder obviously awaiting an answer. “I don’t know. I don’t even know him”, I replied. To be honest the young and good looking nobleman had caught my eye multiple times before at other social events or when Mary asked him for help.

“As you said he is an honourable man of nobility. He’s the Prince of Condé and I’m only a lady in waiting. My family isn’t noble nor are they very rich, I am only a girl that is lucky enough to have a queen as her friend, I have nothing to offer him, Why would he want me as his wife?”, I said turning to look at Mary.

“How can you say something like that?!”, my queen replied outraged gently grabbing my shoulders, “Not only are you intelligent and kind, you are one of the most beautiful women at court. Many men would kill to have the attention of such a woman as you.” Her kind words made me smile.

I let my gaze wander over the crowd of extravagantly dressed guests but again my gaze was caught by Lord Condé. “I could talk to him for you”, Mary whispered nudging my side with her elbow after noticing who I was looking at, “after all he is a good friend of mine. He will listen to me.”

At that moment Kenna came over to us smiling brightly. “So, who is the lucky man this time?” “What?”, I asked perplexed. “Oh stop it. I knew seeing you from the other side of the room that Mary had another suitor in mind for you”, Kenna said a twinkle in her eyes, “so, who is he?”

“Lord Condé”, Mary answered her question, “but (Y/n) isn’t sure about him. He would make a wonderful husband, wouldn’t he?” I knew what she was doing. She was hoping that Kenna would support her point so that both of them could make me approach him.

“Yes, he would”, Kenna’s gaze wandered over the people standing around us until it landed on Condé and her husband standing together, “especially as handsome as he is. You can’t deny that!” This made the three of us giggle.

Then I sighed. “Come on, cheer up. There’s no harm in talking”, Kenna smirked a little mischievously at me, “Have a little fun.” And with that she suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the man we had been talking about.

I struggled against her grip but when Kenna had something in mind it was hard to stop her. Turning around I silently asked Mary for help with my eyes but she only shook her head, a smirk of her own creeping onto her lips.

The two of us stopped directly in front of the two men which in turn looked up at us in surprise. Kenna smiled widely at the two young soldiers. “Condé, Bash, how lovely to see you two here at court attending these festivities especially after having worked so hard over the last few days”, Kenna broke the silence, “Lord Condé, I’m not sure whether you have met my dear friend (Y/n).” Condé’s attention moved from my friend to me as I curtsied.

“What a pleasure to meet you”, he said slightly grinning as he bowed. “The pleasure is all mine, my Lord.” “Please, call me Louis.” I smiled at him.

“Bash, would you come with me?”, Kenna asked her husband and with those words the two of them left, leaving Louis and me to be alone.

“Would you care to go for a walk?”, Louis asked while pointing towards the door leading from the full room to the deserted hallways. “I would love to”, I replied following him out of the crowded room.

At first I had problems keeping up with him put soon the two of us fell into step with each other. I couldn’t stop myself from secretly glancing at him. Not only was he incredibly handsome with his chiseled  face and the light facial hair, but he also seemed to be very kind and down to earth unlike most of the other nobles that I’ve met.

The hallways were silent, not a soul was occupying them. The cool night air filled the stone corridors. “I have heard you’ve been spending your time at court helping the King’s deputee”, I started our conversation as we slowly wandered. “Yes, there have been a few disturbances with some of the local peasants that we’re looking into, but so far we haven’t gotten very far”, he replied looking down at me.

“Oh. I hope your stay here has been otherwise successful and pleasant.” “Of course it has. What about you? For how long have you been here in France?” “For almost a year now. I do enjoy it here. Especially being here with Mary and the other three girls, but I do miss Scotland”, I told Louis a smile sneaking onto my face as I was lost in thought of my homeland, “The rolling hills. The cold, harsh yet beautiful wilderness and of course my family.” I sighed in thought of my two younger sisters at home.

“I share your sentiment”, Condé said as we stopped in our tracks, “I too miss Navarre but on the other hand I am relieved to have brought some distance between me and my brother Antoine. I am sure his reputation precedes him.” This made both of us chuckle. Of course I had heard of his brother the King of Navarre, especially of his extravagant and immodest parties. I had overheard some servants whisper about how scandalous they usually ended.

Through one of the open doors we were able to see Mary and Francis dancing together, both of them had huge smiles on their faces. The sight of the two made me smile. “Isn’t it wonderful how happy they seem? Their joy seems to light up the whole kingdom in these times of darkness”, I commented. Louis hummed in agreement.

“To be completely honest, I’m not sure whether I could ever imagine myself as happy as they are”, I admitted a little embarrassed and shyly looked at him. Louis seemed surprised at my confession.

“Is there no one special in your life who holds your heart?”, he inquired as we continued walking. “No, sadly not. What about you have you ever been in love?”, I asked curious whether I even had a chance to win this nobleman’s heart.

“Well...”, Louis began, looking away from me while scratching the nape of his neck, “I have found love before but it didn’t work out.” There was a hint of sadness in his voice and I wondered whether this woman still held his heart.

“I envy you, I’ve never been truly in love and now that all the others spend their time with their significant others or in Lola’s case with her son, I just feel a little left out and lonely”, I confessed. My eyes began to water slightly and my heart clenched in remembrance of the painfully lonely times.

“You know, if you ever are lonely again you can come to me”, he offered me and I thanked him with a grateful smile.

Just then we strolled past an opening leading out onto one of the many balconies. Louis stopped in his tracks making me halt with him. A soft smile spread onto his face as he offered me his hand. “Would you do me the pleasure of joining me outside?” “How could I say no”, I replied.

Louis gently took my hand in his as he lead me out onto the small balcony. Standing at the railing I observed the world outside of the castle. In the distance I could see the lights of the village. I wondered what it would be like to live the life of a commoner, whether life would be simpler.

In the cool night air I could feel the warmth radiating off of Louis who was standing rather close to me. Unlike with other men I didn’t mind and rather welcomed it in hopes that it meant he might possibly have feelings for me.

I looked up at the dark night sky littered with bright stars like diamonds on a black silk gown. “Aren’t the stars beautiful?”, I exclaimed while admiring nature’s beauty.

Behind me Louis came closer, eliminating the distance between us as he laid his warm hands on my waist. This made my breath hitch. Was this really happening?  Was he as attracted to me as I was to him? My heartbeat sped up.

Then he leaned forward and whispered in my ear: “Not as beautiful as you are.” The way his breath grazed over my neck made my skin turn into goosebumps. The closeness of his lips to my face made me blush furiously. Never in my life had a man been this close to me.

At this small, intimate confession butterflies filled the pit of my stomach. I carefully turned around to look up at him. His sultry brown eyes had darkened further in desire causing my knees to wobble under my weight so I quickly grabbed onto the stabilizing railing behind me. Would’ve anyone else than Lord Condé looked at me like that I would’ve made a run for it.

One of his hands got a hold of my waist again and pulled me close to him. His other hand caressed my cheek. I leaned into his touch. My hands were resting on his broad chest. I could feel his breath on my face as he leaned down, our lips only a few inches apart.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat noisily causing us to jump apart from each other in surprise. As I looked over Louis’ shoulder I saw Bash standing in the door frame. “Condé, there has been news of the riders down in the village”, Bash informed the nobleman who in turn looked up at him, “We have to get going now.” Louis nodded in understanding before he turned back to me. “I will be back as soon as I can”, he told me while gently running his fingers across my cheek.

And off he went the man that I was slowly but surely falling in love with.

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