Remuslupin - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Ok but just hear me out




Teddy Lupin, in his first year of Hogwarts with blue hair, being a rebellious, little prankster just like a mix of Marauders and the Weasley twins.

ALONG with snogging in dark corners in later years.

James and Sirius just...shocked and losing their shit in the afterlife with a certain cinnamon roll Remus Lupin in the back face palming as Teddy gets ready to jump off the astronomy tower with a pair of made up wings.





And then...


Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter.

James cheering, almost strangling Merlin in happiness as Albus finally asks Scorpius to be his boyfriend in the Great Hall in front of everyone in the most extravagant way possible with Sirius in the background doing the hula in a hula skirt and flower accessories.

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2 years ago

Severus Snape: Siblings

Severus Snape: Siblings

Imagine Severus Snape is your brother, and you defend him:

Severus and I had just arrived on the platform, meekly dressed in our second-hand robes. We were clutching the worn handles to our suitcases tightly - due to how last year some students thought it funny to steal them away, resulting in us almost missing the train.

As we pushed through the crowd I softly grabbed onto my brother's cloak, allowing him to swiftly guide us through the bustling platform and up the stairs to the train. The loud noises scared me, I never have done well in crowds, but Severus ushers me forwards quickly to aid in my escape.

He opens a door for me and I eagerly enter it, he closes the door to our carriage, effectively cutting out the noisy crowd. I release a sigh of relief, shutting my eyes in content at the slightly quieter environment.

"Are you okay Y/N?" My brother's voice breaks my solitude. I open my eyes to see him looking at me in concern, he hasn't seen me react like that to a crowd in quite a while.

"I'm fine Sev, I haven't been in a crowd that big since last school year. I just need a little time to get used to it again." I smile reassuringly at his remaining look of concern. He slowly leans back and nods in acceptance of my answer, though I know he doesn't believe me.

As the train starts moving, Severus takes out one of his school books and begins reading whilst I stare out the window in a haze.

I think about school, how it'll be in my new classes, if I'll make any friends. I have trouble making friends as I tend to be too shy or too blunt when meeting new people; they are either mean to me, or stay away because they think I am strange. My only friends so far are Lily Evans, and Lucius Malfoy.

I know being friends with Lucius sounds a little strange, but I am actually quite fond of him, he is like an older brother to Sev and me. I remember one time when he saw us carrying books with covers that were stained and ripped, pages missing with others scribbled on.

The next morning we woke up to find brand new textbooks with hardcovers, the pages were so white I was afraid to touch them. He never said anything about it other than when I thanked him and offered to pay him back, but he simply waved me off and said that they were gifts. That was the day I knew Lucius Malfoy was a brother to me.


After the feast ends, we all head back to our common rooms, Sev and I were talking before he went off to join Lucius and some others. Lucius always welcomed me into their group, but I know what they speak of, and I sadly refuse to be privy to such information. I instead walk through the corridors at the back of the group, daydreaming the whole way until I slip into my room and fall asleep.


Classes were dragging on today, not only did someone fuck up there spell and send me to the hospital wing, but I also got whacked by a bludger in our quidditch practice. Of course, our captain only cared that I was too slow to dodge the bludger, and refused to let me go back to the hospital wing. He even threatened to kick me off the team if I left practice early. Needless to say, I am in a lot of pain.

My feet drudging through the grass, hair ruffled from practice and ribs burning with every breath. I am about to turn towards the castle when I hear shouting and laughter. That may sound like a normal thing to hear, but the shouting sounds defensive, and the laughter sounds obnoxious. I turn my head in its direction curiously before deciding to take a detour from the hospital wing.

As I reach the sounds, I am shocked to see some acquaintances of mine bullying my brother! I can feel the anger stirring in my chest, it feels like it's going to sear straight through my sternum.

My brows furrowed in aggression as I marched over to the group, or as they call themselves, the Marauders. They can see me coming, and two quickly shift their attention to me while one continues to bully my brother.

I snatch my wand out of my cloak pocket and aggressively point it at the two boys facing me.

"Just what do you think you're doing!?" My voice is sharp, I would almost say my vocal chords hurt with how low my voice went when I growled that sentence, but all my attention was on defending Severus.

They both point their wands at me, one smirking, while the other looks away guiltily.

"Easy now Y/N. We're just having some fun with Snivillus." I hear the arrogant one smirk, I think his name is Black.

I'm about to respond when I hear Sev yell in pain, Potter had sent a curse at him, my vision almost turns red when I see some blood tickle down his face.

"Incarcerous!" I yell out, my wand waving sharply, the spell shooting at an almost ungodly speed. The spell caught them off guard, neither able to counter it as the ropes tightly wrapped around both their bodies. One still has their arm free, and is about to shout a spell back, but I say one quicker.

"Expelliarmus!" His wand goes flying through the air, landing swiftly into my open hand. The last remaining boy realizes his friends are incapacitated and shifts his attention from my brother to me. As I see his face, the rage bubbles even more within me, it was James Potter, my best friend's annoying crush. I don't know whether to kill him for hurting Sev or to kill Lily for liking this dickhead.

He shouts a spell at me, which I gracefully block, taking a moment to look at the irritated glint in his eyes before sending a barrage his way.

"Expelliarmus! Confundo! Immobulus! Impedimenta! Levicorpus!" If you can name it, I shouted it. James was frustratingly good at blocking, but I never gave him a moment to respond. We continued like this for a few moments before I sent a spell I knew he couldn't block.

"Sectumsempra!" All my frustration left me as I heard the gratifying yelp of pain from him as he flew backwards and to the floor. I walk past Lupin and Black, stopping momentarily to kneel by Potter. The blood was soaking through his clothes, I almost felt bad, but then I remembered what he was doing.

His eyes glisten with tears of pain as he makes eye contact, all I can do is smirk in satisfaction. Knowing I was the cause of his suffering, knowing I brought one of the great marauders down from their pedestal all the way to rock bottom.

I stand up and back away before turning to face Sev, his expression one of surprise and shock.

"I know I know, you told me not to look through your spell books, but you always create the most interesting spe-" A tight hug interrupts my apology.

"Thank you."

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9 years ago
I'm Not Gonna Deny This But I Cried In This Book Cuz I Thought Sirius Was Gonna Die And Harry Was Gonna

I'm not gonna deny this but I cried in this book 😢😢 cuz I thought Sirius was gonna die and Harry was gonna stay with the Dursleys for life, I REALLY REALLY LOVE this book #SiriusBlack #RemusLupin #JamesPotter #SeverusSnape #Dumbledore #HarryPotter #HermioneGranger #RonWeasley #Hagrid #BuckBeak

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3 years ago

Why is lily savage here?

Snape: if I said I love you would you say it back?

Lily: sure

Snape: I love you

Lily: it back

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3 years ago

studying purely because Remus Lupin would want you to >>>

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3 years ago

pick a color and get a marauders playlist (i spend way too much time making these lmaoo)






pink // pink


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7 months ago
Need Someone To Hold Me Like This And Tell Me He Loves Me And That It's All Going To Be Okay.

Need someone to hold me like this and tell me he loves me and that it's all going to be okay.

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3 years ago
The Brightest Star In The Sky - Gifts And Surprises (on Wattpad) Https://

The Brightest Star In The Sky - Gifts And Surprises (on Wattpad) 

 You're a huge Potterhead from America, and after a strange Halloween night, you find yourself at King's Cross station, platform 9 ¾, and four teenagers you thought you'd never meet just a couple of feet away. 

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1 year ago

Desperately need James or Remus to make all my decisions for me. I don’t want to think at ALL😭

Remus has your hand in his as he leads you towards the bookstore.

You’d been anticipating a new read for the last couple of weeks and wanted to see if the bookstores finally got it.

“Do you think they’ll have it Remmy? I really don’t want to get it online.”

You swing your interlocked fingers, walking in step with your boyfriend as the October winds whip past you both.

It’s not biting cold, no sting in the wind yet but it’s cold enough to chill you.

“They’ll have it dove.” You don’t know that Remus had called ahead and had made sure they had the book and another you’d been looking forward too as well.

You’re still swinging your hands when Remus stops in the road, your body stilling a second later.

“Why’d we stop?” You ask, face a little red from the cold as you look up at him.

“Light’s red, dovey.” Your eyes follow the finger pointing to the stop sign and you nod.

“Didn’t notice.” You shrug, your hand moving from his palm to his bicep while you wait.

You don’t see it, but Remus beams when you tuck your face into his arm. It was a throwaway comment to you, but to Remus it means that you have full trust in him, in what you’re doing together and he can’t help but feel his heart speed up because of it.

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3 years ago

Merry Christmas to all the girls, gays, and non-binary theys, who love men old enough to be our fathers. <3

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3 years ago

No matter how much I love ♥︎him♥︎ i will always love my fictional boys more…just being honest ☻︎

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3 years ago
Why Does This Kinda Remind Me Of Remus Lupin??

Why does this kinda remind me of Remus Lupin??

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