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i think it's interesting that "cosmetics" and "cosmetic surgeries" are generally viewed as two distinct categories whereas "skincare" and "medspa procedures" are often conflated. The general consensus seems to be that "skincare" includes these procedures. i'm curious if this is because the human history of cosmetics is such a long one, whereas our modern era of skincare (characterized by isolating the skin from holistic health/ the rest of the body, focus on researched-backed chemistry, culture of method and routine) is a relatively recent development, which has so far taken place in a cultural era where cosmetic surgeries are becoming rapidly normalized. while classic cosmetic surgeries had to undergo a period of cultural skepticism and taboo, skin-focused procedures came in with a fresh slate. they seem like the next generation of cosmetic surgeries, branded that way intentionally to appeal to modern consumer tastes.
isn't it weird that between the ages of ~20 and late 30s/ 40s, unless you have teenagers in the house or work with them, it's hard to know what they're really like? because of course you're in touch with teenagers when you are one, and then you generally start to know/ be around more once people your age have older kids. i've been seeing a ton of press lately about gen alpha and younger gen z and it's peculiar to not be able to compare it with personal experience.
as kind of a side thought, it's also weird to think that i and people in my age range might interact with gen alpha/ young gen z way more than we realize through social media, but they are homogenized into the ageless everyman of the comment section. maybe that isn't the case though, i suspect my feeds are generally pretty isolated, but it's strange having limited means to find out.
i hadn't really considered any of this until i joined the r/teachers subreddit and found their accounts of teenage culture and emerging trends really interesting. some of today's teenagers' slang, tastes, behaviors and vibes as described in the posts are familiar but some are not, and that little knowledge gap seems to be where sensationalized headlines find a hold.
i'd think this pattern repeats roughly every 15-20 years. is this kind of generational window of oblivion a piece of how generations are distinguished from each other and define their identities? i imagine generations today in western countries are more isolated than at perhaps any other time in history, with the decline of multi-generational households, older average age of marriage and childrearing, and longer lifespans. i'm curious what kinds of cultural effects that might have, if any.
quick question for my followers, would you prefer i use a queue or are you okay with my pattern of inactivity followed by a burst of posts? if you care to vote/ even notice, pls lmk :)
ty for voting and for following in the first place!
really i think i formed my identity a bit too much around being messy and chaotic and spontaneous and then i became weary of it all. but then i formed too much of my identity around being ambitious and put together and regimented, and i've become weary of that too. and now i have two voices constantly tormenting the other. one is selfish, unsustainable, and immature. the other is a sell-out, conformist, burnout.
i will relearn how to have fun without guilt. i will learn to be accountable for the instability that results from my own actions. i will learn to love myself and others better. i will accept that to be human is to be contradictory.
aw guys today was so wonderful. i signed up for this guided hike with a naturalist a while ago and of course, it fell on one of arizona's like three annual rainy days. it wasn't cancelled but there were only two of us that came, so i was able to chat with the naturalist after. as soon as i mentioned i was in school for environmental engineering, she rushed me back to her office and gave me all of these book recs and her business card and even offered me a job lol. i love outdoorsy people! i love the outdoors!
Hello friends :) The new semester is underway, and off to a good start so far. For classes, I'm taking Biotransformations, Soil and Groundwater Remediation, Carbon Storage, and the environmental engineering seminar. I've also been in the lab a lot more, and am almost ready to begin my first major experiments here. It's nice to feel like I am settling into my program and new city; both have been bringing me a lot of happiness lately. Wishing everyone a fulfilling 2024!
This weekend was sooo beautiful. I was not thrilled about spending most of today studying, but fortunately I was able to recharge yesterday by hiking and chilling by the pool. The grind of the semester is definitely beginning, so I'm trying to make time for + savor rest and engaging with my passions.
The past few weeks have been absolutely insane; although stressful due to long hours in the lab and balancing a million things, I can't recall a time I've learned more in such a short period. There is of course still SO much I don't know within my field, but it's satisfying to feel myself becoming more knowledgeable by the day.
Towards the end of last semester, I spent some time reflecting on how my first year was going and considering how to really develop as a researcher. The gap between a first and second year PhD student is huge, in my opinion--since I switched fields from undergrad, it's probably even more true in my case. I did learn a lot last semester, but I was still settling into a new environment and program. There is a lot to get adjusted to in this lab; it's huge, a bit chaotic, and used by multiple groups.
I am finally feeling more confident and independent, so I think this is the time to really grind in order to be where I want to be going into my second year. In addition to ramping up lab work, I've been trying to read way more. For each article I read, I also make a slide in an ongoing PowerPoint that summarizes key findings and any notes or questions I have. This isn't so much an organizational method (I use Zotero for that) as it is a way to follow interesting threads in current research and develop a habit of active reading.
If anyone has a reading practice that really works for them I'd love to hear about it :)
It has been such a long week already and it's only Tuesday morning. I'm still finishing some prep work for my upcoming experiment (verifying analytical methods, scaling up my cultures) but it should be in full-swing soon. Unfortunately I've run into some delays outside of my control, as it has been difficult to obtain a few supplies I need. On one hand, that's just science. On the other, I am most likely attending a conference in June and this experiment will take three months minimum. There's plenty to do in the meantime though, between working with my new mentee (!!), finishing calibrations, and trying to keep up with classes.
Well, it's a new week. "Spring break" is around the corner, although my whole lab group will still be working more or less as usual. I'm looking forward to a break from classes though, and my friend will be visiting for a few days! I did my best to recharge over the weekend by reading and spending time outside. Today was a pretty brutal way to get back in the swing of things though, I was in the lab until 8:30 trying to figure out why my microbial cultures suddenly stopped metabolizing a contaminant. I transferred inoculum to fresh media and added more vitamins... now we pray.
Reading: Evolution's Eye by Susan Oyama
Honestly, last week was really hard. This hasn't been a very restful weekend either, since I have a (very frustrating) problem set due tonight and a midterm tomorrow. I feel like I'm going in circles in the lab; perhaps I'm just being impatient, but the perceived lack of progress is getting to me. I'm trying to use this as an opportunity to practice gratitude, focus on what I can control, and keep my struggles in perspective. Hopefully things will swing the other way soon.
“There’s an old Jewish story that says in the beginning, God was everywhere and everything. A totality. But to make creation, God had to remove Himself from some part of the universe, so something besides Himself could exist. So He breathed in, and in the places where God withdrew, there creation exists. “So God just leaves?” No. He watches. He rejoices. He weeps. He observes the moral drama of human life and gives meaning to it by caring passionately about us, and remembering. Matthew ten, verse twenty-nine: Not one sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. But the sparrow still falls.”
— Mary Doria Russell, The Sparrow
i unfollowed one of my best friends from undergrad on instagram over the weekend. the vibes have been off. months of wondering if im the problem or if there even is a problem or if i should say something or if i should just let it fade. unfollowing is so quiet. i doubt theyll even notice. but i am happy it is done.
omg guys today was the day (my mentee asked me for career/ degree advice)
it's soo much harder to rise and grind when you know the grind is going to arrive at your doorstep any minute like the grim reaper
i need a support group for environmental engineers tbh because idk how to read about the horrible effects of compounds still used WIDELY and not have a fucking meltdown like. it's in my blood it's in everyone's blood it will be in our babies' blood.
Happy finals week to all who celebrate
Classes are finally over! Overall I'm very happy with how I'm finishing this semester. I hit some roadblocks with research, but my experiments are in full swing now and I feel confident in the lab. There's still so much I don't know, but I've learned an insane amount in the last two semesters. This summer should be exciting--I'm presenting a poster at a conference in June, finishing a case study soon thereafter, starting a review article, collaborating with another PI on method development, and taking my qualifying exam in August. It will be a lot, but I've been feeling really motivated and enjoying my work. I'm also looking forward to resting, taking lots of walks, and vacationing with my family after quals. I hope you all have a lovely summer and congrats to those graduating this semester!
This is a big month, as I am beginning to work on my qualifying exam. I have four weeks to write a critical review and prepare a presentation, then I need to pass an oral defense. Trying to stay focused and healthy by prioritizing self care and routine for now, but I can't wait to celebrate when it's done.
![A Lush And Lovely Walk In The Forest Of My Youth](
![A Lush And Lovely Walk In The Forest Of My Youth](
![A Lush And Lovely Walk In The Forest Of My Youth](
![A Lush And Lovely Walk In The Forest Of My Youth](
a lush and lovely walk in the forest of my youth