Sketchbook Art - Tumblr Posts
Tried my hand at drawing again. It's been years since I had the inspiration to draw, but I was really feeling it yesterday. I did cheat a little by tracing over the general shape of an anime girl in a drawing how-to book I have, but the outfit, hair, and eye details are my doing.

I started by referencing the picture I traced to refine the details, then used inkpens for the outline. I smudged the eye a little but it's fine, I'm fine, I'm not mad about it. The hands turned out better than I expected.

Colored with colored pencils and shaded with graphite. Smudged the eye some more, but IT'S FINE.
The coloration was tough because the paper was kinda grainy, and I didn't wanna push too hard on the pencils. Overall I'm pretty happy with how she looks. It took a couple days from start to finish, but it was a lot of fun. Turns out art is fun, who could have guessed?
A chicken in a firework pattern coat. Drawn way back in early high school.

The character is Chinese (simplified) for Chicken, but I'm not sure if how accurate the shape of the lines and such are.
Hi excuse me, I'm just going to leave this here

"Spoken echoes linger here. Shall I share them with you?
In Marika's own words. Hear me, Demigods. My children beloved. Make of thyselves that which ye desire. Be it a Lord. Be it a God. But should ye fail to become aught at all, ye will be forsaken. Amounting only to sacrifices..."

So I've been getting really deep into Elden Ring again. Almost finished the DLC, but struggling with the area right before the final boss. I promise I'm only a little tiny bit salty about the complete lack of lore regarding Melina's relationship with any of Marika's (other) children.
Oh well.
Art be upon ye.
Stumbled across @mellon-soup recently and something about their style just
It speaks to me
Anyways have some silly sketches of even more OCs I'll probably never write a full story for

Don't judge me for the weird sock feet on that one couch guy. I can't draw toes ok
Days ago, I was struck with a vision.
What if an immortal man watched over his family, and took it very seriously that he was the family Grandpa. Full #1 Grandpa gear, including custom socks and sandals.
Then in a fugue state, I brought him into the world.

Not pictured: The #1 Grandpa stitching on his belt (too small, too lazy); the #1 Grandpa keychain; the wallet full of grandkid pictures that's so stuffed that the string of photos rolls across the floor and out the door; and the lovingly handmade #1 Grandpa pillows and blanket proudly displayed on the couch (too lazy to draw so you'll just have to imagine it).
Maybe someday I'll put more than five minutes worth of effort into it but for now, here he is.

Dia 1 - Bruxa
Sim vou fazer todos serem palhaços
e nao pintarei nenhum (podem haver exceções)

Dia 5 - Demônio + Jack in the box

✧Miles Edgeworth sketches✧
Today I was in the city for a few hours and spent about half that time time drawing in my sketchbook and this is the first page I did :D
For this page I decided to draw a bunch of Edgeworth's (and a cat as a warm up) because not only is he my favourite AA character (like 80% of the fanbase lol) but also, because I hate the anime trope of characters having the exact same hairstyle from childhood to adulthood! So I wanted to try drawing the three main era's of Miles with slightly different versions of his hairstyle while trying to keep the iconic parts.
(rest of commentary has minor spoilers for AA1-5)
I enjoy the hairstyle results as I think the shorter bangs for YA Miles makes him look more bratty which fits his fanon nickname and, I've seen a few of people draw Chiefworth with a ponytail and I love that concept so much cuz, not only does it look cool af but, it also has him tie in with Simon Blackquill's design a bit which I like for DD plot reasons. So I stole the design >:-)
I also changed some minor things about Chiefworth design that I personally disliked, such as making the gold buttons sliver (it matches his hair better and, distance his design away from his young design/Manfred which I prefer personally) and his glasses to be full rimed (as a glasses wearer I hate his canon glasses! that man probably gotta rub his lenses clean multiple times a day! Also the full rimed look matches his late Father :D).
Lastly, I played around with making him look more tired/aged as he got older, this does seem to be canonish as Bratworth looks more open eyed (at least his HD trilogy sprite does) and in DD Phoenix does think to himself about Chiefworth having stronger frown lines.
I think both adult Edgeworth and Chiefworth ended up look a bit older than his canon age but I don't mind that as the man is such a workaholic and, had nightmares for a good chunk of his life so I buy him ageing faster than average physically, the faces still don't look as nice as I hoped but hopefully drawing more Miles will help fix the jankyness I see but can't quite describe lol.

✧Franziska and Maya being slay✧
Today I felt like drawing Franziska and Maya again because I had so much fun drawing them yesterday I wanted to draw them again, and design another outfit for both of them! I really love this drawings result as aside from Maya's nose bridge being slightly higher than I wanted (finicky, I know) This drawing came out looking even better than I had imagined the concept :D
Once again had fun designing the outfits, though I kinda doubt Franziska would wear a green and brown suit in canon but I certainly had a lot of fun designing it (never thought I'd enjoy drawing women's business suits but I guess I do!). Fun fact, the brown accents in the suit I originally planned to do black but, when it comes to my art, I always try to do multiple things the same colour to better unify the drawing, so I changed the accents to be brown, so Maya's right eye isn't the only thing coloured brown and, really like the result :D.
As for Maya's outfit, you can only see the shirt here but, in my mind her full outfit is this oversized flannel paired with a black full maxi skirt and probably her platform sandals. I did consider drawing Maya's full body in this drawing so I could draw the full look but I liked this composition too much to do something different :P.

Apollo and Klavier going on what was meant to be an ice cream date... until Trucy decided to tag along to get free ice cream
And Phoenix of course not only didn't stop his daughter from doing this, but actively encouraged her
This drawing was a lot of fun to draw (expect for when I got jumped scared by a spider that looked rather scary when I was mid-way done the sketch!), from the silly concept that justified these three interacting like this, to finally drawing Trucy! Though I will admit I got a bit lazy with the outfit design's, especially Klavier's as I didn't feel like drawing interesting outfit bottom and just gave him a long skirt :/, but I think Apollo's outfit being so basic really suits him (love Apollo but there's no way he's got style) :3
Also the ice cream colours were picked based off the colour palette of the characters outfits, but in my mind the white with brown bits is choc chip, blue is bubblegum, purple is either grape and pink is boysenberry. Definitely some weird flavours to mix but, to me, both Trucy and Klavier are definitely the type to have weird ice cream combos while Apollo always sticks to one "normal" flavour.
Rest of post contains spoilers for AA4/AJ and AA5/DD
In future, I definitely plan on drawing both Trucy and Klavier with different hairstyles. Especially Klavier, as it does feel weird for him to have the same hairstyle as his brother after the events of case 4-4, which makes me hate his AA5 model even more (it's my least favourite model from DD and the only DD model I generally hate, his eyes especially make me so uncomfortable he looks so uncanny to me!).
As for Trucy I just feel like experimenting with drawing her hair differently. Especially because I thought she had a bob when I first saw her sprite in AJ, so I might just have to draw her with a bob and see if I like it :P

❁Pearl Fey and Trucy Wright hanging out❁
Today I finished this drawing and honestly, I love it so much! makes sense since I drew most of this with my left (main) hand (used right hand for a good chunk of the sketch to help maintain being somewhat ambidextrous) and, got to use an art medium I haven't used in almost a year, after buying some cheap alcohol markers (cheaper than sharpie's cheap) a few weeks ago.
(rest of post has minor spoilers for AA2-5, mostly AA4-5 but I do mention very minor spoilers for AA2-3)
I've been wanting to draw Pearl for a while, especially after seeing her in the DD DLC case (which is my fave case from DD) but than on the 18th I read this fanfic by Samioli and, it was so cute! It made me want to draw Pearl even more! To clarify this isn't fanart of the fic (idk if I ship Pearl and Trucy but I do see them as childhood bffs) but, I do hc Pearly as lesbian thanks to the fic and, I still wanted to recommend it cuz it's such an amazing fic and, it motivated me to draw Pearly hanging out with Trucy.
okay now back to talking about the drawing XD. I decided to re-design both girl's hair-do's and I'm very glad I did. I like Trucy's canon hair but as mentioned in this post I originally thought her official sprite had a bob, and now that I drew her with a bob I think I might continue doing so! Also I don't think she has an ahoge in canon but, I think it suits her so I will always give her one :3 (Edit, turns out she does have an ahoge and it's even cuter that the one I gave her so in future I will draw her with her canon ahoge)
As for Pearl, I dislike that her model in DD basically is just a taller version of her child sprites in AA2-3, so after making some thumbnails on a different page of hair-do ideas, I decided on a hairstyle that's similar to her canon hair-do but, more interesting imo, especially since I made the braids heart shaped on purpose cuz it references her love of romance (very on the nose, but being on the nose is kinda on brand for AA).
I also had a lot of fun designing these outfits for them both! Trucy's bag is of course a playing card and I picked 8 of diamonds cuz she has a diamond motif in canon and, was adopted by Phoenix when she was 8! Her jeans also have a two patches, one of her first daddy's hat/her hat when she was a child and a bunny, cuz that's magic related and cute lol. Also gave her a bracelet that kinda references Apollo but kinda doesn't, because it's on the wrong arm (didn't want it to crowd the hand holding pose!) and it's sliver because I didn't want to add yellow to the colour pallet :P
Pearl's outfit was loosely inspired by fairy-kei fashion as I feel like Pearl would enjoy Fairy-kei and Yumekawaii but not strictly follow a jfashion style. I also gave Pearl glasses. Not only make her look more unique compared to her canon child design but also, cuz AA doesn't have enough characters with glasses imo and I think they look super cute on her! I did consider giving her heart lenses but, I think that might be over doing the heart motif so I made them round instead :P

✦ Ace Attorney sketches ✦
Today I felt like doing a bunch of Ace Attorney sketches, specifically of different sprites for multiple characters (I referenced the HD version of the trilogy sprites cuz they're higher resolution and therefore a clearer image) because, I wanted to both practice drawing a bunch of characters and also, wanted to improve my overall art skills by drawing more varied expressions! I also drew child Pearl specifically to practice drawing kids as I often default to drawing teens-adult characters.
Overall I'm happy with the results, especially the Phoenix's sketches (my favourite sketch is the second Phoenix I drew, 3rd sketch on page two) cuz he turned out way better than I expected lol. Most of these sketches are definitely rough looking but, I'm okay with that as I still feel like I've improved.
Definitely will do this again in future with different characters (next lot might be older characters like Wendy and Menfred because I really need to practice drawing people who have visible signs of age) but I'm not sure when that'll be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

❁ Maya Fey and Pearl Fey❁
Today I was drawing some NaruMitsu but after finishing the sketch I decided to leave it to work on a completely different drawing cuz, I didn't feel like finishing it today :P this of course is the drawing I did instead!
I actually really like how this drawing came out! I'm especially pleased with how Pearl turned out as it's been years since I've attempted drawing a child character full body (as recent attempts have be shoulders or torse up). I also once again had a lot of fun designing the outfits. My favourite part was doing the plaid design on Maya's skirt! I love plaid so much :3
At first I was lost on how to draw child Pearl in casual clothes (as she's young and acts her age but, is also very formal and sometimes surprisely insightful) until I remembered that she clearly looks up to Maya and likes cats, so I gave her a shirt and long skirt to match Maya's outfit but, gave the shirt a cat design cuz kids shirts do have random animal designs and/or cartoons on them (source: I have younger siblings and play legacies in the sims), I also gave her tights and flats, cuz those seem to be common in children's clothing aimed at girls and suited the outfit imo.

"He's a ten but he makes me watch steel samurai every time I visit his apartment."
- Phoenix Wright (probably)
Yesterday I finished the NaruMitsu art I mentioned working on in my last post and I think I've finally done some WrightWorth art I'm happy with!
☆ \(^o^)/ ☆
The idea for this drawing is the two fighting in a (mostly) playful way because they disagree on what to watch :P don't have much to say (for once) on my drawing, just that I think it turned out pretty fun and I enjoyed drawing the silly concept :D
Also happy yaoi day (it's the 1st in my timezone)!

✦ console sim girls ✦
Yesterday I felt like doing a bunch of sketching and the first sketches I did were of console sims cuz I felt like it :P
Had fun working on this page, especially since the coloured paper makes the whole page pop out! Only personal gripe I have is that I'm not happy with how Felicity looks, but at least I drew a nice Jayde and Pat! :-D

✧ Mia and Ema sketches ✧
Yesterday I felt like doing a ton of sketching and after doing some Sims fanart I did some ace attorney fanart ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
Originally I was going to do one page with a bunch of ace attorney characters on one page but after drawing the first Mia portrait (the one I coloured in with crayons) I felt like I had finally found how I want to draw Mia in my art style! So I dedicated the whole page to her because I was hyped to draw more Mia!
Than I still felt like drawing but, decided to draw a different aa character on the next page and picked Ema, cuz she's a cool character and, I haven't drawn her with my dominant hand until now :3. also gave her a shirt with a myth busters reference cuz I feel like she'd at least casually watch the show ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Just a simple teen Pearl Fey sketch I forgot to post till now :P. I drew it with my right hand because I don't want to completely forget how to use it, even if my left hand is healed and clearly the superior option lol X3

✿ Iris and friends ✿
A few days ago I decided to do a one panel comic based off a head canon of mine, that being that Iris has naturally red hair but, after her sister goes to jail, she felt the need to distance herself from her sister even more and, began to dye her hair black. I mostly came up with this hc because as someone with dark brown hair (that's sometimes mistaken for black :/) I know how much work it is to bleach and maintain a light hair colour and, given she "dated" Phoenix for 8 months, that's going to damage her hair real bad if she's naturally got black hair and, dyed it red regularly in that time frame. Only other option would be that she didn't dye her hair and it's naturally black but Phoenix isn't an idiot, he'd notice if his gf was swapping between red and black hair (at least I think so, he can be oblivious sure but, he can also be hyper perceptive at times so I think it's likely he'd question it eventually in the 8 months time frame), so I decided to hc her as a red head, plus she looks identical to her sister aside from the black hair colour so, them being identical twins makes sense to me.
Also don't worry, Phoenix doesn't hold anything against Iris for being a red head after this scene I drew. I like to think he comforts her after her apology so she knows she hasn't done anything wrong (because having the same colour hair as your twin isn't something you can control!). He's just surprised because she's so good at makeup (another hc of mine) that her brows looked naturally black and, he somehow didn't register that her hair was naturally red in college when he first met her again or something like that :P. I also hc that Phoenix visits Iris every few months, as while I personally don't ship feeniris, I definitely can see them being good friends after case 3-5 as they probably have quite a bit in common, given they both seemed to like each other in college.
Than I felt like drawing more Iris art but with Lana Skye because I hc them as friends! Which might seem strange, given these two do not interact in the game but, not only do they end up in prison around same time (only a few years apart), they also have had to deal with being pawns for other's and probably were able to relate in some ways to each other as a result. Plus I like to hc that Phoenix and Ema talk about their respective prison friend/sibling to each other and, are both glad to hear their friend/sibling has a best friend, neither realising that the best friend is the other prisoner involved in the conversation until both girls are released from jail. cuz I of course hc they get released from prison some time after SOJ (or before, or during, still haven't finished SOJ) and at same time because, the chief prosecutor figured out they were friends and, was able to convince the right people to change one of the girls release date to match the other girl's so they can enjoy the release day together!