The Brick Satellite - Tumblr Posts

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reblogs are fab, reposts aren't <3
I started sketching some Pulp Musicals characters around midnight last night and thought to myself, "hey, these look pretty damn good!" so I kept going until 3 am. Today I brought 'em into clip studio to play with them some more, and now I have these!! plus my silly doodles and dumb commentary + jokes. <3
and some versions w/o color! the traditional + digital sketching is a neat combination, I think.

I like to imagine the excitement and crazy in their eyes as they revealed their project, rivaled that of the Stratfords explaining Great Astronomical Discoveries to Benjamin.

A world of our own
Fun fact about the brick satellite:
You know how the moon goes through phases as it orbits the Earth? How we have half moons and full moons and all that?
The satellite would do the same. But over the course of a day (since it's a fixed point in the sky and orbits at the speed of Earth's rotation). So like, it would be in its full moon form around midnight, and in a half moon form around sunrise.
And from the view satellite, the Earth would also go through these phases over the course of a day, but the Earth's full moon form would be around noon.
"Just above the water line, built from timber, solid, strong. Running in between the wheels, was a ramp, hundreds of meters long. Angled towards the clouds into whatever lay beyond, and waiting on the ramp was a giant sphere..."

I will only ever do environment pieces if the environment is fictional and also in Pulp Musicals
"Not just for sugarcane. I'm also doing this because... I don't like you."

charles t coram... you live rent free in my head...
he's such a little scumbag but he's MY little scumbag
anyway pulp musicals fans PLEASE int rnrn i love it SO much <33
They're adorable
the Urania Propitia trio, you’ll always be famous to me

Oh I love them!

I love to imagine rose and john dancing together in brick satellite pt2 so I drew it!! Nothing better than drawing your favorite characters dancing <3
I love this! The Earth looks so cool! All the clouds! And the way the sun shines behind it!

I painted the Brick Satellite… not sure if I like it, might paint over it later

I'm taking the "and more" part of this fortnight very liberally. Welcome to my powerpoint presentation about science.

"We could build a new kind of Polaris."
click for quality! details & process below the cut!
I just had to draw Hershey and Nova (aka the Besties Ever) for @pulpmusicalsfortnight2024's science prompt, so here they are brainstorming the Satellite project.
redbubble || ko-fi

“Someone needs to catalogue these plants.”
Starting off @pulpmusicalsfortnight2024 with Anna’s notebook in the satellite.
Day 1 Science

“The ordinance of brightness to you.”
Day 4 Magic

@pulpmusicalsfortnight2024 alternate: satellite

@pulpmusicalsfortnight2024 day twelve: non-canon ship

miss hanover your han(d) over… (in marriage)

@paranormaltheatrekid Your art request, king.
Some travelover! For the women likers of Pulp Musicals.
(Please click on the image, tumblr likes to compress photos to shit.)

Not like we did. Never again...
click for quality! alt & details under the cut!
I've had a bit of an art block going on, but as soon as we reached episode 2 in the Pulp Reruns I got inspired, lol. 💙
had fun experimenting with this one, mostly just vibing. i tried using a textured blending brush for the first time, and I also figured out how to use symmetry rulers! 😀👍
You can find this design on my redbubble shop! You can also tip me on ko-fi!

Follow it and find out where it leads 🧱
click for quality! reblogs are sweet, don't repost!
part two of my little Pulp Musicals 'woo! episode 3 is out!!!!' celebration is all about The Brick Satellite. once again, details are under the cut and the last part will be posted in just a mo'!