Marvel Wolverine - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
Cat Version Of The Hugh Jackman Version Of Wolverine.

Cat version of the Hugh Jackman version of Wolverine.

Cat Version Of The Hugh Jackman Version Of Wolverine.

Here are some of my older designs for cat Wolverine. Oldest version is on the bottom.

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7 months ago

lmao, I have an idea for desperate Scogan shippers who feel left out after the D&W movie 😋

edit: get ready, cause I bash off a lot of fucking walls AKA get sidetracked. Badly.

So uh— 💥boosh💥💥💥 it’s like- X-men 97/movieverse based & some child/younger character who Logan or Scott are very close to (ima’ make it baby Nathan here) has been either snatched up by some interdimensional force or just the T.V.A felt a little too silly, sent some trigger happy arseholes to look at the timeline, pruned them (the child) like a fucking weed, so either way, all three of them end up the Voidtm & Scott + Logan have to go find & save the kid.

so yeah, these idiots are running around, going along their ~merry~ way while bickering & being petty to each other until, by one way or another, someone reaches their boiling point. (Preferably, I’d want it to be Scott bc character’s-composure-breaks arc my beloved 😛🤌❤️) Which means:

✨Honda Odyssey scene✨

(& for the people who are prolly like “wait, how would we image the rawness of that scene if Scott doesn’t have insane abilities like Deadpool????” And to that I go: idk either image them mid-fight being like “uuuuh- this is gonna get bad sooo- safeword?????” or maybe just make up that earlier -whether before the kidnapping or just a bit 🤏 before the Void- Scott got hit with a (convenient) macguffin that fundamentally gave him the same powers AKA regeneration abilities as Wade & by the time him & Logan are in the Voidtm, he’s still trying to figure out how tf to get used to this, just thinking: “HOW THE FUCK DOES LOGAN LIVE LIKE THIS????????!?!??!?????” & when the blessed in-the-Honda✨✨ bit happens, it’s just a bit more vile & also just waaay more morbidly kinky (exc Logan stabs Scott violently in the stomach & -without thinking about it- fucking pulls out with some guts stringing loose, for second is like “oh fuck, that was way to much & Scott is definitely not gonna cope with that well”, only for Scott to laugh manically, shove Logan’s head into the back of the front & say (very deliriously with a shittonne of blood leaking out his nose & mouth (😫*no 🔫🔫*) “come here and do your worst, WOLVERINE“ cut to copious amounts of stabbing, bleeding, rage, extreme screaming, laugher (mostly from a off-the-walls Cyclops) & by the end, some VERY questionable (but still “stress releasing” for those two so ig maybe it’s good?? For them?????? :DDD) noises lol (mostly just them both (*COUGH* *COUGH* SCOTT *EGGMAN DYING NOISES*) saying things like: “show me what your REALLY are” + “come here you little- *gets violently lasered uwu*)))

I’m normal. And a very neat & tidy writer I swear :’3 ✨✨✨🌸💖✨🌸😭💥💥✨

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7 months ago

lol created a Scogan fankid shortly after watching D&W. In fact, I created a whole bunch :D. And for some reason, my brain made it so that:

-two (or well one ig bc their just variants of each other) have scruffy bird wings on their back’s, with one of them having been born from a accidental soul bonding/mating ritual while the other just kinda spawned in ggbffgvv

-one is a violent & world ending villain w/ a symbolism & ‘tinkering’ (AKA dissecting bodies) obsession

-another one is a born-20-years-old clone who eventually figures out a personality & becomes a monotonous metaphorical (bc their super tall & cryptid looking) little shit who also has a world-threatening-villain variant (who also happens to have a kaiju-esc form??? what?????)

-another two are quarter slightly-horrific-alien from a post secret invasion type A.U

-another one is basically in the situation of Paul from dune, making them a cult leader + ‘commander’/contract partner with an eldritch abomination/shifter/spirt(??) (who is also an ironstrange fankid wth)

-another one is a from a fdugding M.L.P pony looking A.U (Y’know those crosship posts on Deviantart where they use M.L.P pony bodies as bases for the characters??? Anyone???????) who is part symbiote & can sense/predict other’s emotions and/or actions

-(you know the drill) another one is from an canon divergence X-men 97’! universe & has horrifying/ragged movie monster teeth + an unhinging jaw (their 5)

-another one has the FUCKING ABSOLUTE SOLVER AS THEIR POWERS (why?????? bc after watching the murder drones final, my thoughts were like: “he hey image if Logan was the A.S host lmao???” (Idk I luv puppet &/or janky movement animation 😁😋✨))

-yet again, another one is an edgy assassin/sort of anti-hero in the future-current reality of a Logan! reincarnation A.U :DDD

-another one (last one fn I swear) is just baby :D. Who’s currently living in an demonic/infection A.U apocalypse with their mum (who is Scott) yaaa:3

lmao I have no idea why my brain made them those ways I swear fhgbfgggf 🥲🥲

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6 months ago

lil pup <333

guess who's back—

me! kinda, for now at least... I swear I'm not dead, school's just been keeping me on a tight sched recently 😭 I'll post more soon, but anyways new hyperfixation!

have a poolverine/deadclaw fankid, cuz those old men are slowly taking over my mind.

Lil Pup

[inspo from "The Pieces Left Behind" by Fighting4Fandoms on Ao3, highly recommend go check em out!]

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6 months ago

Feral! Logan in Scogan ship this, animalistic protectiveness! Logan in Scogan that- NO‼️‼️‼️ FERAL! SCOTT IN SCOGAN‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ APESHIT! SCOTT LETTING LOOSE IN ORDER TO PROTECT &/OR RESCUE HIS STINKY BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

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6 months ago

idk dark fantasy! Scogan where Logan is a wandering eldritch-y! magic-fugitive, his ‘mutation’ (AKA in this world, natural-born magic) having well, mutated & caused their body to become a barely self-contained black swirling mass of dark matter & ash that smells of rotten flesh hidden under his tattered robe AND Scott being a part of this worlds wild magic friendly/wizard-y X-men + a former cult ‘raised’ child that was almost turned into a Supernatural weapon & as a consequence, is constantly running into life &/or soul-threatening danger bc hey, he’s already had his mind & body almost completely collapse into each other in a botched ritual attempt, why should he care about self-preservation now??????

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6 months ago

A.U where when Sinister still had the real Jean captured, knowing what Madelyne would choose as her villain name once it was time, decided with his fucked sense of humour to *cough* make some changes to Jean’s…..everything.

months later, when Morph went to answer the mansion’s door, they would then proceed to turn around with their arms full holding a scroungy looking pint sized thing. A strange little humanoid with big, frankly stupid looking ears, pale red-peach skin & a rats-nest head of bright auburn hair….

Rightfully so, the mansion is filled with various confused sounding yells & screams of, put simply. WTF.

…hours later, a poor stoopid looking sized gfgffgwwvGHFGVV I CANT- scrambled Jean would wake up in the medbay, feeling wrong, panic horrendously & leap off the bed onto one of the nearby tables, Hank & Logan both trying frantically to calm her down as more chemicals & other safety warrants are continued to be knocked off the surface by Jean’s fur-tipped tail what— & then, though extremely shellshocked & internally suffering, Jean tries to get something, any sort of words back out. But uh, yeah Sinister might have also changed a- bbgbg few ways on how her speech now works. Specifically what would of been “oh my- you- Logan, I need to get to Scott, their- their in danger and I need-d to- oh mY AUUU—-“ now sounds like- “ho,,, ym,,- uoy- nagol,,,, í deen ot teg,, ot ttocs,, rieth,,- rieth ni regnad dna ì,,, deeņ,-ņņ,,, ot- ho yMH ŲŲŲ—-“

hehe, Jean will suffer. Suffer as a fucked up Frankenstein-looking handbag that grew arms, legs n hair :)

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6 months ago

One of these scogan X-Men: The Last Stand fics where the only reason Scott survived his meeting with Jean at Alkali Lake is because Jean created a soulbond between him and Logan that allows them to share their mutations (and thoughts and emotions too probably because why stop only at one thing) and so Scott definitely would have died, but now he has the healing factor and it changes things and Logan feels off and he has these weird dreams, but he blames what happened to Jean for most of it, until one day he can't and he goes where these thoughts and sensations lead him, and he finds Scott who is alive and somehow Logan can hear him even if Scott's mouth is not moving at all and there is this moment when Logan gets angry and as if the claws weren't already bad enough, his eyes start to turn red as well and it's just one inconvenience after another because they don't know how to control this and neither of them wants their thoughts to be shared because they might be sort of falling in love but they have no idea it could be mutual, especially since they both seem so adamant about getting rid of the bond.

(Part of me also wants to entertain the idea that Scott no longer needs to wear his glasses/visor thanks to the healing factor. I know it probably doesn't work like that because if healing factor cannot fix up amnesia, then why should it be different with Scott's brain damage? But, it's how the idea evolved in my mind and so I thought it was worth mentioning. With how little I know about this fandom, though, the whole idea might be very much rubbish, but oh well.)

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5 months ago

could we maybe hear some more stuff on the poolverine! fankid Felix??? (I rlly like the look of them aaaaaaaa 🥰)

oml sorry it took this long 😭 exams are finally over thankfully so I'm free at last! Time to info dump >:]

So, Felix aka Taz is a silly goose; basically a mini, blond Wolverine if he's extra feral with a personality similar to DP. An anarchist who uses he/they pronouns, has no label when it comes to sexuality, and is very attached to his parents. He's a feral lil' shit who can charm his way into your heart before your know it and you can't help but love him for that.

Could We Maybe Hear Some More Stuff On The Poolverine! Fankid Felix??? (I Rlly Like The Look Of Them

He's currently between the ages 15 and 16 in my head (to make things fun) with mutant powers inherited mostly from Logan, and the youngest poolverine kid. Like Gabby, he has one claw per hand and they protrude from their wrists instead of knuckles! Oh, and emphasis on the fact that they have hella sharp fangs too. He can and will bite.

They love dancing, cooking, and traveling the most. And wouldn't you know it, they somehow found a part-time job at the TVA as a bounty hunter because of course they did. Do their parents know? HAHA no. This kid's running around chasing targets throughout the multiverse without adult supervision, thank Marvel Jesus for the healing factor.

If they're not out and about, Taz loves to hang out with his friends Jesse Spector (MK fankid) and Ainsley Agner (spidersona), read some books, watch something online, or get some quality time of family bonding! He's big on cuddles, hugs, and head pats—legit—but only if they like you or you interest them. Stranger danger, no touchie!

Before you ask. Yes. He purrs.

Could We Maybe Hear Some More Stuff On The Poolverine! Fankid Felix??? (I Rlly Like The Look Of Them

Taz is also a major fashionista with a knack for anything glam and make-up. One day you'll see him wearing skater boy and baggy streetwear, and the next he'll be rocking dresses and crop tops. Their sense of style changes just as quickly as their emotions. One thing he's consistent at is being inconsistent. Like a Russian roulette, you'll never know what you're gonna get.

I imagine him as being a mix of Junko (from Danganronpa), Dazai (from Bungo Stray Dogs), Yuuji (from JJK) and Giorno (from JJBA). All their best and worst aspects molded into one being.

Could We Maybe Hear Some More Stuff On The Poolverine! Fankid Felix??? (I Rlly Like The Look Of Them

Aaand... that's it for now!

I'll leave his existence (how he came to be) up for personal interpretation ;]

Thanks for the wait pooks! Feel free to ask more questions about this munchkin, I highly appreciate them <333

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