Sliceoflife - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago



howdy :) so, the characters you're about to read sort of sprung out of their own volition as I worked on a namjoon fic. I wanted to see how these scenes would do as standalones, as little slices of life, peeks into the daily ups and downs of the cast. scenes proceed in no particular order. sometimes chronological, sometimes as time-skips. I'm just going with the flow, wherever the tide takes me.

wc: 3.0k

tracklist: 'halley's comet' by billie eilish, 'pink skies' by lany, 'safety net by ari g

tense and POV: 3rd and present

ep. 2 | AO3


OPERATION CUPID Classified Excerpts

Jimin is lean, and comparatively small when standing next to Namjoon. His hands are chubby, and his fingers are stubby. None of this, however, subtracts from his agility and his swan-like elegance even as he glides across a fifty-year-old, small-town diner at rush hour.

It's the kind of awe-inspiring grace that belongs on stage, spotlit amidst tule skirts and disciplined ballet point shoes. The kind of grace that is chiseled to perfection through years of arduous practice and patience.

Norah, who is sat on a swivel bar chair behind the register, takes inventory of crinkled green bills. Between lining the bills with a few taps against the counter and reaching over to scribble on a tracking sheet, she steals glances his way.

She wonders just how many falls it had taken him to trust his quick and light footing not to betray him. How many bruises he'd acquired and endured to no longer fear pain.

Jimin never seems to catch on to her stray glances, or the twinkle in her gaze every time he comes into frame from behind the shoulder, or broad back, of a customer that shuffles in, or out, of the establishment.

He's used to having eyes affixed to him; feels comfortable in the spotlight, in crowds. Naturally charming and approachable, he makes friends left and right, and talks to them as if they are years-long acquaintances meeting over dinner. How's your family doing? My, that must have been so hard for you! Say what, here's a plate of Saturn rings, on the house. He'd wink and utter something, while holding a hand to their shoulder, about keeping it a secret from the boss, Namjoon.

Norah would wince. It's not like they are financially flexible enough to afford freebies.

As for Namjoon, he'd pretend to have not seen anything.

Jimin gently sets down a tall glass of strawberry milkshake, adorned with a dollop of white foam and a single, shimmering cherry on a table where a customer is hunched over a book.

He'd noticed, on his glide her way, that she'd been pensively entranced, entirely engrossed in the blotchy ink of the pages, brows pinched beneath the slight part between her curled bangs.

He didn't want to interrupt her careful consideration. It appeared of utmost importance, and if not that, than at least of utmost enjoyment. In the case of the latter, she had a peculiar way of displaying it (enjoyment).

At the drum of the glass's rim over the wooden table, the woman snaps her head to capture his studious gaze.

The pinch of her eyebrows dissolves, much like the foam atop her drink, and becomes replaced with an appreciative smile.

"Is it any good?" He glances, suggestively, at the book she'd hurriedly closed over her forefinger, which she'd been using as a make-shift bookmark.

Her cheeks and ears grow flushed, as if it were a shameful thing to enjoy reading.

Jimin wonders if it's the nature of the text that makes her so bashful, hiding her blush by flattening her bangs.

Regret hardens like cement over his feet, leaves him paralyzed to assess her response.

"Ah, this?" She drums her fingers over the hardcover, and it resonates wonderfully crisp. "Quite unexpectedly, yes."

Jimin's smile returns, as does his graceful fluidity. There's a single crooked tooth that peeks through when his smile reaches his eyes. It's just barely noticeable. It's Norah's favorite detail.

Unaware, the woman elaborates further: "You see, a friend of mine-" She halts as if holding a mental debate over whether that was the proper term for it. She shakes her head, dismissing the flurry of questions and doubts brought forth by a simple six-letter word. "It was his choice for the month. We have this thing where we trade books after each turn. We read each other's margin annotations, and sometimes try to identify doodles done in the likeness of classical art pieces. It's our way of getting to know each other."

"It's unexpected because," she explains in a sort of round-about way, "he knows, and knew while picking out this title, that I loathe Nietzche."

"Ah, that's lovely! It's a clever take on penpal-ship," Jimin quips.

"Oh!" She chokes a chuckle down, not meaning to sound so excited.

She hadn't been able to conceal her smile at the mention of the friend; Jimin had caught on to her wandering, dreamy gaze falling down at the book's cover amidst her recollection. "I hadn't thought of it like that, but now that you mention it, it is, isn't it?"

Perhaps only now made aware of her rambling by the holler of a nearby customer for Jimin's attention, does she let her voice diminish and takes up interest at the glass before her. Condensation dotting her fingertips.

"In short: Yes, it's good." She takes a decided sip of her drink, the foam smearing her upper lip only for a second before she licks it away. Her eyes expand and soon enough she's eager for another sip of the decadent drink. "As is this!"

Jimin's turning to tend to the customer who had been hollering and whistling for his attention. He halts mid-step, and swivels back to face her, doesn't leave her table until he prompts: "You should tell him you like it over coffee, chocolate, or even a milkshake sometime. Step out of the pages, the margins."

"No-" she stammers. "No, no." It's more a bid to persuade herself out of pointless delusional than it is an attempt at shutting him up.

"We've never talked about meeting," she adds. "I think it's a mutual desire to keep it anonymous. It's perfect like this, safe from external pressure to be anything more than two friends bonding over literature and internal jokes."

"Perfect's not real," Jimin responds. "Forgive me for being pushy, here, but if you like him, as you appear to, why only limit yourselves to footnotes in each other's lives?"

"That's a preposterous proposition!" She hides her blush this time behind the rim of the glass she brings up to her lips, and what little frothy cream is left. When she sets the mug down, a triumphant smile momentously strikes her face like lightning at the realization she'd weaved in her word-of-the-day so subtly, and with added alliteration.

She continues, reigning in the smile (Jimin wouldn't get that inside joke): "How can you like someone you haven't even met?"

"Haven't you, though? Met him, in a sense? I'd argue you're intimately aware of all the pages of his life, like that little book of yours." He taps the sturdy cover lying on the dinner table before bowing away, leaving her to ponder - not before slipping a circular coaster beneath her drink as it had already started to condense.

Namjoon would get on him about the wood, how old it is, how delicate, how financially inflexible they are.

For, possibly, the first time in her life, since she was an infant, she sits in silence. The concerto of intriguing words playing in her mind falls mute. All diction and syntax is replaced with a profound note of realization. A note she ushers to silence, lest anyone else hear. A note that's her secret - like a bookmark, or dollar bill, sticky note, or receipt shoved between pages and preserved over time.

After tending to the demanding customer with an unwavering smile, Jimin glides around the counter and rubs shoulders with Norah, who is still hunched over the register — has been for the past half-hour, impatiently stabbing her fingers over its blank screen.

Fucking Mercurcy retrograding; it always had to cause some sort of glitch. She always happened to find herself dead-center to its discovery.

The register had functioned fine for Namjoon just an hour ago. Now, it'll appear as if it was her doing. How much of a deduction would that be from her paycheck?

Oblivious to her inner turmoil, Jimin whispers over her shoulder: “It’s her.”

At Norah's lack of enthusiasm, he repeats himself, only now forcing her gaze onto his suggestive one.

Norah's face twists with bewilderment. "Who?"

Jimin casts his eyes at the star-dotted ceiling with an exasperated roll. Then, he slams his shoulder cloth down on the counter (more for dramatic effect than intimidation) and subtly nods in the direction of the bibliophilic woman.

Norah squints. Unamused, she blankly stares back at Jimin. Irritation is starting to settle on her face.

"Namjoon's penpal," he finally comes out with it, spells it out with each syllable as if it had been painfully obvious all of this time.

At that, her chocolate eyes light up, the way they do after her first espresso each morning.


Jimin crafts up this "amazing" (his words, not Norah's), and densely convoluted plan to stich the two up. He's convinced that just because they don't glide at his swift pace, they are helplessly in need of intervention, lest they waste their youth away pining and brooding aimlessly.

Norah holds her refutes deep in her chest, merely lends a curious ear to his inspired rambles. An assumption bubbles to the surface of her mind that this hyper-fixation with establishing a romantic interest for Namjoon was only a projection of Jimin's own scarcity in the love department. Even since he'd become a single father, he'd not had much time, space or privacy to afford a fling.

And even if a desperate fling did happen to materialize itself at his front door, he'd kindly decline; stringless hook-ups are no longer his thing. He's looking for something solid, something long-term. Thinks baby Byeol will benefit from a feminine role-model.

He's trying his best as a father, and in his defense, that's more than most absentee fathers out there, but he's fearful that as she grows, he'll be of less use to her. All he has to worry about now is feeding her, bathing her and providing a roof and clothes. Later, he'll have to procure answers to increasingly difficult questions.

Regardless of the intrinsic motive, Jimin's buzzing, talking a mile-a-minute as he walks circles around the diner.

Norah furrows her brows as she hoists a chair onto its corresponding table.

Jimin likes playing Cupid a little too much. He forgets that those red-tipped arrows are sharper than they seem in folklore. Perhaps Cupid wasn't born blind, rather his own carelessness with those arrows blinded him before he learned fates weren't something to toy with when bored and idle.

Jimin's first warning arrives in the form of Norah's apprehension. "I don't know, Chim," she whines.

His eyes round with quiet concern, and he cranes his weight onto the edge of a table. Crosses his arms over his chest, a stained rag dangling between his hold.

"Why? Why not? Don't you think Nam deserves some excitement? All he ever does is overwork himself and play the same miserable song over and over. " He shoots a deathly glare at the vintage juke box at the edge of the bar at the mere recollection.

"He's young. Has a build most girls would gawk over." He's listing the attributes on his stubby fingers. "Smart, kind, generous- I mean, do you think any other boss would put up with my BS on a daily? The man's an angel."

In the dim light of the overhanding star lights, Jimin's eyes glisten, and he averts his gaze, fearful his composure will crumble.

"He deserves happiness, Nor. if this all goes up in flames, he deserves a speck of happiness to carry him through it, guide him to a new horizon. This can't be his everything, because as soon as it falls, so will he."

"You're saying he needs a safety net."

"Yes, exactly! A safety net." He recites the term, weighing its shape on his lips, surprised at how properly it fits.

Norah weakly hoists the last of the chairs. "I thought that was us. You know? Us three, to the end?"

"Nor..." he frowns, launches his weight off the table he'd been reclining himself against, and saunters his way through the maze of stacked chairs to Norah. "We will always be there for one another, but you and I both know there are things he carries in secret. Things he keeps from us, for our sake. Maybe she'll crack through his shell, and make it less..." He looks for the word somewhere over and past her head, and physically palpates the air for its shape. " know...less heavy." He's not please with the selection, but it's the only word that comes to mind in that instance, and bears resemblance to the abstract idea of his mind.

"Maybe he'll allow her, unlike us."

"I get it. I hear you. I just don't know how to feel about this. What if it blows up and he hates us for it?"

Jimin takes up the role of devil's advocate, an un-orthodoxically hopeful one: "What if it works out wonderfully well?"

"Fine," her agreement falls flat, but he makes up for her lack of enthusiasm by doing a little fist hoist in the air.

She grabs his wrist and forces his gaze back onto hers. "This is Nam we are talking about. We need a good plan and an even better execution. Absolutely no room for fuckups."


"Hey, Jimin?"

"Hmm?" His gaze flies up at the sound of such formality, and the absence of the familiar 'Chim.' His furrowed brows frame a set of eyes rounded with concern. They scan her countenance, attempting to pick up on subtle, unspoken moods that could explain that sudden change.

"Whatever happens -if this place goes belly-up..." Norah does a motion with her forefinger, its silver band reflecting in the waning amber of evening. "We'll still be..." her gaze dances, unsteady between his steady and attentive one, but she proves incapable of holding it.

Circling the bands around her now clammy fingers, she orders her thoughts, lines her words over the plateau of her tongue. Like perfectly placed and aligned dominoes, she intends to let them charge forth with unbridled momentum.

But instead, they clank awkwardly and with no set rhythm as she stammers between what should be said, and what should be censored, eternalized to secrecy.

"It'll be us three, forever, right? Nothing will change?" Of course things would change, drastically. Namjoon alone would have to uproot his life to comply with the terms of agreement he'd established with his parents in allowing him to take-up the risk of running the diner. That alone would suggest him moving away. Communication between the three would fall, their bond crafted over years would loosen and come undone like an improperly fastened knot, or one that just wore away, sun-bleached and tattered.

He wants to procure a worthy response, to at least undo the tears starting to form on her lash-line, but he can't bring himself to lie to her. Nothing was certain. Not ever, and certainly not now.

He would be lying if he denies having scouted for jobs online once he puts Byeol down to bed each night.

It's less about holding different jobs than it is about the distance between those routines. The fall-out wouldn't be palpable during the first few months as they would make every attempt to overcome the discrepancy, to meet and chat, with everything being freshly new. Once they were to give into monotony and convenience, though, those meetings would shorten into oblivion.

Perhaps this is why Jimin is so adamant about helping Namjoon conquer love; it's his way of leaving an impression that will outlive his presence in Namjoon's life.

Instead of voicing his reasonable suspicions, he coos, much in the likeness of the tone he uses to calm Byeol. "Hey, hey... It's okay. It'll be okay."

He encroaches with outstretched arms, ready to collect her before she shatters into a million pieces right before him. His small, delicate hands hold her head and stroke her hair.

Norah renders her guard useless, and sheds it with a few tears that stray from her shut eyes. She nuzzles the bridge of her pierced button bose against the side of his neck.

No longer looking into her eyes, he musters a pretty, white lie, sweet like cane sugar, to coax the bitterness of medicine, of reality, of life: "Until the stars burn out."

She wants to call him out on the lack of accuracy in that statement; processes it's fallacy, but stops herself from speaking. Instead, she relishes the embrace as if it were the first and the last.

She allows herself to enjoy the imagery of the sentiment and locks her hands behind his back, just in case the stars do burn out in that instant. In case they drift off into the void together, to face that dark unknown together.

Norah's unspokenly ambitious, hazardly competitive. Rather than boasting about how she's the very best, she'll take up any and every opportunity to one-up her opponent in the most obscure trivia, a match of chess, tennis (you name it).

Her ambition is merely a deep, infiltrating greed that courses through her like an infestation. She's conditioned herself to fear coveting something. Taught herself that to want is to lose; and that vulnerability is dangerous.

She's recited a million times over in her head declinations of her blossoming feelings for Jimin. Every bud that blooms in daylight, she snips in moonlight.

She wants it all. She wants him. She wants forever. She doesn't merely want to buy an extension for the inevitable. She doesn't want to convince herself out of the want. Not with this want.

Something deep inside her is gnawing with want - not the lustful desire kind, rather, the I've been alone for so long that I am touch-starved, and wholly lonesome and tired and I just want a place to rest.

She wishes on every lash of her eyes that Jimin could one day be that for her, and likewise, her for him.

A safe place.

But she also wishes incessantly for the diner's success and Namjoon's happiness, yet the bills continue to pile. With winter unfolding, the crowds are thinning, the diner grows quiet and stale.

Wishing has never proven to suffice. It never has been the magical remedy. Stars are just pretty orbs of light in the sky, not wish granters.

𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ this teeny series is lowkey a love letter to jimin for being such a loving, warm person. a literal angel x

𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ also, probs unconsciously influenced by peyton x jake oth dynamic (we were robbed!)

𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ the ode to jimin continues >> ep. 2

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6 years ago
Really Super Lazy Edit.CC By @remussims @peacemaker-ic @luumia @trillyke And MorePoses By @rinvalee
Really Super Lazy Edit.CC By @remussims @peacemaker-ic @luumia @trillyke And MorePoses By @rinvalee

Really super lazy edit. CC by @remussims @peacemaker-ic @luumia @trillyke and more Poses by @rinvalee

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6 years ago

Blue and Yellow, Sapphire and Amber Week 1- Bloom

Fandom: InuYasha

Pairing: Kagome, Sesshomaru

Universe: Modern AU

Summary: Sesshomaru and Kagome fights to try to get each others attention. A series of drabbles based on the Weekly Dokuga Official Snippet.

“Do you guys believe in fate?” Asked Kagome who looked to see her friends puzzled expressions.

“Fate?” They all chirped back.

“What brought this on?” Asked Sango with an arched brow.

“Eh, nevermind.” Kagome replied back as her eyes shifted somewhere passed Ayame’s shoulder. The group of girls followed her stare across the schoolyard. Kagura instantly snapped her head back with a hint of amusement in her eye.

“You- fated with Sesshomaru? Ha!” Kagura barked. “No offense Kagome, but you’re not even done blooming as a woman yet. Sesshomaru wouldn’t give two glances your way.” She chuckled, relaxing back on their blanket as to show off her ampled assets pushing through her crisp button down.

“Whatever Kagura.” Kagome muttered angrily into her lunch. Kagome didn’t care, her time was coming! She was just a bit of a late bloomer, as all.

Meanwhile across the school grounds, two brothers bickered.

“I’m gonna tell her.”

“I will break your jaw.”

“Keh! Why ya’ bein’ such a scardy cat? Just tell Kagome you like her!” InuYasha angrily spat.

“I will not openly confess on mere impulse.” Sesshomaru turned his nose up at the notion.

“Whatever Lord Asshole. She’s prolly not into you anyway.”

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6 years ago

Blue and Yellow, Sapphire and Amber Week 2- Capture

Fandom: InuYasha

Pairing: Kagome, Sesshomaru

Universe: Modern AU

Summary: Sesshomaru and Kagome fights to try to get each others attention. A series of drabbles based on the Weekly Dokuga Official Snippet.

He will try to capture her attention any means without seeming too obvious. However, his attempts were becoming futile as he noticed she would brush them off without a second thought. He tried talking, but they argued instead. He started leaving gifts and love notes, but she couldn’t guess that it was from him. He even began to leave expensive chocolates in her shoe locker, hoping she could figure he was the only one wealthy enough to leave it.

Everyday without fail, Sesshomaru would watch from a distance as she opened his gift. She would glance at it, marvel at it even. But then one day while walking home with his brother InuYasha, he smelled the familiar scent of chocolate and glanced over in growing anger.

“Where did you get that from?” He asked through gritted teeth.

“Kagome gave it to me, she said some weirdo keeps leaving these and love letters in her shoe locker.” Said InuYasha in between mouthfuls. He watched his brother’s expression darken and it quickly clicked.

“Oh...I’m really sorry.”

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6 years ago

Blue and Yellow, Sapphire and Amber Week 1- Bloom

Fandom: InuYasha

Pairing: Kagome, Sesshomaru

Universe: Modern AU

Summary: Sesshomaru and Kagome fights to try to get each others attention. A series of drabbles based on the Weekly Dokuga Official Snippet.

“Do you guys believe in fate?” Asked Kagome who looked to see her friends puzzled expressions.

“Fate?” They all chirped back.

“What brought this on?” Asked Sango with an arched brow.

“Eh, nevermind.” Kagome replied back as her eyes shifted somewhere passed Ayame’s shoulder. The group of girls followed her stare across the schoolyard. Kagura instantly snapped her head back with a hint of amusement in her eye.

“You- fated with Sesshomaru? Ha!” Kagura barked. “No offense Kagome, but you’re not even done blooming as a woman yet. Sesshomaru wouldn’t give two glances your way.” She chuckled, relaxing back on their blanket as to show off her ampled assets pushing through her crisp button down.

“Whatever Kagura.” Kagome muttered angrily into her lunch. Kagome didn’t care, her time was coming! She was just a bit of a late bloomer, as all.

Meanwhile across the school grounds, two brothers bickered.

“I’m gonna tell her.”

“I will break your jaw.”

“Keh! Why ya’ bein’ such a scardy cat? Just tell Kagome you like her!” InuYasha angrily spat.

“I will not openly confess on mere impulse.” Sesshomaru turned his nose up at the notion.

“Whatever Lord Asshole. She’s prolly not into you anyway.”

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6 years ago

Blue and Yellow, Sapphire and Amber Week 2- Capture

Fandom: InuYasha

Pairing: Kagome, Sesshomaru

Universe: Modern AU

Summary: Sesshomaru and Kagome fights to try to get each others attention. A series of drabbles based on the Weekly Dokuga Official Snippet.

He will try to capture her attention any means without seeming too obvious. However, his attempts were becoming futile as he noticed she would brush them off without a second thought. He tried talking, but they argued instead. He started leaving gifts and love notes, but she couldn’t guess that it was from him. He even began to leave expensive chocolates in her shoe locker, hoping she could figure he was the only one wealthy enough to leave it.

Everyday without fail, Sesshomaru would watch from a distance as she opened his gift. She would glance at it, marvel at it even. But then one day while walking home with his brother InuYasha, he smelled the familiar scent of chocolate and glanced over in growing anger.

“Where did you get that from?” He asked through gritted teeth.

“Kagome gave it to me, she said some weirdo keeps leaving these and love letters in her shoe locker.” Said InuYasha in between mouthfuls. He watched his brother’s expression darken and it quickly clicked.

“Oh...I’m really sorry.”

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5 years ago

Sweet Naiveté

Genre:slice of life au|romantic comedy|drama|smut

  Pairing:jimin x reader, taehyung x reader, jungkook x reader

  Rating:NSFW 19+

  Word Count:

  SYNOPSIS:Being gay is gay and being straight is straight, at least that is what Mia used to think. What happens when three handsome strangers help her to love who she is inside and out by showing her a love she's never known? What also will happen when the line between gay and straight is blurred? 

  WARNING: There will be cursing, alcohol drinking, violence, talk of partial virginity (you'll see what I mean), and sex in most parts. Maybe some threesomes, a possible foursome, and lots of kinks. Let's see how many nasty things you can spot ;) Backspace your bum off this tumblr if you are too young to even watch porn, I'm not being held liable for bullshit.

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4 years ago
Sandman || KNJ FF - (on Wattpad) Https://

Sandman || KNJ FF - 𝙰 𝙳𝚊𝚣𝚎 (on Wattpad) "Sandman, I'm so alone. Don't have nobody to call my own. Please turn on your magic beam. Mr. Sandman bring me a dream." 🏆Acomplished🏆 #4 of 110 #NamjoonFanfiction 2/5/21

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4 years ago
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4 years ago
Sandman || KNJ FF - (on Wattpad) Https://

Sandman || KNJ FF - 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝙸 (on Wattpad) "Sandman, I'm so alone. Don't have nobody to call my own. Please turn on your magic beam. Mr. Sandman bring me a dream." 🏆Acomplished🏆 #4 of 110 #NamjoonFanfiction 2/5/21

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4 years ago
Bewitched || JJK - P (on Wattpad) Https://

Bewitched || JJK - Pʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ (on Wattpad) In 1692 they began the witch trials. Which caused two souls to be ripped apart. But fate has brought them back. ***BTS ages are changed

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