Sassy Harry - Tumblr Posts

Happy 20th anniversary of the greatest Harry Potter dialogue ever spoken

if harry had just worn one of those buttons himself he would have been the coolest kid in school
Voldemort: I'm gonna kill you Harry potter
Harry : alright fine , just get it over with alright. You're like a bloody teenage girl , obsessed with another teenage boy , smuggling me your diary , made another boy try to clear Path to reach to me ( Draco ) and not to forget you purposely made sure I would be there at the fucking graveyard of your father or yours I don't even care at this point , you could've just asked anyone else to kill me but no you said " he is mine " like I'm your bloody property and then you literally whispered in my ear at the ministry , like seriously even then you couldn't kill me and now we're here with you no nose man with a fucking gang of yours in all black , I mean seriously maroon would've been better and what's with your stupid fingers ,nagini if she had any fingers would have had better finger's and literally your bald and not to forget it's because of me . Seriously all your are is because of me . And about killing me you stupid idiot could've just thrown me out of the window I would've died but no you had to wait 17 years to kill me , I swear Neville could've killed me faster you idiot . So now kill me and get it over with because you're extremely dramatic and you've been successfully failing at it so now just do it dude , just do it . Take my wand so you don't lose , yet again .
Sometime later
Ron and Hermione : Harry , what are you doing here ?
Harry *eating an apple *: oh I made Voldemort cry so he decided to put the fight at rest for a while and I was hungry so
Draco : you made the dark lord cry ?
Harry : that's right Draco and stop looking at me like that , it's one bloody apple , you can take more from the kitchen .
Voldemort *sniffing* : it's not like I chose to be bald Bella and what's wrong with my finger. He just went on and on you know , it's harsh .
Bellatrix * Petting Voldemort's scalp*: I know voldy I know . You know what after this you can have a hair transplant , you could take some of mine
Voldemort * with tears in his eyes*: you'd that for me ?
Bellatrix : sure
Bellatrix * internally screaming *: I want to kill Harry potter
( we love sassy potter )

Ok but how did Narcissa didn't just turn into dust right there??
I get it now. Harry doesn't use avada kedavra because he doesn't need magic to murder people on the spot.
The sass is more than enough.
Rita Skeeter: I’m gonna ask you to be respectful here.
Harry: I will politely decline.
If you could say that with less sarcasm, I'd appreciate it.
- Harry's friends to him at some point