Mirage X Reader - Tumblr Posts
I’d Rather Be Studying the Physics of You
rotb!Mirage x f!reader
summary: reader is struggling with her physics homework and Mirage goes to comfort her. (fluff, comfort)
tw: physics 😔

a/n: this one is pretty self-indulgent, I’ll open requests soon for more one-shots! I’m currently obsessed with rotb- Mirage and Noah specifically.
Mirage is in your room and leaning against one of the walls next to your bed. He's fiddling with your rubix cube- still amazed at how someone came up with this torture device for entertainment. You're working at your desk, a dim lamp the only source of light. Tonight, it's physics that you're struggling with.
"Physics is so stupid, I swear to god," you mumble while trying to work out problem 35 on the review packet your professor gave you. This homework really has you questioning your entire life. "This is so overly complicated and for what."
"Physics can be useful," Mirage says, still focused on the cube. "I mean you use it all the time to fix my parts." He winks at the end of that last sentence and you roll your eyes even though he can't see them, your chair facing away from him and your attention being at the disgusting problems at hand.
"That's like, practical physics though," you sigh. "This is stupid Newton physics."
Mirage momentarily stops twisting the cube's sides. "Isn't all of physics based on Newton physics?"
"I mean, not really, but all of it is the same- stupid and dumb and overcomplicated." You give up on the problem and move on to the next one. Reading the new onslaught of numbers and words, you really feel like throwing up. "Literally what the FUCK is this."
Mirage can sense that you're getting angrier and more frustrated by the minute. Your hands are at the crown of your head, grasping manically at the edges of your hair. "Honey, why don't you give it a break for a second?" He urges. "I think it'd make you feel better."
But you're too far into trying to deduce the obscure answer on your paper. You ignore him angrily and start scribbling wildly on your paper, writing down everything and anything that might be useful in solving this one. "No no no, this won't work, this won't work- you need acceleration for this one, but you don't even have time or distance! Literally what the fuck!" you're getting louder by the minute and it's starting to scare Mirage.
"Love, I know you really want to solve that, but come here for a second," he urges, setting the cube down for a moment and acting genuinely concerned.
"I'm fucking focused just let me try again oh my god-" there are tears brimming your eyes and clouding your vision and you're trying so, so hard to mask your frustration with yourself with anger- but you can't see, everything is spinning and you're just mad, mad at yourself because this should be easy, and why are you so horrible at physics? You're a STEM major for christ sake, how the fuck are you going to make it thorugh the rest of your life if you can't master simple Newtonian physics??? You feel the tears falling now, cascading down your face as you grip your pencil with the most power you possibly can. All the fight immediately leaves you and you give into your sadness. "I swear Mirage, I can't do anything right." You're silently sobbing now, basking in your misery because you've lost it, and you're tired of trying to hold yourself together and combat your inevitable conclusion that you are the stupidest person on Earth. What gave you the confidence to pursue such a field? You couldn't even do basic math. The salty tears smell gross to you, and your face feels disgusting all over. You're so lost in your break-down you almost fail to notice your chair slowly being pulled back and the familiar metal servos circling your body.
"Honey, look at me." Mirage pulls your hands away from your face and gently cradles your face in his hands. "You do a lot of things right."
"No I don't, I can't even do this stupid problem I'm so sick of it, I'm so sick of trying and failing over and over again and it makes me feel so stupid and I am stupid and-"
"No." His grip on your face is tighter and you're forced to shut up. "You are one of the most brilliant, courageous people I know my love. I don’t ever want you to think that you’re not enough, that you can’t do anything.”
You sniffle, and he gently moves his hands to your waist, picking you up from the chair and placing you in his lap where he can properly hold you. He places you on your bed and kneels on the side, looking over at you. You can hear all of his gears shifting as he does so. He presses his left hand to your cheek, caressing it. “You are already perfect. I love you so much and I could not imagine me loving any other version of you that didn’t have the persistence you do. I know you really wanted to get that worksheet over with and done, but come on man, that shit is hard and it’s not your fault you can’t get it on the first try.” He tucks the covers over you. It’s 4AM, and it’s probably for the best that you call it a day.
“I just feel like I suck so much at this, and everyone else is so much better, and I’ll never get a job and it’s just so hopeless.” Some more tears slip out of your eyes, and Mirage wipes them away with a swift caress.
“Oh my love,” he sighs and kisses you gently on your forehead. His lips feel cool and smooth against your soft skin. “It’s going to be okay. All that matters is that you’re trying your best, alright? You’re my girl, remember?”
You nod silently, gazing into his light blue optics as they soften meeting your look. “Yeah,” you sniffle.
“That’s my girl,” he says. He goes to lay down next to you off the bed, and you can hear all of his parts whirring, getting ready to shut down.
“Mirage?” You ask tentatively.
He gets up immediately to look at you. “Yes, love?”
You look away for a second before saying, “can I sleep on you?”
Mirage giggles and you immediately feel his arms lifting you to lay on top of him. He takes a a blanket in front of the bed and drapes it over you. You’re pressed against his chest and it feels oh so nice. The warmth of his spark makes what would seem to be an uncomfortable thing to lay against actually very cozy. You tilt your head up and kiss his cool lips. He reciprocates, and you can taste the warm metal of his bottom lip. When you pull away, he gives you the most adoring expression ever and you melt into him. “I love you,” he says, without breaking eye contact.
“I love you too,” you give him a smile back.
what the legends do for your birthday
Ft Rampart, Bangalore, Gibby, Octane, Crypto, Catalyst, Mirage and Wattson
She wakes you up bright and early-way too early for your taste, but I digress. She buys you a cake she thinks you might like, fixes an old sentimental object of yours (aww), gives you a personalized henna tattoo, and does whatever it is you want to do for the day. If you want to rip and run all over the place and do something lively like go to a amusement park, she’s down to clown, but if you just wanna stay inside and relax, she’s okay with that too. And yes, birthday licks are included in the package.
I like to think he’d take you out to lunch at one of those restaurants where you can eat at a bar outside on a sunny day. They also serve the drinks in the cool cups shaped like pineapples and cacti. While you guys are just eating and chatting, he’ll be silly and use his French fries as a mustache and you’ll attempt to try and take the fry before he lets it fall in his mouth. Definetly makes a happy birthday appreciation post online.
He asks a few people to plan what to do for your birthday. He asks you too, but he blurs the line between blatantly saying it and be in subtle, so you think it’s for your birthday but you aren’t entirely sure and just don’t really ask about it. Eventually, when he figures that you just want to chill and relax, he’ll comply, getting you a gift bag of your favorite collection of snacks and orders you some takeout. You watch some of his stunts together and you puse the videos on certain funny looking frames just for funsies. He lets it slide just for the day though.
She takes you to go out to eat at a nice restaurant-nothing too fancy but nothing too casual either. She also suprised you with some gifts! Got a fragrance you like? Or a particular store you frequent? She’ll go out of her way to get you little things from those places or gift cards if she can’t figure out what to get since shopping isn’t really her thing. Or if she does know what to get, she usually gets things to at arent really her style.
He makes a little happy birthday mini game for you! Hack projects the game, and you use Tae-joon’s controller Rubik’s cube thingy as a remote. It’s just a simple platform game to him, but you’ve never had anybody make you a whole video game, like ever. He likes to act like it was a easy job and it was for the most part but there was this one pesky little bug it took him forever to patch 😅
Should he cook? Should he blow all his money on you? He’s overthinking it even though he knows you’re super appreciative. It’s very much the thought that counts, which is why he wants this birthday to be perfect. He throws a bar party with decorations of your favorite color-that same party evolving into drunken fights and eventually being shut down. To his surprise, you had fun! Sure you could do without the broken glass and unidentified liquids, but fun is fun, and you’re glad Elliot planned a party with you in mind.
She bakes a cake just for you! She enlists her sisters to help. The cake’s icing and decorations are of your birthstone and minerals that remind her of your personality, and the flavor is your favorite kind. It’s so pretty that you don’t even want to eat it all. After the happy birthday singing ritual, she reads you a good fortune and you and her sisters spend the rest of the day reminiscing together.
She surprises you with a custom Nessie at a picnic! To be honest, it took her forever to keep the suprised a secret but now she can finally show you! She spent a lot of time making sandwiches and even baked a pie! (The pie could be better but let’s be fair it was only her second time making one) it was a nice warm and sunny day so it made enjoying lunch and desert on your special day even better.

human x mirage by Ridges on rule 34 paheal

hii rotb has made me fall in love with...a lot more transformers now. This is just a silly idea I had, kinda lame but idc. Being cringe and free now. Anyways, planning to make this a small series maybe? Mirage lovers where are you?? Could eventually make this a mirage x reader x Noah, love them both, really. Or you know, Noah could be a third wheel, you guys decide that
[ human!gn reader summary: You have no idea how you got into this situation. First, you were trying to steal a true beauty of a car with your friend Noah to get some extra cash with Reek working behind the scenes (apparently) And now, you were in the Porche you guys were planning to steal. Mind you, it's currently driving itself.
"Holy shit!" You yelled in terror as the car careened wildly around the curve, sending both you and Noah lurching to the left side of the vehicle. You clung onto the door handle for dear life, your heart pounding in your chest as a combination of fear and adrenaline caused you to burst out into wild laughter. Noah, on the other hand, let out an ear-splitting, high-pitched scream as he death-gripped onto the steering wheel with both hands. "STOP STOP STOP!"
The radio kept picking up a certain frequency, it was static-y but still clear enough to understand it kept reaching out towards something or someone named Mirage.
After crashing several police cars, running red lights, and being tossed around the car, the silver and blue Porche entered a warehouse of some sort and literally tossed you out onto the cement. Noah groaned as he rolled on his side. You on the other hand, didn't manage to fall onto the ground and gripped onto the seat. You thought it was over but noo, all of a sudden the car decides to transform, its component parts moving and shifting into new positions. You stare in awe and fear as the walls around you warp and bend ever so slightly; the seat beneath you shifts away from you before slowly, almost hesitantly dropping you onto the ground. You stare up and after a couple seconds, the car transformed into a fucking robot. Towering several feet in front of you and Noah, you both stare up in fear. You're a bit amazed honestly, you're staring at a giant metal dude stretch and prance around the warehouse, ranting about being cooped up this entire time.
You and Noah shared a look.
"But that was cool, you guys are cool. A bit loud, ehh, but cool." The robot stood in front of you now, his gaze focused on the both of you. You froze, Noah scrambled around to pick up a metal pipe. "Woah woah woah!" The robot held his hands up. You cursed under your breath and scrambled to get behind Noah, trying to look for anything you can use as a weapon as the robot focused on Noah. You found a couple loose bolts and nuts on the ground and scooped them up in your palm.
You approached Noah's side, menacingly brandishing the tiny screws in your hand. The robot quickly put his hands in the air. "What are you gonna do, you gonna hit me?"
You both looked at eachother. Noah shifted, adjusting his stance while still holding up the pipe. "Maybe?" The robot made a noise akin to a scoff and his left arm started transforming into something else, oh god oh fuck. Before you even had time to register it, you threw a bolt at him. It hit his arm and he froze. "Hey- what?"
You were launching bolts at him, your shots greeted with a "hey, hey, hey!" each time they clanked against his frame. You kept getting closer, pushing him back further and further, surprising yourself with your own nerve. That confidence instantly disappeared when he whipped out his arm-gun, the blue light from the barrel seemed to lock onto you and Noah, like two deer in headlights. "Can you- stop throwing those things at me?!"
"woah, woah, woah-" Noah quickly put his hands up and walked up to you, standing in front of you. "Let's all calm down, alright? Alright? We good?" "Noah, what the hell is this about?" You whisper yelled.
"I dont know! Just dont get us killed" he whisper yelled back.
You huffed defiantly, you quickly took the bat from Noah's hands and tightly gripped it. You adopted a battle-ready stance, staring down the giant robot - thing? - truly unyielding. Neither of you backed down until he put the gun down, straightening up. "Okay okay, you're brave. I like that."
Your face dropped, dumbfounded. Noah reached out and firmly snatched the bat from you, his face a mask of barely-contained irritation. "what did I fucking tell you about not trying to get us killed, dude?" He hissed.
What the hell was going on.
I had an idea for the new transformers movie, and like
Imagine being taken by Mirage with Noah, maybe they'd agreed to help him with the job, maybe they had experience, or some other reason, not the point
But as soon as they're both out the car, and Mirage is transformed, what do they do?
While Noah is waving around with a pipe, they're just staring at Mirage
When he finally turns his attention to them it's just
Mirage: Hey! Ya ain't screaming, ain't that nice? Hey man why can't you be more like them?
Y/N, in an obviously flirty tone: Hey~
Mirage: Oh! Oh it's like that ;) why hello you awfully adorable alien
Noah: What- what are you doing?
Y/N: Shut up I'm trying to get a man
Mirage X Reader – Flirtatious Meeting
A/N - I should technically be getting to other, older requests, but hey, when inspiration bites you in the ass, you don't question it. So, thanks for this great request, it was a lot of fun. I'm obsessed with Mirage now.
Warnings - None.
Rating - T

You gasped as you were thrown from the Porsche that you had accidentally stolen with Noah. Honestly, you weren’t sure how you had gotten into the situation with him, only that you were trying to stop him from making a stupid mistake, and instead you had gotten taken on a joy-ride by a self-driving car.
At this point you were pretty sure the vehicle belonged to some kind of insane billionaire who had driven it via remote control and that you and Noah were going to some secret, privately owned prison wherein the billionaire in question would have the last laugh.
“Oh my God,” You panted, rolling onto your side.
Behind you, you heard a whoop of delight, followed by a comment about how fun that joyride was. You pushed yourself up, ready to yell at whatever jerk had hijacked the car that you had admittedly been part of hijacking yourself.
“(Y/N),” Noah stuttered your name as he tapped your shoulder trying to get you to turn around.
From your peripheral you saw him bend down to pick up a busted pipe and you spun quickly to face your assailant, gasping again when you saw a giant robot.
You could have described him by his height, or his demeanour, or by the fact that you had no idea where he had come from, or who, if anyone had built him, but instead all you could think was that he was… kind of cute. No. That wasn’t it. He was straight up hot, and he seemed to have a sense of humour, which complimented his arrogant nature well.
“Noah,” You hissed. “Put down the pipe.”
“Yeah, Noah,” Mirage mocked, having revealed his own name in his self-serving speech. “Put down the pipe.”
When Noah refused, Mirage’s hand transformed into a cannon of some sort, pointing straight at Noah.
You didn’t dare speak in case things got any worse, but as it happened, Mirage was just toying with Noah, testing his bravery.
“Hmm, tough guy. I like that. I like it a lot.” Mirage mocked playfully, before turning his gaze on you. “And what about you? I mean, you ain’t screaming, that makes a nice change from the movies.”
Mirage looked back to Noah, “You see that man? Your friend ain’t taking a swing at me. You could learn a thing or two from them, so, what’s your deal cutie?”
You didn’t say much past a bright smile and a small flick of your fingers in a half wave, “Hey~”
“Oh! Oh, it’s like that, yeah,” Mirage winked at you. “Well, you ain’t so bad yourself, even if you are an alien.”
“Wait!” Noah demanded, holding out his hands to stop whatever weird flirtation was going on. “You’re an alien?”
“Well, I mean, to me, you’re the aliens,” Mirage countered.
“This is our planet. That makes you the alien.”
You slapped Noah’s arm, “Be nice.”
“Be nice? We just got kidnapped, and you want me to be nice?”
“Hey, we stole him, remember?”
“And he stole us right back! What are you doing anyway?”
You smiled awkwardly at Mirage, “Hey, can you give up a second, please?”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Mirage nodded casually, then began whistling, looking away to pretend that he couldn’t hear you.
You grabbed Noah’s shirt and pulled him close to you, “Look man, I was just trying to stop you from making the worst mistake of your life tonight. The least you can do is let me have this, okay?”
“Let you have what?” Noah asked desperately.
“Hey, that alien up there is cute, funny, and I don’t have to ask if he has a vehicle, because he is one. Do you know how many men there are like that? None. So, you can freak out all you want, but I’m trying to score myself a date, okay?”
Noah didn’t get a chance to respond as Mirage interrupted your not-so-secret conversation, “Hey not to bother you but the big guy’s coming now, so you might wanna chill and you know, not threaten him with a pipe or he might squish ya.”
“I’m sorry, someone’s going to squish us?!” Noah demanded incredulously.
“You, maybe, your friend though, (Y/N) was it?”
You nodded, smiling brightly.
“Yeah, (Y/N) not-so-much. See, (Y/N) seems more chill than you Noah, oh and if all goes well, I know a little drive-in cinema we can visit.”
“We’re not going to a drive-in,” Noah deadpanned.
“Ew, no of course not bro. I meant me and (Y/N) there. You’re not gonna be third-wheeling.”
“Consider it a date,” You grinned.
Mirage nodded along happily, and then you, he and Noah were faced with the other Autobots currently residing on Earth.
uh so guess who was washing cars today and had a great idea me!
so what about a mirage x y/n x Noah ( or just noah x reader if that would be easier lol) where the reader is doing one of those car washes where a bunch of people get together and wash cars for money/fundraiser stuff so anyways Mirage pulls up and is like hey get reader to wash me ;) and Noah is mortified bc this is the last thing he wanted but anyways when they get up to reader mirage rolls down Noah's window and he's got to say somethimg now
I've noticed that car wash fics for Mirage are BIG, but I'm not complaining I'm a fan of those too. Who wouldn't want to feel up on that beautiful mech.

Mirage x GN!Reader x Noah
"Come on dude ask them!" Mirage begged Noah to walk over and ask you to wash him, they were parked right in front of a fundraising carwash that was taking place today. Earlier that week, you told the two of them you'd be volunteering at that carwash to raise money for multiple charities. And Mirage desperately wanted to go. This wasn't the first time he'd asked Noah to take him, days before the event took place he hinted that he was in need of a wash.
"I'm not going to ask them, I'll literally ask anyone else. Or we can even go to another one". Letting you a small annoyed sigh Noah turned his attention from the steering wheel over to you. Watching how you got on top of the car you and your team were cleaning, he wasn't going to admit it but he kinda wanted to see you do that to them.
Taking notice of what was occurring, Mirage revved his engine loudly, catching the attention of everyone around them. Noah punched his dashboard a bit, he gave everyone who looked over an awkward smile before running a hand through his hair, "Don't do that shit again man! It's embarrassing"
The bot wasn't going to just accept a wash from just anyone, it had to be you. "I don't want to go to another wash, those placed aren't supporting very important human things that I care so much about", the mech shifted his front wheels side to side in excitement. Rolling his eyes at his extremely false reasoning Noah still refused to pull up.
"Since when do you care about supporting 'human things'?"
"Since there's a super good-looking human doing all the washing" Mirage snickered at his response, "You just want (Y/N)'s hands over you huh"
"Exactly" The Porsche took notice that the car in front of him was driving off, so he honked his horn loudly to get your attention. Slightly startled you looked over and recognized the Porsche parked across the street. Shooting them a big smile you gestured your hand to come over, which the bot took no time in doing so.
Stepping on the gas, his tires burning against the hot cement under him. Noah kept telling Mirage to stop or else he'd disassemble him "Turn back! I rebuilt you man! I can unbuild you"
"Mhm yeah, look they invited us over, can't say no now!". As they approached you, Noah looked miserable, he knew Mirage just wanted to get handled by you. Rolling down the driver's side window, he leaned his elbow on the door and smiled.
Looking into his gorgeous eyes you leaned in a bit holding onto Mirage's roof, "Hey you two! Here to support a good cause and get squeaky clean I assume". You said cheerfully, a beaming warm smile that never failed to make their day.
Struggling to maintain his excitement Mirage allowed his engine to roar again, this time with much more ease to not startle you. Letting out a small chuckle and patted his roofing, "I missed you too big guy".
Noah rubbed his hands together nervously, he was usually always laid back but for some reason asking you to wash Mirage made him anxious. Giving you a smile, he took a quick breath in before placing his hands back on the steering wheel. "Nope. Just here to donate, don't wanna take up too much of your time-OW!". Mirage pushed his steering wheel right into Noah's face for trying to cheat him out of getting him a wash from you.
Thinking the guys were just roughhousing you set your hands on your hips and tilted your head a bit, why come to a fundraising car wash if you just wanted to donate?
“I’m just joking! Yeah um, could you guys give Mirage a good scrubbin’?”
Looking over he saw the rest of the team were currently on their lunch break but since you weren’t hungry yet you gladly took up the request. Asking them to pull forward you grabbed the hose and began spraying water over Mirage’s frame.
"What was that for!" Noah rubbed his nose after the hard hit he took a few moments ago.
"THAT was for punching my dashboard!" Mirage hissed quietly through his radio. “Ugh whatever…you own me big time” Noah whispered back to his Autobot friend and gave him a little yet strong kick near his pedals.
Rolling down the window again, Noah stuck his head out the window and quickly got a face full of water from the hose. Laughing a bit you apologized but declined his offer to help.
Mirage was ecstatic, his vents started speeding up once you leaned your body over his hood, rubbing your soapy hands all over him. Noah looked at his radio in disapproval, he couldn’t believe Mirage actually managed to convince him to get you to 'rub him off'. He felt sick.
Noah couldn't help but also stare up at you from the semi-soapy window, you looked so nice. Focused on the small bead of sweat running down your forehead, how good you looked kneeling on the hood of the car, and the wet clothes you had on sticking to your figure had them both in awe. Before they knew it you gave a loud clap and signaled a thumbs up. You were finished, they were so distracted in watching you do little wishy-washy things they didn't even realize you finished. Both mentally complained to themselves as they didn't get to enjoy the show in its entirety, Mirage was the one most upset about it. "Alright you guys, I left you super shiny and lookin' like new. Even added a complementary wax for my favorite Porsche" You thanked the two guys for the donation as it was a great help. Noah thanked you too for cleaning Mirage up, though he was a bit disappointed in himself, not only did he lose twenty bucks but also lost a great show. As Mirage pulled away he immediately drove into every single puddle he saw on the road. "Mirage are you serious right now!?" Noah rubbed his face in absolute disbelief. "I'm getting another wash and this time I'm going to enjoy as much as I can!"
Hey can I get three different scenarios if, Optimus, Mirage and bumblebee from Rotb, had met a tameranean who is like Starfire in a way, and is a princess. How would they react when they meet her and learn how strong and powerful she is, and what would their romantic relationship be like. Also the reader acts like starfire too, but I would find it funny if she kissed the Autobots to learn their language when she too comes to earth cause they were the nearest thing near her. Sorry if this is a lot I just love the idea since she too lives in space, that they may know a little bit about each other. Also I would find it adorable if they had sparklings with her since I head canon tameraneans can practically mate with anything. (I’m gonna scream if you except this, cause I don’t think you will but thank you for at least reading this! 🫶🏾)
i actually thought this idea was super cute, anon. I decided to do long-ish headcanons because I wasn't sure how to fit everything into one scenario for each.
[ tameranean!reader post includes: ROTB Optimus, Mirage, and Bumblebee
once he assesses that you're not a threat, I imagine he'd be super curious about your powers and abilities. Once he finds out you're too from space, I feel like he'll be able to confide in you a bit more than he would with humans?? Like, you're an alien like him, possibly stranded on Earth as well
he respects you so much, because wow you're a princess? He admires your bravery, especially if you're willing to help them. Despite being reluctant at first
Just imagined Optimus Prime bowing down to you a little, started going crazy
The Autobots were the first you came across upon landing on Earth, you didn't speak their language nor did you speak English. You proved you weren't a threat, but they didn't understand you or know your motives yet. You realized you landed on yet another civilization that doesn't speak nor understand Tamaraneans. And so, you did the only thing you could do. Optimus was the closest, so you gave him a simple peck on the mouth. The other autobots around were trying not to giggle at the look on Prime's face. He was shocked, confused, and maybe a bit flustered. You swore he didn't answer for a couple minutes when you greeted everyone.
He's suchhh a big fan of your Tamaranean features, you're so unique and yet so human as well. Again, he admires your bravery and strength and your attitude. Genuinely enjoys your company. If you're somewhere secluded, he'll go on a drive with you maybe flying next to him as you talk :3
I think Prime would be one to want sparklings with his significant other, he could only hope they will live in a world outside of war. He would never want them to experience what he and many others did. Also deep down, the Orion Pax in him that would've never thought about fighting in a war would've wanted to happily settle down somewhere. Knowing that you're a bit stronger/resilient than normal humans (or most types of aliens he knows of) he feels a lot more secure with having sparklings with you. How many? No one will ever know.
okay so imagine you meet in the middle of a fight accidentally. You've been trying to blend in like a normal citizen of Earth ever since you got here, you were shocked to see that humans were in fact not the only species that lived here. Unfortunately for you, the same city you were staying at was being attacked by giant evil alien robots.
You're in the middle of the street, not really knowing the extent of what these robots can do. One second you see a Porsche, a semi truck, and a camaro speed past you and transform into more alien robots...but this time they're fighting the one destroying the city so they're good you think? The next second, you were too frozen in admiring these aliens when suddenly a car goes flying towards you.
It happens in slow motion, Mirage is the only one who sees it go straight for your face. But he's confident, he knows he can catch it and save you. Except...it slips through his servos. His spark nearly stops. Instead of seeing a poor 'human' go spat on the ground, he can't believe his optics when you reach out and catch the fucking car??
After that whole incident, he's asking you a bunch of questions. You give him a lil kiss so you can answer him in his language, you're slightly surprised when suddenly you know english and cybertronian, whatever that is
Honestly, I could imagine Mirage never letting go of that kiss, like he's going to joke about it for years.
You're a princess? hell yeah, he thinks you're super badass and wants to see you in action tbh. He's still gonna act like a knight in shining armor but he knows you can handle yourself, he wants to impress you fr
Wants you to teach him your language, he will try but it'll sound like gibberish. Either that or he will learn it immediately because uhh cybertronian super advanced robot?
He's definitely an excited father to your sparklings, you will need to make sure he doesn't teach them to be troublemakers because HE WILL raise them into little fuckin risk takers
Unfortunately he would not be able to learn your language since there are no tameranean radio stations.. but hey you can still kiss him!
once he gets to know you and where you're from, he's a huge fangirl I think
definitely hypes you up and praises you when you chuck a car at a deception or something. Once he knows you're probably as strong as they are, you guys do some cool combos out in the battlefield.
power couple !?!?!
jokingly does a little bow every time he greets you, then crushes you in a hug. Probably plays some cheesy line from some radio station
he lovesss how you're so kind and compassionate to species you don't know and a planet that isn't yours, but also the fact that you're brave in the face of danger. He knows you can defend yourself and still come back to give him a lil kiss afterwards
he asks if you can carry him. you probably lift him up by one hand and he's going crazy that you might drop him.
you will both learn about Earth together, as well as each other's home planets :3
laying out in the middle of nowhere, staring at the stars and reminiscing about your home? of course
he'd be sooo nervous about sparklings, nervous but excited. He'd be the most caring boyfriend and equally as caring father
thinks your sparklings are the cutest ever ever
Transformers ROTB
Mirage x Reader
It's a billion degrees here so thinking is hard and I've been imagining cold... This fic of Mirage keeper reader warm after a snowy rescue was born. As the last fic proves, I just love writing Mirage cuddles, and can you blame me?

Look at him. Absolute cuddlebug. Has to be.
Everything was cold and aching when you came to, but considering you'd expected not to wake up at all, you could tentatively call that a win. Too exhausted and pained to shiver, you cracked your eyes open as sounds finally drifted into focus. A blue figure moved through the darkness with curses of frantic frustration, their inhumanly large frame bent over a pile of damp wood they were having no luck lighting. Recognizing their familiar shade of blue in the brief flashes of light from their attempted fire, you perked up despite your exhaustion.
The mech snapped his helm around, optics wider than you'd ever seen them as he looked at you in total disbelief.
"Hey, you're not dead!" he gushed as he crawled across the cave, looking so overjoyed he must not have believed you'd ever speak again. Too worn out and stiff to chuckle, you managed to crack a smile as the mech leaned over you, seemingly drinking in your presence as if he hadn't seen you in ages. Not having the slightest clue how you'd gotten here, you found your head free of worry despite your injuries, and you couldn't resist the urge to crack a joke.
"Should I be?"
"No, definitely not! Don't you go getting any ideas!" Mirage replied, his tone a solid mix of playful admonishment and serious warning. Adjusting a small emergency blanket that you'd been loosely swaddled in, he fretted long enough for you to pick up on his worry despite the continued jokes. "I've busted my aft keeping you alive this long, you don't get to put all my hard work to waste."
"What happened?" you asked as you tried to hug the blanket closer, numb fingers making it nearly impossible. Confused but able to recall a blurry series of events, the lack of other Autobots stuck out to you, especially when you remembered the whole group had been together in battle the last time you'd seen them. Not seeing a single other being in the cave activated your worry. "Where's-?"
"Shhh, questions take stamina you can't spare. I'll do the talking for both of us." Mirage interrupted gently, still teasing but sounding much softer as he encouraged you to lie back. The warmth of his servo and the comfort of his much larger frame beside yours allowed you to relax and listen, but as you did so It became apparent you were still quite exhausted, and you had to fight the urge to sleep. A fascinating narrative made consciousness stick around despite your heavy eyelids. "It took some expert tracking, but Bee was able to find two sets of tracks; a big ugly bot and the human he was tearing after. Unfortunately enough for him, we found him first."
Now you could remember how you'd gotten into this mess; running from a Decepticon and trying to lose them in the dense, frozen forest... The last thing you'd seen of Mirage had been the main battle, and you couldn't even begin to recall how long you'd been out in the cold, but it was good to know everything had more or less worked out. If only you weren't so terribly cold...
"I don't know how you outran him, but you were sorta... asleep and awake when we found you, so cold you weren't even shivering. We called Noah, and he's arranging to meet Optimus somewhere "clandestine" and escort a medic this way. They're gonna look you over and then pretend they didn't see us." Mirage continued. Nodding in incomplete understanding, you tried to keep your eyes open, and would have yawned if you'd had the strength. You knew what was being said meant a lot to you, and that a doctor was very much in order, but it all felt so far away. Aching body going increasingly numb, you barely found the strength to reply.
"Thank you..." you croaked, so terribly tired you couldn't convince yourself that staying awake was worth it. Mirage reacted swiftly, cupping his hand behind your head and looking into your eyes. The fear in his optics made you yearn for the energy to comfort him, but as it was you couldn't even understand why he was so upset.
"Don't thank me, just stay awake, yeah?" he encouraged, positive facade crumbling as he scooped you up in a panic. Feeling his chest, which radiated a reduced but still appreciable amount of warmth, you sighed and leaned into his embrace. The speedster held you tightly against him, digits patting your cheek as he tried to get you to focus on him. "Talk to me, Y/N, tell me what I can do."
"Cold..." was all you could say, exhaustion all but dragging you down into unconsciousness. Only your desire not to upset him kept you awake, but you knew there was precious little fight left in you. Mirage frantically reached back to the damp wood he'd been attempting to dry and ignite with his blaster.
"Okay, okay... I can... Scrap, I can't get this to light!" he cried in briefly hopeless frustration, his servo transforming back into a limb so he could hold you close to share what little warmth he had to spare. The pain in his expression compelled you to comfort him, but you didn't have the strength to do anything but lay your hand on the glowing center of his chest. You only wanted him to know it was alright, but the mech took much more from the gesture, his optics widening before his brows furrowed in determination. "Plan B then; come here."
Snapping open his chest panels and revealing the beautiful yet surprisingly soft glow of his spark, he pulled you close, allowing you to practically snuggle against the heat generating essence of his being.
"Sorry if this is weird... but it's warm, right?" he said quickly, aware of the awkward intimacy even if the situation was desperate. Being held so close allowed you to finally thaw after hours of exposure, and the feeling of life returning to your limbs was soothing enough to compel you to sigh. Cradling you tightly against his spark, Mirage sat back against the cave wall and relaxed at your increasingly less pallid complexion, returning to a more playful tone filled with affection. "My spark always runs hot, part of being an Outlier. I'll keep you close until the doc gets here. Least I can do for my little space heater."
Smiling back at the joke, you sighed once more and touched your hand to his spark, able to feel the soft hum soothing your aching body. As much as you still yearned for sleep, being so close gave you the strength to stay awake a little longer, the growing ease in his frame compelling you to keep going for both your sakes. A tender cupping of your face helped make you all the more certain that everything was going to be alright.
Mirage continued to encourage you, the devotion in his spark more than warm enough to keep the dark, frigid cold of the cave at bay. "You just keep getting nice and toasty. I've got you..."
Request page!!!
Hi, I'm new here and I thought why not start writing ff. So if you want something from these fandoms:
Genshin Impact
Honkai star rail
Dr Stone
Trigun Stampede
Mars Red
Spiderverse ( if there's nothing then I have to take one for the team and my own content)
Fairy tail
Transformers (Prime, RotB)
More to add
Feel free to request from other shows too because these are just my most recent hyperfocuses!
Rules when requesting:
Specify what you want. The more details the better.
I won't do anything gore related or any dead dove type of stuff. No out of pocket kinky stuff please. I am a woman of Christianity (as if)
I do both female and male characters
I don't do ocs but I can add on descriptors so you can feel more seen. (I will ask for specifis to better write the portrayal and actions)
Be kind when requesting =D
Hi, same anon who asked about matchups! I’d like to match up with a masc character! though if there’s someone otherwise who you think would match really well with me then that’s fine too !!
Excuse me if this gets too wordy.
I’m an INFJ and i’d say i have a balanced and composed air to my personality. And i’m usually quiet, which makes people naturally intimidated by me. It’s also because of my straightforward, honest tone when i speak, elegant stance, and gothic fashion.
I’m not mean, just quaint and a bit standoffish until i start to read and understand other peoples energy. It takes time for me to relax a little, and show more of my passionate, spunky, and high-spirited side.
I’m also very whimsical, poetic, and spiritual at heart. I feel emotions for everything, as everything matters to me. I love love love to create. I’ll get into just about any form of artistry but i mainly draw and play a few string instruments. Especially the bass! My music tastes are mainly house, dnb, folk, rock, funk metal. I also do tarot readings and work on my spiritual self which has me “venturing off” sometimes.
And my love language is physical touch ! My touch is always gentle and helping once i’m comfortable enough with someone. I can also read ppl very well…
I think that’s all i can think of. Thank you for reading!
My immediate thoughts with the first part were Bloodhound, and after reading it all I still think Bloodhound but I'm leaning towards Mirage
In terms of Bloodhound here are my reasonings:
• They can respect your honesty with others, and they admire your unique sense of style
• They also would enjoy being around people as spiritual as they are, and would love enjoy any art that you create whether it's poems, music, or drawings
• Honestly, they just like being around people who know who they are and what they like
• Also, they need some love man, they yearn for physical touch they're just afraid of it
In terms of Mirage:
• My man is amazed by literally anything, he'll drop whatever he's doing to listen to you and to tell you that your creations are beautiful
• I have a headcannon that Mirage is into goth people hdhfjskks he's just some guy who is infatuated with cool aesthetics
• He's great at making people feel welcome and comfortable in my mind, man's literally friends with everyone
• He doesn't care if you're quiet, loud, "weird," energetic, he's just like "oh damn new friend :)"
• Also headcannon, he loves every single genre of music, and will jam out to pretty much any song
I'm very bad at explaining the thoughts in my head so I'm sorry this is so short shdhnskqk I'm realizing now I'm not very good at this oopsies
I hope you like it though!
Hi idk if you still take apex reqs but maybe a Miragr late val fic/hc?
This is so late, but here you go hdjsjsja <3
It's a bit short my apologies, I just wanted to get it out before it was like a week after valentines day
Contains: pure fluff man, it's just Mirage being a romantic icon
• Mirage goes all out on valentines day
• He spends like $200 on gifts every year for both his lovers and all his friends
• You can't tell me this man doesn't buy his friends chocolate roses and cheesy stuffed animals for valentines day
• Anyways, anyone dating Mirage gets bombarded by gifts on valentines day
• He doesn't do anything super fancy like a candlelit dinner with wine and expensive steak, but he does practically devote himself to his lover for the whole day
• He cooks breakfast, places candles and rose petals everywhere, and basically just waits for his lover to tell him what to do like a puppy sbhdjaj
• He doesn't care where they go or what they do for valentines day, he just wants to make his lover happy, like if they want to just order take out and watch romance movies? he's all for it
• If he goes out with his lover for valentines day, he makes sure to look his best (he always does but hush) and is just overall a gentleman
• Later, he prepares a nice bath for him and his lover with candles, bubbles, chocolate, and champagne
• Lots of cuddles and "I love you's" throughout the whole day
• He makes sure his lover feels loved and cared for
• He probably recites the whole legend of the origin of valentines day every year to everyone who will listen
• Overall, he's like the best partner anyone could have on valentines day, and he brags about it all year long
Thank you for requesting, I hope this was to your liking! And thank you for reading!
Reminder, liking and reblogging my work really helps me as a creator, and it takes like 10 seconds so why do it. Giving me requests also helps as it give me the inspiration to write and tells me what people want, so literally request anything that's on your mind :)
Mirage x reader??? Hcs??
Idk I never request
Thank you for requesting! I actually am currently writing Mirage x reader headcannons for another request so you're in luck haha
I'll tag you in the post when I finish it!
Omggg people write for Mirage???
Idek what to request I just have this huge mirage brainrot rn and I need him😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I've gotchu man, honestly Mirage doesn't get the love he deserves so I'm here to deliver 🫡
Also I might relate to him just a tad bit more than a healthy amount but shhhhh
~Mirage x Reader Headcannons~
CONTAINS: NFSW further down
• A lot of people see Mirage as a self-centered partner who always puts his own reputation and image above a relationship, but honestly this guy just wants and needs attention
• He'd be the most loving, caring boyfriend you've ever had because he gains his happiness from your happiness
• He's the type of person who constantly wants to be physically touching you, he puts his head in your lap when you're relaxing, holds your hand when you're walking, and always has to be holding you when you go to sleep
• He love love loves it when people play with his hair, he'll pretend to be upset when you mess up his "perfect curls" but he doesn't really care about it
• He is always like on the verge of tears when he has to kill you in the games, he avoids you like the plague. He can't stand seeing someone he loves so dearly be killed, especially by his own hand, even though he knows it isn't real and you're still alive
• He's protective, but not in a "You can't have contact with ANY other men" way, he just doesn't want you being hurt by anyone
• If you come up to him while he's sitting, tilt his head up, and kiss his forehead he will just melt
• Compare him in any way to a puppy and he will also melt
• Dates with him are dinners at fancy restaurants, walks on pretty trails or along beaches, ice cream from cute diners, and just cuddling while watching sad cheesy romance movies
• He loves it when you just sit at the bar while he's working in the Paradise Lounge, chatting with him while he serves customers, you don't even have to buy anything he just loves having you there
• He calls you every pet name in the book, but his favorites are baby, love, darling, and hun
• His love languages are definitely physical affection and quality time
• Mirage is a switch, for sure, you can't tell me this man doesn't wanna get pegged, but he also likes giving you the same pleasure
• Always makes sure to give as much as he gets, he also tries to make sure you always cum first before he gets to
• He's submissive, he whines, he whimpers, he begs, he cries, he's so pathetic dhdhjska but we love that
• He doesn't hate using toys for pleasure, it just embarrasses him so he doesn't usually bring it up, he probably will melt if you bring it up tho
• He looooovvveessss orgasm denial, edge him and tell him he can't cum yet, use cock rings, make him cry, make him beg, BREAK HIM
• He also likes overstimulation and understimulation, maybe he just likes sensory shit, blindfold him and watch him shiver at the lightest touches
• In terms of giving you attention, he just loves worshipping you and doing anything you want, he's not good with expressing things through words, so he just hopes you understand through all the worship and submission that he loves you more than anything
• He takes the time to kiss and feel your body before pleasing you, he wants to make sure you know he doesn't want to just use you for his own pleasure and he want YOU to feel good
• Favorite positions are riding and missionary, he likes eye contact, he likes being able to see your reactions
• But also he can't escape the fascination in watching your ass jiggle as he fucks you from behind hfhfndjsidh
• He calls you baby, sir/ma'am, and if you're feminine then mommy 🤭
• He likes being called darling, dear, baby, and pup or puppy :)
Thank you for the request! I hope you like it!
Remember that liking and reblogging my posts really helps me as a creator and only takes like 20 seconds. Requests are always open and getting prompts helps me get the motivation to write.
I hope all of you have a good day!
Omggg ty for doing my mirage req! Can I request one more where reader is sick pls?
Of course! I'm so sorry this is so late, I've been really busy with finishing up high school and figuring out university. Here's your request tho! I'll try to get to the rest of my requests as fast as I can :)
Mirage x Sick!Reader Headcannons
CONTAINS: just some good old fluff
• Mirage is another one of those people who will go absolutely overboard when you're sick, some of it may be unnecessary but he won't let you talk him out of it
• He runs to grab a thermometer anytime you feel hot, even if you clearly have a fever he's like "WE HAVE TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TEMPERATURE YOURE AT"
• Makes soup :)
• His mom always made him eat saltine crackers and drink gingerale when he was nauseous, so now he keeps the medicine cabinet stocked with them
• He also has every non-proscription medicine you can think of in that cabinet
• If you so much as sit up in bed he will glare at you until you lay back down
• He tucks you in so tight you can barely move your arms, you don't need arms to rest
• He's ready to fight whoever let you get sick, even if it was himself pffff
• Tell everyone that you're sick, literally everyone. Someone will mention you and he's like "they're sick right now so they can't hang out"
• I think he'd be mildly germaphobic, so even though he wants to make you feel better he will also stand at least five feet away and sleep on the couch until your better
• Occaisonally when you're really sick or his germaphobia is bad he won't be in the same room as you at all until your better, but he will leave plates of home cooked meals outside the bedroom door and then run away so you can get them
• He probably brings Lifeline in at least once a day while you're sick to check on you, and even though she knows it's just a head cold she will do a full assessment on you to ease his nerves
• He frequents Google to search up your symptoms
• "HUN YOU MIGHT HAVE CANCER" "who said that?" "....GOOGLE" ".... it's not cancer, Elliot" "OKAY WELL THE NEXT RESULT IS HIV" "Elliot it's just a cough for fucks sake"
• Honestly tho he's one of the best people to be sick with, he might be slightly annoying but he means well and just wants to see you happy and well
Thank you for reading all the way through, I hope you enjoyed!
Remember that liking and reblogging takes like 10 seconds and really helps me grow as a creator. Also, requesting helps give me inspiration and motivation to keep writing, and its a specialized piece just for you! So write anything you want in that ask box :)
Request: Hi bestie I was wondering (if you are still taking requests that is) if you could do a mirage x reader where the reader is feeling a bit insecure about their weight. Just total fluff.
You where insecure of your weight and somtimes the insecurity was overbearing and it made you want to cry. You stare at the mirror in slight disgust, wishing your body was just a little bit different. Just then Elliot (mirage) walked in and he saw you looking at your body in the mirror. He walked to up to you and asked "what's wrong?"
"It's just that my weight is just... not how I want it" you reply a bit saddened
"I think you look beautiful"
"I know you do, but I don't"
"I also think you shouldn't think badly of your weight because it what makes you, you know, you, and I love all of you, that includes even your weight, I know my words probobly won't change your view but I wanted to at least try"
You look around at him and hug him "Thank you, you made me feel a lot better" you smiled
"See there's the smile I love" he said hugging you and you hug back
You guys soon separate from the hug and you guys decide to order your favorite pizza.
Requests are open again (: I do overwatch and apex legends scenarios, headcannons and match ups
Hello hello! Ummmmm I ain't creative with my asks but im craving mirage....BADLY....and I haven't seen any reader jealous over Elliott and Renee's relationship in a while and with the new comic I thought it seemed like a good enough ask! Doesn't have to be centered around the comic or anything goin on with it and could be just whatever you come up with but but I don't mind either! (If this is confusing or anything feel free to dm) I LOVE YOUR WRITING!!!💕💕💕
OH YEAH ALSO, I didn't know where to fit this in but this was a Mirage x Reader request if that wasn't obvious lol
You were never the jealous type, but god did Elliot and Renee's friendship make your blood boil. There bond is so tight, they must be dating, right? If only I was that close with Elliot, maybe telling my feelings wouldn't be so hard.
*phone dings*
You snapped out of your thinking and checked your phone. "Speaking of the devil" you mutter under your breath. It seems he invited you to hang out at the mall, but Renee will be there. You sigh as you say that you'll go.
You take a shower, get dressed, brushed your teeth, and pretty much everything else you need to do before you leave. You then got into your car and drive 30 minutes to the mall and meet up with them then went inside the mall.
The mall was huge, it even had three story's. You went threw so many shops but yet not the full first floor. But what bothered you is that he seemed to be with Renee more and talk to her more. You sighed and walked away with your arms crossed, you hated how jealous you were. Elliot noticed you left and followed you to see what was wrong. He grabbed your shoulder to stop you outside the store "what's wrong?" He asked worried.
"It's just" you look down at the floor, should I even tell him my feeling? Why not, I'm sure he wouldn't leave me for something like that. "I have feeling for you and you spend so much time with Renee that, I don't know, get kinda jealous, and you guys are so close that you must be dating"
Elliot sighed and hugged you and you hugged back,"No we arnt dating, she's just my friend, are really good friend, and yes we are close but I wouldn't want to date her, because the truth is, I had feelings for you too all along"
You guys let go of the hug you replied "really?"
"Yes really" he smiled
"Does that mean, you know?" You ask
He knew what you meant "I guess so, meaning you really don't need to worry anymore"
You guys went back into the store with the biggest smile on your face. You guys proceeded to go threw the mall, you ended up having lots of fun and it couldn't of gone better.
I saw your apex and Overwatch match up! I would like to ask one for both!
So I am 5,5, Pansexual and Genderfluid but a fab (Female at Birth.) I am very tech savvy and love playing video games and streaming them as well. I am introverted and prefer to stay inside. I can get upset easily mainly due to video games. I also love and care for animals. I like to usually wear dark clothes or just lounge around in pajamas all day. I have short hair that I dye often, currently it is purple. I have blue eyes as well. I have ADD and known to be uncensored due to my social anxiety that makes me accidentally over share. I like to draw all. I usually get along with outcasts.
Not sure of what else to write but let me know if you need anything else!
For apex I match you up with mirage (:
He doesn't really play video games or really play them well, but if you're playing a game that he thinks looks fun, he might ask you to teach him how to play.
If he's away, like for example at the games, in his free time he'll watch you stream sometimes if you're live because he misses you.
When he's home and if you get mad at your video game to the point you rage quit, he'll honestly try to avoid you in fear you'll snap at him.
As far as animals go, he like animals. But he didn't trust cats.
If you want help with your anxiety, he'll try but probobly wouldn't really know what to do.
For overwatch I match you up with D.va
Both you and Hanna play video games and stream. Maybe you guys can so a collaboration type of thing. It would be fun.
She also likes to stay inside but she also like outside a lot too, she'll probobly try to convince you to try to go out with her. Hanna loves going to the mall and also loves concerts.
She also loves animals, she'll probobly bug you to get a dog, specifically Shiba Inu.
She does surprisingly well to calming people down either because of anxiety or just in general.
Hi, may i have a matchup? I am 26, 5 feet tall, and thicc lol. I am friendly and kinda goofy in general, but do have very low lows since I have severe ptsd so I require someone with a lot of patience at times. I love art in all forms as well as music. I'm also in school to become an elementray teacher as protecting and teaching kids is my passion!
I match you up with Mirage
He loves jokes and will laugh if you make a joke or being goofy in general. He will try to make jokes and be goofy too but you see how that works out for him.
If you need someone with patience, he's your man. He's even more patient with people he loves and cares about too. And if you need confort he'll try even if he's not good at that, he can still be there. Even if you just want to sit silent or just want to be alone, that is ok too.
When it comes to art such as painting, let's just say he doesn't have the mind for it, it'll probobly confuse him. But as far as art as in music taste, he is the type of person to like songs Bohemian Rhapsody.
He thinks it's cool that you are chasing you passion to become an elementary school teacher. And one thing people may not know about him is that he actully loves children. But still even then he wouldn't want any of his own, or at least for now.
My request box is empty!! (Requests are still open)