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Dean Smith
PE and health teacher
“Coach Smith”
“Pure-blooded” American
Cousin of Sam
Actually cares about his student's health
Like if you were struggling with running your laps, he would run beside you to help encourage you
Although he doesn't like “rabbit food” like his cousin, he still tries to change the cantine’s food to have less grease
Only guy ever who can teach sex-ed and not make it awkward
Even for the Asexuals in the room
No one knows how he does it
If you’re on your period and try to get out with running he will not put up with that
“Exercise actually helps with the cramps Karen”
You will play dodge ball, there’s no escaping it
You will get a huge bruise from playing dodge ball, it’s brutal
But he does have a couple teacher vs student matches throughout the year
He also has a fondness for baseball, no one knows why
If you tell Gabe that he actually likes curling he will kill you
Is every student’s second favourite teacher (after Gabe)
Actually, no one calls him Coach Smith, everyone just calls him Dean (yes even the students)
Sam Roberts
English teacher
“Mr. S... what’s PEE?”
Dean’s cousin
He’s a huge coffee addict, if he doesn’t get his double-double in the morning there will be hell to pay
When you have to do analysis of a text he does not care what you write as long as you have evidence
“You can tell me that Mrs. Mallard has a deep-rooted fear of ducks as long as you give me evidence”
He HATES Romeo and Juliet With a burning passion
“I will not have my students romanticizing the stupidity of two teenagers who think they know what love is!”
Moose as a nickname has even more meaning now, his height and nationality
He gripes with Gabe over the fact that America does not have Tim Hortons
It’s depressing
He’ll start every lesson with a game of Just a Minute to get his students in the mood
All creative writing assignments will have the most random prompts
“Here’s a photo of a crack in the sidewalk outside school, write 500 words about it”
Castiel Novak
Were you expecting a different name? Well too bad!
Science teacher
Technically Indian-American
But it was his great-great-great-grandparents, so who’s to say
But he can speak Hindi, so...
Met Gabriel in uni (cause Canada has cheaper tuition) and they’ve friends ever since
When he gets frustrated in class he will swear in Hindi so no one understands him (except the one Indian kid who sits in the back)
He knows everything about bees
“Mr. Novak, do bees try to sting us on purpose?”
“Well actually-”
Yet he hates wasps...?
Probably because he sat on a wasp nest by accident when he was 7
Makes the worst jokes in history
“We’re learning about matter because it matters!”
That one always makes a kid cry
(Usually that Indian kid in the back)
Has so many practicals because in his words: “Science should be experienced, not read from a book!”
Gabriel Kennedy
Drama Teacher (were you expecting anything else?)
Mr. K
So Canadian that he has maple syrup running through his veins
No seriously, he drinks it straight from the bottle
Everyone is concerned
Collage friends with Cas
Has an even bigger Tim Hortons addiction than Sam (the old fashioned chocolate glazed are his favourite)
Actually remembers the french he learned in school so he often has fast-paced discussions with the Marque brothers
His door is always open for students to come in and just have a chat
He will blast musical soundtracks when not teaching
“HOnEy WhAt yOU wAiTInG FoRRRrrR!!!! StEp INTo mY CaNDy StoRREEee!!!!”
Also, really likes Starkid and TCB
Has a drawer of hidden candy in his desk
A student secretly stole some
But he knew
After the water balloon incident, they haven’t tried again
I still have three more of those supernatural high school teacher au things. But I’m not sure when I’ll post them, probably at some point during this week. Hang tight!
since I'm in my posting hcs on main era: listen
imagine angel blades burn people who touch them, both mentally and physically, and kinda have a mind of their own and a direct line with their angel host so they're always connected. each specific blade for each specific angel and humans can't use them because one it's not a weapon for them their skin just be peeled right off their hand and mind fried a bit and two the blades just don't wanna because they are prideful.
and then on early seasons dean grabs cas' blade in a fight without thinking because quick quick that feathered fucks are gonna kill innocent people and nothing works on them so fuck it - and stabs one of the angels with it. and cas is just looking at him wide eyed because oh it liked dean and let him do that uh oh does that mean I like dean enough to let him get access to this part of me. and dean is like holy shit my hand is still with me does the blade (and cas?) like me or what. and the angels are like what the fuck.