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e. munson || don’t blame me.

a/n: part one of how many fics I’m working on to fix the shit the duffer brothers did to our beloved Eddie.
warnings: stranger things season 4 volume 2 MAJOR spoilers. read at your own risk.
If there was anything you were ever 100% sure of in this life in all life's utter unpredictability and ever changing nature, it was your everlasting love for Edward Munson; your Eddie.
You and Eddie had been friends ever since you first moved to Hawkins in your Junior year; despite having been held back for about a couple of years in the past, once in elementary as you couldn't quite get the grasp of maths as well as your other peers, and another for being expelled and forced to repeat your Junior year now in Hawkins (all because some bully decided to pick on you on the wrong day, causing you to slam their head onto a desk, effectively breaking their nose), Eddie had never made you feel bad for being older than most of your other peers.
You both remember that day very clearly, in spite of the differing point of views. You were sat alone at a table on the far end of the cafeteria, reading one of his favorite books: Lord of the Rings, specifically the Return of the King. By the look of the yellowed, worn pages and the crackled manner in which the spine of the book had been folded, Eddie knew that the book you had read was well-loved, guessing that this probably wasn't your first time reading it. He had cocked his head at you, staring at you intently as if trying to decipher your entire being with a single glance.
He nudged Gareth.
"Hey," Eddie said, pointing towards your direction. "Have any idea who that is? Haven't seen her here before."
Gareth glances at your direction, eyebrows furrowed before he quirked on as his gaze fell on his friend. "Pretty sure she's new, don't really know her." He shrugs.
"Think I might talk to her."
Dustin's eyes follow Eddie's stare, eyes widening as he realized he was looking at you.
"This might sound weird, but I overheard a little conversation happening beside my locker before lunch and uh, apparently she was expelled and stuff and had to repeat a year of high school for beating someone up so bad they had to be brought to the hospital."
Eddie shakes his head as he snorts at Dustin's words. "Yeah, well, as smart as you make yourself out to be, little man, but I don't give a shit about what any of these assholes have to say about anyone—gotta see it to believe it." He shrugs before standing up to make his way towards you.
Eddie being Eddie, he was completely unfazed by whatever rumor was swirling around about you. If there was a trait of his that was often overlooked, it would have to be his skills regarding observation; as haphazard as he was with his academics, Eddie was smart in his own right.
And he knew when someone needed a friend. That was just how he was.
As he drew closer to you, his eyes couldn't help but peek at the page of the book your eyes were currently glued to, doggy eared page folded back while the little margins the pages already had were filled to the brim with your own scrawled out hand writing, connecting passages with arrows to show which it was you had annotated. But a particular quote had caught his attention, boldly underlined with black ink and further emphasized with blue highlighter.
'I can ride and wield blade, and I do not fear either pain or death.'
Realizing that you were in the part in which Eowyn had just told Aragorn that she would not follow him on The Paths of the Dead because her people needed her. He had told her it was her duty to do so, implying that she needed to do so because she was a woman, because Aragorn would have never said this to Eowyn's brother nor her uncle.
Memorizing practically the entire book by heart, Eddie clears his throat as he takes a seat in front of you, his voice changing into a brooding, rough one as he recited Aragorn's words.
"'What do you fear, lady?'" He asked.
You looked up, surprised that you hadn't even noticed that someone had sat in front of you. As you looked at him, Eddie gave you the warmest, most genuine smile you had ever seen. You didn't know why, but something compelled you to follow his lead.
"'A cage,'" You replied.
He held an outstretched hand in front of you.
"I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson."
You lips twitch up into the smallest of smiles as you take his hand in yours, shaking it lightly. "(Y/N) (L/N)."
That marked the start of the best things to have ever happened to you in your life.
You had spent your entire life sharpening your mind and your tongue to become weapons against people who hurt you; spent years toughening up your skin until it was harder and far more enduring than any dragon hide. You didn't let people in easily, you were guarded, and as far as you knew the fortress that you had surrounded yourself in was impenetrable. If Eddie had initially thought that you were a lost sheep, you regarded yourself as a wolf, destined to be alone; teeth bared and jaw gnashing at anyone who ever tried to get close to you.
But as he smiled at you with those pearly whites of his and his kind, brown doe eyes, it was as if the sun's rays had somehow made it's way inside the fortress around your heart, lit up the skies of your lonesome night of howling at the moon.
That first year of friendship you and Eddie had were the happiest moments of your life. He made you laugh like no other person, broke down the cold façade you had built over the years in over a few months with his sunny disposition, melting away any leftover ice within you. As time passed, you soon found yourself falling for the kindhearted metalhead; with his brilliant mind creating entire worlds for his D&D campaigns, the manner in which he held himself, far more authentic and real, never hiding behind false pretenses just to fit in, the glimmer in his eyes as he spoke to you about his dreams, his passions, were all the things that made you love him and more. He quickly became your best friend, but you wanted more.
Little did you know he did, too.
With your sarcastic sense of humor, your playful teasing, witty quips, candor words, and the softer, gentler side to you that you had slowly began to show him, he found himself absolutely smitten with you.
Fleeting, affectionate glances turned into lingering touches, the brushing of his hand against the small of your back, your fingers intertwined in his as you ran to ditch whatever boring class you had next, all these ephemeral gestures turned how most love stories often did; in an accidental confession of love.
The two of you were sat on his bed, laughing at whatever joke Eddie had said about the boneheaded jocks that seemed to torment just about anyone in your school. You had leaned your head on his shoulder, wheezing so hard from how much you had laughed when those three words slipped from your mouth.
"I love you."
Eddie swore that his heart skipped a beat at the sound of those words. While he often brushed off any of your affection towards him as something meant to simply be platonic, he turned to look down at you, eyes filled with nothing but tenderness and care. You hadn't even realized what you had said until he had held your chin between his thumb and forefinger, making you look dee into the warm brown eyes you loved so dearly.
"Say that again." The look in his eyes were earnest, intense, swirling with every emotion all out once. You swallowed, throwing away any inhibitions or reluctance, because this was Eddie after all, your Eddie, the one person you ever felt you could truly be yourself with, who would accept you as you are: all the darkness and light within you, viewing it all as a wondrous spectacle, a play between kaleidoscope lights and shadow.
"I love you." You repeated, voice barely above a whisper before Eddie's lips found their way to yours. The kiss was gentle, filled with so much softness and affection that you felt your heart melt at his touch. Once you two broke away, lungs pleasing for air, he chuckles, shaking his head lightly.
"I'm no good with words but, I want you to know that you mean the world to me—you are my world. And I love you, (Y/N) (L/N)."
Those memories replayed in your mind, fresh as fallen snow on a cold December morning. All those pure, unadulterated moments of love and devotion seemed so far away now. You should have known not to let your guard down, that what goes up must come down, that shit eventually hits the fan, no matter how hard it was thrown.
You weren't there during the murder of Chrissy Cunningham, but he was, and now the entire town was on some sort of barbaric witch hunt for your innocent boyfriend.
You knew how far fetched it sounded, how ridiculous and utterly inconceivable the entire situation was for the two of you, now part of an even bigger mystery, practically knee deep in a stupidly complicated dilemma involving other dimensions and monsters unlike those you've ever seen on horror movies, as unthinkable as the ones that hid in closets and under beds. Because these were real, and one of them had taken Chrissy's life. Now Fred's.
You had been the one to take Dustin and the others to see Eddie, knowing him inside and out meant that you knew how his mind worked like the back of your hand. Panic courses through your veins as a visibly disheveled Eddie popped seemingly out of nowhere, pinning Steve to the wall with a broken beer bottle to his neck. You had been the one to calm him down, to put him at ease with the sound of your voice and gentle touch of your hand, cupping his cheeks to soothe him as he recounted what had happened.
The look of fear and despondency in his eyes made your heart ache, your hand squeezing his as you tried to comfort him because how he reacted was how anybody else would have reacted.
Despite how outlandish it had sounded, you knew deep down to the carbon in your cells that he was telling the truth. You spent the night with him then, running your hand gently through his hair in an effort to make him calm down, to put him to sleep and ward off any other bad thoughts or nightmares that lingered in his mind.
"It's okay, my love, I'm here, I'll always be here."
You let his head rest on your chest, he knew your heartbeat better than any lullaby in the world.
Those days seemed long gone to you now, as you were now donned in attire for the battle of a lifetime, a battle that could mean life or death.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you heard the screech of a demobat, struggling as you frantically climbed up the makeshift rope Dustin had made when you, Eddie, Nancy, Steve, and Robin were initially stuck in the hellish world of the Upside Down.
Once you had landed on the mattress soon after Dustin had, you look up at Eddie, whose gaze was trained on the creatures that were trying to break in.
You knew him inside and out.
It didn't take long for you to know what he was intending to do.
"Eddie," you breathe out, breathing slowly becoming ragged as your heart seemed to still for a moment in anticipation.
He looks at you, remorsefully, lovingly, with every ounce of love he had within himself because it could be the last time he would ever look into your gorgeous eyes. Memories of your eyes crinkling in laughter, glittering in gold as the sun bathed you in yellow, the affection you had for him and only him as he held you in his arms played through his mind like a broken record.
"I love you." He says with all the conviction, all the earnestness he can muster, and cuts the makeshift rope in one fell swoop of a blade, before he takes off.
You let out a heart wrenching scream, tears pricked at your eyes as you knew exactly what he was going to do. Dustin looks to you with the same panicked look in his eyes as he screams for Eddie.
You don't have time to worry about your safety, you don't have time to hesitate, before you rummage through the backpack you had prepared for your guys' mission, finally finding the rope you had purchased before throwing it upwards into the portal.
As adrenaline courses through your veins you don't even have time to feel the burn of your muscles as you heave yourself up, the strain in your back as you hit the floor. Then, you run.
It doesn't take you long to find him, you'd know his voice anywhere as he yelled at the swarm of demobats that enveloped him. Dustin was quickly at your side, too in a state of shock to even move.
You don't have time for shock or petty emotions to get in your way. That was the love of your life risking his entire life, and you were going to do something about it.
Your body reacts before your mind can even think, you sprint towards the chain linked fence with all your might, grappling the edges as you force yourself up and over the metal fence, you don't even notice how your foot aches when you land the wrong way, all you do is run towards him.
You ran through the swarm, swiftly ducking any attacks while covering your face with your hands, unsheathing your own weapon: a machete you had sharpened for hours in preparation for the mission until it was keen enough to cut through bone. You grip it tightly in your hands, raising it high into the noxious air of the hellhole you were in, bringing it down to slice through a demobat's tail that had wrapped itself around Eddie's neck, stabbing it dead in its chest before it could fly away. You fling your machete, still holding the hilt with an iron grip to release the creature from your blade.
You stood there, back to back with Eddie Munson, surrounded by so many demobats it seemed as if the two do you were in the eye of a storm with how dark and ravaging their shadows were.
"What the hell are you doing here, (Y/N)?!"
You scoff at him. "Did you really think I'd leave you alone to play hero, Munson? Not a chance." A bat flies furiously towards Eddie's side, but you cut through it with ease, slicing it cleanly in half. You don't bother to wipe the blood off your face.
"This isn't a fucking joke, get out of here while you still can!" He answers back, taking his makeshift spear and stabbing it at yet another bat, flicking the creature away as it had been impaled.
"And leave you here? I don't—" you slice at yet another bat. "Fucking think so!"
"(Y/N), baby, you know I love you. I need you to be safe, please, do it for me." He manages to choke out before he shields the both of you with his iron-stake decorated trash can lid.
"If you love me, you'd remember that we both promised—!" You yell out as you slash through another bat, narrowly missing it's alien-like jaws. "That we'd stick together no matter what!"
"Are you insane?" His eyebrows furrow as the two of you turn around, as if you were made to stand together like this, back to back, slashing, cutting, and stabbing through whatever tried to come between the two of you.
Amidst the chaos, one thought manages to linger in your mind, a memory of you and your grandmother. She had just told you how she rushed into a battlefield in the midst of World War II to save your grandfather as he bled on the ground, she was a nurse for the army, she didn't ever need to put herself in danger. But she did. For him.
"Love makes you do crazy things."
You think that maybe crazy, borderline insane instincts like this simply ran in your blood.
But history repeats itself, as it so often does. Now you were in a world that was neither here nor there, devoid of any life, stuck in your own battlefield that wasn't even yours to rise to the occasion to.
"Don't blame me," you chuckle softly as you turn your head to look at him. "Love just so happened to make me crazy."
After what seemed like hours fending off the swarm of demobats, your resolve falters for a second as the death-like grip you had on your machete wavers. Sensing your tiredness, a demobat zeroes in towards you, going in for the kill before Eddie once again defends you with his makeshift shield.
"Come on, baby, just a few more minutes, we can take 'em." He reassures you.
"Edward Munson," you start, voice cracking as hopelessness takes over you, the two of you had been at it for so long, and it seemed as if there was just no end to their relentless rampage. You fall to your knees. "I love you, more than anything."
He looks to you, sees the despair in your eyes, for the first time in the years he had known you, this was the only time he had seen you like this. He kneels down with you and envelopes his arms around yours in a tight, warm embrace. Because if you were going down, he’d go through hell and back with you.
You two sit there, embracing your fate, the screeching of the demobats drowning Dustin's cries.
Nothing matters, nothing at all, as you are wrapped in his arms, cheek pressed to his chest as you listened to his heartbeat; your favorite sound in the whole world for what seemed to be the last time.
You thank your lucky stars, to whatever godly being was up there, that had managed to place you in the exact right place in the exact right time, for putting you in a lifetime where you had Eddie Munson by your side.
As the two of you prepare yourselves for The End, the pages of your love story finally closing, you hear something drop from the sky, before you hear another, then another, and then all at once demobats fall to the ground all around the two of you.
You unfold yourself from his arms, the two of you staring around in utter confusion, but as you look in each other’s eyes, confusion melts into relief and joy as you embrace each other yet again.
You made it, the both of you, you both had survived.
Dustin yelled, a guttural sound erupting from his throat as he tackled the both of you to the ground in an even tighter hug.
“You’re okay, you’re both really okay.” He sobs, tears falling from his eyes.
You pat the boy gently on the head.
“Yeah, we did.”
You look at Eddie, whose gaze is already on you, eyes brimmed with tears as he realized it was all over. It was finally, finally over.
He presses his forehead to yours, and you relish in his touch.
“I love you.” He says, vowing to himself that that would never be the last time he’d say it.
“I love you, too.” You reply, tears streaming down your face. Despite your tears and the overwhelming happiness that fills you as you realize you both were alive and well, a spark ignited itself within you, because all evils be damned if they ever tried to take him away from you. You’d make the very mountains crumble and fall apart, tame tempests and whirlwinds if it meant you’d keep Eddie by your side.
Whatever it takes, for him. All for him.
@mitchloveswriting @ali-r3n @ineedeitheranaxeoracupoftea
steve: *sneezes*
dustin, hiding in steve's hair: bless you
steve: god?

#don’t scare him like that #hasn’t he been through enough
STRANGER THINGS 4, VOL. 1 (2022) 4.03 | The Monster and The Superhero
Me when Max’s happiest memory was revealed to be the Snow Ball/when she and Lucas first kissed:

Eddie Watch//E.M x Reader (10)
Summary: Despite wanting to stay and fight, Y/n is assigned to Eddie Watch to make sure he ‘doesn’t Do anything stupid.’ Reluctantly she agrees. Everything’s fine. Everything’s good. It’s all just perfect.
A/n: so uh, yeah my old account got shadow banned and i couldn’t post anything!!! I’m extreamly upset but i have all my fics saved luckily so yeah.
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Word count: 1.5k
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“You stay here.” Y/n spoke into the side of Eddies neck.
He hummed sleepily as Y/n untangled their limbs.
“I’ll be back, don’t get caught.” She said. He hummed once again.
y/n got up, wrapping the leather jacket around her slightly as she trenched her way towards the construction site she knew was nearby. Sadly, their only means of communication had been destroyed in the flurry of last night.
She jumped with silent joy as she spotted an unattended walkie. She grabbed it with practiced ease and began making her way back to skull rock.
“Eddie I found a Walkie!” She announced in excitement, sitting back down beside his still sleepy frame. He watched on as Y/n fiddled with the buttons and knobs until she stopped. “Got it.” she said.
“Dustin i swear to every God there has, does and will ever exist that if you don’t pick up I’ll kill you.”
“Y/n, Eddie?” Came Dustins voice from the other side.
Y/n and Eddie both sighed in relief.
“Are you guys okay?” he asked.
“Oh sure,” She said, her voice rising an octave as the sarcasm dripped from her voice like venom “Everything’s fine, everything’s good. It’s all just perfect.”
“No need to be so bitchy.” Dustin shot back.
Y/n scoffed at her brother’s antics.
“Oh sure, I’d like to see you fight off three basketballers on the lake while one of them flies in the air as all his bones break. So sorry if I’m a little bitchy Dustin but I’m on edge because no one answered our SOS calles last night and Eddie could have died.”
Keep reading

I'm crying
MAX DIED (Maybe)
I finally finished stranger things 4 and I'm really sad
But the good news is that eleven reunited with her mom and dad
Everything's fine
(Will tells Mike that he still feels vecna and the rest of the characters see's a bunch of smoke in the sky with red lightning minutes before the credits)
Me: ah shit, here we go again

Come crawling faster, obey your master.
eddie dying was so fucking dumb. he didn’t even die in a meaningful way. they didn’t even show anyone besides dustin reacting to it. waste of a good character. i saw someone on twitter saying that the duffers had planned for steve to be killed off but couldn’t stomach it so they made up eddie to die instead, which absolutely makes sense and also coincides with the eddie-dustin dynamic literally just being steve-dustin. i could barely get emotional in that scene because it didn’t feel earned i just kept thinking “wow if this were steve i’d be heartbroken despite the stupidity of the death but instead it’s eddie and i’m just disappointed and pissed of because of the stupidity of the death.”
All of this plus his uncle still defending him and hoping to find him, going to the high school to change his missing person poster because he knows people draw bad things over it and his reaction to realizing what happened to Eddie I just bawled my eyes out
I never cry for these things but holy shit Eddie’s death really got me. It’s because the world still believes he is a monster, and that this whole mess is somehow his fault, even when it really doesn’t make sense at all. It’s because he never got the chance to graduate highschool and get the hell out of Hawkins. It’s because he was an innocent thrown into a situation bigger than him and he still decided to face it head on, even sacrificing himself hoping that it would be enough to save the day and his friends. It’s because he died asking Dustin for reassurance that he was not a coward and claiming that this was his year. I am weeping.


will's Gay™ moments of season 4
this season was absolute mindfuck , the link up is going to be crazy

Stranger Things 4 as an 90's anime (video), art by me 🖌️
Do y’all think we could sue the duffer brothers for emotional distress?
repeat after me.
The Kas Theory (Stranger things)
This post will contain sooo many spoilers for season 3 and 4 of stranger things, reading on ur on risk
I have some many thoughts on this one, I hope my thinking makes sense in the end.
Okay, I am pretty sure that everyone who watch "Stranger Things" and fell in love with Eddie Munson heard about this theory already. But in case u haven't heard it yet, I'll explain it to u real quick.
In the game dnd, there is this one character call Kas. They are some sort of the right hand of Vecna. But then Kas turns against Vecna and defends him (or helps to defend Vecna? Idk correct me if I'm wrong).
And many people who love Eddie Munson (me included) believe that Eddie becomes some Kas anecdote and will save the day in the following season of "Stranger things". But hear me out:
I saw this Tiktok like a few days ago and it got me thinking. What if Billy is the Kas anecdote? I mean think about it. To become someone's right hand kinda thing, that someone needs to trust u, which needs some time yk? I mean I wouldn't let anyone be my right hand if I do not genuinely trust them. And idk how many months will be between season 4 and season 5 but since the doors to the upside down are already open, I dont believe that it will be as much as between season 3 and 4 yk. So Eddie would have less time to "bound" with Vecna than Billy would have had. And I bet Vecna also knows that Eddie fought his bats (I mean the wounds seem kinda obvious to me). And we know Vecna isn't stupid so he probably connects the dots and knows Eddie isn't on his side.
BUT BILLY ON THE OTHER HAND?! Not only was he already some kind of doll for Vecna, so Vecna kinda still has the connection to Billy (just like Will yk what I'm on about?), but Billy also never seemed to connect with the "Anti-Vecna" group, which is probably also shown in the memory of Billy. So Vecna knows that for sure. And adding to this Billy would also have had enough time to "gain" some trust from Vecna (more like prove himself to Vecna). I mean how many months were between the timeline of season 3 and the timeline of season 4? 8 months? That sounds pretty accurate to me.
I mean hear me out. I love Eddie.. I mean I really fucking love him more than myself. And I really wish for him to somehow come back in season 5 but folks u need to agree with me. This Billy-being-Kas-theory of me makes fucking sense..
And yes I know Vecna could just whoop Eddie's ass and make him do whatever he wants him to do. But Vecna is not stupid, like I said before! And he already had that mind controlling connection with Billy which will probably makes it easier for Vecna to get into Billy's mind? And even when Billy and Eddie had both a rough upbringing, I think Billy had it a bit rougher. I mean at least Eddie had a father like figure, friends who like him for him and his trauma (the "loss" of his parents, probably bullying yk) didn't got any deeper (I mean, yes he got still bullied but he had friends, he wasn't alone, yk?). But Billy on the other side, his mother left him alone with his abusive dad, who also were his only father figure. He only had friends because of his looks and the popularity he got because of it. And because his dad is shit, his trauma got deeper with everytime, Billy's dad laid hand on him, yk? So the bad things in Billy's life, his loneliness and the fact that he went to all that basically alone probably clouded his mind and also makes it even easier for Vecna to get in his fucking mind.
And also yes, in the end of season 3 Billy sacrificed himself for El. But only because she found a good memory. And do u all remember how long it fucking took her to find it (which would basically prove my theory that I pointed out before)? In addition to Vecna knows how strong El is, so there is a high chance that El could just faked the memory to make Billy "submissive" to her plans. U get this?
But I mean folks, who am i kidding? We all know the duffer brothers are freaking stupid (I mean they killed the best character yk) and tbh I don't believe they thought about this, so I guess eddie it is (I mean I'm happy, but I would make so much more sense with billy... waisted potential in a good plot if u ask me)
Anyway, I really do hope, that y'all get what I meant.. I mean I know this is a lot of information and I really tried to give my rambling thoughts some structur. But on case it didn't work and u have some questions, just ask me.
Anyway, bye bye, kissies y'all