Skeleton War Lore? - Tumblr Posts
A great caw can be heard over head.

A letter flitters down
22/11/2022 Quebec to Dissolve
The Wizard Council votes to dissolve Quebec. News is being taken to the High Council to see if this brings war between the Wizards and non-magi as Canada is one of our allies.
Local peasant folk left in puzzlement after seeing a wizard and skeleton in a Tom and Jerry-esque chase throughout the city. City puts bans on "ridiculously large" hammers
New sub-types of wizards that specialize in different magics from mushrooms to bugs, what is next?
Skeleton blames Wizards for missing bone.
Skeletons found robbing graves causes increased officer presence and a curfew to be set for residents of the city.
Wizard finds spell that imbues milk with more calcium.
A skeleton and wizard found to be having a "rap off" or as a flee skeleton said "a battle of words and wit and mother's taking a hit."
Town folks question for skeletons; if they were human, do they still have their memories?
A crow caws over head.

23/11/2022 "Nude" skeletons
Wizard makes actual quicksand that portal to the "shadow realm". Is it a potential weapon against the skeletons?
Skeletons start tasteful "nude" propaganda photos featuring wizard hats to incentivize their troops to steal wizard hats.
Wizard throws dozens of eggs at a skeleton. These seem to be the ones missing from the market.
The High Council assures citizens of Maialka that we will not be joining the war yet, as Canada's memory of Quebec's existence has been wiped.
Non-magi wonder if skeletons or wizards are the bigger threat, though neither side has killed as many as the current plague.
Fool I have been waiting for someone to try this!
Behold what my late husband left for me when he went off as a wizard to fight in the first war!

My army of constantly multiplying cats!
A great caw can be heard over head.

A letter flitters down
22/11/2022 Quebec to Dissolve
The Wizard Council votes to dissolve Quebec. News is being taken to the High Council to see if this brings war between the Wizards and non-magi as Canada is one of our allies.
Local peasant folk left in puzzlement after seeing a wizard and skeleton in a Tom and Jerry-esque chase throughout the city. City puts bans on "ridiculously large" hammers
New sub-types of wizards that specialize in different magics from mushrooms to bugs, what is next?
Skeleton blames Wizards for missing bone.
Skeletons found robbing graves causes increased officer presence and a curfew to be set for residents of the city.
Wizard finds spell that imbues milk with more calcium.
A skeleton and wizard found to be having a "rap off" or as a flee skeleton said "a battle of words and wit and mother's taking a hit."
Town folks question for skeletons; if they were human, do they still have their memories?
A caw can be heard over head.

24/11/2022 Turkey day.
Seemingly both skeletons and wizards alike celebrate turkey day as well as it has been a slow day.
Wizard implies skeletons are dead wizards, if true does this mean this is a civil war?
More and more skeletons looking less and less human. Skeleton species and what you need to know about them.
Happy turkey day and have some gravy

hello kindred farmer! i heard you seek information, may i interest you in the story of some of my skeletal battles?
Please! I love long tales. If you need it you may sleep here tonight. We have a fireplace for warmth and stew. I have a spare room for guests.

Dear wizards,
Please explain this relic I found
Thank you,
The Skeleton War News

There is a caw heard from the skies

11/28/2022 News returns
Wizards come from eggs.
Skeletons eat cardboard wizard for a snack on the go.
Wizard helps a skeleton color their armor. Be on the lookout for a rainbow skeleton.
Wizards apparently have a draft. Are women a part of this?