Joyce Byers - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago



This is utterly and extremely fucked up. As a minor and poc this is absolutely terrifying. Doxxing people is absolutely NOT ok it is completely disgusting. If this happens to you please speak up IMMEDIATLEY and tell someone you trust. Don't just like these posts REBLOG THEM. We need to spread awareness of what happening. KEEP REBLOGGING. Here is the thread.

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2 years ago
Winona Ryder Is The New Face Of Marc Jacobs
Winona Ryder Is The New Face Of Marc Jacobs
Winona Ryder Is The New Face Of Marc Jacobs
Winona Ryder Is The New Face Of Marc Jacobs
Winona Ryder Is The New Face Of Marc Jacobs
Winona Ryder Is The New Face Of Marc Jacobs

Winona Ryder is The New Face Of Marc Jacobs

"When I was young, I was the sweetheart of the press. They loved me but were kind of waiting for me to mess up. I had no skeletons in my closet, no major past to talk about."

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2 years ago

Headcanons El & Joyce

Headcanons El & Joyce

A/n: Some of my personal headcanons for El and Joyce, beacuse we were being robbed in Season 4. Mind you they are headcanons, you don't have to agree with them. Hope you like it, feel free to tell me some of your headcanons♡

Pairing: El×Joyce (Mother/Daughter)

• All throughout season 3 El wanted Joyce and Hopper to finally date, so that Joyce and the boys would be part of the family

• El admires Joyce for being so strong

• Joyce is technically the only woman in Els life, so El takes her as a role model and really wants to be like her

->  hence the hair style etc., probably told the hair stylist to cut her hair exactly like Joyce's

• After Hops "death" El writes him letters and without noticing starts calling Joyce "mom" in them

• They find comfort in each other, cause noone understands the loss of Hopper as they do

• El reminds Joyce of Hop and Joyce reminds El of Hop

• Joyce doesn't feel different about her than she does about her boys, they're equally her children

• El would fight the world for Joyce

• Vice versa

• El used to go to Joyce if she had girl problems, even when Hop was still there and they lived in the cabin

• Joyce swore herself to be the best mom for El because she felt like she owed it to Hopper

• If Joyce would have known about Angela and the bullying she would have run that school down

• After seeing El do the diorama of Hop and the cabin Joyce cried for an hour

• Joyce never gets annoyed of explaining and teaching El new words

• Before El could go to school, Joyce did a bit of home schooling so that Els disadvantage wouldn't be too big

--> they bonded alot through that, cause it was just the two of them

• El didn't want to tell Joyce about her problems in school cause she was embarrassed and didn't want Joyce to worry, cause she's been through enough

• El sometimes heard the name Lonnie around the house and when she asked Will about it he told her about the abuse etc.

--> El was furious cause she couldn't understand how you could be so bad to Joyce (protective daughter)

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2 years ago

I want you, just you

Pairing: Joyce Byers×OC, Robin Buckley×sister

Word count: 2601

Warnings: some smut at the end

Summary: You are Robin's older sister and friends with Steve, Jonathan and Nancy. You always hang out at Jonathans and often help Joyce cook dinner for all of you. You developed a massive crush on her and one day you ask her out on a date. Joyce knows that your gay because you helped Will with coming out to her.

A/n: So I haven't posted anything in a while and I had this fanfic in my drafts for quite a while but never got myself to finishing it. But I have a few new ideas and wanted to finish it before I start something new. So here it is. Hope you like it!♡

I Want You, Just You

"My god, just ask her out already. The worst that can happen is that she says no."

"It's not that easy Robin! What are Jonathan and Will gonna think?"

"They both love you endlessly, they won't care. They just want their mom to be happy. Asking her out won't kill you." Claire turned around and raised an eyebrow at that statement.

"Then why don't you tell Nancy how you feel about her?"

"That's totally different, she's in a relationship. You know that. Joyce is single and I don't want to listen to your sad, self pitying anymore. So. Ask. Her. Out. End of discussion." Robin grabbed her bag and left the shop.

Claire Buckley worked in a little flowershop a few houses next to the shop Joyce Byers worked in. Her shift usually ended an hour before Joyces, so she always waited for her after closing the shop and then drove her home. They knew each other through Jonathan. Claire was friends with him, Steve and Nancy. They often hung out at the Byers house and when Will also had his friends over, there were a lot of mouths to feed. So Claire often helped Joyce with cooking and making dinner ready. She loved it, just the two of them talking and laughing. Joyce knew that Claire was gay, Will accidentally told her, when he was talking about the way that Claire helped him with coming out.

Today wasn't a busy day so she closed the shop early. Before leaving she made a little bouquet out of beautiful pink-yellowish roses for Joyce.

Claire knew Robin was right, asking her out wasn't such a big deal and normally she was pretty confident in everything she did but Joyce made her legs wobbly and her heart beat so fast it felt like having a heartattack.

After closing the shop Claire walked up and down the sidewalk like an idiot in front of the shop and thought about what to say. She really didn't want to fuck this up, besides the whole crushing situation Claire really liked Joyce. She had been so accepting, when Claire came out and had always been there for her. Robin was a fabulous sister but she had her own baggage to cary with struggling and coming out. It was nice to have someone just listen to you and tell you it would all be alright. And cooking with Joyce always made her day and she enjoyed the calming effect that she had on her. After about 5 minutes of walking a hole into the sidewalk Claire entered the shop.

"Hey Joyce, it's me. I closed the shop a little earlier." Claire walked over to a free counter and sat down.

"Ah, there you are. Not much business today here either." Joyce sat down next to her and smiled at her. That bright, loving smile gave Claire some confidence.

"I brought you some flowers."

"Thank you Claire, they're beautiful. They'll get a special place at home." She smiled at the flowers and seemed to be caught up in her thoughts. It was so easy to fall in love with her, Claire thought. Or maybe that was just her opinion.

"I... I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure, what is it?" Joyce looked up to her and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Would you go on a date with me? We could go to a restaurant, or I'd cook for you." Her smile faded a bit and Claire directly hated herself for ever having asked. She stood up and walked away from the counter, the flowers still in her hand.

"Aren't I a bit too old for you?" She chuckled sarcastically. Joyce felt a wave of insecurity rush over her, she didn't think that Claire would make such a cruel joke but she doubted that she really wanted something from her. Why would she? Claires smile dropped immediately.

"I..." she had never thought about the age difference before, her concernes always lied somewhere else. The kids, her maybe not liking woman, the town gossip...

"I never thought about our age difference to be honest. It never mattered to me." Claire stood up and walked towards her, she still had her back to her but the flowers weren't in her hands anymore.

Claire slowly put a hand on Joyce's shoulder and another one on her waist. She closed her eyes and she could feel her sink into the touch and visibly relax. Joyce felt safe when Claire touched her, it wasn't something she understood but it was something she always denied herself because she never thought the feeling could be reciprocated.

Moving close to her ear with her mouth Claire whispered: "It doesn't matter, you hear me. It doesn’t change the way I feel about you and I wouldn't ask you out on a date if I didn't mean it. Believe me. So, what's your answer?" Joyce really wanted to believe her, she wanted to so bad. So she did. She risked being hurt. She was tired of denying herself basic needs.

She opened her eyes again and moved her head slightly into Claires direction. Their faces were inches away from each other.

"Okay, cook for me." Claire started smiling without even trying to and turned Joyce around. She moved her head up to look into Claire's eyes and shyly smiled at her.

"Close the shop, noone will come. And if they do, they can wait until tomorrow. I'll drive you home." She nodded and started closing.


Claire stopped the car infront of the house and as Joyce wanted to leave the car, Claire grabbed her arm. The older woman turned to look at her.

"Tomorrow, 7 o'clock?" Joyce nodded and with a smile she left the car. Claire waited until she was in the house and the door was closed. With a bright smile on her face she left, excited to tell Robin about the latest events.

"You'll never believe what just happened. I need you out of the house tomorrow." Robin hadn't even closed the door yet but Claire already threw the words at her.

"Ok, chill. I really have to pee. After that you can tell me." Claire rolled her eyes but accepted and walked back to sit down on the sofa.

Her thoughts directly wandered to Joyce, just thinking about her made her feel like a teenager again. It felt like there were thousands of butterflys in her stomach. She had never felt like this before.

"Claire? Hello, earth to Claire?!" Robin was wildly waving her hands in front of Claires face to get her attention. "So what did you want to tell me, huh?" Claire immediately started to smile like an absolute idiot.

"I did it. I asked Joyce out. And...she said yes! Can you believe it. We have a date tomorrow at 7 o'clock. I'll cook for her. That why I'll need you out of here at least until the next morning. You never now what will happen." Claire winked at her sister and smiled sheepishly.

"Well thas amazing Claire. I told you it won't be bad to ask her. Honestly if I wouldn't have forced you, you would still cry about her. So you can basically thank me."

"Oh, shut up. I would have done it sooner or later."

They both laughed. Happy to have each other and to have someone who understands them.


"Oh. Hi, Joyce. Please come in, Claire is in the kitchen. Claire! Joyce is here. I'll leave now. Bye" with that Robin closed the door behind her and Joyce was left alone in the hallway. She didn't really know what to do so she took her jacket of and went to look for Claire. Right in that moment Claire opened a door at the other end of the hallway.

"Hello Joyce. I thought my sister would have enough manners to actually show you where the kitchen is and not just leave. Come in." Joyce stepped forward unsure how to greet Claire she just looked up at her and laughed nervously.

"Do I hug you now?" Claire let out a laugh at that.

"If you want to, then yes." So Joyce stood up on her tiptoes and hugged Claire. At that Claire felt a shiver go through her whole body. She buried her head deep in Joyce's hair and felt completely at ease for the first time in a long time.

Claire let go before it got awkward and showed Joyce the living room.

"You can sit down. I'll just grab the food real quick."

"I could help."

"No." Claire protested, "You're my guest and I'll treat you as such." With that she left the room just to come back with two bowls of food a second later.

"Mhh, that smells amazing Claire." She smiled at Joyce and they started to eat.

They talked about everything that came to mind. It felt absolutely natural and they both felt comfortable around each other. This date wasn't their last one. They met multiple times after that. Never doing much more than having dinner, talking or going to the movies. But that was fine with them. They wanted to take it slow.


It was a cold Friday evening, Claire had cooked for Joyce again and they both sat on the couch together laughing about a story Claire had just told about her sister. Joyce laughed so sincerely that Claire just stopped and looked at her in awe. She was so damn beautiful. Without really noticing Claire got closer to Joyce. When she opened her eyes again, Claire was so close to her that she stopped laughing abruptly out of shock.

"I..., Claire what are you doing?"

"If you won't protest I would like to kiss you." Joyce eyes grew wide in shock. She guessed it was logical that all the dates would lead to this but still she wasn't sure how to feel about this. She knew that she wanted it but still she still couldn't believe that Claire was sincere in her intention.

Joyce backed away a little.

"I.., Claire if all of this. All the dates, the cooking was just to get into my pants, I can assure you there is nothing grande under those clothes. So you should search for someone your age for that." Claire felt a wave of sadness wash over her. Did Joyce actually believe that? Didn't she make clear that she liked her?

"Joyce, please listen to me." She took Joyce's hands in hers and looked at her with all the sincerity and love she had in her.

"All of the things that I did for you, all the dates we had, all the hours we sat here talking, laughing about stupid things. All of this, I did because I really like you. Because I enjoy your company. And if I wanted to kiss you or sleep with you, that's just because I think your stunning, I feel butterflys everytime I look at you and I want you. Not anyone else, just you. But if you don't want all of that. That's ok, we don't have to do this."

"But why me? I'm not special, neither me as a person nor the way I look. I'm just Joyce."

"And that's exactly what I want. You, Joyce. With all your flaws, all you fears, insecurities and problems. You are beautiful, please you have to belive me. I've had this crush on you since I've known you and it took all the courage in me to ask you out, because I thought you would never want to date me. So know that you allowed me to be such an intimate part of your life and let me get to know you even more, I want to protect you with all I have and make you understand how wonderful you are. I've realised that what I feel for you is so much more than a crush." Joyce let out a shy laugh at that and stroked a strand of hair out of Claires face.

"I don't think anyone has ever said something so beautiful to me." Claire grabbed Joyce's face and before she could overthink it, she kissed her.

It was by all means not a perfect kiss, but it was full if love and desire. It felt like all the butterflys in Claires stomach wanted to break out. And the feeling made it perfect, better than any other kiss could ever be.

Claire's hand slowly wandered down to start unbuttoning Joyce shirt. She stopped for a second to wait for consent. When Joyce slightly nodded, she took the shirt of and threw it to the floor. She pushed Joyce's hair aside and started to kiss her neck and then her shoulder. She slowly pushed Joyce down until she was laying in front of her and continued kissing her, while slowly wandering down to her breasts.

"Take it off, take your shirt of." Claire stopped to follow Joy's request. To Joyce surprise Claire wasn't wearing a bra, so she was practically naked in front of her.

"Claire, I think you should know, that I have never slept with a woman before." Joyce looked at Claire with an apologising smile. Claire moved up and kissed Joyce passionately.

"I don't care." She grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to her. She wanted to feel all of Joyce skin on hers. While kissing her, her hand slowly opened Joyce pants and started to move them down a bit. She could feel Joyce lift up her hips against her. It drove her crazy how much she wanted that woman. She never thought something like this would be possible.

As the pants landed on the floor, Claire started kissing her way down Joyce's body and grabbed behind her to open the bra that was still covering Joyce's breasts. When she moved up a little to look at Joyce, she covered her body. So Claire shoved her hands away. "Don't. You look amazing. I want to see you." She started slightly kissing her breasts and took one nipple in her mouth while pinching the other one. Joyce tried to suppress a moan but failed as Claire sucked harder. "Please, I want to hear you. Let it out." At that Joyce moaned again, this time not trying to suppress anything. At that sound Claire's vagina pulsated and her whole body got goosebumps. She started wandering further down and took of the panties, that were the only item of clothing Joyce was still wearing. Joyce clenched to the cushions closest to her while Claire started kissing and licking her already wet cunt. With one hand Joyce shoved Claire deeper into her and held onto her hair. "Oh god, Claire...please" Claire stopped much to Joyce disappointment and looked up. "Please what? Use your words.", "Please I need more, please fuck me", Claire chuckled, amused by Joyce's neediness. "Your wish is my command." With that she resumed her actions but also slowly put two fingers inside her. Joyce's was already throbbing from lust. The moaning got louder and fastly turned into a kind of lustful and erotic screaming. Something Claire had never heard before but it turned her on quite alot. "Claire, please. I'm gonna come.. I...Oh god, that feels amazing." With a last loud scream Joyce came with Claires name on her lips.

Claire slowly moved up to Joyce and kissed her.

"Thank you, I never knew sex could feel like this." Claire smiled at her and stood up  she reached out for Joyce and took her to the bedroom, where they fell asleep curled up together.

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7 months ago

Joyce Byers

Headcanons Joyce&El ♡

I want you, just you ♡☆

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7 months ago
Stranger Things: The Tomb Of Ybwen (2022) - Writ. Greg PakIllustrators: Diego Galindo, Francesco Segala
Stranger Things: The Tomb Of Ybwen (2022) - Writ. Greg PakIllustrators: Diego Galindo, Francesco Segala
Stranger Things: The Tomb Of Ybwen (2022) - Writ. Greg PakIllustrators: Diego Galindo, Francesco Segala
Stranger Things: The Tomb Of Ybwen (2022) - Writ. Greg PakIllustrators: Diego Galindo, Francesco Segala

Stranger Things: The Tomb of Ybwen (2022) - writ. Greg Pak Illustrators: Diego Galindo, Francesco Segala | Lettering: Nate Piekos

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7 months ago
Montauk (Pitch Booklet) - Writ. Matt Duffer, Ross DufferMONTAUK PILOT - Writ. The Duffer Brothers
Montauk (Pitch Booklet) - Writ. Matt Duffer, Ross DufferMONTAUK PILOT - Writ. The Duffer Brothers

Montauk (Pitch Booklet) - writ. Matt Duffer, Ross Duffer MONTAUK PILOT - writ. The Duffer Brothers

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6 years ago

Stranger Things

I’m finally getting around to watching Stranger Things. I’m only 46 seconds in and I’m already in love.

Stranger Things

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3 years ago

Stranger Things

The Party....

Jane "El" Hopper

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Dustin Henderson

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Lucas Sinclair

Stranger Things

Will Byers

Stranger Things

Mike Wheeler

Stranger Things

Max Mayfield

Stranger Things


Joyce Byers, Murray Bauman, Jim Hopper

Stranger Things

Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington

Stranger Things

Nancy Wheeler, Johnathan Byers

Stranger Things

Bob Newby

Stranger Things

+ Alexei & Erica Sinclair

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3 years ago

Badass woman trope

(Action girl)

Badass Woman Trope
Badass Woman Trope
Badass Woman Trope
Badass Woman Trope
Badass Woman Trope
Badass Woman Trope
Badass Woman Trope
Badass Woman Trope
Badass Woman Trope
Badass Woman Trope

Octavia Blake / Ziva David / Joyce Byers / Peggy Carter / Olivia Benson / Monica Rambeau / Wanda Maximoff / Eleven Hopper / Deena Johnson / Clarke Griffin / Lexa / Judith Grimes / Michonne Hawthorne

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