Kento Yamazaki - Tumblr Posts

Swimming in Grey
Reference: Kento Yamazaki

ALICE IN BORDERLAND dir. Shinsuke Sato, 2020
Surprise Shawty
summary: in which dori’s girlfriend debates trunk hopping without asking just to get a shock when she sees the real thing.
a/n:not sure if anyone is gonna read this but it’s kinda half assed…. but not really cause i just suck at writing but yea here you go enjoy dori lvrs<3
Cracking an egg into the pan while simultaneously swaying your body is NOT the easiest thing to do, I realize as some of the egg white drips down the side of the pan. “Body ody-ody-ody-ody” I sing as I move my hips left and right to the beat. “Babe half the egg is out the pan you trying to starve me” he asks as he pushes my curly hair to the side and buries his face into my neck and wraps his arms around my waist. I squeal as he leaves a wet kiss on my neck that tickle me. “Dori stop, you're gonna make me burn your breakfast” I whine as I try to escape his warm embrace to flip the slightly forgotten eggs. “There’s nothing left to burn but I’ll let you go…..only if you give me a kiss before i leave for set today” he wagers as he reaches around me to turn the stove off and turns me around by my hips. “Speaking of set, when are you gonna tell me which show you’re shooting for?” Settling my arms around his neck, I add a little pout to hopefully make him cave,as usual, and finally tell me.
You see, they’ve been shooting for the last 4 months yet he REFUSES to tell me every time i ask about it. At this point I've come to a conclusion that it’s either; A.a romantic movie and he doesn’t want me to get jealous or B.another movie where he has to act like the cutie he is and is just embarrassed. Either way I want to know because at this point, the suspense is killing me and I'm so tempted to hide in the back of his car and see how far he gets until he realizes I'm there; hopefully he doesn’t and we make it all the way to set(fingers crossed). “Y/N i already told you you’ll just have to wait until it’s out” he groans as he pulls me closer and rests his head on top of mine “But that’s gonna take another what, 4 to 5 months? Bibi that’s gonna kill me to wait” I whine as I slightly stomp my foot and do a sad little jig. “Ok how about we make a deal then. Since today is the last day of shooting for the movie, you can come and visit and watch us film our last scene”
*Mic drop*… you see that, my distinguished colleagues is how you get answers; throw in a pout, do a stomp, and DON’T forget the jig. “Yayyyy” I squeal as I leap into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist, hoping that he catches me or else we’re marrying the floor and our concussions will be the engagement rings. “Alright” he starts as he sits me on the white marble countertop, “so we should start shooting the last scene around 4-ish, so you should come like half an hour before so that you can eat lunch with us and watch the last scene” he gives me the run down as he trails his large hands up and down the outside of my thighs. “Ok is there anything i can bring? I’d feel bad just showing up and eating your food.” I pout as the thought of not being helpful pops into my mind. “Nope, just you and your beautiful face are more than enough” he lamely flirts as he places his hands on my hips and pulls me closer. “Now give me a kiss so i can get to set and finally finish this show” he places one hand behind my neck and gently pulls my head closer to kiss my lips.

Closing out of messages, I head to spotify and hit shuffle on my favorites. The first song that comes on is Mic Drop by BTS and I know this shower is going to hit different.
*time skip cause this part isn’t important*
At 2:30 I’m heading out the door, and i make sure i grab the stuff i promised Aya and leave. The boys' faces are going to be priceless when they see what Aya and I have been planning for the last couple of weeks. We were originally going to launch our attack when they finished filming, but since i'm going today we thought it would be better if we did it today. You see the boys have been pranking us girls since we’ve become friends, and we thought of the ultimate prank among pranks to end them. But I’m not going to spoil it so let’s continue on with my journey to my long awaited destination. Heading out into the warm summer weather of tokyo to get in my car, i notice a single yellow flower tucked under my windshield wiper and smile as i remember telling Dori about them last week.

Getting in my car, I put on my Kpop playlist for the drive and then i place my phone in the cup holder and back out of the driveway. My first destination is the bakery so that I can get cookies for everyone, even though I know Niji is going to complain because that little gremlin hates cookies, but i’m going to pretend i never knew. Afterwards of course i’m heading to set and our prank will begin, but the MAIN reason will be to see what all this secrecy is about. “Hi can i get a large tray of assorted cookies and 2 cupcakes to go” I say as the cashier asks me what i would like and then tells me what i owe as he finishes putting in my order. “Thanks, have a good one” I say as I grab the bag and immediately open the container to grab a cookie, what i bought them and i’m hungry plus they’ll never know. *Time skip again* As i pull up to set, in front of me i see a huge hotel looking place with people walking around in bikinis and swim trunks. “What is this some surfer movie, oh god little Nij in swim trunks haha I have to see this” cackling as i park and grab the goods while exiting the car.

As I stand at the trunk of my car, I open snapchat to make sure i look ok because compared to all these beautiful girls in bikinis i look like a toe. Just as I go to close snapchat because i’ve reminded myself i’m a bad bitch, I get a snap pic from my pale little gremlin friend. Opening up the picture, i let out a ‘aww’ as i see him carrying the rest of the bouquet of flowers but then…. my eyes travel up the picture and land on the man of the hour. HIS HAIR and is that a PIERCING on his eyebrow??? no of course not it’s probably just the light reflecting off of his face right? I screenshot the picture to try and zoom in but before i can even exit out of the app and go to my camera roll, arms wrap around my shoulders and pull me close.
Only by the smell of Dori’s cologne and the crinkle of the bouquet wrapper, am i able to recognize who’s blocked my view of the wonderful picture sent to me. “Hey welcome to set you trunk hopper” he says as i wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his chest “wait how do you know about that? was it Niji that little traitor, you tell him something in a drunken moment and suddenly he tells everyone” but whining doesn’t seem to help my case as his chest rumbles with loud laughter. “Yes he did and i can’t believe you would even think to do that” he chokes out as he laughs at the thought of me drunk and ranting to Niji.
Ok so there are three stages of me drunk, I start out by being just a little tipsy but i’m still chill, then this is when things start ramping up because i go from chill to chaotic VERY quick. One time we were all out drinking, and i’m pretty sure Tao has 2 videos a good 5 minutes apart that show one of me chilling a scrolling on my phone and then the next one is me on a table dancing to mr.worldwide. After that, it’s just all downhill from there because i get emotional and there are NO secrets when it comes to stage 3 y/n; thus my rant to Niji and everyone learning about my trunk plan.
Ok now enough about my embarrassing inability to stay sane after 5 drinks. “Stop laughing, it was one of my many moments of embarrassing” I scold as I pulled away to hold him at an arms length. Now that he’s standing right in front of me I can finally take all of the look in starting at the outfit. He’s wearing something completely different from what he usually wears, a sweatshirt and shorts. But the Dori in front of me is wearing combat boots with black pleather pants, and a black and white or zebra print button up. Then it all comes together when i look up and see his hair, it’s long and totally not what i’m used to. This morning he left with his regular short teenage boy hair, but now he has long black hair that is half up in a bun and the other half falling on his shoulders.
But what i’m really looking at is the two silver balls on either side of my boyfriend's eyebrow… now one wouldn’t be as phased by the piercing, but seeing it on the softie that the world calls Dori sakurada is life changing, show stopping, groundbreaking. “Sir you’re going to have to point me in the direction of your stylist so that i can give them the fattest kiss, this is incredible it looks so real” I say in awe as i gently run my finger over the fake piercing and he smirks while holding eye contact “You think that’s cool, look at this'' he says as he sticks out his tongue and shows me a FREAKING TONGUE PIERCING….. Now that right there is a true mic drop.
Staring wide eyed at the piercing, I’m stuck thinking of whether to pull his tongue and try to see if it’s real or kiss him silly and take him back home. Behind him I see Niji taking a video of us, him wearing a white hoodie with long blonde hair. So based off of what I’m seeing this show is gonna have me jumping through hoops. Niji looks like a little pale leprechaun surfer and suddenly my boyfriend has multiple piercings and long hair…someone bring me a shot. “Hello earth to y/n did you hear me? I said what’s all thi-“ “Open your mouth right now dori” I interrupt as I gently grab the sides of his mouth and make him pucker his lips. He tries to stick out his tongue lick my fingers to make me let go, but i’m too determined to find out if it’s real or not.
He gently grabs my wrist and drags my hand down unt it’s back to my side and starts to drag me towards set. “Nij did you get the video? How does it look” he asks as he grabs the phone from Niji all while im still staring and him with wide eyes while carrying everything. “It worked out just how I said it would, I told you she’s a simp bro just look at her still drooling”Niji teases as me pokes my forehead and reaches down to grab a bag from me and starts heading back to i what i assume is the set.
a/n: i’ve been sitting on this for a good year and a half…. oops sorry. anyways yea kinda my first fic so let me know what you guys are thinking


➜ ┊: kento yamazaki in live action roles ᵎ ✰
Crush ❤😍
kento yamazaki

Mais que perfeito

KENTO YAMAZAKI — memorial book scene #20 (2015)
Actually I asked for this 😛

This image of kento yamazaki makes me laugh because WHAT is he man spreading THAT FAR FOR???? WHAT??? 😭😭😭😭 PUT THEM STOMPERS TOGETHER SIR.
How AIB men will handle you being insecure about your tummy.

This man pays such great attention to detail, it’s actually crazy. Chishiya will notice you’ve changed your shirt from a crop-top to a regular tee. He’ll question you about it, knowing you’re having an insecure moment/day. “You know I like your stomach, right? You don’t have to hide it around me, or anyone for that matter,” he’ll reassure you, coming up to you as he wraps a snug arm around you protectively.

Cuddling with Arisu, he’ll grab around your waist, clutching you close as he caresses your stomach. When you move his hand and pull your shirt down, he’ll groan, already knowing what’s up. “Cut it out. Your stomach is cute and soft. Let me massage you,” he’ll whisper softly. You’ll cave in, sighing as he returns to rubbing the squishiness with a happy and child-like smile.

“Maybe I should start working out with you,” you’ll randomly blurt, hinting at your dislike for your belly. Confused and thrown-off, Aguni will turn to you, now curious as to why you’re saying this out of the blue. “I mean sure, babe. You know I don’t mind,” he’ll reply. “But why now? Where’s all this coming from?” Rolling your eyes, you’ll throw yourself back onto the bed, slapping your tummy. “This. This is where it’s coming from.” He’ll side-eye you extremely hard, coming down quickly to give your belly a ton of kisses. “Woman, if you don’t stop—you’re perfect.”

“I’m ordering takeout!” Niragi will shout from downstairs. “What do you want?” You’ll peer your head from the bedroom door to reply back. “Nothing—I don’t want anything.” He’ll squint his eyes perplexed, slowly but surely getting irritated. “Come down here,” he’ll demand. Sighing, you’ll drag your feet down the stairs, plopping down beside him on the couch. “What?!” You’ll exasperate impatiently. He’ll pop you on the forehead and thigh, ignoring your squeak at the assault as he says, “You know I like my woman with meat on her or else I have nothing to bite or grab. So, grow up. Now for the final time, what do you want to eat?”
Awwww. I love chubby tummys, they’re so fucking cute. — Ash <3

Yallll he looks so fucking good in this pic, it’s giving me too many ideas 😳 Kento with glasses is not something I thought I needed but shiiitt— 😩 I could just slurp him rn

Kento is so sexy and sultry. Look at his hair bitch he looks so good
come here if you are ryohei arisu 🤭🥰😘
if your name is ryohei arisu would you like to come passionately make out with me. don’t worry it’s part of the game aha
These writings/stories are not mine, they are only stories like and this is a why that i can go back when I feel like reading them again.
I do not claim these writings to be mine.
Please support the writers by reblogging and liking their post, they take their time to write these so we could enjoy them <3.
will be adding more!
Chishiya Shuntaro ♡ (nijiro murakami)

Soft 💌
- destiny (chishiya)
work hard (chishiya)
Imitate mornings (chishiya)
Kissing (chishiya(+)banda)
Chishiya shuntaro
House of cards (chishiya)
drunken haze (chishiya)
dating him (nijiro)
Angst 🌬
Value of life (chishiya)
Fourth of july (chishiya)
Dear mother (chishiya)
Nigari Surugu ♡
(dori sakurada)

Soft 💌/ little bit of smut (dori + more of his characters)
Jealousy (+)
kissing (+)
soft (+)
Proof (dori sakurada)
first kiss (nigari Surugu)
Arisu Ryohel ♡
(kento yamazaki)

Soft 💌
kuina hiraki ♡
(aya asahina)
