South Park X Reader - Tumblr Posts

kyle brofl.
short oneshot
note; it was kyle. HAHAhehe I've missed himm

"Is this where go run off to?"
"to get away from you 4 idiots? Yes." Kyle joins you on the roof after carefully climbing the shaky ladder. The ginger scoffs, his lips curling. You feel him inch closer from behind and soon find a spot next to you, you look over your shoulder exhaling smoke from a cigarette you lit up seconds ago.
he meets your gaze but is quickly distracted by the cancer stick, "since when did you smoke?" Kyle raises his brow. You look at the bud then bring it to your dry lips for another inhale.
"I don't, I just wanted an excuse to steal something from my mother." You respond, blandly as you decide to ditch the bitter taste of the stick with a scrunched face. You rub it into the hard surface you are sitting upon and flick it off the roof with your fingers.
the both of you watch the cigarette fall to its death and land on the ground, lifelessly. Kyle stays silent, not questioning your rebellion against your mother
at this point, it was natural for him.
as you continue to peer down at the dead cigarette, his attention is brought to the sky. The once vibrant shade of blue was now a deep orange-cream hue, it was like staring at a breathtaking art piece crafted by only a professional. Kyle gazes into oblivion for a moment then steals a quick glance over at you.
you were now messing with the laces of your dirty shoes, you wrapped the lace around your index finger and then unraveled the lace slowly. Your full attention was solely on messing with the laces of your shoes, you were too in your mind.. too distracted to realize he was staring.
kyle himself hadn't realized the quick 'glance' was now a full-on stare. He couldn't help it though, he loved admiring you. Was it normal for best friends to want to stare at their friend forever? Or was he weird?
he never understood mentally, but that look of profound admiration evident in his verdant eyes when he gazes upon you spoke volumes. It was clear to his friends.. but what about you?
something compelled you to direct your attention toward the presence beside you after being distracted, you weren't sure why but you decided to look anyway. And to your surprise, you were met with the mesmerized ginger already looking at you with a weird look.
It wasn't a WEIRD look but a weird look.
it didn't help you two were already sitting so close too, if you wanted to kiss him you could. One lean and...
you expect him to look away out of embarrassment but he locks eyes with you instead. Unable to escape your captivating eyes, while you, after a slight hesitation, are trapped inside the emerald depths of his gaze.
a feeling was resurfacing back to you, it felt awfully familiar. The lightness of your weight, the nonsense flooding your mind, and the squeamish feeling in your tummy that felt like butterflies were attacking your insides.
the more you looked at him the more you were digging your grave, the more you eyed his lips the more the voices grew, and the more you leaned closer to finally feel his breath fan your lips... the harder it got to contain the secret.
"Kyle I'm moving! I'm– I'm moving out of South Park." You shout out of panic and quickly pull away from him. Kyle leans away as well but slowly as the gears in his mind try to process the almost kiss and your dreadful confession. His brows furrow in disbelief once it finally hits him, you watch him with a guilty expression. It was over.
"what the fuck"
Hey South Park lovers! (Request)
I thought about to write fanfics (one shots) from South Park characters and I wanted to ask you guys if you want me to do this? I am a big South Park Fan! Even when I don’t really know about old character like pip or Damien I will try my best! (You can give some character infos to if you want a bit change)
Can you probs do a stan x kyle x sick gn reader whose so fukkin stubborn it drives kyle crazy so he eventually calls stan to take care of them? 😭 if not its ok ill take pete or damien 😻
(This might be bad so please forgive me cuz I really never wrote an oneshot before)
Today I wanted to go out with my friends Kyle, Kenny, Stan and Cartman... but there was a problem... I'm sick and I promised to go to Starks Pond. I'm just laying in bed and I'm bored until...
"I'm going there! Even if I'm sick!" I stood up and immediately felt dizzy, I ignored it and packed my things and went out to Stark Ponds where I saw my friends
Kyle and Kenny waved to me, Stan and Cartman weren't there yet.
"hi y/n" kyle said and smiled at me.
“hi kyle and hi kenny” I said
"Stan and Cartman are coming, fatass really wanted to get KFC," Kenny mumbled.
I laughed a little and immediately felt dizzy again, which Kyle noticed.
"uhmm y/n? could it be that you're sick?"
"huh? what?" I asked him.
"are you sick?" he asked me again.
"No, I never get sick, Kyle" I answered him and coughed.
Kenny and Kyle just gave me worried looks..
“Dude, you should go home and rest,” said Kenny.
"No, I'm not going, I came here to have fun with you guys!"
“y/n it gets worse when you’re like this out here in the cold!” Kyle said.
"I stay here!"
Kyle sighed
"Good, you wanted it that way... Kenny tell Stan and Cartman that me and Y/N can't come with you guys"
Kyle said to Kenny and grabbed my arm.
"NO! let go!"
I tried to free myself from him but his grip was too strong. He didn't say anything and dragged me to my house
he took me to my room.
“lie down y/n” he said.
"I don't want to!" I said stubbornly.
Kyle just looked annoyed at my stubbornness.
“listen y/n if you don’t rest you can’t get better!” he said and threw me (gently) onto the bed.
"Wait a minute" he said and went out of the room..... when he came back after a few minutes he had a spoon full of medicine. "What is that?" I asked Kyle.
"Medicine, and don't argue back!"
"I dont want it "
He just sighed angrily and took out his phone
Kyle tapped his phone and called Stan.
"hey dude, where are you?" Kyle asked.
"I'm at Starks Pond with Kenny and Cartman right now... I heard you two aren't coming. What's wrong?" he asked with concern in his voice.
I sighed.. well Stan... Y/n is sick and refuses to do anything... she/he doesn't want to rest or take her medicine...
“Should I come to you?” Stan asked.
“that’s why I called you... I’m sure you’ll convince y/n.
After half an hour the doorbell rang.
"who is this?" I asked Kyle.
"It's just Stan don't worry."
"Hi guys" Stan said and looked at me worried
"Thank god Stan, she drives me crazy" Kyle said..
"HEY!" I pouted, offended. Stan had to giggle.
“You two are like an old married couple,” Stan joked.
Me and Kyle looked at him like he was an alien or something and blushed a little
"whatever" stan got serious.
“take your medicine y/n”
"How many more times do I want to-"
“y/n!” Stan said sternly...
Come on, why are you all so stupid today?
"Fine..." I sighed... "but it doesn't taste good."
Kyle rolled his eyes "the taste didn't kill anyone"
"You two are so mean!"
“y/n you said you were taking the medicine” stan sighed.
"I've decided, I don't want to-.." I was interrupted by Kyle kissing me (on the cheek (I can change it if you want)) "Shut up and just take it!" he said, blushing. "o-okay" I blushed. Stan just grinned at us. "You two are cute when you blush" he said and kissed us both on the cheek.. "SHUT UP STAN!" we both screamed.
and yes... in the end I took my medication and went to sleep. But I'm not alone because Stan and Kyle watched me all night so nothing happened to me
(I think it’s okay? Sorry if it’s bad, like I said it is my first oneshot and I am also not good about feelings)

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Kyle b. x Latina! y/n
SUMMARY: kyle was good at every subject, algebra to physics; but there was one class he cannot seem to be good at, no matter how much he stayed after school or missed lunch to study. Spanish was just really hard for him. You on the other hand we’re fluent, born and raised. So Spanish was very easy for you.
warnings: smut! teasing, public sex, handjobs, praising!, degradation! (if you squint perhaps, idk lemme know), dirty talking! sub! kyle? dom! y/n?
(not proof read,, my bad)
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“dude you are really failing Spanish?” Stan questioned, “yeah dude, i don’t know what is wrong with me, I’m good at everything!” Kyle said frustrated. Kyle was worried about his grade in Spanish and it didn’t help that midterm report cards are coming in the mail tomorrow. “Dude what am I going to do!, I cannot fail Spanish and it shows on transcript” Stan and the rest of the boys were thinking. Until butters popped out of nowhere saying, “you can ask y/n! She has an A in Spanish and she’s Latina” he said wiggling his eyebrows.
Y/n… Kyle thought, he did notice you in his 8th Spanish period. He always thought you were cute and funny as well. He blushed on the thought on asking you for tutoring… usually he is the tutor. “Yeah dude, ask y/n she can really help you” Stan agreed. “I don’t know dude, do you think she would want to?” “Are you a fucking idiot? kyel I’m even smarter then that” cartman finally joined the conversation after eating his big ass BLT with just the B. Kyle couldn’t even talk back because he was right, just ask her for help. ‘I need at least a B+ in this upcoming test, fine I’ll ask her later today”
Kyle all day was wondering how would he approach you, ‘ hey can you tutor me?’ no no.. ‘uh hey ! is it cool if you can tutor me?’ nope ‘yo! tutor me’ god no!
8th period rolled around and he entered Ms. Vazquez class, he searched the room for your bright presence. He saw you in the back talking to Wendy, laughing and being pretty. He started walking back to you, “uh hey.. y/n can I ask you something?” “uhh.. yeah sure what’s up Kyle?” He was nervous, why was he nervous around you? “I wanted to ask you if you can tutor me on Spanish? It’s just I’m failing and you’re the only one I know who’s good at spanish and at teaching. So if you wouldn’t mind, I could pay you if you want-” “kyle!” He looked at you shocked “it’s okay! I’ll tutor you. Don’t worry about paying me” you said all sweet
“o-okay! um do you want to meet in the library?” “Yeah sure, If you get there before me pick the table in the back by the window!” “alright-” “atención niños, ya sonó el timbre por favor busquen sus asientos!” Ms. Vazquez exclaimed and class has already started
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kyle hurried to the library, ready to learn. He brought his notes, highlighters and laptop, he was determined to get an A on this test for Spanish. He sat in the table you clearly instructed him to sit at earlier today. He waited there patiently for your arrival. kids were leaving the building and buses were starting to leave. He heard the door open and there you were with your pink backpack holding your keys and your metal water bottle together making them clank around the quiet library. “ahh! There you are, this was exactly the table I was talking about, such a good listener!” She said. The way y/n said it made Kyle shiver a bit.
“okay Kyle let’s start on the last worksheet señorita Vazquez gave us” “oh yeah worksheet 3.5, I have that one!” “Great let’s start on that one to see how much help you need… okay so you basically need to fill in the blanks on the correct Spanish term, the first one is El supermercado esta or estas muy lejos?” “uhh estas?” “no kyle eso no fue correcto, that was not correct” you said now getting visibly closer. “Cmon kyle I know you know this” you said seductively. Your hand now reached his thigh, softly massaging it closer to his crotch. His breath hitched, he started to breath rapidly. Twitching in your touch.
“uhh I- I- I think it’s.. esta?” He stuttered, “si! muy bien!, such a good boy Kyle” you whispered the last part “did you know good boys get rewarded?” You were now softly clutching his dick, feeling it get harder in his tight pants. Kyle started to whimper in your touch. “Next one Kyle, el jarrón está or estaba lleno de agua?” kyle was trying so hard to concentrate on the question, you started to unzip his pants and put your hand on top of his clothed dick, feeling it get big and twitch in your hands. Giving the clothed tip a slight squeeze. “Cmon mi vida, what’s the answer?” You teased him. “Uhh it’s esta” he kept losing focus but if he answered correctly you’d give his cock the attention he desperately wanted. “You’re such a smart boy” you kept rubbing on his now sensitive dick, you finally took him out of his suffocating boxers. Making his hard cock spring up, all red and precum leaking from the cherry red tip. “Now be a good boy for me Kyle and don’t make any noise, because we do not want to get caught.. do we?” You teased, kyle was shaking over how overstimulated he was being, all he did was nod because if he opened his mouth, loud moans and whimpers would escape. “ah uh I need you to use your words querida” using Spanish pet names were really getting him all riled up, all he could muster up was “y-yes” “okay! next question” he looked at you confused and frustrated, “what? I’m here to tutor you Kyle” you smiled innocently leaning over the table on your elbow and now started to stroke Kyle’s big dick
“en el cielo se puede/puedo ver júpiter desde aquí?” you started to increase the stroking speed a bit, he couldn’t focus all he could focus on was the pleasure he was receiving, “kyle what’s the answer?” you started to slow down again, he noticed the slowed friction, “it’s uh puedo” “no that’s incorrect” you took your hand off his dick. “no! please- more- please” he begged in such a slutty matter, your pussy started to throb and soak over his sweet whimpers you caused him,rubbing your legs together trying to ease the the throb in your panties. “you didn’t get it correct, so I’m not going to touch you until you get this next one correct” kyle whimpered, trying to focus on the questions “this one is now different, en que año se independizo finalmente mexico?, I hope you know dates” he knew this one, it was so easy. “1821!” You started stroking him again, “good! Such a smart boy, how would my smart boy like to get rewarded?” You stroked him painfully slow “y-yes please- please touch me” he embarrassingly said. you loved the way you powered over him and complied for his request “ok mi niño, I’ll touch you, only because you’ve been so good for me” You started to stroke his hard cock, rubbing the tip to get him even more harder then what he already is.
Kyle started grilling the table trying so hard not to make any noise, “you like that huh? All tense over my soft hand on your beautiful cock” “what I would do to have your dick in my pretty ,small mouth” you seductively said in his ear. He let one moan escape over the way you’re talking to him. “f-fuck y/n please-” I want you to ask me in Spanish” his brain is all mush “por favor y/n dame mas” “que lindo te vez asi, hecho bolas en mis manos” you pumped him faster, squeezing his tight balls. you felt his dick twitch, you knew he was about to cum. “Y/n I’m about to cum-" “yeah? I want you to cum, fill my hands with your babies” that did it for him, he bite his lip so hard trying not to make any noise, tasting the copper from all the bitting he has been doing. He leaned his head back; feeling the sweat beads and his curly hair stick to his forehead, softly swearing profanities under his breath. “I’m cumming!” He softly spoke, kyle let his load off on your pretty manicured hands. “Fuck baby, had all that cum in there for me huh?” Kyle was too fucked out, head fell on the table trying to catch his breath. He started feeling light-headed, you licked off majority of his cum off your hands, wiping the rest with a make-up remover you had in your backpack.
“I think you will pass the Spanish test, pretty good at it. Don’t know why you’re failing” you teased while collecting your things. You got up and bent behind Kyle. “Next time let’s study in my room, we can do more than handjobs.” You butterfly kissed his neck, kyle leaning to give you access. You giggled and stood straight. “I’ll see you later Kyle”
You left Kyle still strung out on his orgasm he just had in the public library. You walked to the other isle and saw Bebe and Wendy with wide eyes. “that’s how you do it, see you later cabronas” you laughed off to go jerk off to kyles moans you had forever engraved in your brain.
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band au! Stan marsh x y/n
summary: you were part of Stan’s band, crimson dawn as one of the lead singers, you and Stan had an established relationship but ended things badly due to lack of communication (on his part) everything he did or you did annoyed each other, but how can you guys continue playing together if you guys hate each other
warnings: swearing, arguing, marijuana usage, alcohol consumption, implied sex, angsty, jealous Stan!, maybe smut (probably)
2.6K words
not proof read (my bad)
(idk how many words this got so.. my bad pt 2)
you were currently on Wendy’s bed groaning and whining. you were so fed up and annoyed you could literally punch the next person that breathes next to you.
“Cmon y/n, it can’t be that bad anymore!” Wendy said. Wendy has been trying to cheer you up for over an hour making you forget about what happened at the crimson dawn meeting.
“no Wendy you don’t understand, Stan tries to always take control on everything the band does, we literally can’t fucking breathe anymore, all he does is nag and nag and nag, I can’t fucking stand him” you got up in anger clutching your hair in distress trying not to pull your hair apart, you might be getting grey hairs over this whole thing
“you’re only saying that because you guys broke up on bad terms and you still have to play alongside him y/n”
you and Stan dated for almost over a year before calling it quits. You truly did love that boy but he never tried to put any effort in the relationship anymore after the fourth month of dating. It’s like he lost complete feelings. That wasn’t the case though, he just had a hard time trying to distinguish if your feelings were as true as his but because of all the trying to decipher he lost complete focus on your relationship, resulting in never ending arguments and constant degradation
you loved him so much it hurt you physically after the break up, it took you a while to get yourself together.. for the band. Crimson dawn was getting recognition around South Park county and neighboring counties as well. You guys were getting paid for each gig. You had to continue even if it meant you had to play alongside your ex boyfriend, who you secretly still are in love with but won’t admit to anyone.
You didn’t notice but Wendy brought a box of tissues to you, you hadn’t realized but you were crying. You didn’t know how it happened. But you willing accepted the tissue, wiping your eyes and covering the pure white tissues with black eyeliner and black mascara
“I know it’s not easy, but the band is something you love, don’t let Stan ruin it for you this much.”
She was right, you loved the band, jimmy, butters and Kenny made being in the band fun and bearable
“yeah I guess you’re right-” as soon as you finished your sentence you got a phone call, you looked at the caller ID and it was Stan. You waited a few seconds before answering. “what’s up?” You spoke
“uh hey we just got a gig at some guys party, so come meet at my house in 20 minutes, don’t be late” he replied
“yeah sure whatever, I’ll be on my way” you hanged up in annoyance
“We just got a gig, Wendy by any chance did I leave any extra clothes here?”
You turned around in hopes she did have something you can wear. “Do you mean this?” She held your favorite outfit you forgot about months ago, when you slept over. it was your favorite dress, the flowy ,lacy black dress that made you feel and look so good on your body. God bless, you were already wearing your doc martens. All you had to do was add some finishing touches to your hair and face.
“how do I look?” You asked in worry
“fucking hot, honestly, like I literally could bang right now”
“oh my god! Wendy!!” You laughed at the explicit comment she made
you arrived at Stan’s house in a hurry hoping no one will noticed you were slightly late, you were dreading this but you just couldn’t wait to perform beside Stan
“You’re late y/n” Stan spat
“yeah by a fucking minute, what’s the big deal” you nonchalantly responded, finding your seat next to Kenny.
“the big deal is I told you to not be fucking late and that’s the first thing you do, gosh can’t you understand simply directions?”
“here we go again” Kenny said in humor while taking a sip of his beer
you angrily got up to his face, “You know what jack-ass fuck you, who gives a shit, it was just one fucking minute, why are you bitching about 60 seconds?”
“no fuck you-”
Butters went in between you and Stan who were standing so close to each another
“okay guys! we’re all here Stan cmon tell us what we’re doing” butters shakily said
he took one long second to stare down at you, clearly still pissed off
“okay fine.. I was going to say, that we got a call from one of Clyde’s cousins who’s having a party up in Jefferson county. Just 25 minutes from here. So let’s get ready to head up there”
you all agreed and started gathering your equipment and putting it in the van (that said tegridy farms). It was quiet but not an uncomfortable quiet. You were trying to put all the equipment in the van , fixing the boxes, and the instruments, when stan came up to you.
"y/n... look im sorry i yelled at you..... but seriously dont be late"
" stan i wasnt even that late... i dont know why you are making a big deal out of this... but i accept your apology" "lets just go.. okay?"
"yeah... okay"
As you went inside the van, you sat in between kenny and butters, while stan drove and jimmy sat in the passenger seat. As you were heading towards Jefferson, kenny lit up a joint, taking one huge puff. exhaling and coughing, kenny passing it to you. You received it by taking it in between you thumb and index finger. taking a big puff, you exhaled and then quickly inhaled it all back. Kenny laughed, "oh wow, didn't know you knew how to do that" you giggled and give him a small slap on his shoulder. "please kenny, you were the one who taught me"
The van started to fog up and the herby, skunk smell started to flow around the van, almost disgusting you in a way, creating a bit of a headache due to the "skunk" smell. As you were laughing it up with kenny and butters you had a feeling you were being stared down. You were, Stan was looking at you guys through the rear-view mirror, clenching his jaw and hands, created white marks on his knuckles as he gripped the steering wheel.
Once you guys arrived at clyde's cousins place, you could see all the people outside on the porch laughing, drinking, and smoking. Speaker music faintly coming out through the doors and windows. Colorful lights spinning all around, like a rave almost.
"alright guys, we're here.. we are going to do our best and make everyone know our name... couple ground rules before we go inside... Kenny dont try hooking up with anyone, please we seriously dont have time for that.. actually that goes for everyone. thats it lets go"
"please dude, i'm not gonna have sex... i didn't bring any condoms, plus cartman thought it would be funny how hard he can kick me in my fucking nuts. wasn't fucking funny"
You chuckled giving him a reassuring pat on his back and walked inside with him cursing out cartman and how hes a fat fuck who gets no bitches whatsoever.
You walked in and saw how everyone was dancing and singing and having a great time. you then saw a couple that kind of reminded you of you and stan, they looked so in love and so happy to be in each other's arms. you missed stan and you missed being with him, you didnt realize you were staring until jimmy kicked you with his crutch. "cmon on y-y-y/n" you snapped out of it and proceeded to help the rest of the guys set up. making final adjustments and being ready to perform.
"alright guys, you guys ready?"
"alright.. 1 .. 2 .. 3.."
the jimmy started to bang his drumsticks, and then kenny started with his bass.
you were their lead singer, as you were ready to begin singing you tried to get into the mindset, you know what song was first and it was a song you composed for stan. nobody really knows what the real reason was for the song, you just lied to them saying its based on a scene from a movie you saw.
you took one last deep breath, looking to your left you saw stan, smiling at you and nodding to you, signifying you'll do great. stan knew whenever you were scared or nervous... and knew what to do to calm you down.
you started singing, keeping in the rhythm by tapping your foot, you started to gain confidence as the chorus began to start. you took the microphone off the stand
send you my love on a wire
lift you up everytime
everyone, ooh
pulls away, ooh
from you
you were dancing and whipping your hair to the beat, staining the microphone with your red lipstick, moving your body to the beat and feeling the confidence rise up, when you saw everyone in a big pile, you did the unthinkable, you dived into them, crowd surfing the decent sized group of people, you were laughing and thanked the people who brought you back onto stage.
stan couldn't believe you just did that, he knew you were extroverted but didnt know it to this extent. he fell in love with you all over again. it almost pained him that you were no longer his, because of him, because of how stupid he was with words, how he lost the most important person in his life, the person that made life bearable. he wish he would fix it, could fix your guy's relationship.
the song was ending and you made sure to dance to the every end. as you guys were wrapping up, you had a 30 minute intermission before the last song. You got out to find yourself a drink, heading into the kitchen, it was a really big kitchen, marble countertops and porcelain walls. you found yourself the jungle juice they had, a bit strong for your liking so you only pour yourself a little bit. stan saw you and as he was about to go over and hopefully have a genuine conversation, some prep looking guy came up to you instead. he stood there observing, almost like a creep, but he means well
"hey! im clyde's cousin derek!' he semi shouted
"oh hey!, great party you have here"
"thank you, hey you were really great up there, you have such a great voice, and your performance skills is amazing, that crowd surf has everyone talking about it!"
you were a bit embarrassed that you actually did that. "yeahh sorry about that, i dont know what got into me. i dont usually do that, i just sing and dance really" you chuckled shamelessly
"nah nah you're good!" he looked at you with lustful eyes, he was getting close to you... like really close. you didnt really want to but he were craving the lips of somebody's. Stan was watching this all unravel and he started clenching his jaws. He immediately swooped in and grabbed you by your arm.
"hey whats your problem?!" he ignored your shouts, until he took you in a coat closet. he was intensely looking at you. unfortunatley he was a couple inches taller then you so you had to look up at him. there was this energy that made the temperature in the closet hotter.
"'y-yeah stan"
"im sorry..."
"for what?"
"im sorry for being a horrible boyfriend, i should've never shut you out, nor ignore you when you needed me the most. im so so sorry y/n.. and- and i cant stand you being with other guys, i cnat stand the fact they get to kiss you instead of me- i want to be the only guy holding you, kissing you, caressing you, everything, i want you to me mine... and only mine.. no one else's."
you were in a sort of shock, you didn't know what to say. the thing that you could say was, "stan i-"
you kissed him so passionately, he reacted a second late until he started to kiss you back.
he said. you oblied to what he said and jumped. you wrapped you legs around his torso gripping him tight into your embrace, he started to kiss you down to your neck, making you lean your head back into the wall, moaning at the sensatiuon he gave once he found your sweet spot
"oh god, how i missed those noises that come out that pretty mouth of yours"
this made you even more wet then you were before. in a swift motion he took off your dress to reveal your through lace bra, your harden nipples poking out. He pinched them through the fabric, making you moan out in pleasure. You were loud since there was music playing, so no one could hear you scream in pleasure.
you were left in your underwear and bra, stan removed your underwear and started to rub circles in between your lips, using your wetness to lube up his fingers to slowly glide them in. making quenching noises as he pumped in and out of you at very slow pace. His thick fingers making it hurt to fully consume him. He moaned to the feeling of your warm spongy walls trying so hard to take him fully, and this was just his fingers.
"fuck stan, please go faster please.. please" you were begging for more, this drives stan crazy but he wanted to take his time with you, he wanted to make you feel good, make you only scream his name.
"yeah? you want me to go faster? cmon.. y/n enjoy this moment with me"
he started to pump even faster, catching you off guard. you gripped on his shoulders, trying to calm your breathing.
"yeah like that, yes!"
"i just remembered you were gonna kiss that douche out there"
he stopped his movements, and quickly pulled out his fingers
"fuck stan!" you exclaimed
he unbuckled his pants and pulled both his pants and boxers down, revealing his long, red, needy, tip. You smiled at his leaky tip, shakily rubbing all the precum all over his sensitive tip.
he moaned and bit his lip, "you like that?"
you kissed him one last time, "fuck stan, please- please just-just shove it in me"
he wasted no time, and roughly pounded in you. you held a tight grip around his waist and shoulders. he held onto your waist, watching himself disappear into you wet cunt. you had moved your head to the side moaning and winning at the pleasure you were enduring.
you were so close and so was he. he grunting became whinning and whimpers. you held onto his face looking at his beautiful eyes
he breifly looked down and back up you
"y/n im gonna-im gonna cum"
"me-me too"
"i love you"
he pounded one last time into you and let his seed fill you up to the brim. your cum and his began to drip down to the floor, he stood there a moment. both of you trying to regain energy and steading your breath.
you got off of him and leaned back onto the wall. Trying to process everything that went down.
“I love you too”
you both smiled, and cleaned yourselves up. Until both of you heard a loud knock.
“Cmon you fucking weirdos, we have to do our last song!” Kenny shouted from the other side.. "also stan your a hypocrite, you said no hoo-"
"yeah yeah i know what i said"
you both laughed and continued cleaning the closet of any unwanted substance
“y/n I do really love you”
“I know stan… I love you too”

W E L C . . . ── ★ ˙ ノ
┆𝑀ore in dept intro ,, My name is Minnie , I write sfw and nsfw , tolkiens gf trust guys , Im Asian and Hispanic , mainly sp ( sorry </3 ) ( older / time skip / aged up ) , please send reqs guys I swear I'll write them , I love writing , baking , cooking , drawing and music !! , I go by SHE / HER , I love my moots , pls befriend me / send reqs I'm supa cool I swear !!
Hello !! I will be writing 4 lots of fandoms but it will mostly be sp , lookism , other webtoons , shows , the 100 , kpop , and others <3 ,, my reqs r always open or at least most of the times , I lit write 4 anything but I wont be writing for r2pe , s@ , de@d d0v3 related stuff in gen .
My socials : @ wowowpx on quotev , wattpad , x / twt ,, @ igxvlk on IG go check me out I'm active and nice !!
: Id love to be mutuals w anybdy , if ur gonna reqs for any sp character or underaged character I will age them up , I am a beginner writer so pls be patient 4 me !!

@ bimbo + cheerleader gf x jock bf trope
ship : Stanley marsh x fem ! reader
warning ?? : cussing , nicknames used - doll , babe , darling , making out , talks about female cleavage , talks about female and male genitals , etc
a/n | first post ty 2 @marshslovedone 4 the motivation <3
Plot : Reader cheers for stan which ends up in heated make out session after winning
"STAN" ── You screamed to your boyfriend running up to him after he won the semi - finals you had just finished cheer leading with your squad and wanted to give your boyfriend a present for winning you jumped onto his back in which he grabs you just in the nick of time before you fell "babe, careful! You almost fell. Are you proud of me ??" ── he asks putting you down and hugging you tightly "yes !!" you exclaim happily "can we celebrate later?" he ask giving you needy eyes as he looks down at you since your slightly showing cleavage in your tight cheerleader outfit one size too small you wore on this special occasion "we should be heading home them shouldn't we baby?" you coo out to stan. He looks into your eyes and pull you into his car "eager arent we?" you ask him while his eyes are on the street
nsfw warning !!
he grunts in reply when you get home he throws you onto the bed swiftly taking off his undergarments and yours holding your hands with one had and your hips in there other he makes a trail of kisses starting from your lips , to your neck , stomach and inner thighs he lets go of your hips and starts rubbing your sensitive area as you whimper you try rubbing your thigh to get some friction when he suddenly stops and rises his hand to your boobs and starts rubbing and messaging your boobs as you moan in pleasure "you like that don't you you like it when I touch you like this right babydoll?" as he pushes two finger inside of you as he starts of slow "F-Faser stan" you whine as soon as he lets go of your hands you wrap your arms around his neck and slightly tug his hair you reach your high we he hits your sweet part he curls his fingers to make sure he gets every inch of you you pant lightly after finishing him "baby please let me come too" he slightly whimpers as you sit in his lap "you deserve a prize dont you pretty boy?" as you lower yourself on him your walls clench around his hard erection "oh shit you feel so good darling" you slowly start ridding him as if theirs no tomorrow clinging onto him hardly he grunts before cumming into you.
nsfw over !!
he picks you up lightly and runs a bath for you guys to relax as the cardio y'all just went through "I love you" he whispers lightly as he cleans you up "I love you too" you whisper back as you rest and rest.
brbrbrbrbrbrbrb rim done chat first imagine so yeah </3
I didn’t know when would be the right time to share this but I have a google drive with all the South Park episodes, specials, and even the movie on it. While I’ve been sharing it whenever I can on discord, I thought it might be a good idea to share it on Tumblr so more people have access to it ❤️
Enjoy your binge watching and make sure to reblog this so that more people in the fandom can reach it!
(Pls forgive the amount of tags I put on this post 💔)

゚ ⋆ ゚𖦹 ゚ ⋆ ゚ caution; this may include sexual themes, swearing, and unsettling and or disturbing themes. stay safe out there, and i hope you request something or make a mental note to request something if my requests are closed!
requests are; open / CLOSED what’s to come; | click | masterlist; | click |

i only take writing requests for south park, but i do write for attack on titan!
i’ve decided to do drawing requests no matter what, so you can always request me to draw something, i really need to get out of this art block haha! any NSFW art will be posted on my twitter. i draw for south park, nbc hannibal, dungeon meshi, attack on titan, fairly odd parents, regretavator and pressure.
twitter; | click |

i do fluff, smut, angst, gore, polyamory, any gender, family bonding, and ocs! i do write/draw for yanderes, but there’s an eventual line i will not cross.
i do not do anything sexual with non aged up characters, sexual harassment tropes and certain kinks that make me uncomfortable.

all the characters are aged up in my writing and NSFW art to over 21 or older
if you don’t specify things in your requests i have to say “fuck it we ball!” so i’m sorry if it’s not what you want haha.
if you request something i won’t do i’ll reply to it with a comma and you can go request it to someone else or someone will naturally pick it up.
i don’t write character x character but i’m totally fine with drawing a ship you like!!
for now, i'm writing for every character, but that might change depending on how long i think about a character
i only do head canons for mutuals! sorry!

be prepared,,,

゚ ⋆ ゚𖦹 ゚ ⋆ ゚ caution; this may include sexual themes, swearing, and unsettling and or disturbing themes. stay safe out there, and i hope you’re ready for what’s to come!
request slots; 0 / 5 open!
masterlist; | click | requesting rules; | click |

"How the time flies when you're stuck in the walls of the Park County Police Station."
Toolshed x Gender Neutral Reader
Being a part of The Chaos League has its ups and downs, mostly pretty big ups after you were allowed to go on missions. But after being stuck inside the walls of the Park County Police Station for a couple days, someone makes an unexpected visit.
"How cliché."
Stanley "Stan" Marsh x Reader
When a weird rumor starts spreading throughout the halls of Denver University, it's no surprise Stan Marsh was at the center of it, but you? How could you possibly be involved in the, yet another, turbulent gossip surrounding the one and only Stan?
"Third Wheeling."
Stanley "Stan" Marsh x Male Reader x Craig Tucker
How could you say no to the offer of living in an apartment with your two best friends who just so happen to be dating each other? It was a smart decision for everyone, being close to Denver University and not having to room with strangers? Yes, please! At least, until things start to get awkward for you.
"Thanks, they're absolutely beautiful, but, I have a boyfriend."
Jimmy Valmer x Female Reader
He's cute and all, but he's weird as hell. Yet, it's a nice feeling to know you're wanted, but the way he's going about it? Yeah, it's not the way a normal person would try to get the girl. If anything, this borders on harassment and obsession.
"This isn't just a necklace, it's a promise."
Kenneth "Kenny" McCormick x Reader
He's such a sweet boy, he really is. He's just a bit... affectionate, to say the least. And when he shows up at your house unannounced it gets a little bizarre, especially when he comes bearing a rather odd gift. It is odd only for the circumstances from which the gift comes from.
can I get uh…
Stan x Fem!Reader x Craig SFW & NSFW poly relationship headcanons pls 🙏 ?
take ur time & hope ur doing well :3
Ztanley Marzh x F!Reader x Craig Tucker
ZFW & NZFW Dating Headcanonz!
DIZCLAIMER: headcanonz are hard for me to write, zo i will only write headcanonz for my mutualz. alzo, ztan might juzt be the hardezt character for me to write, zo i zend my deepezt apologiez to moon if it'z not up to her ztandardz alzo i think i lied when i zaid there waz gonna be more nzfw headcanonz than zfw- i went a little overboard teehee. i'm zozozozo zorry if it zeemz ruzhed!!!
WARNINGZ: pet namez, mentionz of zex, zub&dom mentionz, mentionz of threezomez, waizt grabbing, implied p in v & p in a, ztaig mentionz

; How did you three get together?
; You most likely forgot all about each other, luckily enough, Bebe wanted to have a little get-together with all her friends from high school (my dumbazz couldn't think of anything elze-)
; After maybe a year or so of catching up, becoming friends, and then developing crushes on each other, confessions are made
; I feel like Craig would fall first, and confess first
; Craig was definitely on the more open-minded side of being in a poly relationship, Stan, still being open-minded, but a little reluctant
; Being reluctant only because of what others might think, he's a little paranoid
; But, you need not worry, after weighing the pros and cons of dating both you and Craig, he agreed to the proposal
; The relationship is... rocky—at first
; They both have some issues to work out, everyone does
; But everything's better when you work it out in a group
; As long as you're patient with them, the relationship will turn out just fine
; After a couple months, and everyone figures out how the relationship works, it definitely goes from rocky to chaotic
; In a good way!
; Stan is more on the affectionate side, wanting to shower you and Craig with love
; His love language is physical touch and quality time
; Craig's being words of affirmation and acts of service
; Craig is the one who plans out all the dates, Stan only occasionally plans the more physical dates—hiking, biking, skating, skiing/snowboarding, etc.
; One of y'alls favorite dates is a picnic under the stars
; Definitely being Craig's favorite because he can geek out; it's the entire reason why he planned it to begin with
; Stan is the type to buy y'all matching items, whether that's bracelets, shirts, pins, body jewelry, necklaces, or just anything really
; You three go stargazing together pretty regularly
; You better like animals, cause Stan LOVES them, and Craig refuses to live without Stripes NO. 7
; I feel like Stan would be trying to be a veterinarian in college, and Craig aiming to be an astronaut (and no, you can't change my mind on thiz)
; Craig loves to use pet names, but only basic ones—babe, hunny, sweetheart, etc.
; Stan rarely uses pet names—hun, sweetie, babe, and, angel

御負け ,,, OMAKE
; Craig is probably more active in the afternoon, while Stan is definitely a night owl
; They have greasy ass hair (i will die on thiz hill)
; They both use 5-in-one shampoo
; Craig seems like a smartass but is a dumbass, Stan's a dumbass through thick and thin
; Craig and Stan fight over who'll pay the bill during a dinner date, and you end up paying for it when they're not paying attention

; The first time between the three of you was... awkward to say the least
; But, it's okay, you three got the hang of it after a bit
; Their favorite position is probably DP Cowgirl
; Maybe because it was the easiest to do—the easiest once you figured out where to put your knees at
; You and Stan, chest to chest, while Craig leans over you, hand gripping onto your waist
; Stan likes to look at your face when y'all fuck, it just gets him going to watch your face contort in pleasure
; And Craig?
; Craig just likes ass, man
; They're so competitive, they turn everything they can into a competition
; They'll literally fight over you man
; Stan looks like he whimpers and whines (zorry chat, ztan iz not a heavy dom in my mind)
; Craig is on the quiet side in bed, only letting out groans and grunts every now and then
; In my eyes, Stan is a switch leaning towards sub, and Craig is also a switch, buuuttttt
; Craig prefers to dom and will in most situations
; Craig is the type to degrade you, and so is Stan
; But Stan also likes to be degraded, yet he also likes to be praised
; I feel like Stan would like to be called Stanley when he's in the mood to be more submissive
; Stan looks like the type to crack a couple jokes when being intimate, he's still a bit serious though
; Craig is serious, there is no joking around
; He honestly gets pissed off when Stan starts joking in the middle of sex
; Which works out in your favor, but they don't need to know that
; Remember how I said they wear competitive?
; Yeah, they definitely compete to see who can get you to cum first
; Either that or who can get you to cum the most
; Craig likes to give you and Stan hickeys
; But Craig likes it when he gets hickeys too, it proves that y'all love each other
; Stan LOVES when either you or Craig bite or kiss his neck
; Craig doesn't have a high sex drive, I just don't see it
; Stan?
; I wouldn't say he would be as high as Kenny, but MAN
; It's fucking up there
; Craig is the one who usually does all the aftercare stuff
; Stan is too fucked out to do anything
; Craig will usually draw a bath for you and Stan, or start up a shower for y'all
; Then he'll carry you to bed, making sure to tuck y'all in all once and cozy
; Craig still likes to use pet names—slut, babydoll, sweetie, and love
; Stan's—my sweet angel, slut, whore, and baby

御負け ,,, OMAKE
; If you're not in the mood, but Stan and Craig are, they go to fuck each other on the couch
; And Craig will always dom if that's the case
SFW One-zhot!
DIZCLAIMER: zo, i wrote thiz zo long ago for my first ever tumblr account, but then my friendz found that account and i got embarrazzed and deleted the two thingz i wrote for that account. ion think i have the second one on a google doc (it was a kyle and ztan (zeparate) x reader with a zweet tooth (I'll pozt it if i find it)). i just don't want thiz sitting on a google doc that i'm never gonna uze again. zo if you feel like you've read thiz before, i bet you have. p.z., i'm not revizing it zo when i come back i can zee how far i've come with my writing
WARNINGZ: menzionz of alcohol, fighting wordz, no real zolution, angzt with no comfort, the uze of the word 'cunt', implied abusive mom

Anonymous asked:
could you write a toxic Kyle x fem reader 🤔? I've never seen anyone do it I mean he's not all so innocent himself, he's a bit of an ass lmao
I also just came up with this on the spot 😓 !!

I sigh at the rain as it hits my delicate skin harshly. I ran through the streets of South Park trying to cover myself with my school bag, however, it wasn't doing me any good. I was still drenched. My clothes clung to my body as I rushed to my most beloved boyfriend's house, Kyle Broflovski. Of course, I just had been naïve enough to take my mom up on her offer, which was to take me to and pick me up from school, take me to work, pick me back up, and then drive us home. How stupid of me. To even conceive she'll be sober enough to even pick up the fucking phone.
Oh well. It's her loss anyway.
It only takes roughly five minutes of running to make it from Tweek Bros. Coffeehouse to Kyles’ house. His house was rather modest, it looks like any other ordinary house on the block, besides the color. I bolt up the three steps leading up to his front door, almost tripping over the second step with how fast I am moving. When I hop on the third step, I start rapidly banging on the door, my breath staggering out of my mouth.
I watch the door creak open before fully opening, the person on the other side being Kyle, his eyes trailing over my body. His face distorts into one of confusion, “[Name]? Why are you not home?” I lean on the doorframe, my heart pounding from the mad dash.
“Ough ough, I’ll tell you, can I come in first?” I hack through labored breaths, a loud crack coming out from the skyline. He nods and moves aside, making enough room for me to walk through the door. Kyle quietly shuts the door as I stumble into his house. I gave him a small peck on his cheek before he gripped my hand and dragged me through his living room. Ike, Kyle’s younger brother, was sitting on the couch watching McNeil Lehrer Report, which comes on every night at ten. I give him a small wave and he deftly puts his hand in the air dismissively and turns back to the monotone man on the TV.
We quickly make it up to his room, my goosebumps finally catching up with me. The familiar—yet not so welcomed—feeling forming all over. Kyle ushers me into his room, basically shoving me in there.
“Jeez,” I mutter, walking over to his closet and turning to him. I gingerly set my bag on the closet door, hoping nothing got wet on the inside. “Can I borrow some of your clothes?” I ask, going to take a hoodie or two even if he said no.
“Yeah, but why aren’t you home?” Kyle said, a look of disgust coming across his face.
I let out a breathy chuckle, “Yeah,” I cleared my throat, “Long story short. My mom wasn’t picking up the phone, so I just ran over here.” I slide open his closet doors, pick out a black hoodie and gray sweatpants, and throw them on his bed. “God, she’s such a cunt, and not in a good way,” I groan, turning back to face Kyle.
“Well, that’s your fault, isn’t it? Don’t blame your mom for your poor planning.”
“Oh,” I laugh, “I’ve accidentally left a bra here, right?” I ask, just trying to get away from his questions.
“Yeah, it’s in my desk drawer.”
I watch him stride over and pull it out of the top drawer before throwing it on the bed with his clothes. “But seriously,” I yawn, “I’m so fucking pissed she couldn’t even stay sober for one night.”
“Oh, you’ll be fine. You’re just too sensitive, you’ll get over it.”
I tilt my head to the side, my lips slightly parting. I mean, he’s said that before but why does it hurt so fucking bad? “I’m too sensitive…?” I repeated back to him, not knowing what to do. My jaw opens slightly and my eyebrows scrunch together. The pain I feel in my heart went from a dull throb to an unbearable, gnarly stab, coming to me in multiple waves. His words hurt, and I have no idea why.
“Mhm, yeah, you just, I don’t know, overreact to all the small things. Not to mention how forgetful you are.” Kyle lists off. He shrugs as he flops down on his bed. “So, really, you’re just being hypocritical, criticizing your mom like that when you’re just like her.”
My lips turn to a scowl at his words, “I’m not an incompetent, waste of space, alcoholic, believe it or not.” I say, my tone just being perturbed and angry. He sits up and peers into my eyes, his face covered with an “okay, and?” look to it.
This only made me scoff, “I don't even know what to say to you.” I feel tears sting my eyes, the droplets threatening to fall. “You know what, I’m just going to change and then text someone to come take me home. I can’t deal with this right now.” I shake my head, the clothes clinging to my body being uncomfortably tight.
“What?” He laughed, standing back up from the bed. “What the hell did I do?” Kyle asked, throwing his hands in the air.
“If I try to tell you while you’re in whatever mood this is, I’m going to be irrational. So I’ll talk to you in the morning.” I walk over and snatch the clothes off his bed and then to my school bag lying on his closet door.
I hear him scoff, “Yeah, go ahead, run away from your responsibilities like you always do!”
“No Kyle,” I snap, wiping my body toward him, “You know what I’m doing? I’m being responsible and trying to salvage this relationship!” I feel the warm tears streak down my face, but they don’t deter me. “We don’t reason in the heat of the moment. I mean, I can tell you’re irritated right now, that’s why you said that dumb shit.” I cry out, loud, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear.
I let out an agitated sigh and place my hands on my hips, putting my weight on my right leg. I see his face contort into one of anguish and compunction, while mine, as far as I know, was filled with ire. I turn my back to him and snatch my bag, walking to the door before I pause at the voice behind me.
“I’m sorry…”

゚ ⋆ ゚𖦹 ゚ ⋆ ゚ caution; this may include sexual themes, swearing, and unsettling and or disturbing themes. stay safe out there, and i hope you find what you’re looking for!
check these out if you wanna request something! request rules; | click | things that are coming; | click |

stan x fem reader x craig | dating head canons
stan x fem reader x craig | dating head canons
irrationally rational | toxic kyle x fem reader

maayyyhapppssss christophe x gn reader :head exploding emoji
Ok! I’ve never written before but I’ll try! This is my first!
* he’d always talk in French. But only like mi chere or stuff
* you guys are a sun and moon type couple.
* spoils you rotten
* he has a collection of swords
* if anyone touches you or hurts you, OFF WITH THEIR HEAD
* he’d probably love buying you flowers :3
* he’s so sweet but mean to everyone else.
* if you two are stuck in danger he has a escape plan for everything.
* survival freak.
* he worries about you deeply.
* he teaches you French sometimes.
* loves matching in green
* at the end of the day he loves you!
Hope you enjoyed!

*she does ur makeup
*helps you with shoes
*buys you clothes
*is kinda used to Clyde buying her clothes but learns how to share
*loves doing ur hair
*so skibidi
*every time someone makes a homophobic comment (cough cough cartman) she pepper spray them
*she has a closet where she separates her shoes from yours
*designer clothes
* rip Bebe she would make you listen to Ayesha erotica
Hope you liek honk shoo

*angel! Kenny! Who flys you around!
*angel Kenny! Who’s known as your boyfriend!
*angel Kenny! Who helps you with your problems
*angel! Kenny! When you’re hot under the sun, he puts his wing over you so you have shade.
*angel Kenny! Who flys you to destinations when you need to go somewhere
*angel kenny! Who loves you take you on dates!
*angel Kenny! Who loves and protects you from all doom!
*angel Kenny! Who can die and respawn as an angel! When you think about it he should be dead already but…🤷♀️
*angel Kenny! Who’s your guardian angel :3
selective kindness

notes: written as a request from here! it wasn't specified if you wanted the hcs to be romantic or platonic, so i went with a more platonic scenario :)
contains: kenny mccormick x gender neutral reader, craig tucker x gender neutral reader, kyle broflowski x gender neutral reader
characters: kenny, craig, kyle
warnings: n/a

. ☁️ .
Most kids found you intimidating, others thought you were straight up weird. Your aggressive nature and snappy comments wasn't out of the ordinary for this school, but that didn't do much to ease the tension the followed wherever you went. It came as more than a shock to find out that you seemed to drop the attitude around...
꒰ kenny. ꒱
kenny doesn't care if you're mean to him or not. he deals with his friends every day, so anything that came out of your mouth couldn't possibly be worse than what he heard at the bus stop every day.
he appreciated you chilling out around him, though! anything that makes his day a little easier is a win in his mind
he feels a little badass when he walks around with you at school. watching you snap on people who come close to you is literally so entertaining to him 💀
he instigates your temper tantrums sometimes
꒰ craig. ꒱
craig was fully ready to drop the most vile insults at you when he was randomly paired with you for a project
that middle finger was locked and ready
but the insults don't come. in fact, you act sweeter when he's in your presence
he tries to test how far your patience will last with him. he does not believe that you if all people should be able to last long without snapping on someone
after a while, you start to grow on him, and he starts to enjoy his time around you! he just wishes you could find a quieter way to express your anger, so that you didn't land yourself in detention so much
“ i'm telling you, just flip 'em off. it says a lot more than yelling. ”
꒰ kyle. ꒱
kyle doesn't know how to feel. on one hand, he would rather not have someone else being an asshole to him at school. on the other hand, this feels like a front
why are you so nice?? did you want something from him??
being around cartman so much makes him very suspicious of your intentions
that doesn't mean he doesn't take advantage of it. in his mind, he would rather make you snap on cartman's ass now than have you snap on himself later
he is very suprised when you actually stick around him. he doesn't mind it though! he really loves having a scary guard dog friend