Gentleness - Tumblr Posts
Melts my heart so much 😿
Such gentle and thoughtful meows :3
Makes life worth living 😌
PDF Drive reminded me of something, and I just need it today. You might want to also:
Take care of yourself. Eating healthy and staying active is a great way to stay connected to yourself and your higher power, whether that's God, the Universe, or simply your own internal guidance system. When we allow our internal systems (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) to become clogged and bogged down by lethargy and unnatural substances, we block the opportunity for spiritual growth and eventual awakening. Keep your body clean and clear by feeding it well and moving it often, and prepare to receive the messages you seek.
Have a great day/night!
Afternoon delicacies

A Chance Meeting Chapter 1: Something New
On the planet of Mobius, mobians and humans lived together, but what if I told you there were other species that co-existed alongside them? Little creatures, scurrying under your eyes, taking little things you wouldn't notice like sewing pins, crumbs of food, bottle caps, left-out tape, whatever they need to survive, and unnoticeable to the beans they stole from. Miles Prower is one of these tiny creatures. He's a borrower, doing whatever it takes to survive in this big, unpredictable world. After witnessing his parents get caught and never seen again, he vowed to never trust a bean, to never let them see him. He stayed away from beans, living in the forest and away from the other borrowers that would mock him for his two individual tails.
So far, he's managed for years, now eight years old and living in a small cave he made in a burrow under a tree. He's lived long enough to know what to do with different predators, know where to find food, and also has a hobby of inventing on the side. That all changes however when a blue hedgehog in a red plane crashes onto the island.
(Or I just had to create a Sonic Borrower crossover because it is a crime that there is a shocking lack of any I could find)
Mobius was a beautiful planet. Beautiful forests and nature-filled lands covered practically all of the planet. Fresh lakes and oceans were filled with lush and colorful sea life, filling the fresh air with the calming scent of fresh or saltwater. On this planet, there weren't only humans living here, but anthropomorphic animals as well.
They were called Mobians. Animals who would walk on two legs, act exactly like humans, and wear clothes. Humans and mobians lived happily co-existing among each other, seeing each other as equals. But what if I told you another race lived among humans and mobians? Little critters that scurried underneath your own eyes, taking things you wouldn't care to notice, just to survive.
Tiny people who could also manage to talk, cloth themselves, and act exactly like a mobian. They weren't shrunken, they were just born that way, tiny warriors born to survive. These were borrowers. Tiny people who lived underneath the floorboards or lived in secret tunnels made in walls of humans or mobians and took small things like forgotten sewing pins, bottle caps, ripped cloth, and whatever else they could use for survival. They lived off of many rules, all of them to ensure they could be safe and stay alive.
One of them was the most important: never be seen by a bean.
That was what they called both humans and mobians alike. It's quite odd they were called that, perhaps it was a mistranslation from the word 'being', or maybe someone mistook it for that. Nonetheless, that was what the bigger people were known as. Beans were dangerous. There had been many horror stories passed down on what happened to creatures like them who were seen and caught.
Extermination, domestication, bodies ripped open and studied, and many more could make the bravest adult of the race shudder in terror. Because of that, they vowed down generations to never be seen or caught by humans or mobians.
Borrowers weren't limited to one animal, there were many borrowers of different species, dogs, cats, wolves, tigers, bears, birds, foxes, hedgehogs, and many more. The many differences were that they were tiny beings, the tallest adult being 7 inches tall. Another thing that they had that mobians didn't was certain features of their legs, nose, tails, and ears of that of a rat or mouse.
An odd mix of features if seen by a bean, but to another fellow borrower, it's natural. However, while having mouse features on some that are quite odd, having multiple limbs is odd even for borrowers.
That's what Miles Prower knew his whole life.
Just a tiny genius kid living on his own in the deep beautiful but dangerous forest, under the safety of an abandoned bunny burrow dug in the base of a tree. It was a nice and quaint little home, with many things he either kept for survival or collected along the way. Another thing you might notice is the many blueprints and inventions he created, made out of used bottles, bottle caps, balloons, paper, and even gears!
Miles had a gift for inventing, having been fascinated and passionate about the subject. He tinkered and made many kinds of inventions that would help him. Like a dome made out of several sand-filled straws, kept together with ducktape coloring the surface so he wouldn't see roots or dirt thrown on him every time a bean walks by, a makeshift lightbulb made by what once a broken nightlight before Miles came upon it. He took care in fixing it, separating the bulb from the power block and adjusting it so it functions like a normal lightbulb so things wouldn't be dark all the time.
He made a whole grappling hook, made of fish wire, a hook, a broken piece of plastic, and an engine he stole from a little toy car. He even made a device that helps crack open walnuts with just a paperclip and a pair of tweezers. Scattered all around his home, small blueprints were scattered about the tiny domain, blueprints of things he had thought of to help him and were yet to be made.
Truly Miles Prower had a gift. However, no matter how innovative and helpful these creations made were, there was one thing that always cast him out from the other borrowers:
Miles Prower had two tails.
He had the typical characteristics of his fellow borrowers, small mouse ears, long legs with padded feet like that of a rat, and a narrow snout. He even had bandages, made from leftover pieces of cloth, wrapped around several different places of his body from encounters with other predators. He was a little fox, having bright orange and white fur, and sharp predator-like teeth he made sure to chew hard foods like apples or seeds to keep his teeth from overgrowing his tiny body, and the orange and white tail. Or in this case, tails. They were long and skinny with short stubby orange fur ending in soft, fluffy white tufts at the end, like the other borrowers.
Nobody knew why he had two, he was just born with them. Other borrowers would constantly mock and make fun of him for them, calling him a freak or calling him 'Tails', which he absolutely hated. They were already weirded out by his inventions, seeing them as 'dangerous' and 'unnecessary'. But no matter how much trouble his inventions caused for the weekly portions of the clan he resided in, his parents never blamed him or pushed his dreams down. His mother and father always used to tell him to ignore these kids, that he would create something that would change borrower kind.
How he missed them.
If someone were to ask where his parents were he would simply reply that they were gone and that they had been a long time, but he wouldn't tell you what happened if asked, he'd simply walk away and ignore the rest of the conversation, not wanting to open up old wounds. It had been four years, Miles was eight now. He had managed on his own for a long time, making sure to stay far away from beans.
Back then he had been innocent, happy, and carefree. Now he was focused, serious, and constantly cautious. He knew the dangers of beans now, and the high stakes of his kind were always in. That was part of the reason he left and ventured out into the forest, so he wouldn't put the others in more jeopardy. He was only four back then when he went on his own but somehow managed on his own against the wild.
Now he knew more than how to survive. He knew where the best place to view the star was, where the fullest berry bushes were, how to tie a double knot when climbing, how to bandage and treat wounds and cure infections that may be caused by a bite from a critter with possible rabies or neglecting to clean the wound properly at first. He still had a bandage on his right arm from being attacked by a bird for stealing some worms.
Yes, he grew and matured, but that didn't mean he was happy. He was satisfied at best. Long days of surviving became nothing more than dull and empty. Miles Prower wasn't lonely, however. That was ridiculous, he was doing just fine on his own. He didn't need someone around to be another mouth to feed, a dependent weight to carry. He was perfectly fine on his own!
He just wished there was something more exciting out here. Something other than trees, berry picking, lizard skinning, or gazing at the endless white dots in the sky. He wanted something new . Something exciting.
Miles was bored, to say the least. He needed some excitement. Some adventure. Miles didn't exactly see wishes coming true, his past wishes of being accepted and not having his food stolen by the other kids. They never came true until he made them by leaving.
So imagine his surprise when one day, while he was carrying a lizard he killed back to his hut, a rising of smoke in the direction of the beach. At first, he was confused, as hardly anyone went there. Next to come was heart-pounding curiosity. This was something new.
What was out there? What was causing that smoke? He was just brimming with all sorts of questions related to the mystery smoke. All of them were itching to find out. He should really go back to his home and do what he normally does; focus on getting through the day and surviving. But his curiosity was overriding his survival instincts, nobody ever came out here, no beans or other borrowers. Nobody did other than him or his fellow critters.
Fear began to take hold of the little fox, as suspicions began to rise in his mind.
What if it was something dangerous? Maybe if he found out what it was he'd know what to do later. If it was something that threatened his home or his territory he'd know to move. The thought of moving made his heart pang, but it was always better safe than sorry. The now-forgotten lizard fell to the ground as the fox began to move toward the direction of the mysterious smoke, both excitement, and uneasiness beginning to bloom in his chest.
Bright blue eyes stared in both awe and brimming excitement at the machine before him. It was a plane! A big beautiful red plane. He had heard and read about the beauties, but had never seen one in real life. Not until now. It was as amazing and huge as he thought it would be. Sleek metal. Big wide wings. It was everything he ever dreamed up beside the fact that it was currently in disrepair. Smoke seemed to be coming from the engine, perhaps there was a new need for an engine, or perhaps something was busted. He had read plenty of books about planes, including reading and studying how planes work, he could probably repair himself if he had the right tools...
and had the right height.
While the plane was beautiful and amazing in every way, there was just one problem. The plane belonged to a bean. A bright blue hedgehog with white gloves and red and white shoes was glaring at the plane, muttering something. He seemed to be mad and Tails made sure to stay out of sight. A mad bean was dangerous. Most prone to violence. Most prone to death. As lovely as the plane was, nothing was worth dying for. The hedgehog seemed to be mad at the plane. Seemed to be... talking to the plane?
Ok. That was odd.
The hedgehog looked at the engine, waving away the smoke from his face before glancing at it. He groaned in annoyance before slamming it back down. Jumping off the plane he appeared to be pondering something, his hand on his chin and his foot tapping abnormally fast. He took a glance at the forest, Tails ducked behind a bush for cover, and his eyes lit up. He turned back to the plane, smiling, and turned back towards the forest, newfound determination in his green eyes.
Before Tails could even blink, the blue urchin suddenly shot off in a blue blur, causing the small fox to yelp out in surprise, hanging onto the bush to avoid being blown away. When the backlash died down, the fox was left in utter shock and confusion. Eyes wide he murmured out one question.
"W-what just happened?"
That was impossible. Nobody could go that fast. It was impossible. But that hedgehog just did it right before his eyes. A shiver went down the borrower's spine. He would have to stay far away from the bean. If he was that fast, the fox didn't stand a chance. And sadly away from the plane. He looked back at it with sadness and longing. This was the first time he's ever seen a plane up close. He was hoping it would be abandoned or unoccupied. But no, it was used by the most dangerous species to borrower kind.
This was pretty close to his home, wasn't it?
Yeah, this wasn't too far. It was in his territory. In fact, this was extremely close to his stargazing spot. This wasn't good. He loved watching the stars, not to mention, he needed to stay far away from beans. He saw what happened the last time he was caught. He saw what happened if borrowers were seen and caught. His mind began to come up with different ideas. He couldn't torment the bean. It'd only make him angry and possibly more dangerous. He couldn't let himself known to the hedgehog so he couldn't leave any notes asking him to move. Not to mention the plane was even bigger than the urchin, he probably wouldn't be able to lift it.
Wait, the plane.
He looked back at the plane. The perfect plane save for certain smoke coming from the engine. Someone would fix it eventually. After all, it looked like the hedgehog crashed on here or was forced to land because of the broken engine. Once it was fixed the bean would leave. He just had to wait.
He sighed sadly and looked at the plane one more time before turning and beginning to head off to his burrow.
What a shame. He just wished he could see and explore the plane. Well, he can't stay too long, the bean would probably come back with another bean. No matter what he couldn't be found out.
It was too dangerous. He just hoped the hedgehog would leave soon.
A Chance Meeting Chapter 3: Chili Dogs And Confliction
Yeah! Chapter three baby! You can read it here, or on AO3 too!
Chapter Summary: A tiny fox genius meets a big blue boi.
Miles found himself wrapped and cocooned in darkness and warmth.
Shiting in whatever he was in, he felt the weight of some kind of blanket over him. It was soft, he liked it. Unfortunately, he soon felt a dull pain in his head as he did so. Raising a hand to his forehead he groaned as he sat up and rubbed his temples. His nose caught a whiff of something strong but full of different kinds of spices. It gently stung, but it was otherwise somewhat pleasant, nothing like anything he smelled before anyway.
Ugh, what happened? What's that smell?
He finally opened his eyes, colors and blobs once blurred becoming clear. He blinked in tired confusion as wherever he was wasn't his burrow. It was some camp. There was a pot held over a campfire with something gently bubbling within. A strong aroma wafted from the small cauldron.
Must've been where the smell was coming from. Whatever it is, doesn't smell half bad.
He turned his head as something red caught his eye. It was the bright red plane he was fixing before the bean caught him, the machine illuminated by the campfire beside him that bathed him in comforting warmth. It was still as lovely as ever. It's a shame he got interrupted. He turned his head as he caught sight of the hedgehog tending to the pot, having not noticed he was awake yet.
He slowly laid back down, preparing to go back to slumber...
Wait...Oh, shi-!
He sat up with a sharp gasp, ignoring the uncomfortable pressure on his poor head. As soon as he did he felt an unwavering sense of dizziness and fatigue wash over him, but that was soon covered with fear as he remembered what had happened. He had been caught by the hedgehog.
He froze with fear as he silently stared at the bigger being in front of him. His breathing began to accelerate. What should he do? He knows he should run, but he knows what the bean is capable of, it'd capture him again in a blink. His heartbeat was all he could hear now. He can't run, but if he stayed who knows what the bean would do. What if it wanted to wait until he woke to kill him, or-or what if it wanted to torture him before it did, or what if it kept him, what if it put him in a cage to become a pet? He didn't want to become a pet, he wanted to go back home and curl up and pretend this never happened. But what could he do now?
Stupid-! he cursed himself. If he hadn't decided to help the bean, none of this would've happened, but no! He had to fix it, and look where it got him.
Stupid, stupid-!
"Hey, you're awake!"
He froze as the bean's voice wormed in his ears. He looked back at the hedgehog, who was now staring at him with a small, strangely warm smile. Blue eyes just stared into emerald ones, the owner not uttering a word as he panicked even more. A tense silence fell over them, save for the crackling of the fire, the smoke from the embers listing and fading into the darkening sky as the sun was nearly up, ready for the night to be over soon. How long had he been out?!
All Miles felt was undescribable terror, his heartbeat now pounding so hard and fast he felt as if he had a heart attack. It'd be better to have a heart attack than this . Unfortunately, that wasn't the case as he continued to stare at his spikey captor. The said urchin began to show discomfort and concern on his face. The hedgehog spoke with caution and worry.
"Are...are you ok?"
Miles didn't answer, too scared for his safety to form any words. The hedgehog slightly grimaced at that stupid question, however, the expression went unnoticed by the tiny fox before him, whose shoulders continued to shake in terror. Strangled and choked sounds slipped out of the kit's lips, and he felt his eyes water at how hopeless his situation was.
Tears now fell on the folded sleeping bag he realized he was on. This was it. This is where his life ended. He couldn't run even if he tried, the bean most likely going to recapture him. Miles saw a form of panic form on the urchin's face as they lifted their gloved hands in a placating gesture.
"Hey, it's ok little guy! You're okay!"
Miles watched in growing horror as the bean began to move toward him. They moved off the log they were sitting on, gently walking towards the mini genius. When they were a few feet away, and due to Miles whimpering if he got closer, the hedgehog carefully sat in front of him. They looked like they wanted to move closer, wanted to do something but seemed to refrain. In place of whatever that was, the being he had to look up at offered a warm smile.
The hedgehog stammered, not knowing what to do or say. His eyes darted for a second before his gloved hand moved to point at his chest, a somewhat confident smile beginning to blossom.
"My name's Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog, what's your name?"
"You do have a name, right?"
More silence. This time, however, Miles puffed up his tails in anger as the offense was now present on his face instead of the recent fear. Miles felt demeaned by that stupid question. Of course, he had a name, he just wasn't going to tell a being who would easily crush him out of existence! He felt a new sense of rebellion form inside him, if he was going to die, might as well face it with dignity!
The urchin just raised his hands in another appeasing gesture, chuckling softly in both nervousness and slight amusement. Miles felt his heart drop at how pathetic he must look trying to be brave in front of such a powerful being.
"Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to offend you!" the hedgehog, Sonic smiled and leaned forward slightly, making Miles flinch lightly and step back.
"So, what is your name?"
Miles stayed silent clutching one of his tails and moving his gaze to the ground, his ears flattening. After a deep breath, and ignoring how much he was shaking from realizing how close he was to the bean, he glanced up once more and gave them a harsh glare as best as he could. The mobians ears flattened as he leaned back, guilt present on his face.
"Alright, okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to! I mean, I wouldn't either if I was in your situation.", the urchin rubbed his neck out of both guilt and the uncomfortable awkwardness of this conversation.
Another pang went through the child's head, causing them to wince and rub at their temples.
"Oh, your head hurts, huh? I'm not surprised, you hit it pretty hard when you ran into the toolbox. You were out all night, must feel pretty nasty."
Miles tensed both at the mention of the horrible box that got him into this and the fact that he was knocked out that long. He looked around, but there was no sign of the stupid thing.
"Sorry about that by the way it must've fallen out or some flicky messed with it.", another nervous scratch behind the spiky mammal's neck. Miles felt slightly miffed at that comment, how the bean didn't think he was capable, but he could understand from his perspective. He couldn't think he could lift it out either until he had muscle sprains and wheezing lungs.
But he said nothing. The less he said the better.
Silence fell over the pair once more, only to be interrupted by Miles's empty stomach. He quickly covered it and turned away from the hedgehog, who in response to the interruption let out an amused chuckle.
Miles felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment as a reply. He was startled when Sonic suddenly stood, moving over to something by the fire. He watched as the bean moved to the pot, gently stirring the bubbling liquid. His stomach growled more as he caught the scent of the mysterious source. Then a thought entered his mind and his tail tufts puffed up once more out of fear.
Is-is this maniac going to eat me?!
He's never really heard of a bean eating a borrower, but there's a first time for everything. He began to shake more, tuning out his surroundings. He was snapped out of his thoughts when his ears caught Sonic approaching. He backed up slightly, as the hedgehog kneeled before him once more, two dogs in each hand.
"Ever had a Chili Dog before?", Nine paused in confusion, before shaking his head slowly. Sonic's eyes gleamed, a silly grin taking over his features.
"Oh, then you haven't been living yet! Here, your taste buds will thank me!"
Confusion turned into surprise as the hedgehog then tore off a chunk of the strange hot dog, leaned forward slightly, and placed it near the fox, either not paying mind or noticing how the fox flinched and moved back two steps. The blue blur then licked the chili off his gloved fingers, then began to finish off the rest of the broken-off dog. Miles watched in confusion at what just happened.
Thoughts swarmed in his head again. What was this guy playing? Was he sharing food with him, a borrower? No, it had to be a trap. Maybe he wanted him to think he had a choice, maybe he wanted him to lower his guard. When he got comfortable, he wouldn't have a chance. He continued to stare at the being before him who was currently chowing down with clear satisfaction, however, it wasn't even a second before they noticed he wasn't moving to the offer.
The hedgehog sighed.
"Jeez little guy, you're acting as if I poisoned it.", Miles looked up at him with a glare, "Look, if I wanted to try something don't you think I would've tried it by now?"
Miles paused. He was right, he didn't kill him right away, he didn't wait for him to wake up to kill him, and just seemed to be concerned over him, which couldn't be possible, and now he was sharing food with him. If he wanted to try anything he would've done it. He looked over at the chunk of chili dog. It was still warm, slightly dripping the strange spicy-smelling stuff all over the makeshift mattress he stood on. He slowly made his way to the dog, keeping a careful eye on the hedgehog, and when he got there, he reached out slowly and sniffed the food carefully, trying to detect any traces of rat poison but he found none. At last, he opened his mouth and carefully bit into the offered morsel, eyes widening and his tails sticking on end as the flavor exploded in his mouth.
Before he knew it, his tiny paws were ripping off chunk after chunk and stuffing it into his mouth, savoring the delectable treat, a gentle purr of enjoyment erupted from him. The chili got all over his fur, but he paid no mind as he used his tails to scoop the excess sauce, licking his paws and tails. After a couple of minutes, the chili dog was devoured by the child patting his stomach happily in satisfaction. He was snapped out of his trance when he heard Sonic let out a chuckle.
"I guess you were more hungry than I thought!", Miles felt his cheeks burn up at the comment, and he turned away from the urchin. He paused as he caught sight of the forest, the way home. He wanted to run, but now he felt conflicted. He didn't trust the bean of course, but he was just confused at their kindness. It didn't seem like a trap, but isn't that what he wanted him to think? But he would've tried something by now, it doesn't make sense to push it this far. Or what if they were just waiting even longer to try something? What if he was just putting him in a false sense of security? Perhaps.
He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice Sonic noticing his silence and turning to whatever the little buddy had his eye on, the forest. Miles was snapped out of his thoughts as the hedgehog abruptly stood and began to stretch turning towards another part of the rich tree-filled maze.
"Welp, I'm gonna go for a run!", Miles paused and made a confused noise at the random statement. What? That wasn't what he was expecting. Isn't he going to interrogate him on what he was or keep him for answers? Wait, was he was going to take him with him just to keep an eye on him?
Sonic meanwhile turned hearing the squeak of confusion seeing the little guy look as if he was having an existential crisis at the simple statement of leaving him alone and allowing him to leave.
"What? Ya think I'm going to keep you here?! You should probably go home kid, your folks are probably worried sick!", he paused when the kid's ears suddenly lowered at the mention of his parents, but continued, his words now slightly jumbled, "I mean it was really awesome to meet you, although it probably would've been better if you didn't run headfirst into something and end up knocked out, again I'm really sorry about that, but you seem like a cool guy! I hope I see ya around!"
Before Miles could reply to the somewhat awkward and unexpected statement, there was a burst of wind and a blur of blue, and the hedgehog was gone. His mind went blank at the current reality he found himself in.
Was...was the bean letting him go?
No, it had to be a trick! A-a-hope spot. Well, he wasn't going to fall for this, he was going to wait right here! So he sat there, waiting for about fifteen minutes for the blue blur to come back, only for him to still be gone. He began to stand, moving slowly to the place of safety before him, he held in his breath just in case the bean was watching, waiting to spring out and grab him. When he got about five feet, he made a break for it, running faster than he ever ran, not stopping once. He kept going, even when his lungs felt as if they were going to burst, even when his legs were starting to strain. He didn't stop until he began to sob with relief at the sight of his burrow of safety. He nearly collapsed after pushing the rocks over to squeeze in.
It was ok. He was home.
He was safe now.
As he stayed there, panting, laid down facing the ceiling of his sanctuary, his thoughts began to wander about the bean, to what just happened. The bean let him go, but why? The bean was kind, but why? The bean helped him...
let’s treat ourselves more gently. let’s go to bed early. let’s rest when we need to. let’s live life in a way that doesn’t make you feel burnt out after a few weeks. i want us to have fun, to enjoy everyday life, to be present and not to always push ourselves to the last limit. challenge yourself but also treat yourself with love. okay?
“how my gentleness is more learned than given—that you know all this and love me still.”
— Jessica Jacobs, from “Laying Down the Veils,” The Compass (n.d.)
i want to be held and cuddled while watching netflix with someone :((

gently reminding 💘
Even though I can't really explain why, I love their dynamic, too!
The colors in this are so well done, the background is soft but Sun and Earth are solid but it WORKS SO WELL. It's kind of like Sun is imagining the dreamy background as he falls asleep, and Earth is low-key in the zone because she's doing what she was built to do.
Also, HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT SIZE PROPORTIONS!? I think we've only seen these two standing next to each other and yet you can draw Earth sitting and holding Sun as he sleeps and it looks completely freaking accurate!

I have a headcanon that Earth will sometimes sing songs to Sun to help him relax or calm down. I love their dynamic so much already ;w;
the song she's singing in this one is called "Song of the Sea" by Lisa Hannigan
gentle reminder
it is completely okay to eat. eating something is important. eating something is good. eating something is nothing to feel ashamed of. eating something is nothing to feel guilty about. i am proud of you for trying, even if it’s just one bite.
Be gentle not only with others, ✨
but with yourself too ☁️