Seriously What The Hell - Tumblr Posts

been a while since I posted because of artfight. I have one thing to say and that is...


Been A While Since I Posted Because Of Artfight. I Have One Thing To Say And That Is...

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1 year ago

What do you think of the people on this hellsite who unironically defend Aileen Wuornos because she's a girlboss?

where the fuck did this come from?!

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3 years ago

Who the fuck gets offended when people talk about their culture being represented in a movie? Why are people acting so disgusting over a children's movie literally meant to show diversity? I haven't seen Encanto, but it seemed like a really nice movie with representation and a compelling storyline. And people really think someone talking about their culture's representation in a children's movie, and using horrible language to "prove" their point is going to be okay? Alright then. Fine. I suppose with that logic literally any movie with representation should have said representation should be ignored.

Let's talk about Encanto and really sad and bored white people.

Before you all start sending me anon hate asks calling me racist and that shit, please read the whole thing.

First of all, I'm Colombian. Second of all, I can not believe I'm posting about Encanto again, but my tumblr feed is FULL of Encanto posts because everybody loves it. And I'm okay with that, really. As a Colombian, I'm really happy to see that people enjoy a movie about my culture this much. But-

I've seen some posts and some anon asks from white people complaining about how we "dirty Colombians" ruined Encanto for them. Like? Hello, are you aware you're talking about a movie about "dirty Colombians"? If you are this much of a racist jerk then why did you even watch a movie about latinos in the first place? You say this things about us and then claim that you actually like the movie and the characters? And you have the nerve to say that we are the racist ones because we want our culture to be respected?

This is not about all white people, of course. If you are white and you genuinely like the movie, please don't take this personally. I'm talking specifically about this kind of people:

Let's Talk About Encanto And Really Sad And Bored White People.
Let's Talk About Encanto And Really Sad And Bored White People.
Let's Talk About Encanto And Really Sad And Bored White People.
Let's Talk About Encanto And Really Sad And Bored White People.
Let's Talk About Encanto And Really Sad And Bored White People.
Let's Talk About Encanto And Really Sad And Bored White People.

And these are just a few of them.

Honestly, I can not believe there are so many gringos with that amount of free time. The main reason I'm writing this in English is because I want all those racists to read this: all of you need a fucking hobby. Are your lives really that boring? Are your lives really that sad? The most interesting thing you all have to do with your day is posting shit and sending disgusting anon hate to random Colombians in tumblr? Like??????? What the actual hell. You have no friends, no hobbies? What's going on at home? Seriously, you all need therapy. Get a coffee and take a bath, calm down.

And none of you dare to call me homophobic cause I'm very queer, thank you very much.

Please, make all the headcanons you want and post about the characters, I don't give a fuck. Isabela is a lesbian, Camilo is genderfluid, Luisa is trans, Dolores is autistic, all of them are queer and neurodivergent. Just don't be so fucking disgusting against us and our country and our culture. When a latino says that a latino queer character don't represent white queer people (I personally don't care about this but I get why other latinos do) is because historically we have been erased from the lgbt+ movement by you white racists. There are lots of white characters you can headcanon as queer to feel represented. And there are lots of white characters that are canonicaly queer.

I'm not doing this because I have something against white people, but because I have something against racists.

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i swear to god

I am thinking it's a sign That the freckles in our eyes Are mirror images And when we kiss they're perfectly aligned And I have to speculate That God Himself did make Us into corresponding shapes Like puzzle pieces from the clay And true it may seem like a stretch But it's thoughts like this that catch My troubled head when you're away And when I am missing you to death “Such Great Heights by The Postal Services” um... excuse me??? who gave you, the right, to right such beautifully poetic lyrics, and not have anyone serenade me with them??? how dare you??? who let you walk into my house and just sing this and leave??? 

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