Sweet Moment - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Ok I got 2 I would like for you to do (not at the same time of course take your time) 1. “Hxh characters holding their newborn for the first time” 2. “Hxh holding their newborn grandchild for the first time”

Thank you so much for the request. Of course I can do it!

I am going to do the first one where the hunter X hunter holds their newborn for the first time and I will do the second one later

 Full credit to la-squadra1234

Feitan-“…..” he would honestly be a bit surprised that he is holding a newborn baby, and he would be very gentle and he wouldn’t really say anything. He would just stare at the baby in his arms

Phinks-“oh…wow it’s so small in my arms”  he would look down and smile at the baby. He would be fairly quiet, but he would make comments here and there.

Chrollo-“they are so small and fragile” there would definitely be a few tears coming out of his eyes and it would be pretty emotional, but not in a bad way. It would be very sweet.

Nobunaga-“wow I am finally a father’s They are so fragile and tiny” it would definitely be a enjoyable moment and a sweet one at that

Illumi-“…..” he would be very quiet, but he would put his finger on the babies hand, and he would let the baby hold his finger🥺 he would be very gentle and he would definitely shows some kind of emotion

Hisoka-“ how cute is small and fragile I wonder if they will do the hunter exam when they are older” Honestly, the moment is as sweet as it can possibly get.

Silva-“ the baby looks a lot fragile than our other kids. I better pay close attention” this moment wouldn’t be too exciting for Silva because he already been through this five times and now a six but it definitely would be sweet, and a very happy moment

 that’s it for today everybody! thank you so much for the request. I’m sorry that it is taking me so long to make request. I am just overworking myself like crazy and I feel like I do need a break sometimes but I also don’t want to keep everybody waiting, so it just stresses me out.😅

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1 year ago

Ok this one is kind of a pt 2 to the “Hxh characters reacting to the daughter’s pregnancy announcement” but like could add the other spiders for this one please (not the women of course) “how the spiders treat there sons-in-law after the announcement” p.s. I just wanna say I love you and all your hard work you put into these 🫶


Thank you so much for the request and of course I can do it. It makes me so happy that you are happy with my work.

BTW…. I don’t really remember what characters I did before and I am kind of too lazy to go back and look so the characters that I am pretty sure I have not done in the last one is uvogin,Franklin,and shalnark so correct me if I’m wrong and I will just do it again because I don’t really mind but those are the characters that I am going to be doing!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


The man would be a whole pool of emotions he would not know how to express himself in that moment. Normally, Nobunaga is the one to come to him, but he would be running full speed to Nobunaga

He wouldn’t be sad about it he would just be very happy, and he would not know how to express himself

(honestly I don’t really know what he would do myself. That’s why I am saying that he would be a whole pool of emotions because I feel like he would be.)


He would genuinely be happy, and he would be over the moon for his daughter. It would be a very sweet moment, and he would remember it vividly for the rest of his life!

He is so overjoyed, and he cannot wait for his grandchild to come into the world. He will obviously protect his grandchild with his life as he does with his daughter.


He would definitely brag about it to the rest of the phantom troupe, and he would be preparing exactly what to say to them he would be so over joyed and excited for his daughter, but he would be a little worried because what if something goes wrong and it makes his daughter very sad or what if his future grandchild doesn’t like him he was thinking about all the bad things that could happen, but then he just crossed them all out and enjoy the moment while it lasted and it was super sweet and enjoyable!

He would definitely talk about it for weeks with the entire phantom troupe. I mean he would just be super super super happy he would not be able to get over it.

And definitely would not be old news to him like ever. He will always talk about it as if it was yesterday.

That’s it for today everybody I hope everyone enjoyed this scenario!

Thank you so much for requesting and your message was super sweet and it made my heart very warm and filled with joy

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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How sweet is this?!! Absolutely love this moment.

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