Stage Direction - Tumblr Posts

Well. Was the underwear coming off or was Chris putting it on??! UGHHH! The cues from the photographer were so confusing. Who uses stage directions to snap Grindr photos?! Really?!? If the left hand didn’t make an “L” shape naturally, Chris was pretty sure he would have had a nervous breakdown by the age of 12. That little trick gave him six more months. Take that vacuum suck to quality of life. HA! “Oh man. Did I 4get 2 shave my dinger?!?”

"Where exactly did the stage go?" Brad was thoroughly confused by the photographer's instruction.
Michael nearly dropped his camera. "Brad, swing the other way!"
"No way! No how!" said Brad. "I'm gay all the way bro!"
Narrator: And that our friends, is how Brad was wrongfully fired for being on the autism spectrum without either one of them knowing it.