Aa4 Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade
Assorted MS Paint Doodles From Turnabout Serenade

assorted MS paint doodles from Turnabout Serenade

[ID: Several MS paint drawings featuring the cast of apollo justice: ace attorney

Image 1: Trucy and Apollo Behind the bench Trucy: Hey apollo have you ever played metal gear solid for the play station one or metal gear 2 | sons of liberty for the playstation 2 or metal gear solid 3 | snake eater for playstation 3 or met Apollo: (Scribbled out text that says trucy someone is dead) Trucy metal gear solid 3 was on the playstation 2

Image 2: Apollo behind the bench going, "damn, hes normal" klavier is across the room behind his bench with a note that says not normal

Image 3: Trucy and Apollo behind the bench, with trucy looking as if she figured something out Trucy: I call it dice earth theory Apollo: Trucy the earth isnt round enough

Image 4: Trucy looking at apollo with a raised eyebrow, and apollo with his hand on his cheek Apollo: I mean its a pretty mid song. pretty forgettable all things considered so of course i forgot about the lyric connection Trucy: apollo isnt it your ringtone

Image 5: A screenshot of ema ingame above a doodled apollo and trucy with Luminol fluid. Ema says, "play my minigame boy"

Image 6: A baliff and Daryan standing next to eachother while someone points at daryan yelling, "BALIFF WACK HIS PEEPEE" daryan's hair is censored out

Image 7: The judge talking to Klavier while he's on his phone The Judge: mr gavin please exp- Klavier: one second your honor im pogging in chat

Image 8: Apollo flipping someone off saying, "sorry prosecutor gavin i believe women

Image 9: Phoenix as a lamp

Image 10: Trucy and apollo standing next to eachother. Trucy looks upset with a note saying "wants her juicy" apollo looks tired with a note saying, "also wants his juicy"

Image 11: Lamiror talking to Klavier, who has tears in his eyes Lamiror: of course not werent u listening? idoit? loser? dipshit? bitch ass? cringefail? chicken mcnobody?

Image 12: Klavier upsettingly pointing at a stock image of Lamiror saying, "YOUR HONOR I WANT THE WITNESS EXECUTED FOR HURTING MY fEELINGS"

Image 13: an image of the judge thinking it over with an "mmmm" and then saying "👍:thumbs_up:"

Image 14: Klavier telling ema, "we make a pretty good team frau" that is cut off by ema flipping him off

Image 15: Ema smashing klavier with a giant fist

Image 16: Ema shooting a screenshot of klavier with a big gun. there is text in the screenshot that reads, "he was shot,"

Image 17: Trucy telling apollo, "its time to put on the big boy pants apollo!" with apollo in a large pair of pants with only his head peaking out

end ID]

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1 year ago

i love dahlia both as a character and a villain but its always so frustrating how much fanworks involving her just kind of ignore the fact that she barely knows phoenix, doesn't really care about him, and only met him twice.

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2 years ago

ace attorney characters as memes & tumblr posts #14 ❣️

Ace Attorney Characters As Memes & Tumblr Posts #14
Ace Attorney Characters As Memes & Tumblr Posts #14
Ace Attorney Characters As Memes & Tumblr Posts #14
Ace Attorney Characters As Memes & Tumblr Posts #14
Ace Attorney Characters As Memes & Tumblr Posts #14
Ace Attorney Characters As Memes & Tumblr Posts #14
Ace Attorney Characters As Memes & Tumblr Posts #14
Ace Attorney Characters As Memes & Tumblr Posts #14
Ace Attorney Characters As Memes & Tumblr Posts #14
Ace Attorney Characters As Memes & Tumblr Posts #14

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5 months ago

Feel like it’s safe to assume Trucy, Apollo, and Klavier are further down the track. Kristoph moved them from the other road because he wanted to run them all over

Well Adjusted Guy, Fun At Parties

well adjusted guy, fun at parties

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2 years ago
A digital sheet of coloured cooldown sketches. It shows various drawings of Kristoph Gavin. The middle is a full body, and the rest are busts.

The middle sketch is a cartoonish full body. He's frowning in thought with his eyes shut and arms folded. Letters spelling 'Hmmmmmmm' drift beside his head.
To the right is a sketch of him looking slightly irritated as he adjusts his glasses.

Underneath is another based on his menacing smile sprite.

To the left of the full body is a side profile with a serious expression.

At the bottom left is a 3/4 angle sketch, where he glares over his left shoulder.

Finally, at the bottom right is a single drawing of Klavier, smiling sweetly as he looks to his right.
A scribbly digital sketch done in black lines, with rough colouring and a cool overlay. It shows 2 busts. Apollo Justice is in front, frowning nervously as he sweats and looks at something over his shoulder. Kristoph stands behind him, looking composed and almost bored, smiling subtly towards the viewer.
A redraw of the Domino Effect meme with a frowning Kristoph. The smallest domino reads 'Roasting someone's bald head', and the biggest reads 'A murder charge'.
A traditional sketch of Kristoph, done in mechanical pencil. It's based on an angry sprite, where he tilts his head and shows a barely-contained look of rage, a forehead vein popping.
Another traditional pencil sketch of Kristoph. It's based on the sprite where he shows a twitching, menacing smile, glasses concealing his eyes. Handwritten beside the drawing is the meme phrase 'Clearly you don't own an air fryer'.

Doodles of the worstie (I’ve just finished turnabout trump for the first time omg ♠️)

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8 months ago

Random Ace Attorney head canons I have

(spoilers for AA1-5, haven't played the other games yet.)

The Payne's and the Edgeworth's are distant relatives, the Payne's don't know this, but Miles does, Miles does not enjoy this fact at all

Franziska and Kristoph do speak English with a German accent but, it's not super thick as they both practiced speaking English from young age

Klavier also learnt English from a young age but likes to exaggerate his accent and, say the occasional German word, because he thinks it makes him more sexy

Larry has rich snobbish parents who were super strict and neglectful, he never got along with them (being the class clown partly to rebel against them, and partly for fun) and moved out after dropping out of highschool

The Blackquills are British (I mean this is kinda canon cuz Simon is British coded but still wanna mention it)

Maya loves metal music and, often played her CDs really loud in the office on a slow day, during the events of AA1-3 (Phoenix didn't enjoy this, but knew stopping Maya wasn't worth it, especially when Peal was also in the office dancing with Maya to the music)

Trucy also likes mental thanks to Maya sending her some CDs for her 14th birthday, Phoenix refused to talk to Maya for a few months after this happened

Trucy and Pearl tried to get Apollo and Athena into metal, they failed

Lana and Iris are friends, they met each other in prison

Miles and Athena both enjoy having conversations (often about the law) with each other, due to them both being multilingual and therefore, being able to switch between languages on a whim with each other while maintaining a conversation

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7 months ago

so I'm currently up to the first trial for case 2 in SOJ and, I'm sure this has been said many times but, I really dislike that Phoenix isn't there for Trucy's big show, especially since in case 6-1 he mentioned arriving at khura'in 2 weeks early! What reason does he have to do that!? If he left a week early than he wouldn't have to miss Trucy's big show! That's plenty of time for sightseeing before seeing Maya!

Aside from that though I am enjoying case 6-2 a lot, which is good because I personally hated case 6-1 (all good if you like it, it's just not for me) so I hope I keep on enjoying case 6-2 :-D I even teared up when Phoenix said he was proud of Apollo and meant it! Cuz in AJ he said something like "I believe in you" and when Apollo asked if he meant that he basically said "lol nope" :'-( so it's sweet to see him do the bare minimum and be a good boss/supervisor to Apollo

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7 months ago

phoenix wright ripping a locket with his daughter's picture in it off a dead man's neck and then openly wearing it on the stand at a trial where he's facing the death penalty for the murder of said man

Phoenix Wright Ripping A Locket With His Daughter's Picture In It Off A Dead Man's Neck And Then Openly

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7 months ago
 Iris And Friends

✿ Iris and friends ✿

A few days ago I decided to do a one panel comic based off a head canon of mine, that being that Iris has naturally red hair but, after her sister goes to jail, she felt the need to distance herself from her sister even more and, began to dye her hair black. I mostly came up with this hc because as someone with dark brown hair (that's sometimes mistaken for black :/) I know how much work it is to bleach and maintain a light hair colour and, given she "dated" Phoenix for 8 months, that's going to damage her hair real bad if she's naturally got black hair and, dyed it red regularly in that time frame. Only other option would be that she didn't dye her hair and it's naturally black but Phoenix isn't an idiot, he'd notice if his gf was swapping between red and black hair (at least I think so, he can be oblivious sure but, he can also be hyper perceptive at times so I think it's likely he'd question it eventually in the 8 months time frame), so I decided to hc her as a red head, plus she looks identical to her sister aside from the black hair colour so, them being identical twins makes sense to me.

Also don't worry, Phoenix doesn't hold anything against Iris for being a red head after this scene I drew. I like to think he comforts her after her apology so she knows she hasn't done anything wrong (because having the same colour hair as your twin isn't something you can control!). He's just surprised because she's so good at makeup (another hc of mine) that her brows looked naturally black and, he somehow didn't register that her hair was naturally red in college when he first met her again or something like that :P. I also hc that Phoenix visits Iris every few months, as while I personally don't ship feeniris, I definitely can see them being good friends after case 3-5 as they probably have quite a bit in common, given they both seemed to like each other in college.

Than I felt like drawing more Iris art but with Lana Skye because I hc them as friends! Which might seem strange, given these two do not interact in the game but, not only do they end up in prison around same time (only a few years apart), they also have had to deal with being pawns for other's and probably were able to relate in some ways to each other as a result. Plus I like to hc that Phoenix and Ema talk about their respective prison friend/sibling to each other and, are both glad to hear their friend/sibling has a best friend, neither realising that the best friend is the other prisoner involved in the conversation until both girls are released from jail. cuz I of course hc they get released from prison some time after SOJ (or before, or during, still haven't finished SOJ) and at same time because, the chief prosecutor figured out they were friends and, was able to convince the right people to change one of the girls release date to match the other girl's so they can enjoy the release day together!

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6 months ago

Just finished case 5 of SOJ (will be starting the DLC case soon though idk how long that'll take cuz I do be a slow gamer :P) and honestly I am surprised to say I like SOJ a lot more than DD!

More thoughts under cut

I'm surprised because the first case I HATED, it almost turned me off finishing the game! But than I loved the second case (would be S tier if Phoenix wasn't a shit Dad!). 3rd case I found to be overwhelming and too long but, really liked the ending and Maya is still a super cool character, she has grown but, in ways that make sense imo. 4th case I loved Simon's dialogue with Athena and Nayuta but found it to be super mid, I felt completely indifferent to the case itself and it's characters. 5th case was a LOT and felt like a two for one deal but, even though it was so loooooong it was very nice, I loved how it wrapped up the story, the fun Edgeworth and pearl fan service (I guess they both affect the plot but they both felt like they were only there for fans, I don't care cuz I'm fans and they're my faves!), and where it leaves Apollo off I quite enjoyed!

I also loved the new story characters, Rayfa and Nayuta are both so fun and, I was surprised by how much I also ended up liking Datz, Dhurke and especially Ga'ran! Not my favourite aa antagonist (that's Morgan Fey fun fact) but, she's definitely a fun villain and horrible person, she's basically a better Manfred (compared to his appearance in aa1, yet to play aai1-2 plz no spoilers for those) because unlike him she is the law! Until she wasn't because she can't sprit channel lol.

Plus new models! Phoenix and Trucy look so much better, shame that Apollo and Miles still look... weird :/

Though I do definitely have strong points of dislike. For one, the overall story is very "look guys our legal system is so good and perfect, because this fictional country has a ridiculously dystopian legal system that can only be saved if they do what we do!" and look, I expect all aa games to have a stance on law I disagree with (as I don't respect the law at all) but, it was frustrating enough to see Phoenix and Miles being like "our legal system was perfect... before the dark age of the law" in DD, when I don't feel like they'd think that? (Also how did the dark age of law not start with how Edgeworth v state ended when all it took for it to start was a lawyer forging evidence and a procecutor being accused of murder? Though this rant is unlrelated to SOJ... sorry) but they really lean into not just those two but EVERYONE thinking American (Japan in original version of course) has a perfect legal system and I really dislike that (especially since it kinda goes against AA4's message).

Also this game pacing was so weird, like case 1, way too long! Why did I have to talk to white Jesus for so long!? I know he's the killer! Case 2, perfect imo. case 3 too long again! Case 4, kinda short??? Case 5... long is an understatement -_-. Only reason I don't completely hate this is because it's better than DD as that game felt like it dragged on and oooooon (to be clear I don't hate DD! Though it is my least favourite of the aa games and found every case but the DLC case to be mid, DLC case I did enjoy quite a bit and glad I played it 3rd and not last like many recommend :D).

Also fuck insight, I'm sorry but I just hate it.

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