Sokka X Zuko - Tumblr Posts

Sokka doing Zuko’s hair :)
I love it when Sokka and Zuko are BOTH idiots but in different ways. I need Stupid Genius Sokka and Oblivious Stoic Zuko.
Like Sokka is the type to to be convinced that you can totally find a way to talk loud enough that people from different nations can hear you and then invent the telephone two years later
Zuko is the type to be Not Bothered™ by the recent assassination attempt because he thought they were just being nice and he thinks attacking people is like normal social interaction (growing up with Azula will do that to a person)
Together? They know both nothing and everything at the same time

Katara - *to Zuko* Are you trash?
Zuko - Ye-
Katara - Because I want you to stick around until I convince my brother to take you out
Sokka - *Hiding around the corner* There's no way this is gonna wor-
Zuko - Sure
Sokka - What
Katara - Here's his number
That feeling when you think you’re gonna get laid but your bromance comes in asking about your dead mom:

resubmitting The World, So Close fanart bc tumblr ate it lmao. i was able to fix a small mistake because of it though! I love the smitten sokka scenes and i have no idea how long zukos hair is but heres my take.
At this point submitting anonymously is a Brand™ but tumblr is really unfriendly to the submit option lol. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again! Anyway, lov u and lov ur fics have a wonderful day.

this has been a work in progress for like three weeks but i finally finished it!!! some cute zukka shit
k so i finally watched A:TLA properly on Netflix instead of just watching random episodes whenever I saw it on nickelodeon and wow i really used to fight with my friend over zutara and kataang (i was a hardcore zutara shipper) while zukka was right there
Here is a picture of @mellow-maromi 's fic "Lonely boy, did you come to call on me?" turned into a (homemade) book :D
I'll update with the finished book!

(sorry it's a bit blurry)