Shindeku - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Shinsou: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me Midoriya: Okay, but in my defense, Kaminari bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo. Shinsou: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!

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2 years ago

Midoriya, setting down a card: Ace of spades Shinsou, pulling out an Uno card: +4 Kaminari, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you Monoma, trembling: What are we playing

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2 years ago

Store Worker: Would a Mr. Shinsou please come to the front desk? Shinsou, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker: points to Kaminari and Midoriya Store Worker: I believe they belong to you? Kaminari and Midoriya, simultaneously: We got lost :( Shinsou: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-

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2 years ago

Kaminari: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. Shinsou: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you. Midoriya: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t

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3 years ago

Shinsou: I’ve never actually had a friend before…

Midoriya: I’ll be your friend!


Shinsou: I’ve also never had a boyfriend before, so-

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3 years ago

Izuku: If one more person calls me their "son" or their "child" I'm going to look them in the eye and call them Daddy

Shinsou: My son

Izuku: Da- *chokes becuase holy fuck he almost did that*

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3 years ago

Shinsou: My quirk is brainwashing

Midoriya: ......

Shinsou thinking: great now he thinks I'm a villain like everybody else

Midoriya: *rants about how heroic his quirk is*

Shinsou choked up: I would fucking die for you

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3 years ago

Denki: You know, Shinso would take a bullet for you.

Izuku: Shinso would take a bullet for fun.

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3 years ago

Shinso: Do you want a midnight snack?

Izuku: No thank you


Shinso: Izuku, /I'm/ the snack

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3 years ago

Izuku: *Comes to school limping*

Dadzawa: Who the fuck did it, come on, I just want to talk.

Shinso: Damn, this a nice ceiling

Bakugou: *Just fucking smirks cause he know he tapped that*


Dadzawa: Just be a teacher he said, it'S SO FUCKING FUN HE SAID- DON'T TOUCH MY *deep breath in* CHIIIIIIILLLDDDD

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3 years ago

So... here, have some bakushindeku headcanons (more like an entire new AU, but whatever), because if I'm falling down this rabbit hole, I'm dragging you all with me

(Also, I'm in mobile, so I can't add a cut, so just know that this is going to be long)

Here we have a more feral (or more openly feral) Izuku. It didn't matter to him that he didn't have a quirk, he was going to be great anyways (and bite/blackmail whoever says otherwise)

He and Katsuki were kind of growing apart after Izuku was diagnosed as quirkless, until a kid a couple of years older tried to mock him and told him to get out of the playground for being quirkless and Izuku bit him so hard he started bleeding. He and Katsuki remained friends

(four year old Izuku looked up like nothing had happened and smiled like the sun, with his teeth tainted red and the mouth full of blood, and Katsuki knew in that moment that he wanted to keep him forever)

Katsuki and Izuku start dating sometime before UA, and while they don't keep it a secret, their idea of a romantic outing was to beat the shit out of each other so no one ever thought about the possibility

Especially not at UA, now that Izuku has a quirk that makes him stronger, and Katsuki wants to fight him even more. They are both very physical, and while they do cuddle and hold hands, sometimes the best way they have to communicate is to fight

And they don't have easy spars, where you can tell at a glance that your enemy won't hurt you. No, they give everything they have every time, because they know the other's limits, they've explored those limits together, and doing anything else would be doubting of each other, to hold back more than the strictly necessary would be an insult

So everyone looks at them fight for 0.5 seconds and decides that those two should be kept separate

(Honestly, they don't care that much. Yes, they know each other better than anyone, but that's just why they have to practice with other people anyways)

This doesn't bother their routine, they still meet at one of their homes after school, and go out together.

Things change after the Sports Festival. Izuku is fascinated by Shinsou and his quirk, so he starts seeking him out and inviting him to have lunch with him

(Katsuki can't say he's surprised when Izuku comes to him less than a week after they are back from their internships, anxious and worried. His nerd always got attached quickly, with a heart too big to share with only one person. He tells him to ask Shinsou out, and rolls his eyes when Izuku looks surprised.)

(He's not jealous, he doesn't have a reason to be, Izuku loves him, and it doesn't matter if that love isn't only for him, it would be stupid to expect Izuku to restrict his heart, and Katsuki's many things, but he's not stupid)

He takes every opportunity to tease him about it, and by the look on Shinsou every time Izuku starts babbling and blushing, he knows that they'll get along just fine.

Shinsou and Izuku start hanging out more, and during the summer break, just before leaving, Izuku finally asks him out, rambling about Katsuki and himself in an attempts to explain before Shinsou stops him and promises to have an answer by the next time they see each other, after the training camp

(Shinsou thinks he knows the answer, and there's no doubt about when less than a week after he sees them on the news, holding a pillow to his chest while Bakugou flies though the sky surrounded by explosions)

Two weeks later, he morning after they've moved into the dorms, he goes to find Izuku, who's right outside his own building with Katsuki, and tells him that he'd like to go out with him, if he still wants to

"Of course I want to! How wouldn't I? You're amazing!" And "If you think that me getting kidnapped would change his mind or something, you're wrong, he's already gotten attached, you can't get rid of him anymore. Now take him somewhere else, would you? He's been pestering me all day and it isn't even lunch yet"

Katsuki gets back inside, and watches Izuku talk to Shinsou with a small smile that he wipes out before anyone can see, it wouldn't do to have them thinking he cares (he takes a picture from the window, Izuku is smiling, and Shinsou's ears are tinted pink)

By the time classes start again, Shinsou is now Hitoshi, and it makes him feel warm

(Timeline, what timeline? Canon? I don't know her)

They spend a couple of months like this, with Katsuki and Izuku bickering during class and in training, and Hitoshi going to 1-A's dorm every other day to study, watch a movie, or just spend time with Izuku in his dorm room

And is not like the rest of 1-A notices? Sure they know he's coming regularly, and they even comment how weird it was that Bakugou just let him in that one time, but they seem to be under the impression that he and Izuku are just very good friends (just like they seem to think that Izuku and Katsuki hate each other, and Hitoshi thinks it's hilarious)

So one day Hitoshi goes to Izuku's room to study, because he has en exam in a few days, and they might not have the same classes, but Izuku's still one of the best in his class

But when he gets there Izuku is asleep on top of Katsuki, and neither of them has the heart to wake him up after everything that happened in his internship with Nighteye

So Hitoshi decides to leave them be, but Katsuki says that he can help him study, he came all the way to their dorm, and Katsuki's grades are better than the nerd's anyways

They sit side by side with the textbook on Hitoshi's lap and Izuku's head in Katsuki's, speaking in soft tones and laughing at Izuku's occasional mumbles, and Hitoshi thinks that equations have never been so interesting in his life

(It isn't math, he knows, but he doesn't think he's quite ready to admit that to himself yet)

In the end Hitoshi falls asleep with his head on Katsuki's shoulder, and he looks at him with a small smile before he catches himself and curses (quietly, it wouldn't be good to wake them up). Hitoshi was cute, he could admit that, but he hadn't expected to catch feelings.

They start studying together, the three of them, alternating between their rooms until one day, sitting in Katsuki's floor with textbooks between them and pillows on the floor, Izuku gets tired of the glances both his boyfriends keep throwing at each other

They have a conversation, they leave homework aside and talk for a while, and by the end of it, they fall asleep together in Katsuki's bed, awkwardly trying to fit and laughing when the first few attempts end with one of them on the floor

(Somehow, class 1-A is still oblivious)

Ok, this is what I have! What do you think?

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9 months ago
(Putting In My Own Tibit- Adding Rody X Shindeku.)

(Putting in my own tibit- adding rody x shindeku.)

hozier’s “too sweet” is definitely a shindeku song. an argument can be made that it fits shinkami too, but i’m unapologetically biased towards shindeku (they’re literally one of my favorite pairings) and midoriya in general fits the image of the right and proper lover of the lyrical hero portrayed in the song better, but i realize that more people will probably latch onto it being a shinkami song, because the pairing’s more popular. but look! the fucks storage is empty, so it looks like i have none to give((

i can even see it as a platonic shindeku song, because it just describes any of their relationship dynamics too well.

anyway, i said what i said. long live the shindeku nation!

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2 years ago

hitoshi, walking into 1-a after just being transferred: i came here to study, not to make friends.

izuku, subtly smiling: I came here to break bones and make freinds and I'm all out of bones

hitoshi, backing away: shit

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3 years ago


HOLLYCOW Im Back! College Is Eating Me Alive But Here, Have A ShinDeku Cause I Stan So Hard Their Nerdy

HOLLYCOW i’m back! college is eating me alive but here, have a ShinDeku cause I stan so hard their nerdy friendship in my spiderdeku-au.

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11 months ago

I'm thinking of posting all of my shindeku ideas/AU's and headcanons on this app because I need to put it somewhere before I EXPLODE.

Also look at this doodle I made of them a while ago.

I'm Thinking Of Posting All Of My Shindeku Ideas/AU's And Headcanons On This App Because I Need To Put

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11 months ago

I had this idea a while ago and decided to share it. Here is bakugo seeing shindeku happen for the first time.

I Had This Idea A While Ago And Decided To Share It. Here Is Bakugo Seeing Shindeku Happen For The First

Bakugo and shinsou were in the kitchen, each minding their own business, shinsou was getting coffee while he was preparing food.

There was no one else in the kitchen and only a handful in the living room. It was quite just like he prefers.

"Hey toshi!" Of course, deku had to come in and ruin the peace. Bakugo doesn't look towards him since why should he acknowledge him? *he said hi to purple not him*, but then he hears shinsou respond in the softest lovesick tone he has ever heard it's disgusting "hey zuku~"

He peaks at them, deku with his dumb fucking smile is watching the pot brew with purple. fucking wierdoes he thought.

Suddenly the stupid nerd goes on his tippy toes and fucking kisses eye bags. He kissed eye bags. And eye bags fucking kisses back. Bakugo practically fucking jumps in hes place and turns his head away from them. whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck.

His hands gripping the kitchen table, still like a statue and his back to the two fucks. What the fuck did he just see? He turns around too look at them again.

The nerd is gone and purple is pouring coffee, this time with a stupid smile on his face. He must've been staring too hard at him because he turns to look at him "what?" Purple asks as if what he did was normal. Bakugo stairs at him with the most disgusted, bamboozled face he could muster. "You're fucking gross, have I ever told you that?"

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9 months ago

They're a tfem x tmasc couple and they arevery much in love.

They're A Tfem X Tmasc Couple And They Arevery Much In Love.
They're A Tfem X Tmasc Couple And They Arevery Much In Love.
They're A Tfem X Tmasc Couple And They Arevery Much In Love.


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7 months ago
I've Been Enjoying Art Again :p
I've Been Enjoying Art Again :p
I've Been Enjoying Art Again :p

I've been enjoying art again :p

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