This Is Fun - Tumblr Posts
There will come the time, that I won't remember the names of my first and truest friends and truly- I believe that that is the day, that you lose the part of yourself that still wants to believe in Peter Pan.
I think they sensed the cancelation and since it was a situation full of uncertainty, they chose the most plausible option. Aaahh can't we have good shows with many seasons anymore😞
Yes!!! Prodigal son was soooo good! Malcolm Bright deserved better. And Ainsley too. The dynamics were so good I’m actually getting irritated again because I had heard the show could have been picked up by Netflix but it never happened😭 so much unresolved plot😭 I’m heartbroken again lol
I want my unhinged boi backkk😭
Gil stepping up as a parental figure, like I can't even begin to describe how much I adore found family or in this case the family that chooses you and you love them back. And the dynamic that he shares with his team, especially Edrisa, is very veryyy dear to me like I would fight for them. They are just sooo *incoherent mumbling and crying*
I think this is one of those shows where I genuinely loved the mother, because Jessica Whitly is not a plain character. She has her fears and yet she's just as unhinged if it's about her children or anyone she genuinely cares for. She's sassy too, I love that. I think being sassy and unhinged is a genetic thing in the Whitly family.
As I'm writing about them now, I miss them more. I remember watching it daily when it aired. What made it stand out from most shows, for me, is that it has a protagonist who is utterly haunted but it does not stop him from being absolutely hilarious. In fact, any other show would've made him stoic and something stereotypical. Distanced, so to speak. But everytime he's on screen, it feels like he's alive; we are not mere spectators. We feel his grief, his desperation to be his own person, his love, friendship, everything.
This makes him and every character on this show special.
I'm sooo happy that you decided to talk about this showww😭😭💖💖💖
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Hiiii :D
Here are the five songs!!
1. Sweet Holy Honey
2. Smoke Sprite
3. White Mustang
4. Ye Tune Kya Kiya
5. It Will Come Back
Sending gooood vibes your wayyy💖💖💖🙂↕️🙂↕️
yippee!!! I will be doing this for most of the seasons / episodes I feel are important! I have also made a tag, yippee!!! it's "menace watches supernatural" :)

thoughts on season 1, because I do actually want to be a menace about this :]
I forgot how much of a comfort show this used to be lmao I know how most of these episodes go
I also believe Sam is where I got most of my facial expressions from! mans is so emotive and so am I, some of the faces he's making, I just know I do, too
must add to that as well, that Sam is still our favorite!! thought it might change, but nope, it's still him right now :)
also forgot how many of the gifs/jokes came from season 1 alone! everytime they're about to walk into it, I know exactly what's gonna be said lmao
and the relating to Sam?? girl, just say you have daddy issues
I know this is a thing in media, but do they not get scars??? the two of them got scratched real bad on the face and nothing's there in the next episode. I'm trying to remember if they ever get scars, and the only one I remember is the hand scar? but nothing else??? odd
we also got to see little Sam and Dean?? I remember watching edits to those scenes, but I can't remember the song used? kinda wanna go on the hunt for it now
forgot it ended on a cliffhanger ahahahah
okie, that is all for this season :) the next one's probably won't be long, but alas
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15

first dog in space written by brennig davies // tiktok slideshow by @/h0pe_forthefuture_ // beach life-in-death - car seat headrest // heavydirtysoul - twenty one pilots // orange juice - noah kahan // miss you - conan gray // laika - gecko // not a lot, just forever - adrianne lenker // the hand the feeds - the crane wives (2) // roadkill - searows // love song from a dog - shovels & rope // snap back - twenty one pilots // memories - conan gray // howling - noah kahan // apollo's song - mae krell // I know the end - phoebe bridgers
part 1 :)
Woo hoo! Here we go voting time! (Well tomorrow)
Angel was awesome btw. 💜💜💜

Happy August 1! It's midnight which means it's officially August 1! This is the third year I'm celebrating Hali's Happy Agust, and though this year I'm not doing a ton, I'm still excited to be doing anything at all for Agust!
This year I am bringing back the AU/trope bracket challenge! Every Friday during August I will post a series of head-to-head match-ups where readers can vote for the trope/au they want to see written as a Yoongi fic at the end of the month.
NOTE: I am not opening requests for Hali's Happy Agust right now and I am unsure if I will due to moving/starting a new job and giving myself a bit of a mental health break. If I do open requests, it will be in the second half of Agust.

Vote on your favorite Yoongi tropes/AUs each week until a final Yoongi remains standing. The winning trope/AU will be turned into a fic, just like last year. Voting will be handled in weekly polls that will last for 24-hours each, and the trope that wins will move on to the next round of voting. Results will be shared on this post every round when each poll concludes.
First Round: Friday, August 2 Second Round: Friday, August 9 Third Round: Friday, August 16 Final Round: Friday, August 23
This year's bracket match-ups will additionally feature different Palestinian families in need of assistance, along with other resources on how to help the people of Palestine during the ongoing genocide. All donations are voluntary, but I encourage you to read and share each family's story to help give them the support they need. Every family whose story and donation page is shared will be 100% vetted and confirmed real.
Daily Clicks Donate E-Sims Care for Gaza Donate Feminine Hygiene Kits Calls for Ceasefire List of Vetted Families in Need

Hot and Cold
Are they on or off?
People can never tell.

I have an idea to build an apartment where each floor is based on different decades. Here's the first one: a nineteenth-century tenement for an immigrant family of five. Due to the cramped living space, two children slept in the sitting room while one child shared the bedroom with the parents. The facilities came much later, so there was no indoor bathroom.

well, i’m scared! and a bit confused on how it will work
@cherrythepuppet @jetkielover @big-old-bee
you guys should try this!

ok I was tagged by @princessmikaa and @ozais-lobotomist so thank you both
I've deleted most of my fictional people images in my camera roll but I have like a million edits of them so. this is the most recent download
[via @/ giyuunxv on tiktok]
could never pass up mitsuri🫶🫶🫶
tagging @erisenyo @boygirldykefag @0-im-doorsexual-0 @scrimblyscrorblo @just-a-dinomask @transboyzuko @mikhnovskykinnie @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma @ anyone else who wants to!!

[image description: tumblr april fools boop meter. Given is maxed out, received is at 595. End description].
I have done my job o7 [salute]
If you are working towards that badge, let me be that boop sink. Break my boop meter, baby!

Yeah, that tracks.
With the number of times I've gotten away with reckless and selfish behavior thanks to last minute strokes of luck, I'm 100% the creator's pet. Hope I have some great villain monologues in fan rewrites.
Shame I couldn't include my twirly mustache and beard.
@crossover-enthusiast, @very-uncorrect, @pinkandpurple360, @thatguywhodoesstuff, @snenbubs
Here's he gist, folks:
1. Do this uquiz.
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.
Thanks for the tag @thelastplantagenet 😊💚
1. Do this uquiz.
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.

feel free to play if you’d like :)
@buncha-angry-kids-with-no-money @thatoneandlonelyemo2005 @with-the-words-all-wrong
I saw lots of my Mutuals do this, and it looked so fun- I wasn't tagged, and I am not gonna tag anyone, but if you did it, let me know!
Go to pinterest, type «_ aesthetic» with your city/country, eye color, favorite color and name. Share the images that come up and tag your friends!
Here is how mine came out 🩷

Since my name is not English, I thought it might be fun doing one with the meaning of my name so here is another one!

Am slowly making my way through 2012, and I have so many plans and ideas. I am trying to get through 2003 as well but that is… not going well
I want to make a tmnt 2012 au, but I can’t remember much of any of the five season I watched.
I wanna make a 2003 au, but I’ve only watched like 5% of the show.

I bs my way through a fusion and hope it goes somewhere
im seeing a pattern in these reblogs…

how does pinterest see you?
search up fashion, pantone, mood, food, and then save the first picture that comes up.
ty @mrs-lockley for the tag 🫶🏽 (i am so behind on other tag games but i couldn't resist)

tagging @lunar-ghoulie @flowerpotmage @cositsamarvelfan @virtie333 if you'd like
My life is a comic and it's written by Grant Morrison: Wild as shit with very little explanation and some vague racial stereotypes in my backstory.
New comic writer roast game:
My life is a comic and it’s written by….
My life is a comic and it’s written by Tom Taylor: I have no personality or redeeming qualities besides being queer, so I’ll bring it up constantly.
Hii everyone I made an ask game

Pls send me which you think apply to me <3
[anyone can use no credit needed]
ask away friends
~ 💖 ASK GAME 💖 ~
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
🎵 Last song you listened to?
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
😏 Are you on discord?
💛 Do you have any piercings?
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
🏳️🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
👖 Jeans or sweatpants?
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
☕ Coffee or tea?
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
🌴 Desert island item?
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
🔮 What’s your dream job?
💙 Relationship status?
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
🤎 What color is your hair?
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
💄 Do you wear makeup?
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
💞 @ your favorite blog.
Reblogs are appreciated!
How would jungkook react to someone asking OC out and giving her flowers?
if he's by her side when it happens, he'd drape an arm over her shoulder and probably tell the person to fuck off DHFJSJ
"are you fucking blind? she's clearly taken. and you bought her cute little flowers? adorable. now shove them up your ass and leave."
if he sees it from a distance, he'd wait for the whole thing to play out before stomping over there and confronting oc. if she took the flowers, he's throwing them in the bin (we stan a petty king).
either way, that someone is getting bullied by jungkook for the rest of the year 😩 like actually bully tho
"what did they say to you? and what did you say to them? tell me their name and year. oh, and, whose girl are you?" [insert jungkook's pleased face after oc tells him she's his girl]
whupps nvrmind i wasn’t done yet i added a theme to my account now
i changed my backround color hihihihihihihihihihihihihihhihihihihihiii
End of Year Meme
First things first, did you have a good year?
How old did you turn this year?
Do you feel your age?
Did your appearance change in anyway?
Post your favorite selfie.
If you traveled, where did you go?
Which fashion trends did you love?
Which fashion trends did you hate?
What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible?
What song sums up this year for you?
What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then?
What was your favorite movie of the year?
Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year?
Favorite new TV show?
Which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears?
What food did you try for the first time?
Did you make any big permanent changes this year?
What was one nice thing you did for someone else?
What was one nice thing you did for yourself?
Did you develop a new obsession?
Did you vote?
Did you move?
Did you get a job?
Did you get a pet?
Do you regret not doing anything?
Do you regret doing something?
Have you done anything that scared you?
Did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days?
Did you lose anyone close to you?
Did you fall in love?
Did you fall out of love?
Did you start a new relationship?
Did you go through a break up?
Did you have to cut ties to someone?
Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year?
Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year?
If you could have a do over on one thing you did, would you take it?
What was the best moment of the year for you?
What was the worst?
Did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn’t?
Did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did?
What are you most proud of accomplishing?
What have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior?
Did your opinion of anyone change for the better?
Did your opinion of anyone change for worse?
If you make resolutions, did you complete them this year?
If you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year?
If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do? Who would you go this?
What do you wish for others for the coming year?
What do you wish for yourself?