Sansa - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Sansa: Name a way to be nice to others.

Arya: Don't kill them.

Sansa: ...

Sansa: Setting the bar low, but I'll allow it.

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6 years ago

We are getting back together

We Are Getting Back Together

My take on the never getting back together Stark Family. Because some got back together.

I generally include Theon in the Stark family, but it wouldn’t make sense with the words, so I left him (and Benjen) out.

Also the last few seasons were pretty blue.

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4 years ago

At this point if the costumes make sense outside of something that actually calls itself “historically accurate” within the media (especially fantasy) I am ok with it, only if it really looks out of place and I look at it like: this is a costume not a piece of clothing that I really dislike it. Because outside of the movie Emma (2020) I can’t think of anything that actually had completly historically accurate clothes (but they did an amazing job with Emma), so I’d rather have something that works within the media than have something that is just bad.

I think in general GoT went the very toxic “I’m not like other girls route” with nearly all of their female characters towards the end, whereas in the books only Cersei has that mentalitiy and it is toxic, but the show doesn‘t portay it as a bad thing, but as “empowering”.

And Arya is a prime example on how her book counterpart doesn’t hate feminin things, she just thinks that some of them are not for her and that she shouldn’t be forced to participate in those. That is a healthy response to societal norms that don’t fit you.

And it’s not like dresses can’t be made to be practical. i would have loved to see her in a mixed garment, that is both practical and still feminin clothing. Slits are generally a good option, if they wanted to keep within her Ned Stark Style, they could have kept the lower portion of the original Ned costume cut and just made it into a anckle lenght skirt of that, would also have been really warm.

As a faceless trainee Arya should be down with wearing whatever is currently the best for the job anyways. That would have gone down a more Sansa-dress route, dressing to what she thinks is the best in the moment.

Also as someone who wears corsets at work for back support: I think Arya would have loved wearing those. They give you support and an extra layer of physical protection from both the cold and stab weapons (at least dull onse).Since Sophie Turner kept her corsets, I think whoever sewed them knew what they were doing to make them actually supportive instead of the usual mess that movie corsets often are.

I can imagine her in an Enola Holmes (book, not movie) way of using it to fide things aswell, a vile of poison here a dagger there.

I know that Masie Williams wanted to destory that costumes so bad, because she literally wore it for 3 years. But really with little explanation or one throwaway line they could have gotten her her clothes in Harrenhall (through Tywin), with the Brotherhood (through them), at the tavern, even the farm. Even if they don’t want to give her a dress, just adress that she is outgrowing her clothes and give her something new.

Got I would have loved to see that Sansa makes Arya something to wear as a gift (in general I found it so nice she made something for Jon, that was a bookSansa character traits I loved it). But yes keeping on battle attire, after EVERYONE ELSE changes is really strange.

I love Sansa’s designes, they are really cool, and something I would wear in real life.

But for the context and her original character they are so bad. The last fitting dress I can remember her in was her teal season 6 gown (one of my favourite gowns of her) that she in show canon made herself and after that it was just a lot of leather instead of wool and more armour style. Which is really a way that Sansa shouldn’t need it now anymore. That she is safe enough now. Unlike Cersei how goes a more armor style more and more and feels more threatend, Sansa should feel more free now and the dresses just show the opposite.

Something more Catelyn would have been more in line with the show, going back to either her blues or purples, if we can’t get Stark colors. Especially because it is supposed to be really freaking cold, even if you want an armour look just give some really nice thick wool dresses underneath (her wedding dress seemed nice and warm and had a nice quilted pattern that could be seen as armor look to it).

I think in general Dany should have gotten proper armor at least in season 7, after Bron shot Drogon. Before that she was pretty invincible on dragon back, but after that her riding attire were (my least liked out of all her her outfits) white/red riding dresses that looked neither warm enough nore gave her any support against projectyle weapson (which Tyrion adressed in the show!).

I can’t find the interview/report/video? of Michele Clapton on Arya, would love if you had a link, so I can’t comment on that. But it seems like a really strange decision, especially with how much they were quoting Ned (and even wrongly quoting him on occations). But they also made Arya say that this (reveraring to the way she lives now) is what Ned wanted for her (I made a whole post about this bullshit line) and that’s just not what he said at all.

So I am not surprised but I am baffled of how you can not only forget so much about your own show, but also be to incompetent to look it up.

I don’t think we as a people talk enough about how ugly Game of Thrones really was. like not storytelling wise (even though Wow was that Hideous) but even just aesthetically. the later season costumes being lifeless slabs of black leather? the -34% effort put into the hair styling?? the fact that even messy chaotic battle sequences were choppily choreographed and so poorly lit they weren’t even interesting? the complete lack of color or vibrancy in sets, costumes, and general designs? the removal of everything that makes fantasy even remotely appealing?? It literally looked like shit y'all why the FUCK did anyone like it

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1 year ago
But A Dragon Could Not Feed A Hungry Child Nor Help A Dying Womans Pain. And Who Would Ever Dare To Love
But A Dragon Could Not Feed A Hungry Child Nor Help A Dying Womans Pain. And Who Would Ever Dare To Love

But a dragon could not feed a hungry child nor help a dying woman’s pain. And who would ever dare to love a dragon? 

It is not me she wants her son to marry, it is my claim. No one will ever marry me for love.

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1 year ago
Sansa Stark//Fallen Angel,Alexandre Cabanel,1868
Sansa Stark//Fallen Angel,Alexandre Cabanel,1868

Sansa Stark//Fallen Angel,Alexandre Cabanel,1868

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4 months ago
Can Someone Please Get This Girl Her Dog Back

can someone please get this girl her dog back

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3 years ago

These two 🥺💕

What did Sandor really win at the Hand's Tourney?

GRRM Martin likes to hide things from his readers but what is so fascinating is that he does so in plain sight. Everything was there for all too see from the beginning so we can hardly complain that he played tricks on us or that he didn’t give us enough clues about what is going on or what is going to happen in ASoIaF books.

We know that GRRM has a way with words and as I explained in a previous post he is a master in the use of foreshadowing and hidden meanings. The following sentences were taken from the chapter where Sansa arrives in her room and finds the Hound there waiting for her, but I think I have found yet another example where he plays with words and hides things in plain sight.

These are the words take from the BoBW scene:

“I’ll have that ……..

His ……….was out, poised at her ……”

“Her ……………… was dry and tight ………….

Please don’t …………. me, she wanted to scream ……………

She could feel him twisting the point, pushing it into her ……………”

“Some instinct made her lift her hand and cup his …………. with her fingers.……….. she could feel the stickiness of the …………, and a wetness that was not blood ………………. his …………raw and harsh as steel on stone. Then he rose from the bed. Sansa heard cloth ripping, followed by the softer sound of …………….. footsteps.”

When you read it like this it becomes clear why we have this impression that sex is in the air,because it is. That’s why I thought Sandor was coming back to bed with her while reading the scene for the first time. Martin plays with the reader in an amazing way.

This must be the sexiest scene in the books,and quite explicit in its hidden way, and everything is hidden in plain sight,like what happens in the Tourney of the Hand, in which Sandor beats all his opponents, saves ser Loras from ser Gregor and becomes the champion in Sansa’s father’s tournament. Both Sandor and Sansa are wearing green and we read about her being all moist-eyed and eager, assuring she knew he would win and gasping when she fears he might fall from his horse.

By the way, the name of the tourney Sandor won was the Tourney or the Hand and when a man asks his future father-in-law permission to marry his daughter he asks for her hand. Sandor won the tourney of the hand and I think he won Sansa’s hand, or just wait and see.  

In the tourney of Harrenhall, where Ned was also present, the winner was Rhaegar Targaryen and he chose Lyanna Stark as his queen of love and beauty.Eventually Rhaegar and Lyanna got together and I think he didn’t kidnap her and rape her as Robert claimed, I think they loved each other.

“Rhaegar was champion of the joust, and in the end chose Lyanna Stark as queen of love and beauty, placing a crown of blue winter roses in her lap. This was scandalous in that, not only was Rhaegar already married to Elia of Dorne, who was present at the tourney, but Lyanna herself was betrothed to LordRobert Baratheon. Rhaegar’s indiscretion culminated in his abduction of Lyanna a year later, which touched off the War of the Usurper and brought an end to Targaryen rule.”

 (Wiki of Ice and fire)

In another tourney at Lannisport we get to know that Jorah Mormont was the winner. And he won because he was so in love with a girl that he wanted to impress her. He was the champion and he won his lady’s hand. It seems that neither Jorah nor Rhaegar were specially keen on tournaments but the love of their ladies probably encouraged them and provided them with special motivation to fight with courage and beat the best knights of the realm. They even defeated some KG knights.

“The tourney at Lannisport was a tourney held outside of Lannisport to celebrate King Robert Baratheon’s victory over Greyjoy’s Rebellion in 289 AC. The victor of the joust was Lord Jorah Mormont, who was awarded the win after breaking nine lances against Ser Jaime Lannister. Jorah crowned Lynesse Hightower his queen of love and beauty, requesting and receiving her hand in marriage from her father, Lord Leyton Hightower, that night.”

(Wiki of Ice and fire)

If I’m not mistaken, Ned was present in the three tournaments. The last of them was given in his honour despite his own opinion against the high expenses and it is from Ned we get to know about Sandor’s past and how he had to leave his home when his father died and how horrible things were said to have happened at Clegane Keep. Ned is also the one who noticed how Sandor (he refers to him as Sandor,not the Hound) fought his brother to save ser Loras and did not aim at his brother’s unprotected head whereas Gregor tried to kill him. Sandor could have killed Gregor and get away with it or let him kill Loras knowing that the Tyrells would have asked for his head and Robert would have had to have him executed for murdering a highborn young man from such a powerful family. Sandor could have inherited Clagane keep but he acted like a true knight and a hero. What for? He despises pretenses and hates knights and everything related to them, he says he is only a butcher and happy to be that. Why did he do that? Perhaps to impress his lady, to be worthy of her? To win her hand?

Of course he never dreamt of that, she was so out of his reach, but this scene is like the one in her room, we have the apparent meaning and the hidden one, and I am sure GRRM did not bother to add all these parallels and clues for nothing. I think they are foreshadowing for what’s to come.

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6 years ago

AHHH SANSA IN ARMOR??? I’m in love

I Heard Sansa Will Have A Jet Black Armour In Season 8 And It Just Made Me Want To Draw Something *crying
I Heard Sansa Will Have A Jet Black Armour In Season 8 And It Just Made Me Want To Draw Something *crying
I Heard Sansa Will Have A Jet Black Armour In Season 8 And It Just Made Me Want To Draw Something *crying

I heard Sansa will have a jet black armour in season 8 and it just made me want to draw something *crying intensifies*. 

My version isn’t the most Sansa-ish (I just saw some beautiful ones around) but I tried to put a few Stark elements into it like the leather tunic with diamond-shaped patterns. Also imagined that her hairstyle for moments where she has to walk around Winterfell (during or pre-Battle) would be like what she used to do in season 6: when she simply braided the loose strands of hair. Or maybe she could even turn it into a bun… kind of like Elsa’s braided bun…?

It ended up looking a bit like Arya’s first hairstyle too, so… yeah.

Also, Jonsa, cause I can’t hold myself.

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5 years ago

Me: this season is giving me ALL I EVER WANTED. Gendrya is CONFIRMED and Theon and Sansa are REUNITED and Brienne is a KNIGHT and Jaime did her KNIGHTING and Tormund is being an ANIMAL and Davos is my DAD and my crops are WATERED and my skin is CLEAR

Also me, knowing that this is Game of Goddamn Thrones:

Me: This Season Is Giving Me ALL I EVER WANTED. Gendrya Is CONFIRMED And Theon And Sansa Are REUNITED

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5 years ago

sansa stark’s neck must hurt so bad from her carrying the whole show on her back wow

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5 years ago

Saying that Mad Queen Dany was “foreshadowed” because she had some morally grey scenes is the equivalent of saying Jon was destined to be a dictator because he executed a man that was begging for mercy and didn’t compromise when the northern lords disagreed with his choices, or that Arya was destined to be a psychopath because she cooked men into pies, or that Sansa was destined to become a sadist because she was fascinated and smiled when she had hounds eat a guy’s face, or that Tyrion was destined to be vicious because he wished he could poison everyone in Kings landing, or

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5 years ago
Queen In The North

Queen in the North 

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9 years ago
Bran Was A Sweet Boy. Everyone Loved Him. // My Sister Sansa Likes The Kissing Stories, But Those Are
Bran Was A Sweet Boy. Everyone Loved Him. // My Sister Sansa Likes The Kissing Stories, But Those Are
Bran Was A Sweet Boy. Everyone Loved Him. // My Sister Sansa Likes The Kissing Stories, But Those Are
Bran Was A Sweet Boy. Everyone Loved Him. // My Sister Sansa Likes The Kissing Stories, But Those Are
Bran Was A Sweet Boy. Everyone Loved Him. // My Sister Sansa Likes The Kissing Stories, But Those Are
Bran Was A Sweet Boy. Everyone Loved Him. // My Sister Sansa Likes The Kissing Stories, But Those Are
Bran Was A Sweet Boy. Everyone Loved Him. // My Sister Sansa Likes The Kissing Stories, But Those Are
Bran Was A Sweet Boy. Everyone Loved Him. // My Sister Sansa Likes The Kissing Stories, But Those Are

Bran was a sweet boy. Everyone loved him. // My sister Sansa likes the kissing stories, but those are stupid.

Stark siblings thinking about each other - Sansa and Bran

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9 years ago
The Device Painted On The Shield Was One Sansa Did Not Know; A Grey Stone Head With Fiery Eyes, Upon
The Device Painted On The Shield Was One Sansa Did Not Know; A Grey Stone Head With Fiery Eyes, Upon
The Device Painted On The Shield Was One Sansa Did Not Know; A Grey Stone Head With Fiery Eyes, Upon
The Device Painted On The Shield Was One Sansa Did Not Know; A Grey Stone Head With Fiery Eyes, Upon

The device painted on the shield was one Sansa did not know; a grey stone head with fiery eyes, upon a light green field. “My grandfather’s shield,” Petyr explained when he saw her gazing at it. “His own father was born in Braavos and came to the Vale as a sellsword in the hire of Lord Corbray, so my grandfather took the head of the Titan as his sigil when he was knighted.” “It’s very fierce,” said Sansa. “Rather too fierce, for an amiable fellow like me,” said Petyr. “I much prefer my mockingbird.” – Sansa VI, A Storm of Swords

I have no home, Arya thought. I have no pack. And now I don’t even have a horse. The captain was turning away when she said, “What ship is this, my lord?” He paused long enough to give her a weary smile. “This is the galleas Titan’s Daughter, of the Free City of Braavos.” – Arya XIII, A Storm of Swords

Sansa and Arya + Titan’s Daughter (for @queen–of–thorns)

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8 years ago
Stark Children As Three Favored Animals Of Odin
Stark Children As Three Favored Animals Of Odin
Stark Children As Three Favored Animals Of Odin

♔Stark children as three favored animals of Odin 

Germanic literature used special conventions to depict a standard scene such as the death and destruction of a battlefield. One of these conventions was the use of the Beasts of Battle theme, mentioning ravens, eagles and wolves in order to suggest the impending carnage of the battle. These animals were well-known to the Germanic peoples as scavengers of the battle-field, and were associated in pagan times with the God of Battle and Lord of the Slain, Óðinn or Wotan. [x]

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8 years ago
A Dog Can Smell A Lie, You Know, The Hound Had Told Her Once. She Could Almost Hear The Rough Rasp Of
A Dog Can Smell A Lie, You Know, The Hound Had Told Her Once. She Could Almost Hear The Rough Rasp Of
A Dog Can Smell A Lie, You Know, The Hound Had Told Her Once. She Could Almost Hear The Rough Rasp Of
A Dog Can Smell A Lie, You Know, The Hound Had Told Her Once. She Could Almost Hear The Rough Rasp Of

A dog can smell a lie, you know, the Hound had told her once. She could almost hear the rough rasp of his voice. Look around you, and take a good whiff. They’re all liars here, and every one better than you.

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