Rudolf - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Class 1-A: *chilling in the lobby*

Kaminari: Aw, look guys! There’s a deer in the lawn!

Bakugo, immediately whips his head to him: DOES IT HAVE AN OBNOXIOUS RED-ASS COLOR?

Class 1-A:

Kaminari: U-Uh, yes?

Bakugo, runs to the door and whips it open: YOU S.O.B! WE HAVE UNFINISHED BUSINESS, YOU BAMBI-KNOCKOFF! *runs outside*

Class 1-A:

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12 years ago

'Tis the season to be derpy

Tra la lA La laaah laarhg laurehfks asfhsdkgjhfg sl dkjsfhsannnnnnnnnnnnnn

Edit: I forgot Rudolf!

'Tis The Season To Be Derpy
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1 year ago

AI creates cute reindeer

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