Secondhand - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago
So This Happened Today...#emmaintheworld #croptop #marcjacobs #tweed #rabbit #ring #thriftshop #secondhand

So this happened today...#emmaintheworld #croptop #marcjacobs #tweed #rabbit #ring #thriftshop #secondhand #happysocks #paisley #leopard #socks

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10 years ago
There's No Other Feeling Quite Like Getting New (old) Books #booklover #secondhand #oscarwilde #aldoushuxley

There's no other feeling quite like getting new (old) books #booklover #secondhand #oscarwilde #aldoushuxley #umbertoeco (at Hard To Find Books)

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3 years ago
The First Lie In The Bible On The Earth Was From Satan To Eve, And She Believed And Responded To That

The first lie in the Bible on the earth was from Satan to Eve, and she believed and responded to that lie based on secondhand information.

If you carefully re-read the previous chapter, this instruction to 'not eat of the tree of good and evil' was given by God directly to Adam before Eve was created. That means Eve received this instruction secondhand from Adam, not directly from God. This is like the party game 'Telephone' where one person tells another person something, and by the time the message gets to the last person it is greatly distorted.

Note in Eve’s response she changed God’s instruction received by Adam in two subtle ways.

First she did not call it 'the tree of the knowledge of good and evil' (Genesis 2:17) but instead referred to it as 'the tree in the midst of the garden' (3:3). Then she elaborated on the instruction 'thou shalt not eat of it' (again in 2:17) and added to it '...OR TOUCH IT' (lbid- 3:3 - also see Revelation 22:18!)

Satan used her secondhand understanding of God’s Word against her, which caused her to doubt, and led to her making the biggest mistake in human history.

The lesson here hopefully is obvious. If you are depending to understand what God is saying to you in your life through what other people are telling or teaching you, you are making the same grevious mistake as Eve! Instead get it first from God directly through His Word the Bible, through prayer, and listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying to your heart. As useful as going to church, hearing sermons, Christian TV or YouTube videos are, reading Christian books or seeing things in email or on the Internet (just like you are reading here!!) is no substitute from reading and understanding God’s Word FOR YOURSELF.

Do not make the same mistake as Eve and miss the point and remember that “no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own (or someone else’s) interpretation.” (2 Peter 1:20) The final authority is ALWAYS God’s Word, not what someone told you about it.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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1 year ago
Picked Up Some More Gorgeous Books For An Absolute Steal Today
Picked Up Some More Gorgeous Books For An Absolute Steal Today
Picked Up Some More Gorgeous Books For An Absolute Steal Today

Picked up some more gorgeous books for an absolute steal today 🥰

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7 years ago


She herself had nothing in particular about her that would make her subject to verbal or physical abuse. She herself was born with nothing in particular about her that would make someone dislike themselves. She watched the life around her like a movie, never feeling truly involved, but that fact not bothering her in the slightest. The only thing that kept her connected to this world was her wild and bucking emotion. Sometimes her best friend would go to her for advice, but not because she knew anything about what was happening to them. They would go to her because they knew that she knew about feelings. They were bad at feelings. So she felt for the both of them. She would tell them whatever she felt about what they were feeling. She never knew if she was helping. She liked to think so. And she felt very deeply about them and these problems that were so important to them. She found that it was important to her as well. She found that helping them out with their baggage helped her sort out her own life, even if she never went to anyone else with questions. And along the line, she started to wonder if she was so comfortable with giving all of this advice because she was similar feelings. But that didn’t make sense, she would know. She knows about feelings. But that one thought made her think, maybe she really didn’t know that much at all.

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1 year ago
I Worked On This Pair Of Hand Warmers With Secondhand Wool Yarn Until I Realized I Didn't Have Enough
I Worked On This Pair Of Hand Warmers With Secondhand Wool Yarn Until I Realized I Didn't Have Enough

I worked on this pair of hand warmers with secondhand wool yarn until I realized I didn't have enough to make a whole pair. I'll have to figure out what to do with the unraveled yarn, does anyone have any suggestions? It's just enough to make 1 1/2 pair of hand warmers

The pattern is soaring heart mitts by Nicola Blechschmidt in case anyone wants to make a pair

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1 year ago

Hi! It's my official 2024 post!

Let me share my very first (thrifted) book haul since the pandemic!

All three books are from a small pile of pre-loved books (mostly inspirational/historical romance) from a department store. I'm proud of what I've found.

#prelovedbooksph #prelovedbooks #secondhand #books #bookhaul #annieknox #lilianjacksonbraun #katherinepaterson #collaredformurder #thecatwhotalkedturkey #jacobhaveiloved

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