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Supplement To Keramic Studios, February 1912, Available Via Smithsonian Libraries.

Supplement to Keramic studios, February 1912, available via Smithsonian Libraries.

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From Keramic Studio (1899), Available Via Smithsonian Libraries.

From Keramic Studio (1899), available via Smithsonian Libraries.

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10 months ago

'Papercuts' in a relationship are not talked about enough...

Every time there's a raised voice, cruel words, short temper, lack of affection, lack of emotional support etc. tiny wounds are created; not enough to make you leave, but enough to make you pull away and lose a little love. One day those wounds create a chasm so deep that it's truly unfixable. What isn't a big deal for you today could create a chasm tomorrow. Nurture your relationships, walk with gentleness...

It's much easier than living with regret at the edge of a chasm.

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