Smallcomic - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

Snowy Oblivion Part 2
Hey all you Smallies. It's time for a new Small Comic! :O
Click here for Part 1

No Eternal Tortoise this week. Here, have a new Small Comic instead. :)

Hey. Let's Sleep. Sleepy Sammy does it again. This time, in color! :O
If you wanna chat wit me, I be on Twitter all the time now @EternalTortoise . SHeeeeeeiiiiiitttt.

guys this is a true fully autobiographical account of my life. It was then I realized my mortality. I knew that tiny peter would not live forever. He would turn into medium peter, then big peter and then 1 day, no peter at all. In fact, the tiny peter inside has never truly come to terms with this fact. (sniff sniff) - Pedro
p.s. Was a bit late late with this 1. me sorry. I re-post colored version later. - Chris

Government Shutdown Day 3 (or 4?) -
I'm generally pretty fond of the government. I think they are quite nice and they want to just huggie us in the end. But dis shutdown going toooo far. Let's give that government a piece of our MIND! Let's send them 300,000 pictures of kitty cats in the mail. Then we tell them if they don't cut dis crap out, we're going to send them 400,000 pictures of kitty cats. damn straight

The Tumblr revolution starts now! Drop your guns and grab your kitties! We r heading to nyc (!
LIsten, it is not the fault of this lady that the economy smells bad. But are kitties really the answers to all of the countries problems? You'll find out in the third installment titled "Government Shutdown: The Kitties Strike Back". check back next week.

This story is based on the true story of my grandfather, J. Forest. He used to be boxing all the time, and his favorite boxing move was the "one-two punch", specifically reserved for "suckers." Hence, he says, "Give ya the 'ol one-two punch, suckers!"
That grandpa was punching people all the time in that ring, but one time he got hit in those family jewels by some mean boy outside of that ring. So he said, "Hey, I box you, bro." On the day of the match, that grandpa hit dat man So hard that he ain't never hit that grandpa again!
But grandpa knew boxin' wasn't no fun and games. His daddy took him on the street and said, hey, look at these boxers. And he showed him a sad old boxer who heard bells in his ears and just didn't know wat was going on!
From that day forward, grandpa never gave no more one-two punches.

The Last of The Loogie Googies
Yeah guys this is based on a true story. A long time ago I visited Bronx Zoo and they had one Loogie Googie left. Can you believe that? One. And I saw it, before it said farewell to us all. It is so sad just to think about it. :( :(
But, as shown in the comic, it is true. Loogie Googies can indeed understand human speech, like parrots. So I said to the Loogie Googie, "Hey man. Don't worry. It's not always gonna be this way." Then he gave me this face and he was like, "I know. Because Loogie Googies are almost extinct. I'm gonna die. Do you understand? Do you?"
At that point I cried a little tear. I couldn't take it any longer. Do you guys know what I did next?
Yes, its true. I set the Loogie Googie free. Who knows, maybe that Loogie Googie is still roaming the world, enjoying his last days. We'll probably never know, eh? But that's life.

You know what they say; goes in one ear and out the other...quite LITERALLY my friends. Ohh hoohoho. That is too funny!
But seriously, folks, watch out for these ear bears. That's what they're called. Ear Bears. They don't care one bit about the privacy of those ears you love so much. Not oneeee bit. But alas, I must log off tumby for a big 'ol party. See you LATEERrRrRRR
Every Friday we be spinning out some old Smallie Comics from the Vault! We keep these babies in the basement till they're ready to see the light of day once more. Now give that comic a kissy. A big one.
SC#40: Life is Strife
Marriage is a beautiful thing. Don’t take that shit for granted, or else you’ll turn out like this guy. What’s he gonna do now? He ain’t got no friends. He has no one left but himself. But little does he know, he’s the coolest guy ever! Why didn’t anyone tell him? How come no informed him that he is so very cool! It’s a shame. No, its worse than a shame. It’s a tragedy. And there’s nothing we can do. :’(

The Tragic Submarine
I fixed the wording a bit. :O
in other small news. we’ve updated the site design to be webcomic friendly. we’re gonna put up a new banner and links soon.

SmallComic: “The End of Small”
This comic is based on a true story.
Yes, that’s it Smallies. Cristobal Colon, the artist of the duo, is incapacitated, and Peter Wyatt, the writer, is not that good at drawing. The only solution left is to stop making cute comics :’( :’( :’(
We had a good run, pals. We give all of your tumblerers big hugs…
But look, the truth is, this isn’t the last you’ve heard from Cristobal and Peter. We’re launching a new animation website about a Meme that’s caught in a dream soon.
Get ready for that.
In the mean time Cristobal has an instagram and Peter has a website. Message us if ya’ll wanna get added to our monthly newsletter in case you miss our huggies.
We may change the name of dis here blog and start posting meme dreams. Or maybe some Christmas Cards in the coming weeks. So keep a look out.
“See you, space smallies…”

Reminds me of the days gone by when I had a webcomic.. #jackbox #playstation #onlinegaming #comics #smallcomic #friday #fridayvibes #fridayfeeling #lol #faketshirt #tshirtdesign #tshirt #webcomic #jackboxgames #jackboxtv #ps4 #teeshirt #teeshirts #teeshirtdesign #tmnt #santyclaus #demon #comic

Zombie Trump protesters on the loose.