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3 years ago
Diamond Tiara And Silver Spoon /pos

diamond tiara and silver spoon /pos

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3 years ago


Acceptances #1

Acceptances #1
Acceptances #1
Acceptances #1

Congratulations on your acceptance into the net @joyfulhopelox, @bangtanhome, @delacyrose224, @ttaetae, @randombtsprincessa

Acceptances #1

Now that you’re accepted into our lovely little network, please do the following:

reblog this post

add us to your list of networks

let us know if you change your URL or go on a hiatus

start using the #silverspoon tag for any of your BTS content & work

If you have opted for the discord you will soon get a link if you haven’t already. We are so excited to have you!

Acceptances #1

With love from Faye & Simran x

Tags :
3 years ago

You Send Me

You Send Me

Pairing: Jin x reader

Words: 1.9k

Warnings/rating: SFW, reader is oblivious to Jin's pining but it all works out in the end

Author's Note: This is a part of the 50's collab over on @homeofbangtan! Thanks to @ttaetae for the banner, and to @hyungieyoongi for listening to me gripe while trying to come up with ideas for this story! Special shoutout to @moon-write for reading through this once I was done as well. :)


“What IS that thing?!”

You look over at the man who’s sitting beside you in your Chevy Bel Air. He’s been scooting closer and closer to you throughout the night, his hand now inches from yours as you sit at the drive-in.

“...The Blob? Have you not been paying attention at all?” Your face scrunches in disappointment.

“I have, it’s just...AHHH!!” he grasps your arm tightly as the creature on the screen devours a diner similar to the one he works in.

Suddenly, there’s a knock on the passenger side window. Your guest rolls down the window, and you see one of your old students, Jungkook, peering in.

“Can you keep it down, we’ve had some comp-,” he starts, but his eyes light up in recognition once he sees you. “Oh hey, Ms. Y/L/N! Long time, no see. Like I was saying, we’ve had some complaints from other customers, couldya keep it down?” Jungkook looks at the man beside you.

Before he can get in a word edgewise, you lean over and answer. “Absolutely. I’ll make sure Jin stops being a candy ass,” you laugh as Jungkook’s eyes go wide in shock at your language. He quickly recovers and gives the two of you a small wave as he walks off.

Jin starts to roll up the window and looks over at you. “I am not a candy ass,” he hisses in embarrassment.

“Oh, you just like screaming loudly at drive-ins because you want to disturb others? How inconsiderate of you,” you tut with a laugh.

“How in Sam Hill do you watch these things to unwind?” he asks, removing his hand from your arm slower than he needs to. He would never say it out loud, but he loved the way you felt warm under his touch, much softer than his rough hands that were constantly at work in a kitchen.

“I dunno,” you shrug. “It’s just a clear break from working with my students day in and day out. I love them, but it’s hard, you know? Horror flicks give my brain a chance to zone out, a distraction.”

“I can think of better distractions.” Jin murmurs under his breath, hoping you don’t hear, but to no avail.

“Such as?”

Such as kissing your cherry painted lips, for starters.

“Such as my excellent cooking, for starters. Let’s swing by the diner, I’ll make your favorite for you.” Jin smiles at you, and you can’t help smiling back.

After the movie is over, you drive back across town to Jin’s diner. Well, it’s not really his, but you’ve never met the owner, so in your head it was as good as his.

“Here you are, my lady...a bacon cheeseburger, extra crispy fries with ranch on the side.” He places the plate in front of you and your mouth immediately begins to water. “And a strawberry shake to share.” The pink dessert is placed between you, two straws included.

“Careful, people might start to think you’re sweet on me. Sharing milkshakes and all.” You grin up at him playfully, only to be met with Jin’s eyes staring at you intensely.

“And would that be so bad?” He questions, itching to reach across the table and place his hand on top of yours. Instead he settles for sipping from the strawberry shake you’re sharing, his hand wrapped around the glass.

You smile coquettishly up at him through your lashes in answer. He gulps, not having expected you to respond in this way. The collar of his shirt suddenly feels tight, and it’s way too hot in the room.

You laugh, breaking the tension, clearly thinking his question was a joke. Where he felt hot before, it’s as if he’s had a bucket of cold water thrown on him. What would he have to do to get you to understand how on the hook he was for you?


Tuesday afternoon you’re in your usual booth at the diner, working on lesson plans for the next week, when Jin comes by with an order of extra crispy fries and a large Coke. He always does this, and has done this since you became a permanent fixture at the diner.

“Don’t work too hard, okay?” You barely look up at him, too interested in planning a history lesson for your 12th graders. He shakes his head as he walks back to the kitchen. He’s always admired your dedication to your work, your students...but you sometimes worked too hard. Didn’t take enough breaks. Were too hard on yourself.

After a few minutes, the smell of your fries is too much. You push your notebook off to the side and pull the basket closer to you, eagerly diving in. You’re convinced that Jin makes the best fries in town...everyone else burns them when you ask for them extra crispy, and the diner makes their ranch in house. You sigh in delight, closing your eyes as the fries hit your tongue. It isn’t long before you’ve polished off the whole basket.

You get up from your booth to go wash your hands and stretch your legs before sitting back down to continue your work. As you walk back, the glowing lights of the jukebox sitting in the corner draw you in. You find yourself perusing the selections, searching for one song in particular...there it is.

You slot your coins into the machine and press the corresponding buttons, and after a few seconds, Sam Cooke’s voice starts to waft through the speakers.

As you slide back into your booth, you can hear a tenor’s voice floating over to you from the kitchens as well.

At first I thought it was infatuation

But, woo, it's lasted so long

Now I find myself wanting

To marry you and take you home, woah-woah

You’d noticed one day that Jin tended to sing under his breath while he was cooking, but everytime You Send Me was selected on the jukebox, his voice became loud enough to carry throughout the diner. It was lovely to listen to, and it became your little secret. He didn’t know people could hear him, and you had a suspicion that he wouldn’t sing if he knew that was the case. So every few days, more often if you were feeling particularly down, you’d pay to hear Jin sing without him knowing.

Little did you know, he would think about you every time he heard that particular song. He’s always thought you were pretty, ever since you stepped foot in the diner when you first moved to town about two years ago to teach at the local high school. When he figured out that you were working on lesson plans, he started sending Taehyung, one of the waiters, over with free milkshakes every so often. Eventually he decided to take you a milkshake and dinner himself, and ended up chatting with you at your booth for over an hour (what his boss didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him). He knew you were a teacher, you loved your students, you refused to wear skirts and dresses just because society expected you to, and you enjoyed horror flicks in your free time. Jin found himself spending his work breaks sitting with you at your booth, watching your eyes light up every time you talked about the latest movie you’d seen, your favorite students Soobin and Taehyun, or your opinions on gender roles, how you were so much more than just a wannabe housewife. You were were so much more, at least to Jin. He loved that you didn’t care what others thought about you.

He just hoped that you cared what he thought. Not that he would ever tell you what to do or how to be, but he held out a small sliver of hope that maybe one day, you would be interested in a diner line cook with big dreams to be a world-renowned chef.


It continues on this way for weeks. You sit in your booth, Jin brings you food. The jukebox plays, the entire diner gets a free concert. Every other weekend, you find yourself accompanied to the drive-in, even though every time, Jin ends up shrieking like a small child at whatever horror flick you’ve chosen.

Jin can’t stop staring at you from across the diner. The more time he spends with you, the more he wants to kiss you. Hold your hand. Go steady. Why couldn’t he just say something?

“Whatcha looking at?” You peek your head through the small window that peers into the kitchen.


“I said, whatcha looking at?” you repeat, raising your eyebrow.

“Oh, uh-nothing, nothing,” he quickly replies, busying himself with cleaning the counter in front of him.

“You haven’t come to see me today,” you pout.

Jin chuckles. “It’s been busy today. My new burger went on the menu, turns out it’s a home run!”

You continue to pout at him.

“Fine, let me finish up this order and I'll grace you with my presence.” You grin satisfactorily and march back to your booth. Jin shakes his head and smiles watching you go.

Except he doesn’t come over to see you after that order is done. A giant group of high schoolers pile into the diner, forcing him to work double time and make sure they are all taken care of.

Tired of waiting, you take it upon yourself to stroll over to the jukebox and play You Send Me, as usual. It only takes a few seconds before Jin’s voice starts to carry over the diner. He opens the door from the kitchen, shocked to see everyone’s eyes on him. He makes a beeline for your booth, ears flaming red.

“Has the whole diner always been able to hear me singing?!” he hisses angrily under his breath at you.

You laugh in response. “Only when you’re singing Sam Cooke, don’t worry.”

The flush on Jin’s ears spreads to his cheeks as he realizes how often that song has played over the jukebox.

“Can I tell you something?” you ask, slightly embarrassed. Jin’s embarrassment fades as he notes the seriousness of your tone.

“Of course, always.” He reaches across the table, placing his hand on top of yours, causing you to look into his eyes.

“I’m the one who plays You Send Me on the jukebox. On purpose.”

“What do you mean?” Jin cocks an eyebrow, confused.

“I mean...I play it so I can hear you sing. I like hearing you sing,” you mumble, but he’s able to understand even as you look down at the table.

“Can I tell you something?” It’s your turn to be confused.


“I’ve wanted to do this for a really long time.”

Jin leans forward, closing the distance between the two of you. His eyes travel to your lips, cherry colored as always. His hands shakily come up to cup the sides of your face, his breath ghosting over your mouth. Before he can second guess himself, you’ve closed the remaining distance, lips meeting his. Both of you break into matching smiles, laughter breaking the kiss almost as quickly as it had begun.

As Jin settles back into his side of the booth, your laughter continues.

“What? I can’t be that bad at kissing...right?” His eyes go round with worry.

“It’s’ve got something. Right there.” You take a napkin and dab at the corner of his mouth, which has your red lipstick smeared on it.

“I can think of worse things,” he chuckles.

“Careful...people might start to think you’re sweet on me.”


Check out my other work here!

Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok @hyungieyoongi @derinxfam

Tags :
3 years ago

Maria!! Thank you for your kind words 🥺 all I can hope for is people uwu-ing while reading my stories 🥺🥺

You Send Me

You Send Me

Pairing: Jin x reader

Words: 1.9k

Warnings/rating: SFW, reader is oblivious to Jin's pining but it all works out in the end

Author's Note: This is a part of the 50's collab over on @homeofbangtan! Thanks to @ttaetae for the banner, and to @hyungieyoongi for listening to me gripe while trying to come up with ideas for this story! Special shoutout to @moon-write for reading through this once I was done as well. :)


“What IS that thing?!”

You look over at the man who’s sitting beside you in your Chevy Bel Air. He’s been scooting closer and closer to you throughout the night, his hand now inches from yours as you sit at the drive-in.

“...The Blob? Have you not been paying attention at all?” Your face scrunches in disappointment.

“I have, it’s just...AHHH!!” he grasps your arm tightly as the creature on the screen devours a diner similar to the one he works in.

Suddenly, there’s a knock on the passenger side window. Your guest rolls down the window, and you see one of your old students, Jungkook, peering in.

“Can you keep it down, we’ve had some comp-,” he starts, but his eyes light up in recognition once he sees you. “Oh hey, Ms. Y/L/N! Long time, no see. Like I was saying, we’ve had some complaints from other customers, couldya keep it down?” Jungkook looks at the man beside you.

Before he can get in a word edgewise, you lean over and answer. “Absolutely. I’ll make sure Jin stops being a candy ass,” you laugh as Jungkook’s eyes go wide in shock at your language. He quickly recovers and gives the two of you a small wave as he walks off.

Jin starts to roll up the window and looks over at you. “I am not a candy ass,” he hisses in embarrassment.

“Oh, you just like screaming loudly at drive-ins because you want to disturb others? How inconsiderate of you,” you tut with a laugh.

“How in Sam Hill do you watch these things to unwind?” he asks, removing his hand from your arm slower than he needs to. He would never say it out loud, but he loved the way you felt warm under his touch, much softer than his rough hands that were constantly at work in a kitchen.

“I dunno,” you shrug. “It’s just a clear break from working with my students day in and day out. I love them, but it’s hard, you know? Horror flicks give my brain a chance to zone out, a distraction.”

“I can think of better distractions.” Jin murmurs under his breath, hoping you don’t hear, but to no avail.

“Such as?”

Such as kissing your cherry painted lips, for starters.

“Such as my excellent cooking, for starters. Let’s swing by the diner, I’ll make your favorite for you.” Jin smiles at you, and you can’t help smiling back.

After the movie is over, you drive back across town to Jin’s diner. Well, it’s not really his, but you’ve never met the owner, so in your head it was as good as his.

“Here you are, my lady...a bacon cheeseburger, extra crispy fries with ranch on the side.” He places the plate in front of you and your mouth immediately begins to water. “And a strawberry shake to share.” The pink dessert is placed between you, two straws included.

“Careful, people might start to think you’re sweet on me. Sharing milkshakes and all.” You grin up at him playfully, only to be met with Jin’s eyes staring at you intensely.

“And would that be so bad?” He questions, itching to reach across the table and place his hand on top of yours. Instead he settles for sipping from the strawberry shake you’re sharing, his hand wrapped around the glass.

You smile coquettishly up at him through your lashes in answer. He gulps, not having expected you to respond in this way. The collar of his shirt suddenly feels tight, and it’s way too hot in the room.

You laugh, breaking the tension, clearly thinking his question was a joke. Where he felt hot before, it’s as if he’s had a bucket of cold water thrown on him. What would he have to do to get you to understand how on the hook he was for you?


Tuesday afternoon you’re in your usual booth at the diner, working on lesson plans for the next week, when Jin comes by with an order of extra crispy fries and a large Coke. He always does this, and has done this since you became a permanent fixture at the diner.

“Don’t work too hard, okay?” You barely look up at him, too interested in planning a history lesson for your 12th graders. He shakes his head as he walks back to the kitchen. He’s always admired your dedication to your work, your students...but you sometimes worked too hard. Didn’t take enough breaks. Were too hard on yourself.

After a few minutes, the smell of your fries is too much. You push your notebook off to the side and pull the basket closer to you, eagerly diving in. You’re convinced that Jin makes the best fries in town...everyone else burns them when you ask for them extra crispy, and the diner makes their ranch in house. You sigh in delight, closing your eyes as the fries hit your tongue. It isn’t long before you’ve polished off the whole basket.

You get up from your booth to go wash your hands and stretch your legs before sitting back down to continue your work. As you walk back, the glowing lights of the jukebox sitting in the corner draw you in. You find yourself perusing the selections, searching for one song in particular...there it is.

You slot your coins into the machine and press the corresponding buttons, and after a few seconds, Sam Cooke’s voice starts to waft through the speakers.

As you slide back into your booth, you can hear a tenor’s voice floating over to you from the kitchens as well.

At first I thought it was infatuation

But, woo, it's lasted so long

Now I find myself wanting

To marry you and take you home, woah-woah

You’d noticed one day that Jin tended to sing under his breath while he was cooking, but everytime You Send Me was selected on the jukebox, his voice became loud enough to carry throughout the diner. It was lovely to listen to, and it became your little secret. He didn’t know people could hear him, and you had a suspicion that he wouldn’t sing if he knew that was the case. So every few days, more often if you were feeling particularly down, you’d pay to hear Jin sing without him knowing.

Little did you know, he would think about you every time he heard that particular song. He’s always thought you were pretty, ever since you stepped foot in the diner when you first moved to town about two years ago to teach at the local high school. When he figured out that you were working on lesson plans, he started sending Taehyung, one of the waiters, over with free milkshakes every so often. Eventually he decided to take you a milkshake and dinner himself, and ended up chatting with you at your booth for over an hour (what his boss didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him). He knew you were a teacher, you loved your students, you refused to wear skirts and dresses just because society expected you to, and you enjoyed horror flicks in your free time. Jin found himself spending his work breaks sitting with you at your booth, watching your eyes light up every time you talked about the latest movie you’d seen, your favorite students Soobin and Taehyun, or your opinions on gender roles, how you were so much more than just a wannabe housewife. You were were so much more, at least to Jin. He loved that you didn’t care what others thought about you.

He just hoped that you cared what he thought. Not that he would ever tell you what to do or how to be, but he held out a small sliver of hope that maybe one day, you would be interested in a diner line cook with big dreams to be a world-renowned chef.


It continues on this way for weeks. You sit in your booth, Jin brings you food. The jukebox plays, the entire diner gets a free concert. Every other weekend, you find yourself accompanied to the drive-in, even though every time, Jin ends up shrieking like a small child at whatever horror flick you’ve chosen.

Jin can’t stop staring at you from across the diner. The more time he spends with you, the more he wants to kiss you. Hold your hand. Go steady. Why couldn’t he just say something?

“Whatcha looking at?” You peek your head through the small window that peers into the kitchen.


“I said, whatcha looking at?” you repeat, raising your eyebrow.

“Oh, uh-nothing, nothing,” he quickly replies, busying himself with cleaning the counter in front of him.

“You haven’t come to see me today,” you pout.

Jin chuckles. “It’s been busy today. My new burger went on the menu, turns out it’s a home run!”

You continue to pout at him.

“Fine, let me finish up this order and I'll grace you with my presence.” You grin satisfactorily and march back to your booth. Jin shakes his head and smiles watching you go.

Except he doesn’t come over to see you after that order is done. A giant group of high schoolers pile into the diner, forcing him to work double time and make sure they are all taken care of.

Tired of waiting, you take it upon yourself to stroll over to the jukebox and play You Send Me, as usual. It only takes a few seconds before Jin’s voice starts to carry over the diner. He opens the door from the kitchen, shocked to see everyone’s eyes on him. He makes a beeline for your booth, ears flaming red.

“Has the whole diner always been able to hear me singing?!” he hisses angrily under his breath at you.

You laugh in response. “Only when you’re singing Sam Cooke, don’t worry.”

The flush on Jin’s ears spreads to his cheeks as he realizes how often that song has played over the jukebox.

“Can I tell you something?” you ask, slightly embarrassed. Jin’s embarrassment fades as he notes the seriousness of your tone.

“Of course, always.” He reaches across the table, placing his hand on top of yours, causing you to look into his eyes.

“I’m the one who plays You Send Me on the jukebox. On purpose.”

“What do you mean?” Jin cocks an eyebrow, confused.

“I mean...I play it so I can hear you sing. I like hearing you sing,” you mumble, but he’s able to understand even as you look down at the table.

“Can I tell you something?” It’s your turn to be confused.


“I’ve wanted to do this for a really long time.”

Jin leans forward, closing the distance between the two of you. His eyes travel to your lips, cherry colored as always. His hands shakily come up to cup the sides of your face, his breath ghosting over your mouth. Before he can second guess himself, you’ve closed the remaining distance, lips meeting his. Both of you break into matching smiles, laughter breaking the kiss almost as quickly as it had begun.

As Jin settles back into his side of the booth, your laughter continues.

“What? I can’t be that bad at kissing...right?” His eyes go round with worry.

“It’s’ve got something. Right there.” You take a napkin and dab at the corner of his mouth, which has your red lipstick smeared on it.

“I can think of worse things,” he chuckles.

“Careful...people might start to think you’re sweet on me.”


Check out my other work here!

Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok @hyungieyoongi @derinxfam

Tags :
3 years ago



-Pairing: Yoongi x reader

-Words: 462

-Warnings/rating: SFW, established relationship au, reader is doubtful about their future but Yoongi is the sweetest, honestly this is just a ball of fluff

-Author's Note: Here it is, a less than 500 word drabble (which if you know me, is daunting) just for @alpacaparkaseok's birthday! A combo of Yoongi and Taylor Swift inspiration with stargazing, what's not to love? Hope you enjoy, friend!!


“And that one there, that’s Orion’s Belt.”

The man beside you points out to the wide expanse of stars in front of you, while you squint to try and make out what he’s looking at.

“There?” You tilt your head, pointing at the grouping of stars in his sight line.

A warm hand envelops yours, guiding your hand slightly over to the right.

“...there.” As you look beside you, you’re met with a small smile. You can’t help the grin that breaks across your face in response.

“What’re you smiling about, hm?” He nudges you gently with his shoulder.

You’re smiling because you can’t help it. Your boyfriend, who everyone thinks is so serious all the time, is a giant softie-but only for you. It had been his idea to go up to the highest point in the local park and go stargazing.

You sigh contentedly, leaning into his chest instead of answering his question.

“You’re so cold! Hang on a minute…” He turns and rifles through the messenger bag he’s brought with him, suddenly producing a thermos of hot chocolate and two cups. He carefully pours one for each of you and as he hands you a cup, you lean back, burrowing into his added warmth.


“Hmm?” He absentmindedly trails his hand up and down your arm, tracing random patterns.

“Do you ever feel like...your dreams are impossible to reach?” you whisper, almost too softly for him to even hear you.

“What do you mean, lovely?” He leans his head over your shoulder, folding himself into the crook of your neck.

“I mean...sometimes, I just feel like everything I want to accomplish is out of reach. Will I ever get my dream job, move out of this town? Travel the world? It feels impossible. What’s even the point of wanting all that if it isn’t even going to come true, you know?”

Yoongi wraps his arms around you, pulling you even closer to him.

“It’s not out of reach, it just may be harder to pull down from the sky. I know you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to-you want to travel? You will. Your dream job? I have no doubt that you’ll put in more than enough work to get it. Dreams can change along the way too, don’t forget…but I believe in you and your dreams.”

You turn in his arms to face him. “How can you be so sure, though?”

“Because,” he smiles, “I thought my own dream was impossible, but turns out I just had to put in a lot of work for it.”

“Wait…what was your impossible dream?” you respond quizzically.

He leans in, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead then brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.



Check out my other work here!

Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok @hyungieyoongi @derinxfam

Tags :
6 years ago

I=kisar e=ambocitpa yakka pirka ya? Tan matpon katomap wa otekomare-us ne.

(May you scratch her ears? This filly is cute and cuddly.)

Still Best Pony. Always Best Pony.
Still Best Pony. Always Best Pony.

Still best pony. Always best pony.

Tags :
5 months ago
As A Follow-up Post, I Redesigned These Three As Well Because They're Also Crucial To The CMC's Development(sorry

As a follow-up post, I redesigned these three as well because they're also crucial to the CMC's development(sorry I wont do Gabby :b)

Diamond Tiara is your average bully: rich, snobby, and the prettiest in the class. Her personality was mainly based of Pacifica Northwest(Gravity Falls) and Mackenzie from Dork Diaries. I also gave her her mothers snout! She will absolutely be reformed after Silver Spoon, realizing she doesn't have to act like her parents to earn the attention and admiration of her classmates. She asks her father to donate for fundraisers at the school as well! Her cutie mark is to display her leadership skills as an individual as well as her wealth. Silver Spoon is a bit different. She's just like Diamond Tiara, except a little nicer. She enjoys learning new things and helps out when it's needed. During the redemption episode, she realizes what kind of pony her and Diamond Tiara were, so she stopped entirely, though she IS still bossy. Her cutie mark is to show her craftsmanship in silverware making, but she disguises it as the "born with a silver spoon in the mouth" meaning.

And finally Babs Seed! That song always gets stuck in my head..anywho, I made her a bit different. She's shy at first when meeting new people, but quickly shows off her rue personality after the meet up. She's just like Scootaloo, except more mean and rough. I think the two would end up in a fight in that, but she does learn her lesson in the end. Her cutie mark shows her special talent in hair cutting.

Redesign Of The CMC(Cutie Mark Crusaders) !! I Especially Had Fun Redesigning Their Cutie Marks Because

Redesign of the CMC(Cutie Mark Crusaders) !! I especially had fun redesigning their cutie marks because idk about the old ones.. The CMC are a group of young school fillies who are often bullied by two certain classmates due to their lack of cutie marks, but this fault allowed them to bond and become best friends, soon helping others with finding their purpose. Sweetie Belle is Rarity's daughter, who is often spoiled and pampered. This pampering made her a bit bossy to her friends and classmates, but her generosity often overshadows the flaw. She is often bullied at school for her lack of knowledge in magic, often times causing problems and accidents. Gifted with a beautiful singing voice, she gained it in her cutie mark. Sometimes, she goes with Rarity to her Ponytones rehearses, hoping to one day join as well.

Applebloom is the youngest Apple Sibling. Gaining most of her mother's genes, she appears to be full cow. This allows her to be bullied for her lack of Cutie Mark, since only ponies can obtain them. She's VERY talkative and loud, but is always eager to help however she can. Though she is young, she comes to the market with Applejack to help sell the family apples. The bottle on her cutie mark symbolizes her hobby and talent in potion making, since she helps out Zecora with her potions.

And finally Scootaloo! Scootaloo lives with her Aunts, dropped off by her distant parents so they can continue to travel the world and explore. She's very rough with her friends, often times too rough, but she tries to make up for it with her helpfulness and handwork. Due to her disability, it was one of the ways she was allowed to be bullied. Her hobby in handwork and problem solving helped gain her cutie mark, showing off her talent for mechanics.

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Yarı zamanlı işe maaş vermezler

Okula gitsen, öğretmenler

Her yerde zorba yöneticiler

Medyada her gün jenerasyon sayıları

Değiştir kuralları değiştir, değiştir

Leylekler isterler kalıcı olmayı

Ama böyle yürümez bu işler -Bang, Bang!-

Olması gereken bu değil

Bu normal deÄźil!

Bırak "çabala, çabala" demeyi

Tiksindiriyorsun beni

"Çabala çabala "

"Hiç şansın yok gibi" -Leyleklerden beklendiği gibi-

Bırak "çabala, çabala" demeyi

Tiksindiriyorsun beni

"Hiç şansın yok gibi"

Tags :
5 years ago


(Fate Holding A Forever Rose For A Monarch …)

… And as he tightens his grip,

Mesmerized by the everlasting Rose

Like a soft engraving in his heart

The sleek tip of the silver spoon

Slides in his butterfly’s chest.


Fate Holding A Forever Rose For A Monarch (September 19, 2019) (with closeup)

by ©️sophia D. S. wright

Digital mixed media

Composed on iPadPro

With Procreate

Original 5050x7000px

Tags :
2 years ago
Elegante Cucharilla De T, Decorada Con Un Delicado Diseo De Motivo, Un Mango Enrollado Y Cuya Punta Tambin
Elegante Cucharilla De T, Decorada Con Un Delicado Diseo De Motivo, Un Mango Enrollado Y Cuya Punta Tambin
Elegante Cucharilla De T, Decorada Con Un Delicado Diseo De Motivo, Un Mango Enrollado Y Cuya Punta Tambin
Elegante Cucharilla De T, Decorada Con Un Delicado Diseo De Motivo, Un Mango Enrollado Y Cuya Punta Tambin

༺Elegante cucharilla de té, decorada con un delicado diseño de motivo, un mango enrollado y cuya punta también está decorada ༻

©𝓖𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝓚𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓽𝓼𝓾

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11 months ago
Their Personalities Are Pretty SimilarWHY NOT PAIR EM TOGETHER?
Their Personalities Are Pretty SimilarWHY NOT PAIR EM TOGETHER?

Their personalities are pretty similar…WHY NOT PAIR EM TOGETHER?

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