Starkids - Tumblr Posts
TGWDLM but the entire hive wants to date Paul and that’s the entire plot. (Very inspired by listening to What Do You Want Paul seven times). Go watch that song again with this in mind, I beg you.
That’s it, that’s the post, goodbye.
If I took stimboard requests would anybody be interested in that?
This is me inviting you to send me stimboard requests fr please
I’m going to post like seven self-indulgent ones in the next hour
I’ll do any fandom (except for MCYT or anime fandoms for personal reasons) but my primary fandoms are listed in order of personal priority:
Starkid (Hatchetfield especially)
Horror games/movies
Personal OCs
Gravity Falls (NO BoB SPOILERS)
I know it’s literally rated the second worst StarKid song ever but NO, I WILL DIE on the hill it’s overhated to HELL!!
I see four main reasons people hate it, (ALL VALID!!!! /gen) but not ones I agree with.
“Jeff Blim sings weird.” Yeah, he does. And that’s GOOD in my opinion! His voice isn’t something everyone likes, but his high swinging tone and his pitch shifts really itch my brain. ^^
“It’s weirdly choreographed.” Yeah, it’s a sexual scene for a lot of reasons - but I feel like if this upsets people, we shouldnt also be rating Dirty Girl so high since it’s most of the same moves but worse. The sexual element is important to the context here.
“It’s forgettable.” This is objective and I disagree, but I see why it’s a point. It’s sandwiched between a few large events and songs, and Sam himself wasn’t a super large focus at this part of the musical. I personally liked it a lot though, it’s an earworm. :)
”The lyrics are weird.” We’re throwing the ‘W’ word a lot, yeah? I think this is intention and does its purpose WELL. He’s trying a lot of strange private things to convince her, and it also adds to the fact this song is meant to be funny in most ways.
Pokotho - The Singular Voice

AGGRESSIVELY hoarding my cash for the Cinderellas Castle digital ticket!!! /LH
How much do we think the price is gunna be? I know the NPMD one was around 20 dollars (or I was told), do we think this one will be around 20-40 as well?
LIB Designs P1 - Pokotho

Pokotho has five forms, like most of the lords - but only four are draw able. One is his true form, which I am not drawing for obvious reasons. Two is this.
His secondary form is made mostly of porcelain and fabric.
His insides are hollow, and coated in mold.
There are cracks and small lines in his ‘skin’ when he can emit mold like a fog machine.
His mask cannot be removed - his true face is beneath it.
All of the lords have incomprehensible eyes, so the eyes on the mask are meshed in with fabric.
His suits is upwards of about 11,000 dollars each, and he’s the only lord who has multiple sets of clothes.
A lot of his design is based on my person HCs on how his infection works - a large factor being he does not spread via ‘goo’, it’s an astral mold, completely chemical.

This form has two uses, and was designed on paper by Wiley, then copied by Pokotho.
He can make small, temporary clones of himself like a Sniggle, but smaller.
They all take this form, and dissolve into mold when done.
He can also shrink to this form to be friendly.
He hates it. His eyes perpetually leak, and he can’t express his annoyance since his face is plastic.

The photo is inaccurate as in he lacks ‘outlines’.
A non-physical vapor formed from the mold.
He can only exist like this ‘emitting’ from an object, in a warm, damp, dark space. This is why the meteor was kept in its spot.
His mask is the only thing that stays constant - semisolid through the vapor.
It’s like his mask and the object he’s coming from ‘push away’ from each other like magnets, and the vapor is the ‘electricity.’
I paint him like this a lot.
I’ve written literal essays ‘rewriting’ or logically explaining the lords, and if anyone would like to read them I will share.
Though heed warning they’re kind of graphic?
Simple summary for Pokotho: the ‘hive’ is a mold that was formed from chemicals on the meteor hitting water pipes and becoming humid.
The mold isn’t sentient, but the Hive is. Pokotho cannot control the spread of the hive, he simply controls those infected, and started the meteor crash.
The mold ‘kills’ a person, they aren’t in any way alive - and sometimes their body deteriorates to show that.
Pokotho is the second oldest mentally, though all the lords are the same age. I have headcanons for that to, DW.
Pokotho actually loves being in a physical, semi-human form (2), simply because he likes clothes.
Pokotho hates cats. Boo.
“Tomorrow won’t happen now,”
Yeah, but what if tomorrow comes today???? What if it turns the light off???? What if tomorrow comes to break the dawn???
What’s hatchetfield (I read ur strawpage and I thought you might wanna explain it)
HATCHETFIELD is a series of musicals from the musical studio Starkid. They’re ALL free on YouTube, WATCH THEM!!!!! (/nf)
It’s a trilogy (plus a web series that isn’t crucial) about a fictional town named Hatchetfield where spooky things happen and gay people get m/rdered. :)
The first one - TGWDLM is a very Invasion of the Body Snatchers-esc horror, it’s about a singing apocalypse where an autistic man, his girlfriend and his coworkers become the only sentient humans alive. There’s no real TWs- minus some very fake stage gore (it’s blue) and a few suggestive scenes, but nothing really sexual??
The second one - Black Friday is a more Purge style story, it’s about a stuffed animal with the essence of a godlike being, so when people are around it they become so desperate to have it they’ll k!Ll others around them to get their hands on the doll. Quite a tad more blood, much less sex jokes - it’s the most serious of the three, and the only one reading as genuinely scary sometimes. (MY FELLAS ARE IN IT!!! WILBUR CROSS I LOVE YOU /P!!!!!)
Finally, NPMD is the third installment and the second most recent Starkid show! It’s slasher horror, Scream style. It’s the most popular and focuses on side characters related to the main characters of TGWDLM (Ted’s brother, Paul’s nephew (headcanon, but so well-accepted its second canon)). It’s got the most sexual stuff but is also the funniest consistently throughout, whilst still being tense at times! It’s about a group of teenagers accidentally killing their high school bully, who returns from the grave to kick their ASSES!
Anyway I love harchetfild I love hatchetfield please ask me more hatchetfeild stuff please
My INCREDIBLY controversial Hatchetfield song ranking.
[Nightmare Time Excluded.]

‘puts Black Friday in the bottom tier’ spare me my life, spare me my life please :D /ref
Oh, if you thought MINE was bad, here’s my best friends. /lh

don’t pretend the Great Tag Ban isn’t funny. don’t pretend that content being automatically removed from the site for using arbitrary terms like “girl” or “tony the tiger” isn’t hilarious
didn't finish npmd but
all of this... will never leave my mjnd