The Future - Tumblr Posts

12 years ago

Miranda July is glorious. She had a new film out called "The Future", which can be considered a relationship drama  of sorts. I haven't seen it, but the vibe seems to be like Breaking Upwards, a Daryl Wein and Zoe Lister-Jones film about a couple dealing with their open relationship. From what I remember about the film it was very honest and entertaining.  I can definitely agree on July's stance on daily distractions. I waste so much time on Facebook, that I've gone on a weekend Facebook cleanse. I feel clearer minded and less anxious. 

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5 years ago

Steven tag 🌟

Last one 🥀

It won't be long and possibly it's not the best, but here's a short version how did I imagine the end of the show.



Rose slowly opens her eyes and looked up to the fusion.

- Garnet.... Are you quite sure it will be this way?

- I don't know what did you see, Rose. But the future is not written in stone. It can be worse, but even better. That's just one version from the million and million possibilites. But I promise; we will try our best.

- Yeah, you bet we will -arived Ametyst from the temple, companied by Pearl- so, what can we do for y'a, ma'm.

- Yes, Rose -sat Pearl next to their leader- What should we do?

The pink lady looked at each of them. They were her teammate and best friends. Tears were in her eyes, but Rose smiled.

- There's nothing to do, my dears. But thanks you. Thanks you for everything.

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5 years ago

Steven tag 🌟

I am my Monster // The future

Hi, guys. So, we reached the end of the show.

For last, let's see;


I am my Monster

It was a little bit too trivial touch from the creators, but I still give it a point, I love that monster designe 👹

It was strong. Only one roar, and even Garnet was unable to stay fused

It's funny to see the Cluster tryed to stop the Monster. Yes, maybe they can't be whole, but I think they are enjoy to being like this, protector of the Earth

Fun fact; It's very oblivious, but for those who not familiar with; the glowing back spikes and the monster's attack based on Godzilla

Steven Tag

Wow. White really understand what's going on. It was the strangest to see her crying about what she did. They really changed. And It's surpriseingly good to see

To be honest, personally I wouldn't like to be huged like Steven. I feel it kind of forced love

However, I really liked the moment when they relevald how weak they are one by one. It showed to Steven he doesn't need to be strong, because nobody is. They just stong in an other way

About Connie;

It was funny. She hurt Steven closly the most (even if it was unpurpouse) but instead of tears, she showed love to Steven

The kiss was a great idea. Because actually not the kiss what can heals. But the love what it's given

Steven Tag


The Future

First; Kiss scenes!

(once a fan, always a fan)

Interesting fact; If I'm correct, that was the secound real kiss in the seria, after Ruby and Sapphire's

It was so long ago.......

Steven Tag
Steven Tag

Can I be honest? At first, I feelt it too opened the story for a final episode

But think it over..... The story starts with a boy, who left his home..... Let's call him Mr. Universe..... Familiar?

And we can agree on that story ended very well

And don't be afraid, my friends. Steven left for travel the world and decide where he wants to live. But personally I think it could be East, it could be West. But home is the best. And home is the place where your loved ones are. He never would leave his friend. His father or Connie. Or the Crystal gems ⭐

He will choose to stay. Not because he has to. But because he wants

Steven Tag

But now Steven is on his way. And I said I doesn't realy liked this finish. At first. But when I think it over; Steven isn't a person. He is a story. He is a great seria. And something with a great message about the peaple, about yourself. His story never ends until you remember for this message, and you change into a better person. He doesn't drive away. Let him drive his van into your heart... 💖

Steven Tag


Let me give you something as a gift


Homeworld bound // Everything's fine

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1 year ago


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9 months ago

Yellow Lotus 🇬🇧

kaisermaschine - Kaiser Maschine

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11 months ago
Daily Mirror, England, January 23, 1923Image The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.

Daily Mirror, England, January 23, 1923 Image © The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.

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10 years ago

Auomation may take jobs away...but pizza vending machine! Can you really be against pizza vending machine?



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10 years ago


So much this.

metacogd - Metacognitive Dissonance

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9 years ago

This is a dog in a mocap suit. Its adorable. Also, that means there are job openings for ‘dog needed for mocap’ and ‘trainer/handler for same’. Just letting you know.

metacogd - Metacognitive Dissonance

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7 years ago

As people I feel like we often forget who we are. We tell ourselves we are shy, that we are readers, that we are loud, that we are many different things. Because we liked these things when we were young. But thats no longer the case, and we confuse ourselves because that is how we used to define ourselves. Because we change over time we often forgot that our sense of self changes as well. We might not always enjoy listening to punk rock, we might not always enjoy being the loud one. But because that was who we were we no longer understand how to define us as who we are now. So please, even if you still like quietly reading, or dancing in the rain, don’t forget that time changes us and even though we change that doesn't mean we lose our self worth or who we are, who we are simply changes.

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10 months ago


“What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t happened yet.”

— Unknown

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11 months ago

If Steven Universe ever gets a new season or anything like that I really what to see more of the gems capabilities

Like we have peridot, lapis, and even Jasper that probably have really cool weapons that we don’t even get to see. I want to see peridot with her god damn grenade that we got to see for a second, I want to see lapis making weapons out of water or just struggling to summon one out of her gem. To see jasper bop her own nose to summon a fucking cannon.

I want to see more of the off colors and then interacting with the Earth and the people there I want to see peridots backstory if she even has one. I want to know what lapis was doing before she was caught up in the war, her time on the moon and every thing that could have happened.

An episode where we get to see the difference between era 1 gems vs their era 2 gems. Do you know how cool that would be? Seeing an era 2 pearl talking to our perl? We could meet more gems that still haven’t caught up on the fact that the war is over. We could meet gems that are stuck in objects just like how lapis was and free then too.

There is so much potential in a new season and if we ever get one I really home at least one or more of the rings that have been mentioned at least get a mention in it.

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I’m so ready for the chance to escape my home. It’s so sad and lonely here and they just keep me here and they don’t love me I’m just here and it sucks. Like man am I so ready to just get out of here and fly to a faraway place and meet new people and do new things and just shed all of this misery away from my life.

I’m so ready for a better future and I just can’t wait.

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10 years ago
Here It Is. The First Page Of SmallFox.

Here it is. The first page of SmallFox.

Our hero SmallFox himself does not appear in this page. But rest assured, you will meet him soon.  

Look, honies, I guess you're a little confused what's going on in this story. 

Well, as my exclusive Tumbie audience, I'm going to let you in on some secret plot detaillllsss! 

After NASA lost funding from the good ol US government, they focus solely on sending doggies, kitties, and other cute animals into space. As global warming wreaks havoc everywhere, the world's leaders are afraid many cute animals will go extinct. So, as a last ditch effort to save these cute species, they decided to send them into the universe. 

  I will explain more at a later date. Farewell! 

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Shoot I'm running out of time! I’ve had like four different versions of this saved in my drafts and I never get it posted before the time stamp is no longer relevant so I better get this one out now. 

Also holly poofarts, 2020 starts in less than a month!!! When did I stumble into the mythical FUTURE?? 

This is literally the last month you can reblog this joke

This Is Literally The Last Month You Can Reblog This Joke

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1 year ago

Both the past and the future need to be taken care of.

However, not so much that the past overtakes the future and the future overlooks the past.

Not so much that they overwhelm the present.

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5 months ago

the year was Two Thousand and twenty-four. I took a puff of my Electronic-Cigarette, inhaling the vapours. my mobile terminal buzzed in my pocket, a flat slab of microchips and glossy touchscreen. I ignored it....... probably another Electronic-Mail

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