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3 years ago

Pyrrha's death and the Achilles Allusion

Pyrrha's Death And The Achilles Allusion

RWBY v3 was a shallow volume. It was a volume rushed to allow for RWBY to transition to something more 'mature' in the eyes of the writers. A good example of this is Pyrrha's death, and the writer's surface-level understanding of the Achilles story.

The Achilles Heel myth has become more famous than Achilles himself. On the level of popular culture I'm not sure most people are aware that in the Iliad Achilles survives to the end of the tale. Others may say that Achilles dies in the Odyssey or in the stories that follow the Iliad in depicting the Trojan War. I personally believe those stories are the Ancient Greek version of Fanfiction, but that's for another post.

The Iliad is, I believe, a story about masculinity. In the absence of Achilles, the most Achaean of all Achaeans, from the war. Each of the Greek Heroes, and Hector, attempt to prove their masculinity by feats of military prowess. But through the war, the Greek Heroes prove inadequate to the task. Royal lineage, cunning, wisdom, brute strength. All of these fail as the war is taken to the Greek Ships and Achilles puts the other Greek Heroes in their place when he takes revenge for Patroclus's death.

But even as Achilles proves himself as the greatest Achaean through the second half of the Iliad, it is only when Priam humbles himself before Achilles that the Hero learns what being a man is really about. Showing compassion and honor in a war that had nearly destroyed both in the passing decade. As Hector's body burns in the pyre of his funeral rites a parallel 'death' of Achilles's rage occurs. The war doesn't end, but Achilles dies to this wrathful past and is reborn after finding peace regarding Patroclus's death.

The power of Achilles's story can only be seen through his life even though he was prophesied to die. After all, Achilles was a soldier in a war, and considering the mortality of humans in general, everyone dies sooner or later. But it is with this urgently imminent presence of death serving as a backdrop that makes Achilles' life so vital. He was going to die. So how was he going to live?

The story of Achilles is one of life. But what does RWBY do with Pyrrha?

Pyrrha's Death And The Achilles Allusion

"Hurr Durr, Achilles Tendon reference!"

Pyrrha's Death And The Achilles Allusion

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3 years ago

What RWBY really needs

An Asian Character.

When Team RWBY tries to destroy Atlas:

What RWBY Really Needs

When Cinder keeps repeating the same mistakes:

What RWBY Really Needs

When Penny tells Jaune to kill her:

What RWBY Really Needs

When RT tries to push Bumbleby with some cutesy, funny moment between the most hated lesbian couple.

What RWBY Really Needs

Anymore reasons why RWBY needs an Asian Character?

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2 years ago

1. There is a lot of gay self-hate being projected against the RWDE in this post. I ship hetero couples, but I don't call lgbtq shippers 'gross and sick' because of their shipping preferences.

2. This video gives a basic overview of some of the problems RWDE finds with RWBY. Its a lighthearted yet funny representation of what RWDE sees as areas of improvement in RWBY's story.

3. There are many reasons why RWDE and critics find RWBY 'disappointing' and ultimately, there is no ONE answer as to what about RWBY is disappointing. Adam was not treated right, Cinder's backstory was revealed too late, Qrow's voice changed. All or any one of the above reasons could be why a critic finds RWBY disappointing, and that list is far from exhaustive.

4. In the end, all we (RWDE, critics, rewrites, etc ...) want is to be allowed to raise our points and not be attacked for our views. The toxicity of the fandom is the root cause of RWBY's reception and reputation. A problem that is prevalent in the fandoms of most modern cartoons and tv shows today.

There’s something that I just remembered about critics/rewrites that say that they find RWBY “disappointing”. And something that I don’t get is “how?” What exactly did ANY of them want in the first place that isn’t some vague, generic answer, like waning it to be just whatever constitutes as “good” in their eyes? Or try to say they wanted “Monty’s Vision” when they either A.) never met the guy or actually worked on the show themselves ever or B.) seemed to have hated the show when he was alive. What is your perspective on why RWBY has gotten the reputation and reception that it has gotten since day 1?

1. They don’t like that their “male” favorites aren’t worshipped. Adam , when shown in the black trailer? was “cool” where they completed ignored he was willing to blow up innocent passengers. They ignored him dismissing the death of his men in mount glenn. they dismissed his attacking unarmed civilians in v3...they only started complaining when he and blake first interact...never mind that he was evil and had no redeeming qualities...they only looked for what they wanted to imagine...because the real adam was a jerk, they were upset that their fantasy was not the same as canon. Qrow trying to give up alcoholism? oh no, he’s no longer “relatable”? Ironwood being authoritarian is bad? oh no, we cannot believe in our idea of executive power/privilege.

2. when I joined during volume 4, the qrow worship was at an all time high.the words of monty and the writers were considered to be liars if it got in the way of ships and woman used mental retardation insults towards anyone trying to debunk the qrow is rubys father theory....when miles debunked it? he was called a liar by so many. So now the desire to believe that the writers are lying for the sake of one’s ship or theory became an obsession to the qrow fanatics.  if you don’t like what happens in the show? just call the writers liars or scream retcon...doesn’t mean its true, but the people will swallow up a lie in favor of accepting reality.

3. RWBY up to the end of v3 took place in a school setting where people using jaune to promote their OC male protagonist fanfics could have.  the jaune-centric fanfic writers who loves making jaune the protagonist..or adam? when volume 4 started, the plot moved beyond school to become a worldbuilding series, encompassing the four people could no longer have their school fantasy setting. So they had to adapt to the actual setting of the show.

4. With Monty’s death of course, if something did not go the way a “fan” wanted? Adam being evil or dead, Blacksun not happening, Taiyang being Ruby’s father, Raven being a deadbeat mom who’s leader of  a tribe of killers and thieves? No matter what Monty said in life...dead man cannot debunk using a dead man’s name to defend your accusations against a studio became another practice.

5. Vic Micnogna...despite funimation and conventions firing him...double standards led his fanbois and fangirls to blame RT...After Shane left, the idea of claming RT rules with an iron fist became another practice. So RWBY and Roosterteeth became subject to double standards...anything anime or studios do that get a pass? RT and RWBY become villified for. Example? RWBY has about 100 characters...most anime have over 300...yet RWBY is accused of having too many, while most anime get a complete and utter pass.

6. Military and authoritarian support....America, not FMA but America, is a country where there is a love of militarism and executive power...where one person holds all the power. RWBY is where four councils hold the power...and where Huntsmen are NOT soldiers...they are NOT the mlitary...freelance contractors with a noble they are NOT like “Shinobi” from naruto or “shinigami” from bleach where everyone is militarized and obeys a central authority figure... Ironwood who controls both the military and the huntsmen, and tries to merge both, shows that atlas fails miserably in terms of its military... and yet people love the idea of one individual holding power if he’s cool enough... for all the hatred and problems of capitalism? the hatred of robyn hill and her attempts to defend the downtrodden of atlas gets ignored in favor of defending anything the atlas military does. RWBY is anti-military and anti-capitalism....qrow and glynda both call out atlas and ironwood...

7. volume 2 he brought a MILITARY ARMY to vale during a time of peace...that’s like nazi germany bringing an army to austria during the olympics....also in volume 2? he went behind ozpin’s back to tell the council to fire ozpin...what did ironwood say afterwards ? “you brought this upon yourself”...he demands trust from others, but refuses to show trust in others..glynda calls him out on this...volume 3, he conducts military projects, aka penny, refuses to reveal her identity to ozpin, and treats her as a machine, even telling her not to make friends...people say that volume 8 he “suddenly became a villain”...did everyone forget him literally abusing his two council seats in volume 4? Jacques schnee of all people telling him to get a grip? how many people have “good intentions” but are still tyrants? An Anti-villain

8. Raven....they wanted her to be an anti-hero....that she had a “good reason” a “morally justifiable” reason for abandoning yang and taiyang... but raven being scared of salem and wanting to save her own skin? the bandit tribe being killers and thieves? oh no, raven was actually a bad person? noo, their fantasy of what they wanted her to be was ruined by what she actually again, rather than face reality, they scream bad writing.. and algorithms benefit from hate...and people make money and popularity off hating the show and its writers...making money off trashing CRWBY has become has gaining fame of hating.

11...RWBY is a show about four female protagonists...and yet people are so obsessed with the, they’re angry that the women do not conform to their wants/expectations...they get mad that their headcanons are not canon...they get mad that they cannot fantasize a woman being straight...there’s a hardcore qrowxsummer shipper whose a VA...while I commission malexmale and femalexfemale fanart and fancomcis, that dude commissions his self-insert being shipped with lesbians in legend of korra, she-ra, and rwby...gross, and sick... sigh...fanbois AND fangirls seem to get some sick twisted pleasure of hating on female characters and subjecting them AND lgbt to double need only look at the hatred of korrasami and the anti-lok vidoes to see how women protagonists in anime are subjected to double standards.

Well...hope that helps answer your question...

This is what I’ve come to believe about the hatedom, about rwde, about the “rewriters” and anyone who ditches constructive criticism in favor of “valid criticism”

oh yes! for anyone interested! I built a list of 121 pro-rwby youtuber channels! I hope this helps you all!

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2 years ago

Byronic heroes don't politcally assassinate their enemies? Tell that to William Wallace, Boudica, Robin Hood, Guy Fawkes, the Bakumatsu's four hitokiri. Any good hero should have one or two bodies under their belt.

Jaune hit on Weiss, but he gets treated negatively because of it and never once laid a hand on Weiss.

So what if RT made RWBY? Analysing the subcontext and subconscious intent of their work is what literature class is all about. Oh no, Bram Stoker made Dracula, better tell that to the director who made Van Helsing a monster hunter played by Hugh Jackman shooting a machine gun crossbow at Vampires. Just because RT created a media, the audience is not disallowed from drawing their own conclusions from what was shown.

Oh no, a villain threatens to destroy everything another character loves. So the Kingpin is abusive to Daredevil because he threatens Matt's friends, the Green Goblin is abusive to Peter Parker because he killed Gwen Stacy, but Cinderella? Forced to slave for her stepmother and is unable to escape slavery due to being dependent on the only adult in her life? Sorry, not abusive since Cinderella's stepmom did not threaten to hurt Cinderella's friends. Because Cinderella has no friends. Because Cinderella is forced into slavery by her own guardian, but that is not abuse.

Being abusive isn't simply hurting someone. Otherwise, every villain in every story would be considered 'abusive' just because he is being a villain. The Alien kills Ripley's crewmates, is the Alien a abuser?

Abuse is when a character subjects another character to harm over a long period of time, and the abused character can't avoid the harm because the abused character is wholly dependent on the abuser. Being abusive is not dependent on villainy, even. Turning Red's mother is abusive, some might say, but she is not villainous.

Blake always had freedom from Adam. Blake was never dependent on Adam. Blake is an independent thinker who isn't oppressed by Adam. Blake has always acted on her own initiative against the White Fang, and Adam was never an issue for Blake until they met in v3. After which, Blake and Adam became enemies.

Was Adam a persistent and vindictive enemy? Yes. But the shark from jaws was persistent, Moriarty from sherlock holmes is vindictive. Are Moriarty and Bruce both abusers to the heroes in their stories?

Adam is not abusive. He is an enemy of Blake's with a personal grudge, but that is what all enemies are.

Adam Taurus is not abusive

Adam haters really need to stop projecting their issues onto a fictional character.

Adam was a tragic hero who needed some red pill knowledge. In the matriarchal society that is RWBY, Adam did not have any strong, masculine, role models who could have sat him down and told him that women ain't shit. That what Adam needed to do was fight the good fight, and show humans that Faunus are not to be trifled with.

Adam is kinda like Detlaff, the High Vampire from the Witcher 3 DLC; Blood and Wine. In this instance; a man loved a woman, and when that woman took advantage of his love, a white knight simp killed him when he sought justice for that betrayal.

Adam's tale is a Shakespearean tragedy about a Byronic hero who allowed his broken heart to overtake his heroic nature.

Adam Taurus is a cautionary tale for men in a gynocentric world; don't get close to the Amber Turds lest they take a literal shit on your metaphorical bed.

Adam Taurus Is Not Abusive

Shit, man. Adam Taurus was one of the better ones.

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2 years ago

All of what you said makes Adam the villain. But you can be a villain without being an abuser.

Abusive behaviour and being a villain is not mutally inclusive. A villain isn't always an abuser, and in RWBY Adam is not an abuser. He is a villain, but not abusive.

RWBY fans can project onto Adam, but they can't force others to join Abuse Bingo night every Thursday.

Adam Taurus is not abusive

Adam haters really need to stop projecting their issues onto a fictional character.

Adam was a tragic hero who needed some red pill knowledge. In the matriarchal society that is RWBY, Adam did not have any strong, masculine, role models who could have sat him down and told him that women ain't shit. That what Adam needed to do was fight the good fight, and show humans that Faunus are not to be trifled with.

Adam is kinda like Detlaff, the High Vampire from the Witcher 3 DLC; Blood and Wine. In this instance; a man loved a woman, and when that woman took advantage of his love, a white knight simp killed him when he sought justice for that betrayal.

Adam's tale is a Shakespearean tragedy about a Byronic hero who allowed his broken heart to overtake his heroic nature.

Adam Taurus is a cautionary tale for men in a gynocentric world; don't get close to the Amber Turds lest they take a literal shit on your metaphorical bed.

Adam Taurus Is Not Abusive

Shit, man. Adam Taurus was one of the better ones.

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