Stranger Things S5 - Tumblr Posts
I'm going to miss drawing him with long hair but he looks good with short hair too

The video was the best part of my day

"noooo, you don't understand! the duffers said that they won't do fan service! it means that byler won't happen!" like, guys. folks. friends. are you aware that some mileven scenes are also fanservice??? I've seen this exact argument here and on reddit. it's almost like if every scene with gay subtext is "fanservice" and "uhhh people read too much fanfiction" and every straight scene is "the natural plot development".
If Stranger Things existed in the Magnus Archvies universe Martin would kin Will Byers.
Also just as much as Martin deserved a gun in season 5, Will deserves his gun rights returned in season 5.
Byler fight s5
Mike: Why are you acting like you don't know?
Will: Like I don't know what?
Mike: Like you don't know that I love you!
I love Byler because El deserves so much better than Mike, but Will deserves exactly Mike.
Now, I don't think Will deserves less than El or anything like that. I'm just saying that El would deserve to have Will's Mike, but instead she gets her Mike.
El's Mike calls her ridiculous and can't say he loves her.
Will's Mike bikes under the pouring rain to apologise to him and says stuff like 'Hawkins is not the same without you'.
El's Mike crumples her letters and throws them away.
Will's Mike keeps every one of his drawings.
El's Mike makes her feel like a monster.
Will's Mike makes him feel like he is not a mistake at all.
All in all, El's Mike is an asshole, but Will's Mike is worth falling for.
Murray should sit all characters down together in s5 to have a therapy session in which they share what would make them vulnerable towards Vecna as an effort to strengthen themselves and form a support group they can rely on without secrets. We get to see what each character is ashamed of.
Murray, of course, feels guilt for not having been able to save Alexei.
Hopper blames himself about Sarah, we know that.
Joyce blames herself for staying with Lonnie for too long and forcing Jonathan to take a parent/provider role.
Jonathan still blames himself for not being there the night Will went missing, and believes he isn't doing a good enough job at protecting his family. He's also worried about college.
Nancy still blames herself for what happened to Barb, and doesn't think she has been a good older sister for Mike.
Dustin wasn't able to save Eddie, and had to see him sacrifice himself and die in his arms.
Lucas, Steve, and El blame themselves for not being able to save Max. Additionally, Steve feels guilty for not having been able to help Eddie because he knows how much he meant to Dustin.
Will is obviously ashamed of his sexuality, perhaps Robin as well. Maybe it is now that he comes out to the party/the whole cast, or perhaps some of them hr already told. Regardless, he finds support in them.
Mike is last, and he says that he feels guilty about the way he has treated everyone in the past months, especially El (and Will). But what he doesn't say is that what he truly feels guilty for is being in love with Will.
This group heart to heart provided all of them with a sort of shield against Vecna, since it shifts up a bit of the shame and blame. However, since Mike lied about his true feelings, he is left vulnerable and Vecna targets him.
We now get to see Byler through Mike's eyes. We see scenes such as Mike biking home in the rain after they found Will's body in the quarry, Mike and Will holding hands in the hospital in s2, the van scene... all from a perspective we hadn't had access to yet. Most importantly, we get the infamous 'It's not my fault you don't like girls!', but when the camera pans, it's not Mike saying it, it's Will.
I think I'm back from my hiatus
and I'm back to analyzing shit

soo, everyone is focusing on analyzing what is written but meanwhile I (not like other girls, so quirky and different) can't stop thinking about the colors and what we can actually make out of this grid.
so ofc the upper line is about episodes, big fucking deal, everyone knew (the titles always have a short pixelared part that is most likely a number so they're the episodes)
now, let's focus on what I find the most interesting part, the colors.
there are six of them:
another shade of red
now I know that some people could argue that "blah blah blah they're just colors blah blah you're reading too much into this"
to them I say
Shut the fuck up you milkvan idiot
they are in a meeting room, who was probably prepared by someone, who specifically followed the duffers request of what they wanted in the room. why tf ask for so many colors if not to color code everything?
I have to confess though that I have no idea what these colors mean, so I'm hoping for someone to reblog this and let the magic of the internet to its work so that some people come up with an actually convincing hypothesis.
so I'm just gonna report the patterns that the different colors follow
dark red / purple is one of the most used colors, it appears frequently especially in the first two episodes, then from episode 4 on it switches to purple. I believe this could be the "main" plot, like finding clues etc.
red is also a frequently used color, and I'm almost sure it represents el's arc (#1 her color is red and #2 she's one of the main characters)
black appears too quite a few times but not as much as red and purple do, it's the only color to appear accompanied by purple in the first two episodes (aka the main plot). there is also a drawing made in black of what looks to be at least correlated to the UD, so it's probably vecna.
blue appears once in the third episode with a big chunk of plot, then makes a comeback a couple of times with small things in episode 4 just to disappear for the most of the season with a small comeback at the beginning of the last episode. I have no idea what it means and if you have a theory please please reblog with it
and then, finally, we have green, I have no idea what this means too, what I do know though is that it appears a little at the end of ep 3, a lot at the end of episode 7 and a little on episode 8.
finally, for what concerns the left column of the grid (the 1st one), I believe it represents the introduction, beginning, development and ending of the plot.
please please reblog this I know I might sound annoying but I really want to have some people fill in the blanks that I couldn't fill.
y'all pray for my girl eleven
she's gonna lose her boyfriend to a boy who has a bowlcut 🙏🙏
Vecna being as evil as ever lol. I love him.

Just imagine
in s5 uncle wayne will be like uncle iroh for everyone