Tehcnoblade God - Tumblr Posts
Hello! As you can see...I'm posting again. And I will be posting 2-3 times today, just to make up for the lost time. And as I am currently working on post #2, I just had a little idea to feed you little God! Techno readers of mine. So have this little idea to keep you entertained while I make your food of God! Techno.
Triggers: Nothing, just fluff and a bit of back story?

So like, what is it with God!Techno calling you "little theif"? Well...
If you haven't read the original post, you earned that nickname because you meet him while you were running from an angry village after stealing from them. But that doesn't have to be the only reason for your nickname.
I think he also calls you that because he likes to believe you were trying to steal his gold heart. So that's another he calls you that. Or you'll sometimes sneak on his crown/other expensive jewelry when you think he isn't looking.
But, techno would also call you his little racoon, because whenever he gifts you gold and shiney things, he notices your eyes light up, and you tend to keep them all in a little stash. That an just your size comparison.
Don't get me wrong, he also calls you normal stuff like sweet, love, dear, darling, etc.
But that is his favorite: Racoon and little theif.
What about... God Techno with another god?
- 🐍
Good idea!
Triggers: mention of death, mention of limbs being cut off, possessive behaviors, obsessive behaviors, unhealthy relationships, toxic relationship, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

Techno had always been a more secluded god.
Really only speaking when he felt his opinion was important.
He didn't talk to anyone about his anarchist views or his want for constant war amongst the humans.
All the other gods either looked bored, or just scared.
They acted like he was out of his mind.
That's when you came along.
The god/goddess/deity of the rich, greedy, and fortune.
You weren't the most pure god, but you had your role.
Just as everyone else did.
You were kinda a pain in the ass to the other gods.
Always causing fights among them.
For you always had your people steal from the other gods' temples and bring them to yours or other's temples.
But your little scam wouldn't go unnoticed.
Techno always watched from the sidelines with amusement painting his face.
You were a little shit to say the least.
Maybe that's what caught his attention.
Or maybe it was how much closer you were to your followers compared to the others.
Or maybe how you would pray at other, less known, gods' temples.
You walked the line of kind and corrupt.
You were nice to those that deserve it, and cruel to those that have earned it.
Because in your eyes.
"The only excuse a cruel person has, is if the world they started in was cruel."
And Techno couldn't agree more with you.
But not only were you a little shit, but you also were one of the few that talked to Techno.
You didn't personally agree with his perspectives, but you like to listen.
Though you do find his opinions and thoughts interesting to hear about.
You also just like his personality.
He's a fun guy to hang around.
Well ..god Techno can't really force you to be his lover...since...you're both gods.
But he does pull out the good old manipulation and sob story!
This man will make you cry and feel bad for him, so you can comfort him.
He'll slowly make you fall into his chaotic hands, and keep you there.
There is no escape for you.
You will be introduced to Techno's possessive side very quickly.
He'll make it known what he likes and doesn't like you doing.
Talking to other gods?
Looking at other gods?
Interacting with your followers?
Looking/talking to him?
See? Simple.
It doesn't matter if you like this or not.
Techno threatens to tear apart each and every single one of your followers.
You can't let them get hurt!
Did you think Tecno would treat you better if you were a god?
Oh honey, no.
You may be a god, but he is still so much more powerful than you.
And don't even think about trying to steal his followers.
You'll get your hands cut off.
Try and tell someone for help?
Say goodbye to your tongue.
Try to run away with the humans?
Say goodbye to followers and your legs.
And after each punishment, he'll tell you the exact same thing.
"I told you, my little deity. You were trying to fight a war that you had already lost."
He'll just say with soft spoken words, as he holds your crying and struggling form.
In short: your situation isn't much better because you are god. It's not exactly worse. But it ain't better...
Word count: 563
Thanks for reading!
TW: mindbreak. How would DreamXd, god Technoblade and god Wilbur react to they actually breaks their obsession completely? Where they lost their ability to think or do anything without a demand, and just stared at the ceiling for the most of the time?
Triggers: mention of torture, possessive behaviors, obsessive behaviors, eyes being gouged out, harsh punishments, unhealthy relationships, toxic relationships, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

XD will not be happy to say the least.
He will question you a bunch of times, simply thinking you're just playing a cruel joke.
But when you don't respond or shy away like you used to, he's pissed.
He won't put two and two together to find out he's the one that broke you.
He'll think it was something else.
Don't forget dear reader, he's not fluent with humans.
And how could a perfect GOD break his darling?
He would never do such a thing, and you should be put at a sword point if you ever think that!
XD would rain hellfire upon the world, literally and figuratively.
He would do everything in his infinite power to seek revenge on the humans.
And you would be forced to watch this, only because he thought this would warrant a reaction out of you.
It didn't.
But after his rage dies down a bit, he'll finally find a way to fix you.
So don't worry!
You'll be back to normal and in his arms again!
In short: Mad boi, and being broken won't be an escape...
Word count: 187

Like XD, Technoblade will be beyond pleased.
In fact, you just standing there would piss him off.
But unlike XD, he knows why you're acting this way.
He is essentially pissed off at himself, but projects it onto you, and the humans on earth.
And it simply fuels his rage when you just lay there after he has pushed you to the ground.
And you don't get up till told.
Technoblade would likely lock you up for days on end, not being able to look at you.
But he does know what will get a reaction out of you.
Technoblade will get tired of staring at your lifeless eyes…
Be gone with them!
Yep, he'll gouge out your eyes.
This will break you back into reality.
And don't worry, you haven't lost your sight forever.
He'll heal your eyes.
But if you act this way again, he will not hesitate to take away your sight permanently…
In short: Snap out of it as quickly as you can…
Word count: 168
Hi, I was wondering if I could request for the yandere god!techno headcanons where reader ‘escapes’ but in actuality they ran off to try and get a gift for techno, or knows techno will chase them so they’re waiting for him somewhere with said gift. I wonder how he’d react!
Triggers: Obsessive behavior, possessive behaviors, mention of physical violence, mention of punishment, mention of mass death, mention of being kidnapped, unhealthy relationships, toxic relationship, and yandere like behaviors. Please be careful when reading.

Okay...he's not gonna be happy.
Just putting that out there now.
My guy, he's gonna be pissed.
Techno will most likely punish you multiple times to go along with your multiple escape attempts.
He's also highly likely to trap you away so you can't keep trying to escape.
Basically, I'm trying to say it would be impossible to escape Techno.
Let's say you do.
Let's say you somehow escape this beast of a man.
I do wish you good luck.
Alright, by some blessed prayer you escaped.
You better fucking run and be quick with that little gift of yours.
Hopefully you've already planned out your gift for him.
And hope you don't care too much about the place that gift is from.
Because you're not gonna have much time to wander around like some little duck.
This is grab and go hoe.
And that place you're getting the gift from is likely going to be demolished within a few hours.
That is saying if he doesn't find you by then.
You better start running when you grab that gift.
I would recommend hiding until Techno has thrown his little tantrum.
This is both to keep you from getting hurt even more and a good sign of submission.
To Techno, you coming out of hiding once he's done being angry, means you accept your fate and will come with him.
Right...so you've got your gift and you're waiting for him to notice you.
And once he does, don't expect him to be nice.
At all..
Techno is gonna glare at you harder than when you glare at the coffee table when you stub your toe.
He's gonna be so angry you'll be able to smell his rage.
And I mean it.
That half piglin side is gonna have him more hot headed then the nether.
You'll be able to smell the burning.
Not only that, but the pure aura of power is suffocating.
Hope you don't mind having a heavy chest!
Techno will grab you by your neck with a bone breaking grip.
Now I would recommend you give that gift.
It'll put him in shock.
This will hopefully save you from a beating.
Techno will just stare at the gift with a blank expression for a LONG time.
Techno.Ex has stopped working.
Seriously, he's just processing this.
Why would YOU, his captive...get him a gift?
Are you more screwed up than him?
Maybe, dearest reader.
After Techno finally reboots, he won't say anything.
He'll just throw you over this shoulder and bring you back to the heavens.
Now, don't think you are clear from punishment.
Techno will just be slightly more gentle.
Instead of slapping you across the room into the wall.
He'll just talk down to you, and give you a very harsh lecture.
Hey, at least you won't be sore. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Though... something odd..will happen.
After you are broken down into tears. Techno will kneel down to your height, and hug you?
Yeah, surprised, same.
Techno will hold you in a tight embrace, won't say anything for a while.
But eventually he will speak to you.
"Thank you."
That's it.
Now let's talk about what kind of gift to give him.
Or something shiny.
This man's got one hell of a pride and ego.
Techno would love anything that shows he's a king.
Whether this be a big crown or a king's cape. (You know, the one with red cloth and white fur).
Though, a gold chain necklace/rings as well.
In short: Really, it's better for you to just ask Techno to take you to town. Like... asking isn't that hard...
Word count: 617
Thanks for reading!