Suguru Niragi - Tumblr Posts
Leave A Scar [Niragi x reader]
Summary: Soulmate!AU. It’s awkward, feelings are kept secret and hearts are being broken. Maybe should something traumatic or unfortunate happen, these two would realize what they mean to each other.
Word count: 2,7k
Warnings: injuries, blood
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: This is weird and cliché and it doesn’t feel right and I don’t like it but I already wrote it so might just as well post it lol.
![Leave A Scar [Niragi X Reader]](
It was late into your second month in Borderland when it happened. The Beach was hit by a pandemic. Of love. You could only guess that the populus was inspired by the story of you and Niragi, the lucky couple who found their soulmate in the wasteland. Suddenly, many more new couples could be seen roaming the halls, hanging by the pool and grinding in the club. It was heartwarming really. Except it had a downside that only you could feel.
He was moody, more irritable than before. It had to be karma for something you’ve done or maybe plain old bad luck. The timing couldn’t be worse. It came just as you thought your relationship was moving in the right direction. You were both making an effort - you tried to keep up with his moods and needs, respect the persona he built here, while he tried to open up more, or well, at least talk to you. Turns out he wasn’t just an annoying ass. Sometimes you thought you really had something special between you.
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Little Mouse (Niragi x Reader)

Pairing: Niragi x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst/ Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9k
Summary: In a game of cat-and-mouse, you were the mouse and he was the cat. What happens when the mouse is finally caught?
Warnings: sexual harassment, public fondling, anal licking, anal fingering, oral (male and female receiving), spanking, multiple positions, dirty talk, spit fetish, cum eating/fetish, bdsm themes, submission, unprotected sex, and cream pie,
AO3 Link > Part 2
You can’t stop. If you stop, you’re dead. You’re sure of that much at least. The carnival music played throughout the grounds, but remained loudest around the carousel. You decided to stick to the brightest areas in case something came running at you. In this case, something is running after you. You could feel the tiger even if you could not see or hear it. It’d spotted you by the carousel and you’ve been running ever since. You zigzagged through game and food stalls, hoping you might lose it in the lights and confusion, but it still chased you. You jumped over railings and ran underneath rides. You had to lose the damn thing eventually. You didn’t know how much longer you could run. Your feet already burned in every step; you can feel your legs starting to slow down from the aching pains in your muscles. But your adrenaline kept you going. You moved in autopilot as you searched for an escape. You reached the tilt-o-whirl ride and navigated the spinning floors, occasionally slipping or being grazed by a seat. You managed to grab onto one of them, place your feet on the edge and climb inside. You hid in the crook of the seat, but kept your head close to the edge. You used to hate fair rides. Yet, here you were.
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Headcanon Ahead:
How the men of AIB would react to your butt getting bigger~
AHHHHHH! I’m so excited y’all. My first headcanon ever. I honestly feel pretty okay with this one. I feel like I captured the personality’s and mannerisms/behaviors of the characters pretty spot on. Especially with it being something that they’d never do in the show. We can only fantasize. Sigh. I hope y’all like it! No. I hope y’all love it and enjoy it as much as I did writing it. <3

Chishiya🤍: Chishiya is very observant; paying very close attention to detail, as we know. I say this to say, he’d notice the increase in size of your cute butt with pride that he’s apart of the reason that it’s gotten chunkier. He might even slip in a couple of smug and prideful jokes/compliments about it. Of course not without an amused little smirk on his face.

Arisu💙: Aw - our sweet and innocent ✨Arisu✨ He will shower you with tons of compliments - apologizing in between them so as to not come off as creepy or like he’s oversexualizing you. He’ll ask sweetly for your permission to touch and squeeze it lovingly(because consent is sexy), comparing the squish and softness to that of a cloud.

Aguni🖤: When it comes to Aguni, you would do something playful like walking in front of him, but purposely dragging your wagon agonizingly slow against his manhood. The action will send one of his eyebrows quirking upward to insinuate he’s willing to accept the challenge. All he will say is “oh?” As he picks you up, wrapping your legs around his sturdy upper body.

Niragi❤️🩹(I have an extreme, severely conflicted myriad of emotions about this man): You’ll walk past him/in front of him, butt appearing to have a bouncier jiggle to it when you do so. And of course, Niragi being the lust filled man that he is won’t be able to resist or control his arousal at the sight of it. He’ll pull you away into a dark and private place(or out in the open. He doesn’t give a rats ass), heavy breathing as he takes two firm handfuls of your ass. He’ll drop down to his knees, your body pressed up against a wall as he bites your bottom, softly but with purpose and hunger evident in each lovebite.
Welcome to my page! This was so fun to write, I just got lost into each scenario as I did. Imagining each one was too fun and cute. Let me know which is your favorite and if you feel like this is how these characters would respond in this situation 😏
How the gorgeous men of AIB would react to walking in on you playing with yourself. 🙈
1. Chishiya:
Chishiya will return home from work earlier than expected. He’ll smirk to himself, hearing your hushed whimpers and moans outside the bedroom door, already aware of what's going on. When the door opens, you’ll be taken aback by his early arrival. His face will glow with amusement at your reaction and he’ll just simply tell you to carry on, leaning against the door to watch you cum.

2. Arisu:
Waking up from a nap on the downstairs couch, Arisu will come to the bedroom in hopes to cuddle up with you. Practically sleep-walking, he doesn’t end up hearing your moans at first. He’ll open the door and freeze in his place, only the lamp light on in the room, but providing enough light for him to know what’s happening. He’ll blush aggressively, turning away. “I’ll come back when you’ve finished,” he’ll awkwardly say, closing the door with the quickness.

3. Aguni:
Aguni will return home from his afternoon run, grabbing bottled water from the fridge, throat drier than a desert. Sweaty and sticky, he’ll be deeply in need of a shower. So, he’ll head to your shared room where you’ll already be. Little does he know, you’re already in the shower, using the detachable shower head to pleasure yourself. You would be at the height of your climax when Aguni walks in. There’s a delighted and lustful grin on his face. “Mmm,” he’ll growl, removing his shirt in one clean movement. “How about a round two?”

4. Niragi:
Currently on the game taking his frustrations out on it, Niragi will remove his noise-canceling headphones to take a break. His ears will immediately be blessed with your pretty sounds and he’ll come blazing into the bedroom, licking his lips at the sight of you pushing the penis-shaped toy deep into your wetness. He won’t be able to take his eyes off of you, walking up to you to remove the toy out of you and onto the floor. He’ll replace it with his fingers and tongue, using his piercing to assault and devour your clit and pussy. “Throw those fucking toys out…you don’t need them.”

OOOOOOO chile, I don’t know which is my favorite. But if I have to pick…Imma go with Niragis(I FEEL SO GUILTY CUZ HE IS EVIL). It’s just something about that mouth of his that…does it for me. Ooo wee. Which is your favorite? Leave me some requests! Message me! Do whatever children. Live free. I’m super interested in what yall would like me to write. <3 — Ash
This is honestly way too true, except I wanna fuck Chishiya AND let him break my heart chile lol. Arisu is 1000% hubby material 🥺

Heyyyy luvs just popping in to let y'all know that my requests are open! I would love to see what you guys are interested in me writing. I'm not shy about what I write so hit me with your best shot! - Ash <3
In the meantime, here's a cute pic of Nijirô 😩🤍(I love himmmmmm). ~~~~

Heyy, I hope you are doing well. I had a pretty weird idea recently but I would love to read about it. The idea is a medieval AU with different AIB characters. My personal favorites would probably be Kuina as kind of a Robin Hood type character and Niragi as a/your dark knight though I'm very open to any different scenarios. Of course there's no pressure to write anything like this. Sorry if all this was not helpful. Anyway all the best wishes to you ^^
Hii! i hope your doing well also, i will try my best! it should be posted tomorrow! thank you for the request <3
KnightNiragi x NoblewomanReader
A/n note: oki so i finally started writing i had to google a little bit but i’m gonna use 2 different kingdoms in this. So i just found these on google so if there wrong i’m so sorry! :)
Summary: Niragi is a knight in France, and y/n is a noblewoman in England. Everyone in town was raving about how the war might start soon, but y/n didn’t care to listen. So she goes for a stroll in the woods but while she’s walking she finds a knight from france, then she realizes what everyone was saying is true. niragis colors: blue and yellow y/ns colors: red and silver
As you were walking around town you kept hearing people talking about how the war was about to start. You really didn’t pay any mind to it.
“Oh my god did you hear the war is starting soon!”
“yes i hear!”
You rolled your eyes wanting a break from the constant yapping, but being curious on how they knew you walked up to them.
“How do you know it’s starting soon?”
“r/n said she saw a knight!”
“apparently-“ you cut her off
“where did she see him?” you have never believed a word r/n said, she always seemed to make things up for attention.
“she never said” you scoffed at the response
“of course she didn’t” you said back walking away from them and over to r/n.
“did you acually see a knight? or do you need more attention?” you got straight to the point not wanting to talk to her long.
“how dare you accuse me of such a thing!” she gasped but started laughing afterwards.
“do you know how much a ruckus you have started here?” rolling my eyes at her childish behavior, you don’t get why she always had to do this. She had everything in this town, every guy swooned over her, everyone loved her.
“thaha, yes and i don’t care” she tried waking away from you but you grabbed her wrist and pulled her close.
“if you want people to believe you, then tell them where you found the knight.” you walked away from her, then she realized she never told people where she had found him.
You couldn’t take this, you walked back to your home where your mother was cooking dinner.
“Mother im going for a stroll in the woods!”
“okay y/n be careful! you know what people are saying about these up coming days or even weeks!” You nodded back to her and stared your walk to the woods.
Once you entered the woods you started to roam around a bit not realizing how deep into the woods you have gotten. But you didn’t care very much and continued walking.
You got in pretty deep and you heard a crunch on your right, you ignored it thinking it was someone fetching for wood. But thinking about it more, they never come this deep.
You got snapped out by hearing another crunch, but a little bit closer to you. You walked the other direction not wanting to believe what r/n is saying, knowing she’s doing it for attention.
You heard it again but it sounds like it’s following you. You knew it wasn’t the best idea but you turned around and saw a person on a house, you couldn’t see the colors of his uniform since it was kind of dar outside.
“Ahh and who are you?” he held up his torch, then you saw it. Blue uniform, so it is true. You tried to run away but he got off his horse and ran after you.
He caught up to you and grabbed your wrist in a tight grip.
“Please let go! i’m sorry! i wont tell anyone just please let me go!” you were crying and trying to pull your wrist away from him.
“Ohh your not going so easily, what’s your name?”
“I’m not saying! just let me go please!” he got closer to your face, you could feel his hot breath on your face but you could see more of his features. He has very dark brown eyes and a few piercings, on his left eyebrow and nose.
“Well? what’s ur name?”
you caved in hoping if you tell him he’ll let you go. “y/n”
“well that’s a pretty name y/n” it rolls off his tongue so nicely, you noticed he also had a tongue piercing.
“w-whats your name?”
“niragi, suguru niragi” you nodded at him, but not feeling him grip on your wrist loosen.
“your very pretty y/n, i’m not going to hurt you” he drops his gun that was also in his hands and he let go of you. But for some reason, you didn’t run away from him. Something about him seemed… comforting?
“Wanna stay with me hm?” you nodded at him, you didn’t even know why.
“cmon, let’s go to my horse” he held out his hand to me, i told it and he kissed the back of it, picking his gun up and taking you to his horse.
“I like your piercings, and your hair” his raven hair looked nice, long and half of it in a little bun.
“thank you y/n” we got to his horse and he set his gun down and hopped on.
“need help?” you nodded once again and took his hand. He pulled you up behind him and we started walking around talking to each other getting to know some more. You warmed up to him and he warmed up to you.
“We are attacking in 2 weeks time” he told you talking you back up to the front of the woods but not close so he could be seen.
“Thank you, i’ll come back tomorrow, bye niragi!” you gave him a kiss on his cheek and hopped off the horse. Niragi felt a strange feeling while going back to the fire.
“Niragi you good?”
“yeah fine” he walked back to his tent and he could get y/n off his mind, but little did he know. Neither could y/n.
It’s been a few days and you have been going to the woods to see niragi every night. But someon has been following you, r/n. You didn’t know that she was telling her little group everything about what has been happening. But tonight they were going to confront you about it.
You did the usual tell you mom then go find him. Tonight niragi decided to confess his feelings for you, yes he knows it’s only been a few nights but he feels different with you then what he’s felt with any other girl.
“Hey y/n!”
“Hey niragi!” he pulled you up to onto his horse
“I have to tell you something.” he was nervous, you could tell.
“what’s up? are you ok?” he nodded at you and started talking.
“Y/n i know we haven’t known each other for long but” he took a slight pause not know if he should, but if he doesn’t he might never see you again after the war.
“i like you, a lot. and i get if you don’t like me back due to how long we have kn-“ you shut him up but kissing him, he kissed you back but you pulled away.
“I like you to niragi, i thought it was obvious” you leaned in to kiss him again but you heard a noise and you turned your head to see r/n.
“Ha, caught you y/n!” she had her little group around her staring at you both.
“i- um”
“you filthy slut y/n, kissing a french knight” you didn’t know what else to say to her. you were scared of people finding out about it. Niragi saw your nervousness and made the horse start to run away.
“We’ll get you y/n!” the girls laughed but stared to walk away.
“i’m so done for” you were panicking because you don’t know how you just realized you could get hung.
“Then don’t go back, stay with me” he tried calming you dow but it didn’t work.
“I can’t they will come looking for me.” you looked up at him with worry in you eyes.
“I don’t want them to do anything to you” you had tears building up in your eyes at the thought of them doing anything to him.
“hey hey hey, they wont touch me, i promise nothing will happen to me.” you nodded at him, you hated this. It was forbidden love.
“Can i stay with you tonight?” you hoped it wasn’t to much to ask of him.
“of course my love.” the pet name made your heart flutter and a blush come upon your cheeks.
“I have to grab some stuff for us to sleep” he snuck in his tent to grab some of his stuff and came back to the horse, not being seen by anyone. He found a good spot for us to sleep and started setting everything up.
“Thank you, for everything niragi”
“don’t thank me, now c’mere” he opened his arms already laying down waiting for you to join him. You layed your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist, he wrapped his arms around you. One around your waist and one on your head playing with your hair.
“I love you y/n, i know it’s fast but i really do”
“I love you to niragi, it may be fast but i m have never felt this way before.” you looked up at him to find him looking at you already.
“get some sleep my love” he told you, already drifting off to sleep.
“goodnight niragi, i love you” i heard him mumble an i love you back before we both dozed off.

hello again!! im the person from below, you can call me lara btw
I have a request for our beloved dori (we love him) Can you write where dori was on the couch and reader jumps up too him and just lays on his chest and says “I can hear your heartbeat” and what his reaction would be??
You don’t have too do this if you don’t want to, I’m not forcing you! Have a great day/night <333
yes ofc! i hope you have a great day/night as well <333
Dori would definitely be caught by surprise at first but he would settle down and continue whatever he was doing before.
You had just come home from work and you went to your shared bedroom to take a quick shower. You got changed into you pj’s and wakes over the the living room, but instead of sitting next to him you jumped on him.
“hi dori, i’ve missed you”
“I’ve missed you to sweetheart.” he looked down at you and kissed the top of your head sweetly and went down to doing whatever on his phone. A few minutes pass and you were still sitting on his lap, your head in his chest.
“I can hear your heartbeat” you looked up at him
“your so cute” he pulled you into a quick kiss and played with your hair as your head was still on his chest.
“I love you dori”
“I love you to y/n”
So in conclusion he would literally die inside. He loves you so much that words can’t even describe <3
A/n i’m sorry this was so short but i hope you like it! <3

Dori with female reader watching Alice in Borderland and reader gets horny when she saw Niragi and Dori gave her Niragi in bed??
Please and thank you
Thank you for the request! Sorry i haven’t been posting i have had many ideas in mind. I hope u enjoy! :)
You and dori were sitting in the living room watching alice in borderland, you guys were up to where Dori Niragi was making everyone vote for Aguni as leader. You didn’t recognize him with his long hair and all the piercings.
“How do you like him” you heard him whisper into your ear. You were confused because you didn’t think he came on yet.
“What?” as if on perfect timing he pointed to himself holding a gun up to Mira, doing a lewd movement with his tongue.
“That’s you?!” he nodded at you gently turning your face back to the screen. You couldn’t believe that was Dori, he looked so hot with the piercings and long hair, you leaned back in his embrace. As time went on and you kept watching, you felt yourself getting wetter.
You rubbed your thighs together, trying to get some sort of friction.
“Are you okay?” Dori looked over at you and paused the episode. As soon as you heard him you stopped you movements and turned to look at him.
“Yeah im okay, unpause it” You tried to turn away from him to look at the screen but he stopped you.
“Then why are you rubbing your thighs together under the blanket?” He tilted his head teasing you with a little hum at the end.
“I don’t know what your talking about.” He unpaused the show smirking and looking bad over. We got to season 2 the end of episode 1 and Niragi was burnt.
“You look pretty good burnt” You were still rubbing your legs together, your wetness still not going away. You thought maybe this time he wont notice it, he wasn’t acting like he knew.
He mumbled a quick ‘thank you’ and we continued watching.
“Can you pause it? I need to go to the bathroom really quick” he nodded and paused it, you didn’t know why he was being so short with you all of a sudden but you went to the bathroom and came back quick and sat next to him, unpausing the tv.
You checked the time and saw it was already almost 1 in the morning, you didn’t know you guys had been watching for so long.
“Ah finally we finished” Dori stood up to stretch so did you.
“So you want to tell me why you have been rubbing your thighs this whole time?” he bent down to your eye level with a grin on his face.
“What are you talking about?” You could feel that your panties were still extremely wet.
“You know exactly what i’m talking about” He was being rougher then usual, he was usually so sweet and gentle but right now he was more straightforward.
“Did you like Niragi?” You didn’t realize he was walking you towards the stairs, he picked you up and brought you upstairs to your bedroom. He dropped you onto the bed taking off his shirt before crawling over you kissing you.
You slid you hands up to his neck but before you could get fully around Dori Niragi grabbed your hands and pinned them above your head.
“No touching” he pulled away kissing and sucking at you neck. While his mouth was occupied with your neck his hand that wasn’t holding your wrists came down to get your shirt off.
He pulled away from your neck to get it above your head then going back to leaving hickeys but moving down to your hands above your head.
“please” you whimpered out wanting more from him.
“What do you want? You have to tell me or i wont know.” Dori Niragi was fidgeting with the back of your bra.
“Please take it off”
“Take what off?” now he was really pushing it.
“Anything! just please!” Dori Niragi finally takes your bra and starts to fondle with your breasts, Taking one of your now hard buds into his mouth flicking his tongue against it.
“Please i need more” you tangled your fingers in his black hair begging him to give you more.
“Stop being such a needy little bitch and take what i give you.” he slapped your face and moved down taking off your underwear, blowing a bit of air to tease you. Then coming back up to kiss you.
“Stop teasing please, need you so bad” He started traveling bad down to your sopping cunt. Dori Niragi ran his long slender fingers through your wet folds, sliding two finger into your soaking wet hole. You let out a cry feeling him suck on your clit, weaving your fingers into his hair.
“Please” Your thighs closed around his head as he quickens his fingers and sucks on your clit harder.
“Oh my god Dori i’m gonna cum!”
“Do it” You came right when he told you, he came back up tapping your chin.
“Open” You complied and he shoved his slender fingers into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around his digits.
“You want my cock baby?” You nodded around his fingers and felt the tip dragging against your clit. You whined wanting him to enter you already, Dori Niragi finally put his tip in slowly pushing his long cock into you.
He slowly pulled out till his tip was just out and slammed back into you.
“Oh god!” You cried out feeling tears form in the corners of your eyes. He pounded into faster hitting that’s spongy spot that has you seeing starts each time.
“You like that? this the spot?” You couldn’t even get any words out, the only word you could get was his name. You felt yourself clench around his cock and his thrusts were sloppy.
“Please Dori i’m going to cum!”
“Me to-shit cum with me” You both got to your climax together. Dori Niragi continued thrusting riding out your highs.
Once overstimulation hit you he slowly pulled out seeing his seed drop out of you, he pushed it back in with his fingers.
“Please, no more” You winced feeling his fingers pump in and out of you again.
“Just give me one more, i know you’ve got it in you.” Your legs started shaking feeling the knot getting tighter in you stomach. He made slow circles on your clit and you felt the knot snap, cumming around his fingers.
Dori went into the bathroom grabbing a went washcloth and coming to clean you up. He threw it back into the bathroom coming into bed with you. You were already dozing off and so was he.
“That was amazing y/n, thank you” You hummed, to tired to say anything back to him.
“Goodnight i love you” He pulled you to face him kissing you on the lips.
“I love you to Dori, goodnight”
A/n: I hope you enjoyed im sorry it took so long! <3

First time
Dori x virgin reader
Summary: Dori just got back from shooting, but while you and your friend were hanging out you guys were watching coffee and vanilla and you got a little jealous…
contains breeding kink, praise, oral fem rec, first time, soft sex, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it) that’s all i think let me know if i’m missing something!
You and y/f/n where at her house and she offered to watch your boyfriends show, coffee and vanilla. You didn’t want to at first knowing he had physical contact with her (like kissing i’ve never watched so idk all) and you didn’t really want to see your Dori kissing another girl.
“Come on y/nnn” y/f/n dragged out the end of your name. “it’ll be okay, he doesn’t like her like that.” You obviously know that but he has been in a few shows with her and that scared you a little bit.
You trusted him with all your heart but you just didn’t want to see it. After she kept begging you to watch it with her you do finally agree to watch it. It’s been a few episodes you already wanted to stop watching.
“See y/n! it isn’t so bad!” you could tell she was enjoying the show, but you weren’t. You smiled and nodded at her looking back to the screen. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and you looked to see that Dori texted you.
My love❤️: Hi sweetheart! i’ll be home in a little bit i miss you!❤️
You: Hi love! i’m at y/f/n i should be home in maybe an hour, i miss you to!❤️
My love❤️: okay i should be home in 30 minutes! i’ll make dinner for us when you get home!
You: okay! i’ll text you when im on my way home! i love you❤️
My love❤️: okay i love you to❤️
You smiled at your phone then set it down next to you on the couch.
“I’m going to get some popcorn want anything?” y/f/n asked, you shake head ‘no’.
30 minutes has passed by and you guys were still watching, you hated every second of having to watch your sweet boyfriend kiss her and hug her. You felt your phone vibrate again and you saw dori texting you saying he was home.
You texted him back telling him you will leave in 10 minutes.
“Hey i’m going to get going soon”
“Awww so soon?” You nodded to her telling her that its 9:00, she kept asking you to stay longer but you didn’t budge. Yes, you wanted to spend more time with her but you didn’t want to watch the show anymore and you wanted to see dori since he’s been gone all day.
“i’m going to start to get going now” you stood up going hug her, she hugged you back and said bye. You got into your car and texted dori.
You: I’m driving home right now
My love❤️: okay!
You put your phone down a little bit upset about the show but you knew he couldn’t help it, its his job. You finally made it home to see dinner on the table.
You went over and hugged him giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you Dori” you smiled up at him
“Your welcome now air before it gets cold!” he went over and pulled out your chair and you sat down. He went over to his and you both started eating.
“How was filming?”
“It was good, tiring” you nodded continuing to eat, you couldn’t get dori kissing her out of your head.
“Give me your plate” he stood up holding his hand out.
“no no no, let me do it. you go rest” you took his plate from him and he went i to your shared bedroom to shower. You rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.
You went to go change into one of doris shirt and layed down in bed going to your phone. The shower turned off and dori walked in with a towel wrapped around him waist. You tried not to stare but your eyes betrayed you.
You thought he wouldn’t notice because his back is turned towards you but you were wrong.
“I know your looking at me y/nnn” a blush creeped up into your face.
“I don’t know what your talking about” you looked back at your phone and you heard his foot steps walking over to you.
“What’s wrong baby? you’ve been acting weird since you got home.” you didn’t know you were acting weird you tried to act like you weren’t jealous but i guess it showed.
“Nothing, i’m just tired.” you tried to play it off but from the look on his face you knew he wasn’t buying it.
“What’s really wrong, don’t lie tell me” You gave into him knowing he’ll know if you lie.
“My friend made me watch Coffee and Vanilla.” you looked down at your fingers, feeling to embarrassed to look him in the eye.
“We’re you jealous?” you didn’t respond nor look at him.
“Hm?” Dori hummed pushing your chin up with his index finger so you would look him in the eye. You nodded at him in response.
“No no use your words” His teasing was driving you crazy.
“Yes, i was” you finally said to him only for his to tease you more.
“Why?” He tilted his head to the side, you tried to pull your face away from him but he gripped you jaw in his palm.
“You know why dori”
“No i don’t” He was acting so innocent, it made you even more embarrassed.
“Was is because i kissed her?” you nodded again and he took it as an answer knowing he would feel the same way if he saw you.
“You don’t need to be jealous, I love you and you only” you nodded again. He could tell you were still upset about it so he offered you something.
“Do you want me to prove it to you?” You looked into his eyes again and you saw a sincere look in his eyes.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to y/n, i know you haven’t done anything”
“i do. just please be caref-“ Dori cut you off with his lips on yours. You could feel drips of water on your shirt, well his shirt. When he felt that water was dripping from him onto your shirt he pulled away from the kiss.
“Lemme take this off” he had his hands toying at the hem of your shirt before pulling it over you head to get it off you. Dori cupped one of your cover breasts.
“Please Dori” Hearing your pleas he unclipped the back of your bra and pulled it off your chest.
“Shit y/n your so beautiful” he went down and started sucking on one of your now hard nipples, his hand flicking the other one. You ran your fingers through his hair pulling his head away from your chest.
“Please, i need you inside Dori” He smiled at you and brought his hands down to the only piece of clothing that was on you, your panties. He teased you a little bit at first but then he pulled them down and opened your legs.
“Can i taste you baby.” Dori asked you with his fingers lightly rubbing circles on your clit.
“Yes please dori” With that he moved his fingers out of the way and lightly tapped your clit with the tip of his tongue. You needed more from him, you were so desperate for him.
“Please dori hurry, need you inside me”
“okay baby, let me get you ready first. don’t want to hurt you” Dori moved 2 fingers to your entrance and slowly pushed them in. You let a little moan out but quickly moved your hand over your mouth in embarrassment.
Dori took his free hand and moved it away from your face. “I want to hear you y/n” he said briefly stopping his tongue from lapping your clit.
He pumped his fingers faster then before and sucked on your clit.
“Ohh shit dori” You felt a knot form in your stomach and it felt like it was getting closer and closer to breaking. Dori kept his fingers moving at the same pace but started to suck your clit harder, noticing earlier that you were extremely sensitive there.
“Let go for me baby. then i’ll give you my cock mkay?” you nodded at him feeling the knot finally break, cumming on his fingers. He got up and licked your cum off his fingers as well as letting his towel fall.
“This may hurt s little bit so tell me to stop if you need okay?” he crawled over you with his elbows on both sides of your face.
“Okay just please put it in. need it now dori” He pushed his cock into your wet cunt. Dori let out a groan and mumbled something you couldn’t make out.
“move dori please” he looked you in the eye and started rocking his hips into you slowly, though you still needed more. You reached you hand in between you two and rubbed your clit.
Dori took notice and moved his hips faster drawing a moan out of him. Your mind was fuzzy it felt so good, so good to finally have Dori inside you.
“Ah shit dori! feels so good! please don’t stop don’t slow down please”
“I’m not going to baby it’s okay” he adored seeing you underneath him begging, it was bringing him over the edge.
“Y/n, baby i’m gonna cum. gonna fill you up kay?” his hips kept hitting that spongy spot having you see stars.
“Okay me to dori. please fill me up, please” you felt tears run down your face, you were so overwhelmed with pleasure you started crying for him.
“God your so pretty when you cry- oh god y/n i-i’m cumming”
“Me to Dori- ohh fuck!” you came around him and he continued to slowly move his hips riding out your highs. His hips came to a stop and he slowly pulled out of you, cleaning you both up.
“Don’t be jealous of her i only love you baby” you had your face nuzzled in his neck sucking a few marks onto his neck.
“I love you dori”
“I love you to baby, now get some sleep” Dori kissed the top of your head.
Hi!! I’m sorry this took so long i have been really busy but i have more coming soon! :)

Heyy!! I saw that you write for Dori and I was wondering if you can write about, where him and the reader were exhausted from their wedding an decided to have a relaxing time at a hotel, and that relaxing time turned into a spicy one 👀
yes ofc! i’m sorry i haven’t been posting i’ve been really busy but i will get everything out! <3
Hii! i’m so sorry i haven’t posted i didn’t have much motivation but i am back now i hope you enjoy!
You and you now husband Dori have just arrived at the hotel you guys will be staying at. You went up to your room and saw how big it was.
“wow it’s so nice” he said coming up from behind you. You nodded while going to check the bed for any bed bugs. (yk gotta be safe) When you turned around dori wasn’t there anymore and then you heard the bath start to run.
“What are you doing babe?” you asked him and wrapped your arms around him giving him a hug from behind.
“running us a bath, i’m exhausted” you hum agreeing with him. The bath tub was full and he stood up starting to undress, you just stood there and watched as he got in the bath.
“You gonna come in my love?” dori looked at you from the bath and you started taking your clothes off as well. You got in and Dori pulled you against his chest.
“You looked so beautiful today” he said ans nibbled at the shell of your ear while his hands roamed your body. You felt you cheeks get warm and muttered a ‘thank you’ to him.
“I’m so glad to finally call you my wife, i’ve been waiting for so long.” it was true, you guys had been together since the last year of high school making you guys high school sweethearts.
“I’m so happy i can call you my husband” you looked up and him and smiled, he took one of his hands off you and moved your chin up connecting your lips in a passionate kiss. Dori moved his hand to the back of your neck and pulled you a little closer deepening the kiss. He moved his other hand down and slipped two fingers into you.
You moaned into the kiss but moved your hand down to his hard cock and slowly started jerking him off. He groaned and pulled away from the kiss and moved to your neck to suck red and purple marks.
You felt your orgasm nearing when doris thumb started rubbing your clit.
“Dori-shit- i’m gonna cum” when you said that he pulled his fingers away causing you to whine at the loss of contact.
“I want you to cum on my cock” he said pushing into you slowly, he stayed there enjoying the feeling of your warm walls clenching around him.
“fuck your so tight y/n” he groaned and started rocking up into you with a steady rhythm. You let out a loud moan as the tip of his cock hit the spongy spot inside you. Dori covered your mouth when he started rocking his hips faster.
“shh -fuck- baby you gotta be quiet, don’t want people in the other rooms to hear us” you nodded and whimpered into his hand.
“fuck i’m cumming dori” you muttered into his hand not able to say it clearly with his hand over your mouth and how good he was fucking you.
You were on the brick of your orgasm, feeling your eyes rolling back and your toes curling.
“oh god y/n i’m gonna cum. com with me please” dori pounded into you with more force causing some water to splash out of the bath. You clenched around him feeling him cum inside of you. Dori kept his pace and you came on his cock.
“Your so pretty Mrs. Sakurada i love you” you laughed a little upon hearing him call you his last name.
“I love you to Mr. Sakurada” he laughed as well and held you flush against his chest.
I hope you enjoyed once again i’m sorry this took so long! have a great day/night!

These writings/stories are not mine, they are only stories like and this is a why that i can go back when I feel like reading them again.
I do not claim these writings to be mine.
Please support the writers by reblogging and liking their post, they take their time to write these so we could enjoy them <3.
will be adding more!
Chishiya Shuntaro ♡ (nijiro murakami)

Soft 💌
- destiny (chishiya)
work hard (chishiya)
Imitate mornings (chishiya)
Kissing (chishiya(+)banda)
Chishiya shuntaro
House of cards (chishiya)
drunken haze (chishiya)
dating him (nijiro)
Angst 🌬
Value of life (chishiya)
Fourth of july (chishiya)
Dear mother (chishiya)
Nigari Surugu ♡
(dori sakurada)

Soft 💌/ little bit of smut (dori + more of his characters)
Jealousy (+)
kissing (+)
soft (+)
Proof (dori sakurada)
first kiss (nigari Surugu)
Arisu Ryohel ♡
(kento yamazaki)

Soft 💌
kuina hiraki ♡
(aya asahina)
