Taskmaster - Tumblr Posts

[ID: A screencap of Rob Beckett on Taskmaster, wearing a blindfold, with yellow sticky notes all over his face and clothes. He says, “I feel vulnerable.” End ID.]

[ID: Two screencaps of Romesh Ranganathan on Taskmaster, saying, “Need to think of something that starts with Q. How do you spell ‘kumquat’?” End ID.]

[ID: Four screencaps from Taskmaster. Alex Horne emerges from the garden shed to find Rob Beckett sitting on a sofa wearing a grey wig and dress. Rob says, “Alex, you’ve been a bad boy!” and hoses him in the face with a pressure washer. The audience laughs and applauds. End ID.]

[ID: Six screencaps from Taskmaster. Dave Gorman and Alex Horne are seated at a table with a tray of black rice, cauliflower, noodles, and eggs arranged like a skull and crossbones flag. Dave says, “It’s delicious, isn’t it? Delicious.” Alex says, “You could imagine this is something you would eat… at sea, when you’ve been there for months. And then it might taste… alright.” Dave is crestfallen. End ID.]

time for Alex to stop for a few minutes of mindfulness

bg3 x taskmaster filed under 'things that are funny to me and nobody else'
putting off relistening to dndads because if I do my brain will rot even further and I do not need another taskmaster situation during my mock exams

finally a task where the bisexuals can really shine

alex horne sketch because my dumbass faggot boyfriend loves this dumbass faggot show
if I had a nickel for every time a contestant confused the words "cylindrical" and "conical," I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
reslistening to the TM podcast and remember that drawing of James Acaster that he presented as a prize task? he looked like an old witch with two dicks? SAM CAMPBELL DREW THAT
Nish's NZ accent is awful thank you Nish

Boys night


Taskmaster and Sentry
“I don’t think it was clear whether you were allowed to move the bowls.” -Lolly Adefope