Rosehip - Tumblr Posts
Шиповник кокандский, или Роза кокандская (лат. Rósa kokanica).
Rosehip Kokand, or Rose Kokand (lat. Rósa kokanica).
Rosa spinosissima - Шиповник колючейший. The rosehip is prickly.
Шиповник "Собачий" (лат. Rosa canina). Dog rosehip.
Роза морщинистая Рубра "Rubra".
Rosa rugosa "Rubra".
Плоды шиповника осенним вечером. Октябрь 23
Rose hips on an autumn evening. October 23
Шиповник Вудса (лат. Rosa woodsii). Rosehip woodsii (Western Wild Rose).
Роза фетида персиана ‘Persian Yellow‘ (Rosa foetida persiana). Persian Yellow (Foetida Persiana).
My boy 🌹
He wasn't a soldier
I just wanted to draw it like that
not bad
hockey gold mask design belongs to @toxiccaves
Does Rosehip have a team he belongs to? Are there any other teams he is a fan of? c:
thanks for the question!💖
Does Rosehip know he is very beautiful? ☺️
I remembered that he has small claws :'D
For Rosehip: If you had to play any sport other than hockey, what would you be most excited to play?
Okay, I'm pretty sure everyone's got their presents by now so I can show you the cards I painted!
This year I did angels with different themes. I made six for my friends and six for family members, my friends got these plant-themed ones.
A little out of season, but here are my Christmas cards from last year. I opted for simple botanical paintings, which I hadn’t done for a couple of years, and they went a LOT better than I expected! Tumblr only allows 10 pictures at once, so the other 6 are in another post.